Blame include/ceres/problem.h

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// Ceres Solver - A fast non-linear least squares minimizer
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// Copyright 2015 Google Inc. All rights reserved.
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// Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
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// modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:
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// * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice,
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//   this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
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// * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice,
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//   this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation
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//   and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
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// * Neither the name of Google Inc. nor the names of its contributors may be
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//   used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without
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//   specific prior written permission.
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// Author: (Sameer Agarwal)
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// (Keir Mierle)
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// The Problem object is used to build and hold least squares problems.
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#include <cstddef>
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#include <map>
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#include <set>
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#include <vector>
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#include "glog/logging.h"
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#include "ceres/internal/macros.h"
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#include "ceres/internal/port.h"
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#include "ceres/internal/scoped_ptr.h"
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#include "ceres/types.h"
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#include "ceres/internal/disable_warnings.h"
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namespace ceres {
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class CostFunction;
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class LossFunction;
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class LocalParameterization;
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class Solver;
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struct CRSMatrix;
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namespace internal {
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class Preprocessor;
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class ProblemImpl;
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class ParameterBlock;
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class ResidualBlock;
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}  // namespace internal
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// A ResidualBlockId is an opaque handle clients can use to remove residual
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// blocks from a Problem after adding them.
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typedef internal::ResidualBlock* ResidualBlockId;
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// A class to represent non-linear least squares problems. Such
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// problems have a cost function that is a sum of error terms (known
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// as "residuals"), where each residual is a function of some subset
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// of the parameters. The cost function takes the form
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//    N    1
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//   SUM  --- loss( || r_i1, r_i2,..., r_ik ||^2  ),
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//   i=1   2
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// where
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//   r_ij     is residual number i, component j; the residual is a
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//            function of some subset of the parameters x1...xk. For
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//            example, in a structure from motion problem a residual
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//            might be the difference between a measured point in an
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//            image and the reprojected position for the matching
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//            camera, point pair. The residual would have two
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//            components, error in x and error in y.
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//   loss(y)  is the loss function; for example, squared error or
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//            Huber L1 loss. If loss(y) = y, then the cost function is
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//            non-robustified least squares.
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// This class is specifically designed to address the important subset
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// of "sparse" least squares problems, where each component of the
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// residual depends only on a small number number of parameters, even
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// though the total number of residuals and parameters may be very
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// large. This property affords tremendous gains in scale, allowing
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// efficient solving of large problems that are otherwise
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// inaccessible.
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// The canonical example of a sparse least squares problem is
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// "structure-from-motion" (SFM), where the parameters are points and
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// cameras, and residuals are reprojection errors. Typically a single
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// residual will depend only on 9 parameters (3 for the point, 6 for
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// the camera).
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// To create a least squares problem, use the AddResidualBlock() and
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// AddParameterBlock() methods, documented below. Here is an example least
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// squares problem containing 3 parameter blocks of sizes 3, 4 and 5
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// respectively and two residual terms of size 2 and 6:
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//   double x1[] = { 1.0, 2.0, 3.0 };
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//   double x2[] = { 1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 5.0 };
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//   double x3[] = { 1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 6.0, 7.0 };
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//   Problem problem;
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//   problem.AddResidualBlock(new MyUnaryCostFunction(...), x1);
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//   problem.AddResidualBlock(new MyBinaryCostFunction(...), x2, x3);
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// Please see cost_function.h for details of the CostFunction object.
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class CERES_EXPORT Problem {
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  struct CERES_EXPORT Options {
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        : cost_function_ownership(TAKE_OWNERSHIP),
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          disable_all_safety_checks(false) {}
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    // These flags control whether the Problem object owns the cost
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    // functions, loss functions, and parameterizations passed into
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    // the Problem. If set to TAKE_OWNERSHIP, then the problem object
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    // will delete the corresponding cost or loss functions on
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    // destruction. The destructor is careful to delete the pointers
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    // only once, since sharing cost/loss/parameterizations is
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    // allowed.
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    Ownership cost_function_ownership;
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    Ownership loss_function_ownership;
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    Ownership local_parameterization_ownership;
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    // If true, trades memory for faster RemoveResidualBlock() and
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    // RemoveParameterBlock() operations.
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    // By default, RemoveParameterBlock() and RemoveResidualBlock() take time
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    // proportional to the size of the entire problem.  If you only ever remove
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    // parameters or residuals from the problem occassionally, this might be
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    // acceptable.  However, if you have memory to spare, enable this option to
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    // make RemoveParameterBlock() take time proportional to the number of
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    // residual blocks that depend on it, and RemoveResidualBlock() take (on
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    // average) constant time.
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    // The increase in memory usage is twofold: an additonal hash set per
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    // parameter block containing all the residuals that depend on the parameter
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    // block; and a hash set in the problem containing all residuals.
