Blame docs/html/_sources/analytical_derivatives.txt

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.. default-domain:: cpp
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.. cpp:namespace:: ceres
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.. _chapter-analytical_derivatives:
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Analytic Derivatives
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Consider the problem of fitting the following curve (`Rat43
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<>`_) to
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.. math::
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  y = \frac{b_1}{(1+e^{b_2-b_3x})^{1/b_4}}
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That is, given some data :math:`\{x_i, y_i\},\ \forall i=1,... ,n`,
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determine parameters :math:`b_1, b_2, b_3` and :math:`b_4` that best
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fit this data.
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Which can be stated as the problem of finding the
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values of :math:`b_1, b_2, b_3` and :math:`b_4` are the ones that
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minimize the following objective function [#f1]_:
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.. math::
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   E(b_1, b_2, b_3, b_4)
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   &= \sum_i f^2(b_1, b_2, b_3, b_4 ; x_i, y_i)\\
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   &= \sum_i \left(\frac{b_1}{(1+e^{b_2-b_3x_i})^{1/b_4}} - y_i\right)^2\\
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To solve this problem using Ceres Solver, we need to define a
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:class:`CostFunction` that computes the residual :math:`f` for a given
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:math:`x` and :math:`y` and its derivatives with respect to
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:math:`b_1, b_2, b_3` and :math:`b_4`.
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Using elementary differential calculus, we can see that:
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.. math::
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  D_1 f(b_1, b_2, b_3, b_4; x,y) &= \frac{1}{(1+e^{b_2-b_3x})^{1/b_4}}\\
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  D_2 f(b_1, b_2, b_3, b_4; x,y) &=
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  \frac{-b_1e^{b_2-b_3x}}{b_4(1+e^{b_2-b_3x})^{1/b_4 + 1}} \\
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  D_3 f(b_1, b_2, b_3, b_4; x,y) &=
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  \frac{b_1xe^{b_2-b_3x}}{b_4(1+e^{b_2-b_3x})^{1/b_4 + 1}} \\
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  D_4 f(b_1, b_2, b_3, b_4; x,y) & = \frac{b_1  \log\left(1+e^{b_2-b_3x}\right) }{b_4^2(1+e^{b_2-b_3x})^{1/b_4}}
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With these derivatives in hand, we can now implement the
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:class:`CostFunction` as:
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.. code-block:: c++
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  class Rat43Analytic : public SizedCostFunction<1,4> {
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       Rat43Analytic(const double x, const double y) : x_(x), y_(y) {}
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       virtual ~Rat43Analytic() {}
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       virtual bool Evaluate(double const* const* parameters,
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                             double* residuals,
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                             double** jacobians) const {
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         const double b1 = parameters[0][0];
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         const double b2 = parameters[0][1];
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         const double b3 = parameters[0][2];
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         const double b4 = parameters[0][3];
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         residuals[0] = b1 *  pow(1 + exp(b2 -  b3 * x_), -1.0 / b4) - y_;
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         if (!jacobians) return true;
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         double* jacobian = jacobians[0];
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         if (!jacobian) return true;
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         jacobian[0] = pow(1 + exp(b2 - b3 * x_), -1.0 / b4);
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         jacobian[1] = -b1 * exp(b2 - b3 * x_) *
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                       pow(1 + exp(b2 - b3 * x_), -1.0 / b4 - 1) / b4;
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         jacobian[2] = x_ * b1 * exp(b2 - b3 * x_) *
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                       pow(1 + exp(b2 - b3 * x_), -1.0 / b4 - 1) / b4;
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         jacobian[3] = b1 * log(1 + exp(b2 - b3 * x_)) *
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                       pow(1 + exp(b2 - b3 * x_), -1.0 / b4) / (b4 * b4);
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         return true;
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       const double x_;
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       const double y_;
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This is tedious code, hard to read and with a lot of
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redundancy. So in practice we will cache some sub-expressions to
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improve its efficiency, which would give us something like:
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.. code-block:: c++
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  class Rat43AnalyticOptimized : public SizedCostFunction<1,4> {
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       Rat43AnalyticOptimized(const double x, const double y) : x_(x), y_(y) {}
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       virtual ~Rat43AnalyticOptimized() {}
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       virtual bool Evaluate(double const* const* parameters,
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                             double* residuals,
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                             double** jacobians) const {
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         const double b1 = parameters[0][0];
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         const double b2 = parameters[0][1];
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         const double b3 = parameters[0][2];
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         const double b4 = parameters[0][3];
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         const double t1 = exp(b2 -  b3 * x_);
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         const double t2 = 1 + t1;
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         const double t3 = pow(t2, -1.0 / b4);
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         residuals[0] = b1 * t3 - y_;
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         if (!jacobians) return true;
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         double* jacobian = jacobians[0];
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         if (!jacobian) return true;
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         const double t4 = pow(t2, -1.0 / b4 - 1);
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         jacobian[0] = t3;
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         jacobian[1] = -b1 * t1 * t4 / b4;
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         jacobian[2] = -x_ * jacobian[1];
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         jacobian[3] = b1 * log(t2) * t3 / (b4 * b4);
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         return true;
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       const double x_;
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       const double y_;
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What is the difference in performance of these two implementations?
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==========================   =========
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CostFunction                 Time (ns)
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==========================   =========
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Rat43Analytic                      255
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Rat43AnalyticOptimized              92
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==========================   =========
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``Rat43AnalyticOptimized`` is :math:`2.8` times faster than
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``Rat43Analytic``.  This difference in run-time is not uncommon. To
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get the best performance out of analytically computed derivatives, one
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usually needs to optimize the code to account for common
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When should you use analytical derivatives?
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#. The expressions are simple, e.g. mostly linear.
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#. A computer algebra system like `Maple
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   <>`_ , `Mathematica
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   <>`_, or `SymPy
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   <>`_ can be used to symbolically
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   differentiate the objective function and generate the C++ to
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   evaluate them.
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#. Performance is of utmost concern and there is algebraic structure
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   in the terms that you can exploit to get better performance than
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   automatic differentiation.
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   That said, getting the best performance out of analytical
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   derivatives requires a non-trivial amount of work.  Before going
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   down this path, it is useful to measure the amount of time being
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   spent evaluating the Jacobian as a fraction of the total solve time
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   and remember `Amdahl's Law
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   <'s_law>`_ is your friend.
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#. There is no other way to compute the derivatives, e.g. you
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   wish to compute the derivative of the root of a polynomial:
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   .. math::
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     a_3(x,y)z^3 + a_2(x,y)z^2 + a_1(x,y)z + a_0(x,y) = 0
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   with respect to :math:`x` and :math:`y`. This requires the use of
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   the `Inverse Function Theorem
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#. You love the chain rule and actually enjoy doing all the algebra by
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.. rubric:: Footnotes
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.. [#f1] The notion of best fit depends on the choice of the objective
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         function used to measure the quality of fit, which in turn
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         depends on the underlying noise process which generated the
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         observations. Minimizing the sum of squared differences is
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         the right thing to do when the noise is `Gaussian
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         <>`_. In
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         that case the optimal value of the parameters is the `Maximum
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         Likelihood Estimate
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