Blob Blame History Raw
/* --------------------------------------------------------------------
 * Fill in module info here.

var info = {
    entries: {
        "apps/apps": [

        "dashboard/dashboard": [

        "docker/docker": [
        "docker/console": [

        "kdump/kdump": [

        "machines/machines": [

        "networkmanager/network": [

        "networkmanager/firewall": [

        "playground/index": [
        "playground/exception": [
        "playground/jquery-patterns": [
        "playground/metrics": [
        "playground/pkgs": [
        "playground/plot": [
        "playground/react-patterns": [
        "playground/service": [
        "playground/speed": [
        "playground/test": [
        "playground/translate": [
        "playground/preloaded": [
        "playground/notifications-receiver": [
        "playground/journal": [

        "realmd/domain": [

        "selinux/selinux": [

        "shell/index": [

        "sosreport/sosreport": [

        "storaged/storage": [

        "systemd/services": [
        "systemd/logs": [
        "systemd/overview": [
        "systemd/terminal": [
        "systemd/hwinfo": [
        "systemd/graphs": [

        "tuned/performance": [

        "packagekit/updates": [

        "users/users": [

    tests: [






    files: [














var externals = {
    "cockpit": "cockpit",
    "jquery": "jQuery",

/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------
 * Implementation

var webpack = require("webpack");
var copy = require("copy-webpack-plugin");
var html = require('html-webpack-plugin');
var miniCssExtractPlugin = require('mini-css-extract-plugin');
var path = require("path");
var fs = require("fs");
const OptimizeCSSAssetsPlugin = require('optimize-css-assets-webpack-plugin');

/* These can be overridden, typically from the */
var srcdir = process.env.SRCDIR || __dirname;
var builddir = process.env.BUILDDIR || __dirname;
var distdir = builddir + path.sep + "dist";
var libdir = path.resolve(srcdir, "pkg" + path.sep + "lib");
var nodedir = path.resolve(srcdir, "node_modules");
var section = process.env.ONLYDIR || null;

/* A standard nodejs and webpack pattern */
var production = process.env.NODE_ENV === 'production';

/* development options for faster iteration */
var eslint = process.env.ESLINT !== '0';

 * Note that we're avoiding the use of path.join as webpack and nodejs
 * want relative paths that start with ./ explicitly.
 * In addition we mimic the VPATH style functionality of GNU Makefile
 * where we first check builddir, and then srcdir. In order to avoid
 * people having to run ./configure to hack on Cockpit we also help
 * resolve files that have a '.in' suffix if the resulting file
 * doesn't exist.

function vpath(/* ... */) {
    var filename =, path.sep);
    var expanded = builddir + path.sep + filename;
    if (fs.existsSync(expanded))
        return expanded;
    expanded = srcdir + path.sep + filename;
    if (!fs.existsSync(expanded) && fs.existsSync(expanded + ".in"))
        return expanded + ".in";
    return expanded;

/* Qualify all the paths in entries */
Object.keys(info.entries).forEach(function(key) {
    if (section && key.indexOf(section) !== 0) {
        delete info.entries[key];

    info.entries[key] = info.entries[key].map(function(value) {
        if (value.indexOf("/") === -1)
            return value;
            return vpath("pkg", value);

/* Qualify all the paths in files listed */
var files = [];
info.files.forEach(function(value) {
    if (!section || value.indexOf(section) === 0)
        files.push({ from: vpath("pkg", value), to: value });
info.files = files;

// Hide mini-css-extract-plugin spam logs
class CleanUpStatsPlugin {
  shouldPickStatChild(child) {
    return'mini-css-extract-plugin') !== 0;

  apply(compiler) {
    compiler.hooks.done.tap('CleanUpStatsPlugin', (stats) => {
      const children = stats.compilation.children;
      if (Array.isArray(children)) {
        stats.compilation.children = children
          .filter(child => this.shouldPickStatChild(child));

var plugins = [
    new copy(info.files),
    new miniCssExtractPlugin("[name].css"),
    new CleanUpStatsPlugin(),
    new OptimizeCSSAssetsPlugin({cssProcessorOptions: {map: {inline: false} } }),

var output = {
    path: distdir,
    filename: "[name].js",
    sourceMapFilename: "[file].map",

/* Only minimize when in production mode */
if (production) {
    /* Rename output files when minimizing */
    output.filename = "[name].min.js";

/* Fill in the tests properly */
info.tests.forEach(function(test) {
    var ext = production ? ".min.js" : ".js";
    if (!section || test.indexOf(section) === 0) {
        info.entries[test] = vpath("pkg", test + ".js");
        plugins.push(new html({
            title: path.basename(test),
            filename: test + ".html",
            template: libdir + path.sep + "qunit-template.html",
            builddir: test.split("/").map(function() { return "../" }).join(""),
            script: path.basename(test + ext),
            inject: false,

var aliases = {
    "d3": "d3/d3.js",
    "moment": "moment/moment.js",
    "font-awesome": path.resolve(nodedir, 'font-awesome-sass/assets/stylesheets'),

