Blame tests/

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// vim: ts=2 sw=2 et
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 * These tests are of limited usefulness.  In fact, you might even say that
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 * they're not really tests at all.  But I felt that it would be useful to have
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 * some basic usage of most functions just to verify that things compile and
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 * work generally
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#include <cfloat>
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#include <stdexcept>
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#include <boost/test/unit_test.hpp>
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#include <boost/test/test_tools.hpp>
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#include <boost/test/floating_point_comparison.hpp>
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using namespace boost::unit_test;
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#include <cairomm/fontface.h>
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#include <cairomm/scaledfont.h>
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#include <cairomm/surface.h>
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#include <cairomm/context.h>
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using namespace Cairo;
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// little utility helper classes
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struct TestSetup
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    surface = ImageSurface::create(Cairo::FORMAT_ARGB32, 100, 100);
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    cr = Cairo::Context::create(surface);
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  RefPtr<Context> cr;
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  RefPtr<Surface> surface;
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// a no-op-render user font base class
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class NullRenderUserFont : public UserFontFace
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    render_glyph(const RefPtr<ScaledFont>& /*scaled_font*/,
Packit 908522
                 unsigned long /*glyph*/,
Packit 908522
                 const RefPtr<Context>& /*cr*/,
Packit 908522
                 TextExtents& /*metrics*/)
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    { ++count_render_glyph; return CAIRO_STATUS_SUCCESS; }
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  int count_render_glyph;
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  NullRenderUserFont() : UserFontFace(), count_render_glyph(0) {}
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 * test_implement_text
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class ImplTextUserFont: public NullRenderUserFont
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  static RefPtr<ImplTextUserFont> create() { return RefPtr<ImplTextUserFont>(new ImplTextUserFont());};
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  ErrorStatus text_to_glyphs(const RefPtr<ScaledFont>& /*scaled_font*/,
Packit 908522
                                     const std::string& /*utf8*/,
Packit 908522
                                     std::vector<Glyph>& glyphs,
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                                     std::vector<TextCluster>& /*clusters*/,
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                                     TextClusterFlags& /*cluster_flags*/) override
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    // return an arbitrary glyph
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    Glyph g = {84, 0, 0};
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  int count_text_to_glyphs;
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  ImplTextUserFont() : count_text_to_glyphs(0) {}
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void test_implement_text()
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  TestSetup setup;
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  auto font = ImplTextUserFont::create();
Packit 908522>set_font_face(font);
Packit 908522>show_text("hello");
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  BOOST_REQUIRE(font->count_text_to_glyphs > 0);
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  BOOST_REQUIRE(font->count_render_glyph > 0);
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 * test_implement_unicode
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class ImplUnicodeUserFont: public NullRenderUserFont
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  static RefPtr<ImplUnicodeUserFont> create() { return RefPtr<ImplUnicodeUserFont>(new ImplUnicodeUserFont());};
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  ErrorStatus unicode_to_glyph(const RefPtr<ScaledFont>& /*scaled_font*/,
Packit 908522
                                       unsigned long /*unicode*/,
Packit 908522
                                       unsigned long& /*glyph*/) override
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  { ++count_unicode_to_glyph;  return CAIRO_STATUS_SUCCESS;}
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  int count_unicode_to_glyph;
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  ImplUnicodeUserFont() : NullRenderUserFont(), count_unicode_to_glyph(0) {}
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void test_implement_unicode()
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Packit 908522
  TestSetup setup;
Packit 908522
  auto font = ImplTextUserFont::create();
Packit 908522>set_font_face(font);
Packit 908522>show_text("hello");
Packit 908522
  BOOST_REQUIRE(font->count_text_to_glyphs > 0);
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  BOOST_REQUIRE(font->count_render_glyph > 0);
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 * test_implement_both
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Packit 908522
class ImplBothUserFont: public NullRenderUserFont
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  static RefPtr<ImplBothUserFont> create() { return RefPtr<ImplBothUserFont>(new ImplBothUserFont());};
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  ErrorStatus unicode_to_glyph(const RefPtr<ScaledFont>& /*scaled_font*/,