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    bool enable_fast_removal;
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    // By default, Ceres performs a variety of safety checks when constructing
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    // the problem. There is a small but measurable performance penalty to
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    // these checks, typically around 5% of construction time. If you are sure
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    // your problem construction is correct, and 5% of the problem construction
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    // time is truly an overhead you want to avoid, then you can set
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    // disable_all_safety_checks to true.
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    // WARNING: Do not set this to true, unless you are absolutely sure of what
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    // you are doing.
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    bool disable_all_safety_checks;
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  // The default constructor is equivalent to the
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  // invocation Problem(Problem::Options()).
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  explicit Problem(const Options& options);
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  // Add a residual block to the overall cost function. The cost
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  // function carries with it information about the sizes of the
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  // parameter blocks it expects. The function checks that these match
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  // the sizes of the parameter blocks listed in parameter_blocks. The
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  // program aborts if a mismatch is detected. loss_function can be
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  // NULL, in which case the cost of the term is just the squared norm
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  // of the residuals.
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  // The user has the option of explicitly adding the parameter blocks
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  // using AddParameterBlock. This causes additional correctness
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  // checking; however, AddResidualBlock implicitly adds the parameter
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  // blocks if they are not present, so calling AddParameterBlock
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  // explicitly is not required.
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  // The Problem object by default takes ownership of the
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  // cost_function and loss_function pointers. These objects remain
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  // live for the life of the Problem object. If the user wishes to
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  // keep control over the destruction of these objects, then they can
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  // do this by setting the corresponding enums in the Options struct.
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  // Note: Even though the Problem takes ownership of cost_function
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  // and loss_function, it does not preclude the user from re-using
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  // them in another residual block. The destructor takes care to call
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  // delete on each cost_function or loss_function pointer only once,
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  // regardless of how many residual blocks refer to them.
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  // Example usage:
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  //   double x1[] = {1.0, 2.0, 3.0};
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  //   double x2[] = {1.0, 2.0, 5.0, 6.0};
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  //   double x3[] = {3.0, 6.0, 2.0, 5.0, 1.0};
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  //   Problem problem;
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  //   problem.AddResidualBlock(new MyUnaryCostFunction(...), NULL, x1);
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  //   problem.AddResidualBlock(new MyBinaryCostFunction(...), NULL, x2, x1);
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  ResidualBlockId AddResidualBlock(
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      CostFunction* cost_function,
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      LossFunction* loss_function,
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      const std::vector<double*>& parameter_blocks);
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  // Convenience methods for adding residuals with a small number of
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  // parameters. This is the common case. Instead of specifying the
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  // parameter block arguments as a vector, list them as pointers.
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  ResidualBlockId AddResidualBlock(CostFunction* cost_function,
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                                   LossFunction* loss_function,
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                                   double* x0);
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  ResidualBlockId AddResidualBlock(CostFunction* cost_function,
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                                   LossFunction* loss_function,
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                                   double* x0, double* x1);
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  ResidualBlockId AddResidualBlock(CostFunction* cost_function,
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                                   LossFunction* loss_function,
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                                   double* x0, double* x1, double* x2);
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  ResidualBlockId AddResidualBlock(CostFunction* cost_function,
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                                   LossFunction* loss_function,
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                                   double* x0, double* x1, double* x2,
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                                   double* x3);
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  ResidualBlockId AddResidualBlock(CostFunction* cost_function,
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                                   LossFunction* loss_function,
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                                   double* x0, double* x1, double* x2,
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                                   double* x3, double* x4);
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  ResidualBlockId AddResidualBlock(CostFunction* cost_function,
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                                   LossFunction* loss_function,
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                                   double* x0, double* x1, double* x2,
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                                   double* x3, double* x4, double* x5);
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  ResidualBlockId AddResidualBlock(CostFunction* cost_function,
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                                   LossFunction* loss_function,
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                                   double* x0, double* x1, double* x2,
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                                   double* x3, double* x4, double* x5,
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                                   double* x6);
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  ResidualBlockId AddResidualBlock(CostFunction* cost_function,
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                                   LossFunction* loss_function,
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                                   double* x0, double* x1, double* x2,
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                                   double* x3, double* x4, double* x5,
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                                   double* x6, double* x7);
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  ResidualBlockId AddResidualBlock(CostFunction* cost_function,
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                                   LossFunction* loss_function,
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                                   double* x0, double* x1, double* x2,
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                                   double* x3, double* x4, double* x5,
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                                   double* x6, double* x7, double* x8);
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  ResidualBlockId AddResidualBlock(CostFunction* cost_function,
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                                   LossFunction* loss_function,
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                                   double* x0, double* x1, double* x2,
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                                   double* x3, double* x4, double* x5,
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                                   double* x6, double* x7, double* x8,
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                                   double* x9);
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  // Add a parameter block with appropriate size to the problem.
