Blame internal/ceres/schur_eliminator.h

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// Ceres Solver - A fast non-linear least squares minimizer
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// Copyright 2015 Google Inc. All rights reserved.
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// Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
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// modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:
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// * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice,
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//   this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
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// * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice,
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//   this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation
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//   and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
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// * Neither the name of Google Inc. nor the names of its contributors may be
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//   used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without
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//   specific prior written permission.
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// Author: (Sameer Agarwal)
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#include <map>
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#include <vector>
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#include "ceres/mutex.h"
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#include "ceres/block_random_access_matrix.h"
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#include "ceres/block_sparse_matrix.h"
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#include "ceres/block_structure.h"
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#include "ceres/linear_solver.h"
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#include "ceres/internal/eigen.h"
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#include "ceres/internal/scoped_ptr.h"
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namespace ceres {
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namespace internal {
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// Classes implementing the SchurEliminatorBase interface implement
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// variable elimination for linear least squares problems. Assuming
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// that the input linear system Ax = b can be partitioned into
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//  E y + F z = b
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// Where x = [y;z] is a partition of the variables.  The paritioning
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// of the variables is such that, E'E is a block diagonal matrix. Or
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// in other words, the parameter blocks in E form an independent set
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// of the of the graph implied by the block matrix A'A. Then, this
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// class provides the functionality to compute the Schur complement
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// system
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//   S z = r
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// where
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//   S = F'F - F'E (E'E)^{-1} E'F and r = F'b - F'E(E'E)^(-1) E'b
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// This is the Eliminate operation, i.e., construct the linear system
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// obtained by eliminating the variables in E.
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// The eliminator also provides the reverse functionality, i.e. given
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// values for z it can back substitute for the values of y, by solving the
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// linear system
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//  Ey = b - F z
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// which is done by observing that
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//  y = (E'E)^(-1) [E'b - E'F z]
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// The eliminator has a number of requirements.
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// The rows of A are ordered so that for every variable block in y,
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// all the rows containing that variable block occur as a vertically
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// contiguous block. i.e the matrix A looks like
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//              E                 F                   chunk
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//  A = [ y1   0   0   0 |  z1    0    0   0    z5]     1
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//      [ y1   0   0   0 |  z1   z2    0   0     0]     1
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//      [  0  y2   0   0 |   0    0   z3   0     0]     2
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//      [  0   0  y3   0 |  z1   z2   z3  z4    z5]     3
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//      [  0   0  y3   0 |  z1    0    0   0    z5]     3
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//      [  0   0   0  y4 |   0    0    0   0    z5]     4
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//      [  0   0   0  y4 |   0   z2    0   0     0]     4
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//      [  0   0   0  y4 |   0    0    0   0     0]     4
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//      [  0   0   0   0 |  z1    0    0   0     0] non chunk blocks
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//      [  0   0   0   0 |   0    0   z3  z4    z5] non chunk blocks
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// This structure should be reflected in the corresponding
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// CompressedRowBlockStructure object associated with A. The linear
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// system Ax = b should either be well posed or the array D below
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// should be non-null and the diagonal matrix corresponding to it
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// should be non-singular. For simplicity of exposition only the case
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// with a null D is described.
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// The usual way to do the elimination is as follows. Starting with
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//  E y + F z = b
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// we can form the normal equations,
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//  E'E y + E'F z = E'b
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//  F'E y + F'F z = F'b
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// multiplying both sides of the first equation by (E'E)^(-1) and then
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// by F'E we get
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//  F'E y + F'E (E'E)^(-1) E'F z =  F'E (E'E)^(-1) E'b
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//  F'E y +                F'F z =  F'b
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// now subtracting the two equations we get
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// [FF' - F'E (E'E)^(-1) E'F] z = F'b - F'E(E'E)^(-1) E'b
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// Instead of forming the normal equations and operating on them as
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// general sparse matrices, the algorithm here deals with one
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// parameter block in y at a time. The rows corresponding to a single
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// parameter block yi are known as a chunk, and the algorithm operates
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// on one chunk at a time. The mathematics remains the same since the
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// reduced linear system can be shown to be the sum of the reduced
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// linear systems for each chunk. This can be seen by observing two
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// things.
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//  1. E'E is a block diagonal matrix.
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//  2. When E'F is computed, only the terms within a single chunk
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//  interact, i.e for y1 column blocks when transposed and multiplied
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//  with F, the only non-zero contribution comes from the blocks in
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//  chunk1.
