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Ceres Solver
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Ceres Solver [#f1]_ is an open source C++ library for modeling and
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solving large, complicated optimization problems. It can be used to
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solve `Non-linear Least Squares`_ problems with bounds constraints and
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general unconstrained optimization problems. It is a mature, feature
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rich, and performant library that has been used in production at
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Google since 2010. For more, see :doc:`features`.
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<!forum/ceres-solver>`_ is
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the place for discussions and questions about Ceres Solver. We use the
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`GitHub Issue Tracker
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<>`_ to manage bug
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reports and feature requests.
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.. toctree::
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   :maxdepth: 1
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.. _Non-linear Least Squares:
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Cite Us
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If you use Ceres Solver for a publication, please cite it as::
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      author = "Sameer Agarwal and Keir Mierle and Others",
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      title = "Ceres Solver",
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      howpublished = "\url{}",
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.. rubric:: Footnotes
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.. [#f1] While there is some debate as to who invented the method of
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         Least Squares [Stigler]_, there is no questioning the fact
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         that it was `Carl Friedrich Gauss
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         who brought it to the attention of the world. Using just 22
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         observations of the newly discovered asteroid `Ceres
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         <>`_, Gauss
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         used the method of least squares to correctly predict when
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         and where the asteroid will emerge from behind the Sun
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         [TenenbaumDirector]_. We named our solver after Ceres to
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         celebrate this seminal event in the history of astronomy,
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         statistics and optimization.