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.. _chapter-users:
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* At `Google <http://www.google.com>`_, Ceres is used to:
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* Estimate the pose of `Street View`_ cars, aircrafts, and satellites.
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* Build 3D models for `PhotoTours`_.
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* Estimate satellite image sensor characteristics.
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* Stitch `panoramas`_ on Android and iOS.
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* Apply `Lens Blur`_ on Android.
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* Solve `bundle adjustment`_ and `SLAM`_ problems in `Project
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* `Willow Garage`_ uses Ceres to solve `SLAM`_ problems.
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* `Southwest Research Institute <http://www.swri.org/>`_ uses Ceres for
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`calibrating robot-camera systems`_.
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* `Blender <http://www.blender.org>`_ uses Ceres for `planar
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tracking`_ and `bundle adjustment`_.
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* `OpenMVG <http://imagine.enpc.fr/~moulonp/openMVG/>`_ an open source
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multi-view geometry library uses Ceres for `bundle adjustment`_.
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* `Microsoft Research <http://research.microsoft.com/en-us/>`_ uses
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Ceres for nonlinear optimization of objectives involving subdivision
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surfaces under `skinned control meshes`_.
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* `Matterport <http://www.matterport.com>`_, uses Ceres for global
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alignment of 3D point clouds and for pose graph optimization.
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* `Obvious Engineering <http://obviousengine.com/>`_ uses Ceres for
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bundle adjustment for their 3D photography app `Seene
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* The `Autonomous Systems Lab <http://www.asl.ethz.ch/>`_ at ETH
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Zurich uses Ceres for
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* Camera and Camera/IMU Calibration.
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* Large scale optimization of visual, inertial, gps and
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wheel-odometry data for long term autonomy.
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* `OpenPTrack <http://openptrack.org/>`_ uses Ceres for camera
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* The `Intelligent Autonomous System Lab <http://robotics.dei.unipd.it/>`_
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at University of Padova, Italy, uses Ceres for
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* Camera/depth sensors network calibration.
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* Depth sensor distortion map estimation.
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* `Theia <http://cs.ucsb.edu/~cmsweeney/theia>`_ is an open source
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Structure from Motion library that uses Ceres for `bundle adjustment`_
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and camera pose estimation.
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* The `Applied Research Laboratory <https://www.arl.psu.edu/>`_ at
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Pennsylvania State University uses in their synthetic aperture Sonar
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beamforming engine, called ASASIN , for estimating platform
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* `Colmap <https://github.com/colmap/colmap>`_ is a an open source
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structure from motion library that makes heavy use of Ceres for
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bundle adjustment with support for many camera models and for other
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non-linear least-squares problems (relative, absolute pose
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refinement, etc.).
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.. _bundle adjustment: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Structure_from_motion
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.. _Street View: http://youtu.be/z00ORu4bU-A
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.. _PhotoTours: http://google-latlong.blogspot.com/2012/04/visit-global-landmarks-with-photo-tours.html
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.. _panoramas: http://www.google.com/maps/about/contribute/photosphere/
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.. _Project Tango: https://www.google.com/atap/projecttango/
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.. _planar tracking: http://mango.blender.org/development/planar-tracking-preview/
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.. _Willow Garage: https://www.willowgarage.com/blog/2013/08/09/enabling-robots-see-better-through-improved-camera-calibration
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.. _Lens Blur: http://googleresearch.blogspot.com/2014/04/lens-blur-in-new-google-camera-app.html
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.. _SLAM: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Simultaneous_localization_and_mapping
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.. _calibrating robot-camera systems:
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.. _skinned control meshes: http://research.microsoft.com/en-us/projects/handmodelingfrommonoculardepth/