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# Cockpit-Composer Integration Test
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The integration test for Cockpit Composer! It is performed on the
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application level and tests whether the business requirements are met
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regardless of app internal architecture, dependencies, data integrity and such.
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Actually we need to follow the end-user flows and assert they get the intended
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experience and focus on the behavior of the thing as the user would see it.
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The integration tests are powered by [Cockpit test
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framework](, which is simple and easy to
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debug for test development.
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## Requirement
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For testing, the following dependencies are required:
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    $ sudo dnf install curl expect xz rpm-build chromium-headless \
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        libvirt-daemon-kvm libvirt-client python3-libvirt
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And `chrome-remote-interface` and `sizzle` Javascript libraries need to be installed:
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    $ npm install
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## Introduction
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Before running the tests, ensure Cockpit-Composer environment has been built:
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    $ make vm
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To run all tests run the following:
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    $ make check
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Alternatively you can run an individual test like this:
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    $ ./test/verify/check-image
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To see more verbose output from the test, use the `--verbose` and/or `--trace` flags:
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    $ ./test/verify/check-image --verbose --trace
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In addition if you specify `--sit`, then the test will wait on failure and allow you to log into
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cockpit and/or the test instance and diagnose the issue. An address will be printed of the test
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    $ ./test/verify/check-image --trace --sit
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Normally each test starts its own chromium headless browser process on a separate random port. To
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interactively follow what a test is doing, set environment variable `$TEST_SHOW_BROWSER`.
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    $ TEST_SHOW_BROWSER=true ./test/verify/check-image --trace
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## Test Configuration
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You can set these environment variables to configure the test suite:
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    TEST_OS    The OS to run the tests in.  Currently supported values:
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               "fedora-32" is the default
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    TEST_DATA  Where to find and store test machine images.  The
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               default is the same directory that this README file is in.
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    TEST_CDP_PORT  Attach to an actually running browser that is compatible with
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                   the Chrome Debug Protocol, on the given port. Don't use this
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                   with parallel tests.
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    TEST_BROWSER  What browser should be used for testing. Currently supported values:
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                  "chromium" is the default.
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    TEST_SHOW_BROWSER  Set to run browser interactively. When not specified,
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                       browser is run in headless mode.
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## Guidelines for writing tests
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Tests decorated with `@nondestructive` will all run against the same test
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machine. The nondestructive test should clean up after itself and restore the
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state of the machine, such that the next nondestructive test is not impacted.
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A fast running test suite is more important than independent,
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small test cases.
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## Code coverage from end-to-end tests
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Before running the tests the application code must be instrumented with
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istanbul! Then inside the browser scope all coverage information is available
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from `window.__coverage__` which needs to be passed back to the node scope
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and made available for the reporting tools to use.
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Please include helper method `check_coverage()` at the end of each test.
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This helper method will collect coverage result and save result into file
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`.nyc_output/coverage-<HASH>.json`. The hash value is the sha256 sum of
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the coverage report itself. Some cases may have identical coverage so
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the number of json files will be equal or less to the number of test cases.
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## Code Style
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Python code in this project should follow
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