# extract name from package.json PACKAGE_NAME := $(shell awk '/"name":/ {gsub(/[",]/, "", $$2); print $$2}' package.json) VERSION := $(shell T=$$(git describe 2>/dev/null) || T=1; echo $$T | tr '-' '.') ifeq ($(TEST_OS),) TEST_OS = rhel-x endif export TEST_OS TARFILE=cockpit-$(PACKAGE_NAME)-$(VERSION).tar.gz RPMFILE=$(shell rpmspec -D"VERSION $(VERSION)" -q cockpit-session-recording.spec.in).rpm VM_IMAGE=$(CURDIR)/test/images/$(TEST_OS) # stamp file to check if/when npm install ran NODE_MODULES_TEST=package-lock.json # one example file in dist/ from webpack to check if that already ran WEBPACK_TEST=dist/index.html all: $(WEBPACK_TEST) # # i18n # LINGUAS=$(basename $(notdir $(wildcard po/*.po))) po/POTFILES.js.in: mkdir -p $(dir $@) find src/ -name '*.js' -o -name '*.jsx' > $@ po/$(PACKAGE_NAME).js.pot: po/POTFILES.js.in xgettext --default-domain=cockpit --output=$@ --language=C --keyword= \ --keyword=_:1,1t --keyword=_:1c,2,1t --keyword=C_:1c,2 \ --keyword=N_ --keyword=NC_:1c,2 \ --keyword=gettext:1,1t --keyword=gettext:1c,2,2t \ --keyword=ngettext:1,2,3t --keyword=ngettext:1c,2,3,4t \ --keyword=gettextCatalog.getString:1,3c --keyword=gettextCatalog.getPlural:2,3,4c \ --from-code=UTF-8 --files-from=$^ po/POTFILES.html.in: mkdir -p $(dir $@) find src -name '*.html' > $@ po/$(PACKAGE_NAME).html.pot: po/POTFILES.html.in po/html2po -f $^ -o $@ po/$(PACKAGE_NAME).manifest.pot: po/manifest2po src/manifest.json -o $@ po/$(PACKAGE_NAME).pot: po/$(PACKAGE_NAME).html.pot po/$(PACKAGE_NAME).js.pot po/$(PACKAGE_NAME).manifest.pot msgcat --sort-output --output-file=$@ $^ # Update translations against current PO template update-po: po/$(PACKAGE_NAME).pot for lang in $(LINGUAS); do \ msgmerge --output-file=po/$$lang.po po/$$lang.po $<; \ done dist/po.%.js: po/%.po $(NODE_MODULES_TEST) mkdir -p $(dir $@) po/po2json -m po/po.empty.js -o $@.js.tmp $< mv $@.js.tmp $@ # # Build/Install/dist # %.spec: %.spec.in sed -e 's/%{VERSION}/$(VERSION)/g' $< > $@ $(WEBPACK_TEST): $(NODE_MODULES_TEST) $(shell find src/ -type f) package.json webpack.config.js $(patsubst %,dist/po.%.js,$(LINGUAS)) NODE_ENV=$(NODE_ENV) npm run build watch: NODE_ENV=$(NODE_ENV) npm run watch clean: rm -rf dist/ [ ! -e cockpit-$(PACKAGE_NAME).spec.in ] || rm -f cockpit-$(PACKAGE_NAME).spec install: $(WEBPACK_TEST) mkdir -p $(DESTDIR)/usr/share/cockpit/$(PACKAGE_NAME) cp -r dist/* $(DESTDIR)/usr/share/cockpit/$(PACKAGE_NAME) mkdir -p $(DESTDIR)/usr/share/metainfo/ cp org.cockpit-project.$(PACKAGE_NAME).metainfo.xml $(DESTDIR)/usr/share/metainfo/ # this requires a built source tree and avoids having to install anything system-wide devel-install: $(WEBPACK_TEST) mkdir -p ~/.local/share/cockpit ln -s `pwd`/dist ~/.local/share/cockpit/$(PACKAGE_NAME) dist-gzip: $(TARFILE) # when building a distribution tarball, call webpack with a 'production' environment # we don't ship node_modules for license and compactness reasons; we ship a # pre-built dist/ (so it's not necessary) and ship packge-lock.json (so that # node_modules/ can be reconstructed if necessary) $(TARFILE): NODE_ENV=production $(TARFILE): $(WEBPACK_TEST) cockpit-$(PACKAGE_NAME).spec