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// Thus, the reduced linear system
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//  FF' - F'E (E'E)^(-1) E'F
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// can be re-written as
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//  sum_k F_k F_k' - F_k'E_k (E_k'E_k)^(-1) E_k' F_k
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// Where the sum is over chunks and E_k'E_k is dense matrix of size y1
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// x y1.
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// Advanced usage. Uptil now it has been assumed that the user would
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// be interested in all of the Schur Complement S. However, it is also
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// possible to use this eliminator to obtain an arbitrary submatrix of
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// the full Schur complement. When the eliminator is generating the
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// blocks of S, it asks the RandomAccessBlockMatrix instance passed to
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// it if it has storage for that block. If it does, the eliminator
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// computes/updates it, if not it is skipped. This is useful when one
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// is interested in constructing a preconditioner based on the Schur
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// Complement, e.g., computing the block diagonal of S so that it can
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// be used as a preconditioner for an Iterative Substructuring based
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// solver [See Agarwal et al, Bundle Adjustment in the Large, ECCV
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// 2008 for an example of such use].
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// Example usage: Please see
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class SchurEliminatorBase {
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  virtual ~SchurEliminatorBase() {}
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  // Initialize the eliminator. It is the user's responsibilty to call
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  // this function before calling Eliminate or BackSubstitute. It is
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  // also the caller's responsibilty to ensure that the
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  // CompressedRowBlockStructure object passed to this method is the
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  // same one (or is equivalent to) the one associated with the
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  // BlockSparseMatrix objects below.
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  // assume_full_rank_ete controls how the eliminator inverts with the
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  // diagonal blocks corresponding to e blocks in A'A. If
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  // assume_full_rank_ete is true, then a Cholesky factorization is
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  // used to compute the inverse, otherwise a singular value
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  // decomposition is used to compute the pseudo inverse.
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  virtual void Init(int num_eliminate_blocks,
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                    bool assume_full_rank_ete,
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                    const CompressedRowBlockStructure* bs) = 0;
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  // Compute the Schur complement system from the augmented linear
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  // least squares problem [A;D] x = [b;0]. The left hand side and the
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  // right hand side of the reduced linear system are returned in lhs
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  // and rhs respectively.
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  // It is the caller's responsibility to construct and initialize
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  // lhs. Depending upon the structure of the lhs object passed here,
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  // the full or a submatrix of the Schur complement will be computed.
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  // Since the Schur complement is a symmetric matrix, only the upper
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  // triangular part of the Schur complement is computed.
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  virtual void Eliminate(const BlockSparseMatrix* A,
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                         const double* b,
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                         const double* D,
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                         BlockRandomAccessMatrix* lhs,
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                         double* rhs) = 0;
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  // Given values for the variables z in the F block of A, solve for
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  // the optimal values of the variables y corresponding to the E
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  // block in A.
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  virtual void BackSubstitute(const BlockSparseMatrix* A,
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                              const double* b,
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                              const double* D,
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                              const double* z,
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                              double* y) = 0;
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  // Factory
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  static SchurEliminatorBase* Create(const LinearSolver::Options& options);
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// Templated implementation of the SchurEliminatorBase interface. The
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// templating is on the sizes of the row, e and f blocks sizes in the
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// input matrix. In many problems, the sizes of one or more of these
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// blocks are constant, in that case, its worth passing these
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// parameters as template arguments so that they are visible to the
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// compiler and can be used for compile time optimization of the low
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// level linear algebra routines.
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// This implementation is mulithreaded using OpenMP. The level of
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// parallelism is controlled by LinearSolver::Options::num_threads.
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          int kEBlockSize = Eigen::Dynamic,
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          int kFBlockSize = Eigen::Dynamic >
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class SchurEliminator : public SchurEliminatorBase {
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  explicit SchurEliminator(const LinearSolver::Options& options)
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      : num_threads_(options.num_threads) {
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  // SchurEliminatorBase Interface
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  virtual ~SchurEliminator();
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  virtual void Init(int num_eliminate_blocks,
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                    bool assume_full_rank_ete,
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                    const CompressedRowBlockStructure* bs);
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  virtual void Eliminate(const BlockSparseMatrix* A,
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                         const double* b,
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                         const double* D,
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                         BlockRandomAccessMatrix* lhs,
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                         double* rhs);
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  virtual void BackSubstitute(const BlockSparseMatrix* A,
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                              const double* b,
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                              const double* D,
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                              const double* z,
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                              double* y);
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  // Chunk objects store combinatorial information needed to
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  // efficiently eliminate a whole chunk out of the least squares
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  // problem. Consider the first chunk in the example matrix above.