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  // Repeated calls with the same arguments are ignored. Repeated
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  // calls with the same double pointer but a different size results
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  // in undefined behaviour.
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  void AddParameterBlock(double* values, int size);
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  // Add a parameter block with appropriate size and parameterization
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  // to the problem. Repeated calls with the same arguments are
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  // ignored. Repeated calls with the same double pointer but a
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  // different size results in undefined behaviour.
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  void AddParameterBlock(double* values,
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                         int size,
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                         LocalParameterization* local_parameterization);
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  // Remove a parameter block from the problem. The parameterization of the
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  // parameter block, if it exists, will persist until the deletion of the
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  // problem (similar to cost/loss functions in residual block removal). Any
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  // residual blocks that depend on the parameter are also removed, as
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  // described above in RemoveResidualBlock().
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  // If Problem::Options::enable_fast_removal is true, then the
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  // removal is fast (almost constant time). Otherwise, removing a parameter
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  // block will incur a scan of the entire Problem object.
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  // WARNING: Removing a residual or parameter block will destroy the implicit
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  // ordering, rendering the jacobian or residuals returned from the solver
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  // uninterpretable. If you depend on the evaluated jacobian, do not use
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  // remove! This may change in a future release.
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  void RemoveParameterBlock(double* values);
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  // Remove a residual block from the problem. Any parameters that the residual
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  // block depends on are not removed. The cost and loss functions for the
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  // residual block will not get deleted immediately; won't happen until the
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  // problem itself is deleted.
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  // WARNING: Removing a residual or parameter block will destroy the implicit
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  // ordering, rendering the jacobian or residuals returned from the solver
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  // uninterpretable. If you depend on the evaluated jacobian, do not use
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  // remove! This may change in a future release.
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  void RemoveResidualBlock(ResidualBlockId residual_block);
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  // Hold the indicated parameter block constant during optimization.
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  void SetParameterBlockConstant(double* values);
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  // Allow the indicated parameter block to vary during optimization.
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  void SetParameterBlockVariable(double* values);
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  // Returns true if a parameter block is set constant, and false otherwise.
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  bool IsParameterBlockConstant(double* values) const;
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  // Set the local parameterization for one of the parameter blocks.
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  // The local_parameterization is owned by the Problem by default. It
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  // is acceptable to set the same parameterization for multiple
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  // parameters; the destructor is careful to delete local
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  // parameterizations only once. The local parameterization can only
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  // be set once per parameter, and cannot be changed once set.
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  void SetParameterization(double* values,
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                           LocalParameterization* local_parameterization);
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  // Get the local parameterization object associated with this
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  // parameter block. If there is no parameterization object
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  // associated then NULL is returned.
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  const LocalParameterization* GetParameterization(double* values) const;
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  // Set the lower/upper bound for the parameter with position "index".
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  void SetParameterLowerBound(double* values, int index, double lower_bound);
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  void SetParameterUpperBound(double* values, int index, double upper_bound);
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  // Number of parameter blocks in the problem. Always equals
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  // parameter_blocks().size() and parameter_block_sizes().size().
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  int NumParameterBlocks() const;
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  // The size of the parameter vector obtained by summing over the
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  // sizes of all the parameter blocks.
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  int NumParameters() const;
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  // Number of residual blocks in the problem. Always equals
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  // residual_blocks().size().
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  int NumResidualBlocks() const;
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  // The size of the residual vector obtained by summing over the
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  // sizes of all of the residual blocks.
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  int NumResiduals() const;
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  // The size of the parameter block.
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  int ParameterBlockSize(const double* values) const;
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  // The size of local parameterization for the parameter block. If
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  // there is no local parameterization associated with this parameter
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  // block, then ParameterBlockLocalSize = ParameterBlockSize.
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  int ParameterBlockLocalSize(const double* values) const;
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  // Is the given parameter block present in this problem or not?
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  bool HasParameterBlock(const double* values) const;
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  // Fills the passed parameter_blocks vector with pointers to the
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  // parameter blocks currently in the problem. After this call,
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  // parameter_block.size() == NumParameterBlocks.
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  void GetParameterBlocks(std::vector<double*>* parameter_blocks) const;
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  // Fills the passed residual_blocks vector with pointers to the
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  // residual blocks currently in the problem. After this call,
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  // residual_blocks.size() == NumResidualBlocks.
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  void GetResidualBlocks(std::vector<ResidualBlockId>* residual_blocks) const;
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  // Get all the parameter blocks that depend on the given residual block.