if type appstream-util >/dev/null 2>&1; then appstream-util validate-relax --nonet *.metainfo.xml; fi mv node_modules node_modules.release touch -r package.json $(NODE_MODULES_TEST) touch dist/* tar czf cockpit-$(PACKAGE_NAME)-$(VERSION).tar.gz --transform 's,^,cockpit-$(PACKAGE_NAME)/,' \ --exclude cockpit-$(PACKAGE_NAME).spec.in \ $$(git ls-files) package-lock.json cockpit-$(PACKAGE_NAME).spec dist/ mv node_modules.release node_modules srpm: $(TARFILE) cockpit-$(PACKAGE_NAME).spec rpmbuild -bs \ --define "_sourcedir `pwd`" \ --define "_srcrpmdir `pwd`" \ cockpit-$(PACKAGE_NAME).spec rpm: $(RPMFILE) $(RPMFILE): $(TARFILE) cockpit-$(PACKAGE_NAME).spec mkdir -p "`pwd`/output" mkdir -p "`pwd`/rpmbuild" rpmbuild -bb \ --define "_sourcedir `pwd`" \ --define "_specdir `pwd`" \ --define "_builddir `pwd`/rpmbuild" \ --define "_srcrpmdir `pwd`" \ --define "_rpmdir `pwd`/output" \ --define "_buildrootdir `pwd`/build" \ cockpit-$(PACKAGE_NAME).spec find `pwd`/output -name '*.rpm' -printf '%f\n' -exec mv {} . \; rm -r "`pwd`/rpmbuild" rm -r "`pwd`/output" "`pwd`/build" # sanity check test -e "$(RPMFILE)" # build a VM with locally built rpm installed $(VM_IMAGE): $(RPMFILE) bots rm -f $(VM_IMAGE) $(VM_IMAGE).qcow2 bots/image-customize -v -i cockpit-ws -i `pwd`/$(RPMFILE) -s $(CURDIR)/test/vm.install $(TEST_OS) bots/image-customize -v -r "usermod -u 981 tlog || true" $(TEST_OS) bots/image-customize -v -u ./test/files/1.journal:/var/log/journal/1.journal $(TEST_OS) bots/image-customize -v -u ./test/files/binary-rec.journal:/var/log/journal/binary-rec.journal $(TEST_OS) # convenience target for the above vm: $(VM_IMAGE) echo $(VM_IMAGE) # run the browser integration tests; skip check for SELinux denials # this will run all tests/check-* and format them as TAP check: $(NODE_MODULES_TEST) $(VM_IMAGE) test/common TEST_AUDIT_NO_SELINUX=1 test/common/run-tests # checkout Cockpit's bots for standard test VM images and API to launch them # must be from master, as only that has current and existing images; but testvm.py API is stable # support CI testing against a bots change bots: git clone --quiet --reference-if-able $${XDG_CACHE_HOME:-$$HOME/.cache}/cockpit-project/bots https://github.com/cockpit-project/bots.git if [ -n "$$COCKPIT_BOTS_REF" ]; then git -C bots fetch --quiet --depth=1 origin "$$COCKPIT_BOTS_REF"; git -C bots checkout --quiet FETCH_HEAD; fi @echo "checked out bots/ ref $$(git -C bots rev-parse HEAD)" # checkout Cockpit's test API; this has no API stability guarantee, so check out a stable tag # when you start a new project, use the latest release, and update it from time to time test/common: git fetch --depth=1 https://github.com/cockpit-project/cockpit.git 229 git checkout --force FETCH_HEAD -- test/common git reset test/common $(NODE_MODULES_TEST): package.json # if it exists already, npm install won't update it; force that so that we always get up-to-date packages rm -f package-lock.json # unset NODE_ENV, skips devDependencies otherwise env -u NODE_ENV npm install env -u NODE_ENV npm prune .PHONY: all clean install devel-install dist-gzip srpm rpm check vm update-po