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  //      [ y1   0   0   0 |  z1    0    0   0    z5]
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  //      [ y1   0   0   0 |  z1   z2    0   0     0]
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  // One of the intermediate quantities that needs to be calculated is
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  // for each row the product of the y block transposed with the
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  // non-zero z block, and the sum of these blocks across rows. A
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  // temporary array "buffer_" is used for computing and storing them
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  // and the buffer_layout maps the indices of the z-blocks to
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  // position in the buffer_ array.  The size of the chunk is the
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  // number of row blocks/residual blocks for the particular y block
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  // being considered.
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  // For the example chunk shown above,
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  // size = 2
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  // The entries of buffer_layout will be filled in the following order.
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  // buffer_layout[z1] = 0
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  // buffer_layout[z5] = y1 * z1
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  // buffer_layout[z2] = y1 * z1 + y1 * z5
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  typedef std::map<int, int> BufferLayoutType;
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  struct Chunk {
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    Chunk() : size(0) {}
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    int size;
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    int start;
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    BufferLayoutType buffer_layout;
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  void ChunkDiagonalBlockAndGradient(
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      const Chunk& chunk,
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      const BlockSparseMatrix* A,
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      const double* b,
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      int row_block_counter,
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      typename EigenTypes<kEBlockSize, kEBlockSize>::Matrix* eet,
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      double* g,
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      double* buffer,
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      BlockRandomAccessMatrix* lhs);
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  void UpdateRhs(const Chunk& chunk,
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                 const BlockSparseMatrix* A,
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                 const double* b,
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                 int row_block_counter,
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                 const double* inverse_ete_g,
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                 double* rhs);
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  void ChunkOuterProduct(const CompressedRowBlockStructure* bs,
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                         const Matrix& inverse_eet,
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                         const double* buffer,
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                         const BufferLayoutType& buffer_layout,
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                         BlockRandomAccessMatrix* lhs);
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  void EBlockRowOuterProduct(const BlockSparseMatrix* A,
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                             int row_block_index,
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                             BlockRandomAccessMatrix* lhs);
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  void NoEBlockRowsUpdate(const BlockSparseMatrix* A,
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                             const double* b,
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                             int row_block_counter,
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                             BlockRandomAccessMatrix* lhs,
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                             double* rhs);
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  void NoEBlockRowOuterProduct(const BlockSparseMatrix* A,
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                               int row_block_index,
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                               BlockRandomAccessMatrix* lhs);
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  int num_threads_;
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  int num_eliminate_blocks_;
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  bool assume_full_rank_ete_;
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  // Block layout of the columns of the reduced linear system. Since
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  // the f blocks can be of varying size, this vector stores the
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  // position of each f block in the row/col of the reduced linear
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  // system. Thus lhs_row_layout_[i] is the row/col position of the
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  // i^th f block.
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  std::vector<int> lhs_row_layout_;
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  // Combinatorial structure of the chunks in A. For more information
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  // see the documentation of the Chunk object above.
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  std::vector<Chunk> chunks_;
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  // TODO(sameeragarwal): The following two arrays contain per-thread
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  // storage. They should be refactored into a per thread struct.
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  // Buffer to store the products of the y and z blocks generated
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  // during the elimination phase. buffer_ is of size num_threads *
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  // buffer_size_. Each thread accesses the chunk
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  //   [thread_id * buffer_size_ , (thread_id + 1) * buffer_size_]
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  scoped_array<double> buffer_;
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  // Buffer to store per thread matrix matrix products used by
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  // ChunkOuterProduct. Like buffer_ it is of size num_threads *
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  // buffer_size_. Each thread accesses the chunk
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  //   [thread_id * buffer_size_ , (thread_id + 1) * buffer_size_ -1]
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  scoped_array<double> chunk_outer_product_buffer_;
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  int buffer_size_;
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  int uneliminated_row_begins_;
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  // Locks for the blocks in the right hand side of the reduced linear
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  // system.
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  std::vector<Mutex*> rhs_locks_;
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}  // namespace internal
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}  // namespace ceres
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