/* * Check: a unit test framework for C * Copyright (C) 2001, 2002 Arien Malec * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with this library; if not, write to the * Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, * MA 02110-1301, USA. */ #include "../lib/libcompat.h" #include #include #include #if ENABLE_SUBUNIT #include #endif #include "check_error.h" #include "check_list.h" #include "check_impl.h" #include "check_log.h" #include "check_print.h" #include "check_str.h" /* * If a log file is specified to be "-", then instead of * opening a file the log output is printed to stdout. */ #define STDOUT_OVERRIDE_LOG_FILE_NAME "-" static void srunner_send_evt(SRunner * sr, void *obj, enum cl_event evt); void srunner_set_log(SRunner * sr, const char *fname) { if(sr->log_fname) return; sr->log_fname = fname; } int srunner_has_log(SRunner * sr) { return srunner_log_fname(sr) != NULL; } const char *srunner_log_fname(SRunner * sr) { /* check if log filename have been set explicitly */ if(sr->log_fname != NULL) return sr->log_fname; return getenv("CK_LOG_FILE_NAME"); } void srunner_set_xml(SRunner * sr, const char *fname) { if(sr->xml_fname) return; sr->xml_fname = fname; } int srunner_has_xml(SRunner * sr) { return srunner_xml_fname(sr) != NULL; } const char *srunner_xml_fname(SRunner * sr) { /* check if XML log filename have been set explicitly */ if(sr->xml_fname != NULL) { return sr->xml_fname; } return getenv("CK_XML_LOG_FILE_NAME"); } void srunner_set_tap(SRunner * sr, const char *fname) { if(sr->tap_fname) return; sr->tap_fname = fname; } int srunner_has_tap(SRunner * sr) { return srunner_tap_fname(sr) != NULL; } const char *srunner_tap_fname(SRunner * sr) { /* check if tap log filename have been set explicitly */ if(sr->tap_fname != NULL) { return sr->tap_fname; } return getenv("CK_TAP_LOG_FILE_NAME"); } void srunner_register_lfun(SRunner * sr, FILE * lfile, int close, LFun lfun, enum print_output printmode) { Log *l = (Log *)emalloc(sizeof(Log)); if(printmode == CK_ENV) { printmode = get_env_printmode(); } l->lfile = lfile; l->lfun = lfun; l->close = close; l->mode = printmode; check_list_add_end(sr->loglst, l); return; } void log_srunner_start(SRunner * sr) { srunner_send_evt(sr, NULL, CLSTART_SR); } void log_srunner_end(SRunner * sr) { srunner_send_evt(sr, NULL, CLEND_SR); } void log_suite_start(SRunner * sr, Suite * s) { srunner_send_evt(sr, s, CLSTART_S); } void log_suite_end(SRunner * sr, Suite * s) { srunner_send_evt(sr, s, CLEND_S); } void log_test_start(SRunner * sr, TCase * tc, TF * tfun) { char buffer[100]; snprintf(buffer, 99, "%s:%s", tc->name, tfun->name); srunner_send_evt(sr, buffer, CLSTART_T); } void log_test_end(SRunner * sr, TestResult * tr) { srunner_send_evt(sr, tr, CLEND_T); } static void srunner_send_evt(SRunner * sr, void *obj, enum cl_event evt) { List *l; Log *lg; l = sr->loglst; for(check_list_front(l); !check_list_at_end(l); check_list_advance(l)) { lg = (Log *)check_list_val(l); fflush(lg->lfile); lg->lfun(sr, lg->lfile, lg->mode, obj, evt); fflush(lg->lfile); } } void stdout_lfun(SRunner * sr, FILE * file, enum print_output printmode, void *obj, enum cl_event evt) { Suite *s; switch (evt) { case CLINITLOG_SR: break; case CLENDLOG_SR: