#include "celt_types.h" #if !defined(_entcode_H) # define _entcode_H (1) # include # include "ecintrin.h" typedef celt_int32_t ec_int32; typedef celt_uint32_t ec_uint32; typedef celt_uint64_t ec_uint64; typedef struct ec_byte_buffer ec_byte_buffer; /*The number of bits to code at a time when coding bits directly.*/ # define EC_UNIT_BITS (8) /*The mask for the given bits.*/ # define EC_UNIT_MASK ((1U<ptr=_b->buf; } static inline long ec_byte_bytes(ec_byte_buffer *_b){ return _b->ptr-_b->buf; } static inline unsigned char *ec_byte_get_buffer(ec_byte_buffer *_b){ return _b->buf; } int ec_ilog(ec_uint32 _v); int ec_ilog64(ec_uint64 _v); #endif