Blame .travis.yml

Packit Service a04d08
language: python
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dist: bionic
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# We use two different caching strategies.  The default is to cache pip
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# packages (as most of our jobs use pip packages), which is configured here.
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# For the integration tests, we instead want to cache the lxd images and
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# package build schroot.
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# We cache the lxd images because this saves a few seconds in the general
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# case, but provides substantial speed-ups when, the
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# source of the images, is under heavy load.  The directory in which the lxd
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# images are stored (/var/snap/lxd/common/lxd/images/) is not
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# readable/writeable by the default user (which is a requirement for caching),
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# so we instead cache the `lxd_images/` directory.  We move lxd images out of
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# there before we run tests and back in once tests are complete.  We _move_ the
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# images out and only copy the most recent lxd image back into the cache, to
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# avoid our cache growing without bound.  (We only need the most recent lxd
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# image because the integration tests only use a single image.)
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# We cache the package build schroot because it saves 2-3 minutes per build.
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# Without caching, we have to perform a debootstrap for every build.  We update
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# the schroot before storing it back in the cache, to ensure that we aren't
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# just using an increasingly-old schroot as time passes.  The cached schroot is
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# stored as a tarball, to preserve permissions/ownership.
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cache: pip
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    # Required so `git describe` will definitely find a tag; see
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    - git fetch --unshallow
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    - pip install tox
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    - tox
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    fast_finish: true
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        - python: 3.6
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              PYTEST_ADDOPTS=-v  # List all tests run by pytest
Packit Service a04d08
        - if: NOT branch =~ /^ubuntu\//
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              - directories:
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                  - lxd_images
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                  - chroots
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              - |
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                  # Find the most recent image file
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                  latest_file="$(sudo ls -Art /var/snap/lxd/common/lxd/images/ | tail -n 1)"
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                  # This might be <hash>.rootfs or <hash>, normalise
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                  latest_file="$(basename $latest_file .rootfs)"
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                  # Find all files with that prefix and copy them to our cache dir
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                  sudo find /var/snap/lxd/common/lxd/images/ -name $latest_file* -print -exec cp {} "$TRAVIS_BUILD_DIR/lxd_images/" \;
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Packit Service a04d08
            - git fetch --unshallow
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            - sudo apt-get install -y --install-recommends sbuild ubuntu-dev-tools fakeroot tox debhelper
Packit Service a04d08
            - pip install .
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            - pip install tox
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            # bionic has lxd from deb installed, remove it first to ensure
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            # pylxd talks only to the lxd from snap
Packit Service a04d08
            - sudo apt remove --purge lxd lxd-client
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            - sudo rm -Rf /var/lib/lxd
Packit Service a04d08
            - sudo snap install lxd
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            - sudo lxd init --auto
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            - sudo mkdir --mode=1777 -p /var/snap/lxd/common/consoles
Packit Service a04d08
            # Move any cached lxd images into lxd's image dir
Packit Service a04d08
            - sudo find "$TRAVIS_BUILD_DIR/lxd_images/" -type f -print -exec mv {} /var/snap/lxd/common/lxd/images/ \;
Packit Service a04d08
            - sudo usermod -a -G lxd $USER
Packit Service a04d08
            - sudo sbuild-adduser $USER
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            - cp /usr/share/doc/sbuild/examples/example.sbuildrc /home/$USER/.sbuildrc
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            # Ubuntu LTS: Build
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            - ./packages/bddeb -S -d --release xenial
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            - |
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                if [ -e "$TRAVIS_BUILD_DIR/chroots/xenial-amd64.tar" ]; then
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                    # If we have a cached chroot, move it into place
Packit Service a04d08
                    sudo mkdir -p /var/lib/schroot/chroots/xenial-amd64
Packit Service a04d08
                    sudo tar --sparse --xattrs --preserve-permissions --numeric-owner -xf "$TRAVIS_BUILD_DIR/chroots/xenial-amd64.tar" -C /var/lib/schroot/chroots/xenial-amd64
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                    # Write its configuration
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                    cat > sbuild-xenial-amd64 << EOM
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                # Uncomment these lines to allow members of these groups to access
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                # the -source chroots directly (useful for automated updates, etc).
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                    sudo mv sbuild-xenial-amd64 /etc/schroot/chroot.d/
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                    sudo chown root /etc/schroot/chroot.d/sbuild-xenial-amd64
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                    # And ensure it's up-to-date.
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                    before_pkgs="$(sudo schroot -c source:xenial-amd64 -d / dpkg -l | sha256sum)"
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                    sudo schroot -c source:xenial-amd64 -d / -- sh -c "apt-get update && apt-get -qqy upgrade"
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                    after_pkgs=$(sudo schroot -c source:xenial-amd64 -d / dpkg -l | sha256sum)
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                    if [ "$before_pkgs" != "$after_pkgs" ]; then
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                    # Otherwise, create the chroot
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                    sudo -E su $USER -c 'mk-sbuild xenial'
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                # If there are changes to the schroot (or it's entirely new),
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                # tar up the schroot (to preserve ownership/permissions) and
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                # move it into the cached dir; no need to compress it because
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                # Travis will do that anyway
Packit Service a04d08
                if [ "$needs_caching" = "true" ]; then
Packit Service a04d08
                    sudo tar --sparse --xattrs --xattrs-include=* -cf "$TRAVIS_BUILD_DIR/chroots/xenial-amd64.tar" -C /var/lib/schroot/chroots/xenial-amd64 .
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            # Use sudo to get a new shell where we're in the sbuild group
Packit Service a04d08
            - sudo -E su $USER -c 'sbuild --nolog --no-run-lintian --verbose --dist=xenial cloud-init_*.dsc'
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            # Ubuntu LTS: Integration
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            - sg lxd -c 'tox -e citest -- run --verbose --preserve-data --data-dir results --os-name xenial --test modules/apt_configure_sources_list.yaml --test modules/ntp_servers --test modules/set_password_list --test modules/user_groups --deb cloud-init_*_all.deb'
Packit Service a04d08
        - python: 3.5
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              PYTEST_ADDOPTS=-v  # List all tests run by pytest
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          dist: xenial
Packit Service a04d08
        - python: 3.6
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          env: TOXENV=flake8
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        - python: 3.6
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          env: TOXENV=pylint
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        - python: 3.6
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          env: TOXENV=doc