Blame cloudinit/config/

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# Copyright (C) 2018 Canonical Ltd.
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# This file is part of cloud-init. See LICENSE file for license information.
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"""Snap: Install, configure and manage snapd and snap packages."""
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import sys
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from textwrap import dedent
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from cloudinit import log as logging
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from cloudinit.config.schema import (
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    get_schema_doc, validate_cloudconfig_schema)
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from cloudinit.settings import PER_INSTANCE
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from cloudinit.subp import prepend_base_command
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from cloudinit import subp
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from cloudinit import util
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distros = ['ubuntu']
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frequency = PER_INSTANCE
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LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__)
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schema = {
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    'id': 'cc_snap',
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    'name': 'Snap',
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    'title': 'Install, configure and manage snapd and snap packages',
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    'description': dedent("""\
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        This module provides a simple configuration namespace in cloud-init to
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        both setup snapd and install snaps.
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        .. note::
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            Both ``assertions`` and ``commands`` values can be either a
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            dictionary or a list. If these configs are provided as a
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            dictionary, the keys are only used to order the execution of the
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            assertions or commands and the dictionary is merged with any
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            vendor-data snap configuration provided. If a list is provided by
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            the user instead of a dict, any vendor-data snap configuration is
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        The ``assertions`` configuration option is a dictionary or list of
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        properly-signed snap assertions which will run before any snap
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        ``commands``. They will be added to snapd's assertion database by
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        invoking ``snap ack <aggregate_assertion_file>``.
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        Snap ``commands`` is a dictionary or list of individual snap
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        commands to run on the target system. These commands can be used to
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        create snap users, install snaps and provide snap configuration.
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        .. note::
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            If 'side-loading' private/unpublished snaps on an instance, it is
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            best to create a snap seed directory and seed.yaml manifest in
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            **/var/lib/snapd/seed/** which snapd automatically installs on
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        **Development only**: The ``squashfuse_in_container`` boolean can be
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        set true to install squashfuse package when in a container to enable
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        snap installs. Default is false.
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    'distros': distros,
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    'examples': [dedent("""\
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              00: |
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              02: |
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              00: snap create-user --sudoer --known <snap-user>
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              01: snap install canonical-livepatch
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              02: canonical-livepatch enable <AUTH_TOKEN>
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    """), dedent("""\
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        # LXC-based containers require squashfuse before snaps can be installed
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                00: apt-get install squashfuse -y
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                11: snap install emoj
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    """), dedent("""\
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        # Convenience: the snap command can be omitted when specifying commands
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        # as a list and 'snap' will automatically be prepended.
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        # The following commands are equivalent:
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                00: ['install', 'vlc']
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                01: ['snap', 'install', 'vlc']
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                02: snap install vlc
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                03: 'snap install vlc'
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    """), dedent("""\
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        # You can use a list of commands
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                - ['install', 'vlc']
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                - ['snap', 'install', 'vlc']
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                - snap install vlc
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                - 'snap install vlc'
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    """), dedent("""\
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        # You can use a list of assertions
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                - signed_assertion_blob_here
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                - |
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    'frequency': PER_INSTANCE,
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    'type': 'object',
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    'properties': {
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        'snap': {
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            'type': 'object',
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            'properties': {
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                'assertions': {
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                    'type': ['object', 'array'],  # Array of strings or dict
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                    'items': {'type': 'string'},
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                    'additionalItems': False,  # Reject items non-string
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                    'minItems': 1,
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                    'minProperties': 1,
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                    'uniqueItems': True,
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                    'additionalProperties': {'type': 'string'},
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                'commands': {
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                    'type': ['object', 'array'],  # Array of strings or dict
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                    'items': {
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                        'oneOf': [
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                            {'type': 'array', 'items': {'type': 'string'}},
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                            {'type': 'string'}]
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                    'additionalItems': False,  # Reject non-string & non-list
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                    'minItems': 1,
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                    'minProperties': 1,
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                    'additionalProperties': {
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                        'oneOf': [
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                            {'type': 'string'},
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                            {'type': 'array', 'items': {'type': 'string'}},
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                'squashfuse_in_container': {
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                    'type': 'boolean'
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            'additionalProperties': False,  # Reject keys not in schema
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            'required': [],
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            'minProperties': 1
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__doc__ = get_schema_doc(schema)  # Supplement python help()
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SNAP_CMD = "snap"
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ASSERTIONS_FILE = "/var/lib/cloud/instance/snapd.assertions"
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def add_assertions(assertions):
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    """Import list of assertions.
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    Import assertions by concatenating each assertion into a
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    string separated by a '\n'.  Write this string to a instance file and
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    then invoke `snap ack /path/to/file` and check for errors.
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    If snap exits 0, then all assertions are imported.
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    if not assertions:
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    LOG.debug('Importing user-provided snap assertions')
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    if isinstance(assertions, dict):
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        assertions = assertions.values()
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    elif not isinstance(assertions, list):
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        raise TypeError(
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            'assertion parameter was not a list or dict: {assertions}'.format(
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    snap_cmd = [SNAP_CMD, 'ack']
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    combined = "\n".join(assertions)
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    for asrt in assertions:
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        LOG.debug('Snap acking: %s', asrt.split('\n')[0:2])
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    util.write_file(ASSERTIONS_FILE, combined.encode('utf-8'))
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    subp.subp(snap_cmd + [ASSERTIONS_FILE], capture=True)
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def run_commands(commands):
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    """Run the provided commands provided in snap:commands configuration.
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     Commands are run individually. Any errors are collected and reported
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     after attempting all commands.
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     @param commands: A list or dict containing commands to run. Keys of a
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         dict will be used to order the commands provided as dict values.
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    if not commands:
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    LOG.debug('Running user-provided snap commands')
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    if isinstance(commands, dict):
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        # Sort commands based on dictionary key
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        commands = [v for _, v in sorted(commands.items())]
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    elif not isinstance(commands, list):
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        raise TypeError(
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            'commands parameter was not a list or dict: {commands}'.format(
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    fixed_snap_commands = prepend_base_command('snap', commands)
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    cmd_failures = []
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    for command in fixed_snap_commands:
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        shell = isinstance(command, str)
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            subp.subp(command, shell=shell, status_cb=sys.stderr.write)
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        except subp.ProcessExecutionError as e:
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    if cmd_failures:
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        msg = 'Failures running snap commands:\n{cmd_failures}'.format(
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        util.logexc(LOG, msg)
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        raise RuntimeError(msg)
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# RELEASE_BLOCKER: Once LP: #1628289 is released on xenial, drop this function.
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def maybe_install_squashfuse(cloud):
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    """Install squashfuse if we are in a container."""
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    if not util.is_container():
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    except Exception:
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        util.logexc(LOG, "Package update failed")
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    except Exception:
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        util.logexc(LOG, "Failed to install squashfuse")
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def handle(name, cfg, cloud, log, args):
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    cfgin = cfg.get('snap', {})
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    if not cfgin:
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        LOG.debug(("Skipping module named %s,"
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                   " no 'snap' key in configuration"), name)
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    validate_cloudconfig_schema(cfg, schema)
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    if util.is_true(cfgin.get('squashfuse_in_container', False)):
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    add_assertions(cfgin.get('assertions', []))
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    run_commands(cfgin.get('commands', []))
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