This is the "money example" from the Check tutorial. This demonstrates using Check along with one of two build systems: autotools and CMake. ======================== Autotools: You need the following programs installed on your system: -- Autoconf 2.59 -- Automake 1.9.6 -- Libtool 1.5.22 -- Check 0.9.9 Somewhat earlier versions of these programs might work. Then, do as follows: $ autoreconf --install $ ./configure $ make $ make check Don't do "make install" unless you want to install the money example. money.c and money.h are built as a library. src/main.c:main() is a client of, just as tests/check_money.c:main() is a client of To use the autotools example in another project, start with the following files: example |--- |--- |--- src | |--- |--- tests |--- Please send bug reports to check-devel AT ======================== CMake: You need the following programs installed on your system: -- CMake 2.8 -- Check 0.9.9 -- (pkg-config 0.26 is optional) Somewhat earlier versions of these programs might work. NOTE: If pkg-config is not installed on the system, and MSVC is being used, the install location of Check must be inserted manually into the tests/CMakeLists.txt file, by setting the variable CHECK_INSTALL_DIR to the install location. Look at the tests/CMakeLists.txt file for a commented out example. Then, do as follows for a Unix-compatible shell: $ cmake . $ make $ make test or the following for MSVC: $ cmake -G "NMake Makefiles" . $ nmake $ nmake test Don't do "make install" or "nmake install" unless you want to install the money example. money.c and money.h are built as a library. src/main.c:main() is a client of, just as tests/check_money.c:main() is a client of To use the CMake example in another project, start with the following files: example |--- CMakeFiles.txt |--- cmake | |--- | |--- FindCheck.cmake |--- src | |--- CMakeFiles.txt |--- tests |--- CMakeFiles.txt Please send bug reports to check-devel AT