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  void GetParameterBlocksForResidualBlock(
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      const ResidualBlockId residual_block,
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      std::vector<double*>* parameter_blocks) const;
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  // Get the CostFunction for the given residual block.
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  const CostFunction* GetCostFunctionForResidualBlock(
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      const ResidualBlockId residual_block) const;
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  // Get the LossFunction for the given residual block. Returns NULL
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  // if no loss function is associated with this residual block.
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  const LossFunction* GetLossFunctionForResidualBlock(
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      const ResidualBlockId residual_block) const;
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  // Get all the residual blocks that depend on the given parameter block.
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  // If Problem::Options::enable_fast_removal is true, then
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  // getting the residual blocks is fast and depends only on the number of
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  // residual blocks. Otherwise, getting the residual blocks for a parameter
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  // block will incur a scan of the entire Problem object.
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  void GetResidualBlocksForParameterBlock(
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      const double* values,
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      std::vector<ResidualBlockId>* residual_blocks) const;
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  // Options struct to control Problem::Evaluate.
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  struct EvaluateOptions {
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        : apply_loss_function(true),
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          num_threads(1) {
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    // The set of parameter blocks for which evaluation should be
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    // performed. This vector determines the order that parameter
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    // blocks occur in the gradient vector and in the columns of the
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    // jacobian matrix. If parameter_blocks is empty, then it is
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    // assumed to be equal to vector containing ALL the parameter
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    // blocks.  Generally speaking the parameter blocks will occur in
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    // the order in which they were added to the problem. But, this
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    // may change if the user removes any parameter blocks from the
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    // problem.
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    // NOTE: This vector should contain the same pointers as the ones
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    // used to add parameter blocks to the Problem. These parameter
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    // block should NOT point to new memory locations. Bad things will
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    // happen otherwise.
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    std::vector<double*> parameter_blocks;
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    // The set of residual blocks to evaluate. This vector determines
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    // the order in which the residuals occur, and how the rows of the
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    // jacobian are ordered. If residual_blocks is empty, then it is
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    // assumed to be equal to the vector containing ALL the residual
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    // blocks. Generally speaking the residual blocks will occur in
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    // the order in which they were added to the problem. But, this
Packit ea1746
    // may change if the user removes any residual blocks from the
Packit ea1746
    // problem.
Packit ea1746
    std::vector<ResidualBlockId> residual_blocks;
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    // Even though the residual blocks in the problem may contain loss
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    // functions, setting apply_loss_function to false will turn off
Packit ea1746
    // the application of the loss function to the output of the cost
Packit ea1746
    // function. This is of use for example if the user wishes to
Packit ea1746
    // analyse the solution quality by studying the distribution of
Packit ea1746
    // residuals before and after the solve.
Packit ea1746
    bool apply_loss_function;
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    int num_threads;
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  // Evaluate Problem. Any of the output pointers can be NULL. Which
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  // residual blocks and parameter blocks are used is controlled by
Packit ea1746
  // the EvaluateOptions struct above.
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  // Note 1: The evaluation will use the values stored in the memory
Packit ea1746
  // locations pointed to by the parameter block pointers used at the
Packit ea1746
  // time of the construction of the problem. i.e.,
Packit ea1746
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  //   Problem problem;
Packit ea1746
  //   double x = 1;
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  //   problem.AddResidualBlock(new MyCostFunction, NULL, &x);
Packit ea1746
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  //   double cost = 0.0;
Packit ea1746
  //   problem.Evaluate(Problem::EvaluateOptions(), &cost, NULL, NULL, NULL);
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  // The cost is evaluated at x = 1. If you wish to evaluate the
Packit ea1746
  // problem at x = 2, then
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Packit ea1746
  //    x = 2;
Packit ea1746
  //    problem.Evaluate(Problem::EvaluateOptions(), &cost, NULL, NULL, NULL);
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  // is the way to do so.
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  // Note 2: If no local parameterizations are used, then the size of
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  // the gradient vector (and the number of columns in the jacobian)
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  // is the sum of the sizes of all the parameter blocks. If a
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  // parameter block has a local parameterization, then it contributes
Packit ea1746
  // "LocalSize" entries to the gradient vector (and the number of
Packit ea1746
  // columns in the jacobian).
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  // Note 3: This function cannot be called while the problem is being
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  // solved, for example it cannot be called from an IterationCallback
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  // at the end of an iteration during a solve.
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  bool Evaluate(const EvaluateOptions& options,
Packit ea1746
                double* cost,
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                std::vector<double>* residuals,
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                std::vector<double>* gradient,
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                CRSMatrix* jacobian);
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  friend class Solver;
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  friend class Covariance;
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  internal::scoped_ptr<internal::ProblemImpl> problem_impl_;
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}  // namespace ceres
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#include "ceres/internal/reenable_warnings.h"
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