break; case CLSTART_SR: if(printmode > CK_SILENT) { fprintf(file, "Running suite(s):"); } break; case CLSTART_S: s = (Suite *)obj; if(printmode > CK_SILENT) { fprintf(file, " %s\n", s->name); } break; case CLEND_SR: if(printmode > CK_SILENT) { /* we don't want a newline before printing here, newlines should come after printing a string, not before. it's better to add the newline above in CLSTART_S. */ srunner_fprint(file, sr, printmode); } break; case CLEND_S: break; case CLSTART_T: break; case CLEND_T: break; default: eprintf("Bad event type received in stdout_lfun", __FILE__, __LINE__); } } void lfile_lfun(SRunner * sr, FILE * file, enum print_output printmode CK_ATTRIBUTE_UNUSED, void *obj, enum cl_event evt) { TestResult *tr; Suite *s; switch (evt) { case CLINITLOG_SR: break; case CLENDLOG_SR: break; case CLSTART_SR: break; case CLSTART_S: s = (Suite *)obj; fprintf(file, "Running suite %s\n", s->name); break; case CLEND_SR: fprintf(file, "Results for all suites run:\n"); srunner_fprint(file, sr, CK_MINIMAL); break; case CLEND_S: break; case CLSTART_T: break; case CLEND_T: tr = (TestResult *)obj; tr_fprint(file, tr, CK_VERBOSE); break; default: eprintf("Bad event type received in lfile_lfun", __FILE__, __LINE__); } } void xml_lfun(SRunner * sr CK_ATTRIBUTE_UNUSED, FILE * file, enum print_output printmode CK_ATTRIBUTE_UNUSED, void *obj, enum cl_event evt) { TestResult *tr; Suite *s; static struct timespec ts_start = { 0, 0 }; static char t[sizeof "yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss"] = { 0 }; if(t[0] == 0) { struct timeval inittv; struct tm now; gettimeofday(&inittv, NULL); clock_gettime(check_get_clockid(), &ts_start); if(localtime_r((const time_t *)&(inittv.tv_sec), &now) != NULL) { strftime(t, sizeof("yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss"), "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", &now); } } switch (evt) { case CLINITLOG_SR: fprintf(file, "\n" "\n" "\n" " %s\n", t); break; case CLENDLOG_SR: { struct timespec ts_end = { 0, 0 }; unsigned long duration; /* calculate time the test were running */ clock_gettime(check_get_clockid(), &ts_end); duration = (unsigned long)DIFF_IN_USEC(ts_start, ts_end); fprintf(file, " %lu.%06lu\n" "\n", duration / US_PER_SEC, duration % US_PER_SEC); } break; case CLSTART_SR: break; case CLSTART_S: s = (Suite *)obj; fprintf(file, " \n" " "); fprint_xml_esc(file, s->name); fprintf(file, "\n"); break; case CLEND_SR: break; case CLEND_S: fprintf(file, " \n"); break; case CLSTART_T: break; case CLEND_T: tr = (TestResult *)obj; tr_xmlprint(file, tr, CK_VERBOSE); break; default: eprintf("Bad event type received in xml_lfun", __FILE__, __LINE__); } } void tap_lfun(SRunner * sr CK_ATTRIBUTE_UNUSED, FILE * file, enum print_output printmode CK_ATTRIBUTE_UNUSED, void *obj, enum cl_event evt) { TestResult *tr; static int num_tests_run = 0; switch (evt) { case CLINITLOG_SR: /* As this is a new log file, reset the number of tests executed */ num_tests_run = 0; break; case CLENDLOG_SR: /* Output the test plan as the last line */ fprintf(file, "1..