/* HACK: To get around redux warning about reminimizing code */
if (production)
    aliases["redux/dist/redux"] = "redux/dist/redux.min.js";

var babel_loader = {
    loader: "babel-loader",
    options: {
        presets: [
            ["@babel/env", {
                "targets": {
                    "chrome": "57",
                    "firefox": "52",
                    "safari": "10.3",
                    "edge": "16",
                    "opera": "44"

module.exports = {
    mode: production ? 'production' : 'development',
    resolve: {
        alias: aliases,
        modules: [ libdir, nodedir ],
        extensions: ["*", ".js", ".json"]
    entry: info.entries,
    output: output,
    externals: externals,
    plugins: plugins,

    devtool: "source-map",

    // disable noisy warnings about exceeding the recommended size limit
    performance: {
        maxAssetSize: 20000000,
        maxEntrypointSize: 20000000,

    module: {
        rules: [
                enforce: 'pre',
                test: eslint ? /\.(js|jsx)$/ : /,
                exclude: /\/node_modules\/.*\//, // exclude external dependencies
                loader: "eslint-loader"
                test: /\.js$/,
                exclude: /\/node_modules\/.*\//, // exclude external dependencies
                loader: 'strict-loader' // Adds "use strict"
            /* these modules need to be babel'ed, they cause bugs in their dist'ed form */
                test: /\/node_modules\/.*(@novnc|react-table).*\.js$/,
                use: babel_loader
                test: /\.(js|jsx)$/,
                // exclude external dependencies; it's too slow, and they are already plain JS except the above
                exclude: /\/node_modules\/.*\//,
                use: babel_loader
            /* HACK: remove unwanted fonts from PatternFly's css */
                test: /patternfly-cockpit.scss$/,
                use: [
                        loader: 'css-loader',
                        options: {
                            sourceMap: true,
                            url: false,
                        loader: 'string-replace-loader',
                        options: {
                            multiple: [
                                    search: /src:url[(]"patternfly-icons-fake-path\/glyphicons-halflings-regular[^}]*/g,
                                    replace: 'font-display:block; src:url("../base1/fonts/glyphicons.woff") format("woff");',
                                    search: /src:url[(]"patternfly-fonts-fake-path\/PatternFlyIcons[^}]*/g,
                                    replace: 'src:url("../base1/fonts/patternfly.woff") format("woff");',
                                    search: /src:url[(]"patternfly-fonts-fake-path\/fontawesome[^}]*/,
                                    replace: 'font-display:block; src:url("../base1/fonts/fontawesome.woff?v=4.2.0") format("woff");',
                                    search: /src:url\("patternfly-icons-fake-path\/pficon[^}]*/g,
                                    replace: 'src:url("../base1/fonts/patternfly.woff") format("woff");',
                                    search: /@font-face[^}]*patternfly-fonts-fake-path[^}]*}/g,
                                    replace: '',
                        loader: 'sass-loader',
                        options: {
                            sassOptions: {
                                includePaths: [
                                    // Teach webpack to resolve these references in order to build PF3 scss
                                    path.resolve(nodedir, 'font-awesome-sass', 'assets', 'stylesheets'),
                                    path.resolve(nodedir, 'patternfly', 'dist', 'sass'),
                                    path.resolve(nodedir, 'bootstrap-sass', 'assets', 'stylesheets'),
                                outputStyle: 'compressed',
                            sourceMap: true,
                test: /\.s?css$/,
                exclude: /patternfly-cockpit.scss/,
                use: [
                        loader: 'css-loader',
                        options: {
                            sourceMap: true,
                            url: false
                        loader: 'sass-loader',
                        options: {
                            sourceMap: true,
                            sassOptions: {
                                outputStyle: 'compressed',
                        loader: 'sass-resources-loader',
                            // Make PF3 and PF4 variables globably accessible to be used by the components scss
                            options: {
                                resources: [
                                    path.resolve(libdir, './_global-variables.scss'),
                                    path.resolve(nodedir, './@patternfly/patternfly/base/patternfly-themes.scss'),
                                    path.resolve(nodedir, './@patternfly/patternfly/base/patternfly-variables.scss'),
                                    path.resolve(nodedir, './patternfly/dist/sass/patternfly/_variables.scss')
                // See and
                // [Redefine grid breakpoints] section in pkg/lib/_global-variables.scss for more details
                // Components which are using the pf-global--breakpoint-* variables should import scss manually
                // instead off the automatically imported CSS stylesheets
                test: /\.css$/,
                include: stylesheet => {
                    return (
                        stylesheet.includes('@patternfly/react-styles/css/components/Table/') ||
                        stylesheet.includes('@patternfly/react-styles/css/components/Page/') ||
                use: ["null-loader"]