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Packit Service a04d08
# Copyright (C) 2011 Canonical Ltd.
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# Author: Ben Howard <>
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# This file is part of cloud-init. See LICENSE file for license information.
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Apt Pipelining
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**Summary:** configure apt pipelining
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This module configures apt's ``Acquite::http::Pipeline-Depth`` option, which
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controls how apt handles HTTP pipelining. It may be useful for pipelining to be
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disabled, because some web servers, such as S3 do not pipeline properly (LP:
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#948461). The ``apt_pipelining`` config key may be set to ``false`` to disable
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pipelining altogether. This is the default behavior. If it is set to ``none``,
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``unchanged``, or ``os``, no change will be made to apt configuration and the
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default setting for the distro will be used. The pipeline depth can also be
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manually specified by setting ``apt_pipelining`` to a number. However, this is
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not recommended.
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**Internal name:** ``cc_apt_pipelining``
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**Module frequency:** per instance
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**Supported distros:** ubuntu, debian
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**Config keys**::
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    apt_pipelining: <false/none/unchanged/os/number>
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from cloudinit.settings import PER_INSTANCE
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from cloudinit import util
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frequency = PER_INSTANCE
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distros = ['ubuntu', 'debian']
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DEFAULT_FILE = "/etc/apt/apt.conf.d/90cloud-init-pipelining"
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APT_PIPE_TPL = ("//Written by cloud-init per 'apt_pipelining'\n"
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                'Acquire::http::Pipeline-Depth "%s";\n')
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# Acquire::http::Pipeline-Depth can be a value
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# from 0 to 5 indicating how many outstanding requests APT should send.
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# A value of zero MUST be specified if the remote host does not properly linger
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# on TCP connections - otherwise data corruption will occur.
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def handle(_name, cfg, _cloud, log, _args):
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    apt_pipe_value = util.get_cfg_option_str(cfg, "apt_pipelining", 'os')
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    apt_pipe_value_s = str(apt_pipe_value).lower().strip()
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    if apt_pipe_value_s == "false":
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        write_apt_snippet("0", log, DEFAULT_FILE)
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    elif apt_pipe_value_s in ("none", "unchanged", "os"):
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    elif apt_pipe_value_s in [str(b) for b in range(0, 6)]:
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        write_apt_snippet(apt_pipe_value_s, log, DEFAULT_FILE)
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        log.warning("Invalid option for apt_pipelining: %s", apt_pipe_value)
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def write_apt_snippet(setting, log, f_name):
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    """Writes f_name with apt pipeline depth 'setting'."""
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    file_contents = APT_PIPE_TPL % (setting)
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    util.write_file(f_name, file_contents)
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    log.debug("Wrote %s with apt pipeline depth setting %s", f_name, setting)
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