Blame tests/cloud_tests/

Packit Service a04d08
# This file is part of cloud-init. See LICENSE file for license information.
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"""Used to setup test configuration."""
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import glob
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import os
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from cloudinit import util as c_util
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from tests.cloud_tests import (BASE_DIR, TEST_CONF_DIR)
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# conf files
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CONF_EXT = '.yaml'
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VERIFY_EXT = '.py'
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PLATFORM_CONF = os.path.join(BASE_DIR, 'platforms.yaml')
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RELEASES_CONF = os.path.join(BASE_DIR, 'releases.yaml')
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TESTCASE_CONF = os.path.join(BASE_DIR, 'testcases.yaml')
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def get(base, key):
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    """Get config entry 'key' from base, ensuring is dictionary."""
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    return base[key] if key in base and base[key] is not None else {}
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def enabled(config):
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    """Test if config item is enabled."""
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    return isinstance(config, dict) and config.get('enabled', False)
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def path_to_name(path):
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    """Convert abs or rel path to test config to path under 'sconfigs/'."""
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    dir_path, file_name = os.path.split(os.path.normpath(path))
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    name = os.path.splitext(file_name)[0]
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    return os.sep.join((os.path.basename(dir_path), name))
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def name_to_path(name):
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    """Convert test config path under configs/ to full config path."""
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    name = os.path.normpath(name)
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    if not name.endswith(CONF_EXT):
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        name = name + CONF_EXT
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    return name if os.path.isabs(name) else os.path.join(TEST_CONF_DIR, name)
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def name_sanitize(name):
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    """Sanitize test name to be used as a module name."""
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    return name.replace('-', '_')
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def name_to_module(name):
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    """Convert test name to a loadable module name under 'testcases/'."""
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    name = name_sanitize(path_to_name(name))
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    return name.replace(os.path.sep, '.')
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def merge_config(base, override):
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    """Merge config and base."""
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    res = base.copy()
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    res.update({k: merge_config(base.get(k, {}), v)
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                for k, v in override.items() if isinstance(v, dict)})
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    return res
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def merge_feature_groups(feature_conf, feature_groups, overrides):
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    """Combine feature groups and overrides to construct a supported list.
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    @param feature_conf: feature config from releases.yaml
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    @param feature_groups: feature groups the release is a member of
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    @param overrides: overrides specified by the release's config
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    @return_value: dict of {feature: true/false} settings
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    res = dict().fromkeys(feature_conf['all'])
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    for group in feature_groups:
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    return res
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def load_platform_config(platform_name, require_enabled=False):
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    """Load configuration for platform.
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    @param platform_name: name of platform to retrieve config for
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    @param require_enabled: if true, raise error if 'enabled' not True
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    @return_value: config dict
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    main_conf = c_util.read_conf(PLATFORM_CONF)
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    conf = merge_config(main_conf['default_platform_config'],
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    if require_enabled and not enabled(conf):
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        raise ValueError('Platform is not enabled')
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    return conf
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def load_os_config(platform_name, os_name, require_enabled=False,
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    """Load configuration for os.
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    @param platform_name: platform name to load os config for
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    @param os_name: name of os to retrieve config for
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    @param require_enabled: if true, raise error if 'enabled' not True
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    @param feature_overrides: feature flag overrides to merge with features
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    @return_value: config dict
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    if feature_overrides is None:
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        feature_overrides = {}
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    main_conf = c_util.read_conf(RELEASES_CONF)
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    default = main_conf['default_release_config']
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    image = main_conf['releases'][os_name]
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    conf = merge_config(merge_config(get(default, 'default'),
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                                     get(default, platform_name)),
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                        merge_config(get(image, 'default'),
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                                     get(image, platform_name)))
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    feature_conf = main_conf['features']
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    feature_groups = conf.get('feature_groups', [])
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    overrides = merge_config(get(conf, 'features'), feature_overrides)
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    conf['arch'] = c_util.get_dpkg_architecture()
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    conf['features'] = merge_feature_groups(
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        feature_conf, feature_groups, overrides)
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    if require_enabled and not enabled(conf):
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        raise ValueError('OS is not enabled')
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    return conf
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def load_test_config(path):
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    """Load a test config file by either abs path or rel path."""
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    return merge_config(c_util.read_conf(TESTCASE_CONF)['base_test_data'],
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def list_feature_flags():
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    """List all supported feature flags."""
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    feature_conf = get(c_util.read_conf(RELEASES_CONF), 'features')
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    return feature_conf.get('all', [])
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def list_enabled_platforms():
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    """List all platforms enabled for testing."""
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    platforms = get(c_util.read_conf(PLATFORM_CONF), 'platforms')
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    return [k for k, v in platforms.items() if enabled(v)]
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def list_enabled_distros(platforms):
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    """List all distros enabled for testing on specified platforms."""
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    def platform_has_enabled(config):
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        """List if platform is enabled."""
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        return any(enabled(merge_config(get(config, 'default'),
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                                        get(config, platform)))
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                   for platform in platforms)
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    releases = get(c_util.read_conf(RELEASES_CONF), 'releases')
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    return [k for k, v in releases.items() if platform_has_enabled(v)]
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def list_test_configs():
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    """List all available test config files by abspath."""
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    return [os.path.abspath(f) for f in
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            glob.glob(os.sep.join((TEST_CONF_DIR, '*', '*.yaml')))]
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ENABLED_PLATFORMS = sorted(list_enabled_platforms())
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ENABLED_DISTROS = sorted(list_enabled_distros(ENABLED_PLATFORMS))
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