Blame clutter/clutter-image.c

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 * Clutter.
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 * An OpenGL based 'interactive image' library.
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 * Copyright (C) 2012  Intel Corporation.
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 * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
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 * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
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 * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
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 * version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
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 * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
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 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
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 * Lesser General Public License for more details.
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 * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
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 * License along with this library. If not, see <>.
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 * Author:
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 *   Emmanuele Bassi <>
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 * SECTION:clutter-image
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 * @Title: ClutterImage
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 * @Short_Description: Image data content
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 * #ClutterImage is a #ClutterContent implementation that displays
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 * image data inside a #ClutterActor.
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 * See [image.c](
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 * for an example of how to use #ClutterImage.
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 * #ClutterImage is available since Clutter 1.10.
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#include "config.h"
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#include "clutter-image.h"
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#include "clutter-actor-private.h"
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#include "clutter-color.h"
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#include "clutter-content-private.h"
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#include "clutter-debug.h"
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#include "clutter-paint-node.h"
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#include "clutter-paint-nodes.h"
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#include "clutter-private.h"
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struct _ClutterImagePrivate
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  CoglTexture *texture;
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static void clutter_content_iface_init (ClutterContentIface *iface);
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G_DEFINE_TYPE_WITH_CODE (ClutterImage, clutter_image, G_TYPE_OBJECT,
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                         G_ADD_PRIVATE (ClutterImage)
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clutter_image_error_quark (void)
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  return g_quark_from_static_string ("clutter-image-error-quark");
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static void
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clutter_image_finalize (GObject *gobject)
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  ClutterImagePrivate *priv = CLUTTER_IMAGE (gobject)->priv;
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  if (priv->texture != NULL)
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      cogl_object_unref (priv->texture);
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      priv->texture = NULL;
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  G_OBJECT_CLASS (clutter_image_parent_class)->finalize (gobject);
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static void
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clutter_image_class_init (ClutterImageClass *klass)
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  G_OBJECT_CLASS (klass)->finalize = clutter_image_finalize;
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static void
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clutter_image_init (ClutterImage *self)
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  self->priv = clutter_image_get_instance_private (self);
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static void
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clutter_image_paint_content (ClutterContent   *content,
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                             ClutterActor     *actor,
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                             ClutterPaintNode *root)
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  ClutterImagePrivate *priv = CLUTTER_IMAGE (content)->priv;
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  ClutterPaintNode *node;
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  if (priv->texture == NULL)
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  node = clutter_actor_create_texture_paint_node (actor, priv->texture);
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  clutter_paint_node_set_name (node, "Image Content");
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  clutter_paint_node_add_child (root, node);
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  clutter_paint_node_unref (node);
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static gboolean
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clutter_image_get_preferred_size (ClutterContent *content,
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                                  gfloat         *width,
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                                  gfloat         *height)
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  ClutterImagePrivate *priv = CLUTTER_IMAGE (content)->priv;
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  if (priv->texture == NULL)
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    return FALSE;
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  if (width != NULL)
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    *width = cogl_texture_get_width (priv->texture);
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  if (height != NULL)
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    *height = cogl_texture_get_height (priv->texture);
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  return TRUE;
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static void
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clutter_content_iface_init (ClutterContentIface *iface)
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  iface->get_preferred_size = clutter_image_get_preferred_size;
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  iface->paint_content = clutter_image_paint_content;
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 * clutter_image_new:
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 * Creates a new #ClutterImage instance.
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 * Return value: (transfer full): the newly created #ClutterImage instance.
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 *   Use g_object_unref() when done.
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 * Since: 1.10
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ClutterContent *
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clutter_image_new (void)
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  return g_object_new (CLUTTER_TYPE_IMAGE, NULL);
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 * clutter_image_set_data:
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 * @image: a #ClutterImage
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 * @data: (array): the image data, as an array of bytes
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 * @pixel_format: the Cogl pixel format of the image data
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 * @width: the width of the image data
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 * @height: the height of the image data
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 * @row_stride: the length of each row inside @data
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 * @error: return location for a #GError, or %NULL
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 * Sets the image data to be displayed by @image.
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 * If the image data was successfully loaded, the @image will be invalidated.
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 * In case of error, the @error value will be set, and this function will
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 * return %FALSE.
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 * The image data is copied in texture memory.
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 * The image data is expected to be a linear array of RGBA or RGB pixel data;
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 * how to retrieve that data is left to platform specific image loaders. For
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 * instance, if you use the GdkPixbuf library:
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 * |[
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 *   ClutterContent *image = clutter_image_new ();
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 *   GdkPixbuf *pixbuf = gdk_pixbuf_new_from_file (filename, NULL);
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 *   clutter_image_set_data (CLUTTER_IMAGE (image),
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 *                           gdk_pixbuf_get_pixels (pixbuf),
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 *                           gdk_pixbuf_get_has_alpha (pixbuf)
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 *                             ? COGL_PIXEL_FORMAT_RGBA_8888
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 *                             : COGL_PIXEL_FORMAT_RGB_888,
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 *                           gdk_pixbuf_get_width (pixbuf),
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 *                           gdk_pixbuf_get_height (pixbuf),
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 *                           gdk_pixbuf_get_rowstride (pixbuf),
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 *                           &error);
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 *   g_object_unref (pixbuf);
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 * ]|
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 * Return value: %TRUE if the image data was successfully loaded,
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 *   and %FALSE otherwise.