%d\n", num_tests_run); fflush(file); break; case CLSTART_SR: break; case CLSTART_S: break; case CLEND_SR: break; case CLEND_S: break; case CLSTART_T: break; case CLEND_T: /* Print the test result to the tap file */ num_tests_run += 1; tr = (TestResult *)obj; fprintf(file, "%s %d - %s:%s:%s: %s\n", tr->rtype == CK_PASS ? "ok" : "not ok", num_tests_run, tr->file, tr->tcname, tr->tname, tr->msg); fflush(file); break; default: eprintf("Bad event type received in tap_lfun", __FILE__, __LINE__); } } #if ENABLE_SUBUNIT void subunit_lfun(SRunner * sr, FILE * file, enum print_output printmode, void *obj, enum cl_event evt) { TestResult *tr; char const *name; /* assert(printmode == CK_SUBUNIT); */ switch (evt) { case CLINITLOG_SR: break; case CLENDLOG_SR: break; case CLSTART_SR: break; case CLSTART_S: break; case CLEND_SR: if(printmode > CK_SILENT) { fprintf(file, "\n"); srunner_fprint(file, sr, printmode); } break; case CLEND_S: break; case CLSTART_T: name = (const char *)obj; subunit_test_start(name); break; case CLEND_T: tr = (TestResult *)obj; { char *name = ck_strdup_printf("%s:%s", tr->tcname, tr->tname); char *msg = tr_short_str(tr); switch (tr->rtype) { case CK_PASS: subunit_test_pass(name); break; case CK_FAILURE: subunit_test_fail(name, msg); break; case CK_ERROR: subunit_test_error(name, msg); break; case CK_TEST_RESULT_INVALID: default: eprintf("Bad result type in subunit_lfun", __FILE__, __LINE__); free(name); free(msg); } } break; default: eprintf("Bad event type received in subunit_lfun", __FILE__, __LINE__); } } #endif static FILE *srunner_open_file(const char *filename) { FILE *f = NULL; if(strcmp(filename, STDOUT_OVERRIDE_LOG_FILE_NAME) == 0) { f = stdout; } else { f = fopen(filename, "w"); if(f == NULL) { eprintf("Error in call to fopen while opening file %s:", __FILE__, __LINE__ - 2, filename); } } return f; } FILE *srunner_open_lfile(SRunner * sr) { FILE *f = NULL; if(srunner_has_log(sr)) { f = srunner_open_file(srunner_log_fname(sr)); } return f; } FILE *srunner_open_xmlfile(SRunner * sr) { FILE *f = NULL; if(srunner_has_xml(sr)) { f = srunner_open_file(srunner_xml_fname(sr)); } return f; } FILE *srunner_open_tapfile(SRunner * sr) { FILE *f = NULL; if(srunner_has_tap(sr)) { f = srunner_open_file(srunner_tap_fname(sr)); } return f; } void srunner_init_logging(SRunner * sr, enum print_output print_mode) { FILE *f; sr->loglst = check_list_create(); #if ENABLE_SUBUNIT if(print_mode != CK_SUBUNIT) #endif srunner_register_lfun(sr, stdout, 0, stdout_lfun, print_mode); #if ENABLE_SUBUNIT else srunner_register_lfun(sr, stdout, 0, subunit_lfun, print_mode); #endif f = srunner_open_lfile(sr); if(f) { srunner_register_lfun(sr, f, f != stdout, lfile_lfun, print_mode); } f = srunner_open_xmlfile(sr); if(f) { srunner_register_lfun(sr, f, f != stdout, xml_lfun, print_mode); } f = srunner_open_tapfile(sr); if(f) { srunner_register_lfun(sr, f, f != stdout, tap_lfun, print_mode); } srunner_send_evt(sr, NULL, CLINITLOG_SR); } void srunner_end_logging(SRunner * sr) { List *l; int rval; srunner_send_evt(sr, NULL, CLENDLOG_SR); l = sr->loglst; for(check_list_front(l); !check_list_at_end(l); check_list_advance(l)) { Log *lg = (Log *)check_list_val(l); if(lg->close) { rval = fclose(lg->lfile); if(rval != 0) eprintf("Error in call to fclose while closing log file:", __FILE__, __LINE__ - 2); } free(lg); } check_list_free(l); sr->loglst = NULL; }