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 * Since: 1.10
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clutter_image_set_data (ClutterImage     *image,
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                        const guint8     *data,
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                        CoglPixelFormat   pixel_format,
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                        guint             width,
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                        guint             height,
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                        guint             row_stride,
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                        GError          **error)
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  ClutterImagePrivate *priv;
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  CoglTextureFlags flags;
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  g_return_val_if_fail (CLUTTER_IS_IMAGE (image), FALSE);
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  g_return_val_if_fail (data != NULL, FALSE);
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  priv = image->priv;
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  if (priv->texture != NULL)
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    cogl_object_unref (priv->texture);
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  if (width >= 512 && height >= 512)
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  priv->texture = cogl_texture_new_from_data (width, height,
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  if (priv->texture == NULL)
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      g_set_error_literal (error, CLUTTER_IMAGE_ERROR,
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                           _("Unable to load image data"));
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      return FALSE;
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  clutter_content_invalidate (CLUTTER_CONTENT (image));
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  return TRUE;
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 * clutter_image_set_bytes:
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 * @image: a #ClutterImage
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 * @data: the image data, as a #GBytes
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 * @pixel_format: the Cogl pixel format of the image data
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 * @width: the width of the image data
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 * @height: the height of the image data
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 * @row_stride: the length of each row inside @data
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 * @error: return location for a #GError, or %NULL
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 * Sets the image data stored inside a #GBytes to be displayed by @image.
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 * If the image data was successfully loaded, the @image will be invalidated.
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 * In case of error, the @error value will be set, and this function will
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 * return %FALSE.
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 * The image data contained inside the #GBytes is copied in texture memory,
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 * and no additional reference is acquired on the @data.
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 * Return value: %TRUE if the image data was successfully loaded,
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 *   and %FALSE otherwise.
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 * Since: 1.12
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clutter_image_set_bytes (ClutterImage     *image,
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                         GBytes           *data,
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                         CoglPixelFormat   pixel_format,
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                         guint             width,
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                         guint             height,
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                         guint             row_stride,
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                         GError          **error)
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Packit 31ecd5
  ClutterImagePrivate *priv;
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  CoglTextureFlags flags;
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  g_return_val_if_fail (CLUTTER_IS_IMAGE (image), FALSE);
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  g_return_val_if_fail (data != NULL, FALSE);
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  priv = image->priv;
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  if (priv->texture != NULL)
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    cogl_object_unref (priv->texture);
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  if (width >= 512 && height >= 512)
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  priv->texture = cogl_texture_new_from_data (width, height,
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                                              g_bytes_get_data (data, NULL));
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  if (priv->texture == NULL)
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      g_set_error_literal (error, CLUTTER_IMAGE_ERROR,
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                           _("Unable to load image data"));
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      return FALSE;
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  clutter_content_invalidate (CLUTTER_CONTENT (image));
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  return TRUE;
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 * clutter_image_set_area:
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 * @image: a #ClutterImage
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 * @data: (array): the image data, as an array of bytes
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 * @pixel_format: the Cogl pixel format of the image data
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 * @rect: a rectangle indicating the area that should be set
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 * @row_stride: the length of each row inside @data
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 * @error: return location for a #GError, or %NULL
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 * Sets the image data to be display by @image, using @rect to indicate
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 * the position and size of the image data to be set.
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 * If the @image does not have any image data set when this function is
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 * called, a new texture will be created with the size of the width and
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 * height of the rectangle, i.e. calling this function on a newly created
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 * #ClutterImage will be the equivalent of calling clutter_image_set_data().
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 * If the image data was successfully loaded, the @image will be invalidated.
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 * In case of error, the @error value will be set, and this function will
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 * return %FALSE.
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 * The image data is copied in texture memory.
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 * Return value: %TRUE if the image data was successfully loaded,
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 *   and %FALSE otherwise.
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 * Since: 1.10
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clutter_image_set_area (ClutterImage                 *image,
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                        const guint8                 *data,
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                        CoglPixelFormat               pixel_format,
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                        const cairo_rectangle_int_t  *area,
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                        guint                         row_stride,
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                        GError                      **error)
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  ClutterImagePrivate *priv;
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  g_return_val_if_fail (CLUTTER_IS_IMAGE (image), FALSE);
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  g_return_val_if_fail (data != NULL, FALSE);
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  g_return_val_if_fail (area != NULL, FALSE);
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  priv = image->priv;
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  if (priv->texture == NULL)
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      CoglTextureFlags flags = COGL_TEXTURE_NONE;
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      if (area->width >= 512 && area->height >= 512)
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        flags |= COGL_TEXTURE_NO_ATLAS;
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      priv->texture = cogl_texture_new_from_data (area->width,
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      gboolean res;
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      res = cogl_texture_set_region (priv->texture,
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                                     0, 0,
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                                     area->x, area->y,
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                                     area->width, area->height,
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                                     area->width, area->height,
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      if (!res)
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          cogl_object_unref (priv->texture);
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          priv->texture = NULL;
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  if (priv->texture == NULL)
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      g_set_error_literal (error, CLUTTER_IMAGE_ERROR,
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Packit 31ecd5
                           _("Unable to load image data"));
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      return FALSE;
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  clutter_content_invalidate (CLUTTER_CONTENT (image));
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  return TRUE;
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 * clutter_image_get_texture:
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 * @image: a #ClutterImage
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 * Retrieves a pointer to the Cogl texture used by @image.
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 * If you change the contents of the returned Cogl texture you will need
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 * to manually invalidate the @image with clutter_content_invalidate()
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 * in order to update the actors using @image as their content.
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 * Return value: (transfer none): a pointer to the Cogl texture, or %NULL
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 * Since: 1.10
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 * Stability: unstable
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CoglTexture *
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clutter_image_get_texture (ClutterImage *image)
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  g_return_val_if_fail (CLUTTER_IS_IMAGE (image), NULL);
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  return image->priv->texture;
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