Packit 908522
                                       unsigned long /*unicode*/,
Packit 908522
                                       unsigned long& /*glyph*/) override
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  { ++count_unicode_to_glyph;  return CAIRO_STATUS_SUCCESS;}
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  int count_unicode_to_glyph;
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  ErrorStatus text_to_glyphs(const RefPtr<ScaledFont>& /*scaled_font*/,
Packit 908522
                                     const std::string& /*utf8*/,
Packit 908522
                                     std::vector<Glyph>& glyphs,
Packit 908522
                                     std::vector<TextCluster>& /*clusters*/,
Packit 908522
                                     TextClusterFlags& /*cluster_flags*/) override
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    // return an arbitrary glyph
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    Glyph g = {84, 0, 0};
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  int count_text_to_glyphs;
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Packit 908522
  ImplBothUserFont() : NullRenderUserFont(), count_unicode_to_glyph(0),
Packit 908522
  count_text_to_glyphs(0) {}
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void test_implement_both()
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  TestSetup setup;
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  auto font = ImplBothUserFont::create();
Packit 908522>set_font_face(font);
Packit 908522>show_text("hello");
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  // text_to_glyphs should take precedence
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  BOOST_REQUIRE(font->count_text_to_glyphs > 0);
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  BOOST_REQUIRE(font->count_unicode_to_glyph == 0);
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  BOOST_REQUIRE(font->count_render_glyph > 0);
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 * test_implement_neither
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Packit 908522
class ImplNeitherUserFont: public NullRenderUserFont
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  static RefPtr<ImplNeitherUserFont> create() { return RefPtr<ImplNeitherUserFont>(new ImplNeitherUserFont());};
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  ImplNeitherUserFont() : NullRenderUserFont() {}
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void test_implement_neither()
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Packit 908522
  TestSetup setup;
Packit 908522
  auto font = ImplNeitherUserFont::create();
Packit 908522>set_font_face(font);
Packit 908522>show_text("hello");
Packit 908522
  BOOST_REQUIRE(font->count_render_glyph > 0);
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 * test_implement_init
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class ImplInitUserFont: public NullRenderUserFont
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  static RefPtr<ImplInitUserFont> create() { return RefPtr<ImplInitUserFont>(new ImplInitUserFont());};
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  ErrorStatus init(const RefPtr<ScaledFont>& /*scaled_font*/,
Packit 908522
                           const RefPtr<Context>& /*cr*/,
Packit 908522
                           FontExtents& /*extents*/) override
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  {++count_init; return CAIRO_STATUS_SUCCESS;}
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Packit 908522
  int count_init;
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  ImplInitUserFont() : NullRenderUserFont(), count_init(0) {}
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void test_implement_init()
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Packit 908522
  TestSetup setup;
Packit 908522
  auto font = ImplInitUserFont::create();
Packit 908522>set_font_face(font);
Packit 908522>show_text("hello");
Packit 908522
  BOOST_REQUIRE(font->count_init > 0);
Packit 908522
  BOOST_REQUIRE(font->count_render_glyph > 0);
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class ExceptionUserFont : public UserFontFace
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  static RefPtr<ExceptionUserFont> create(int flags) { return RefPtr<ExceptionUserFont>(new ExceptionUserFont(flags));};
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Packit 908522
  render_glyph(const RefPtr<ScaledFont>& /*scaled_font*/,
Packit 908522
               unsigned long /*glyph*/,
Packit 908522
               const RefPtr<Context>& /*cr*/,
Packit 908522
               TextExtents& /*metrics*/)
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Packit 908522
Packit 908522
    if (m_flags & FLAG_RENDER)
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      throw std::logic_error("render-glyph exception");
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  unicode_to_glyph(const RefPtr<ScaledFont>& /*scaled_font*/,
Packit 908522
                                       unsigned long unicode,
Packit 908522
                                       unsigned long& glyph)
Packit 908522
Packit 908522
Packit 908522
    if (m_flags & FLAG_UNICODE)
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      throw std::logic_error("unicode-to-glyph exception");
Packit 908522
Packit 908522
    glyph = unicode;
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Packit 908522
  init(const RefPtr<ScaledFont>& /*scaled_font*/,
Packit 908522
                         const RefPtr<Context>& /*cr*/,
Packit 908522
                         FontExtents& /*extents*/) override
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Packit 908522
    if (m_flags & FLAG_INIT)
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      throw std::logic_error("init exception");
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  int count_render_glyph;
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  int count_text_to_glyphs;
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  int count_unicode_to_glyph;
Packit 908522
  int count_init;
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  int m_flags;
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  static const int FLAG_INIT = 1 << 0;
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  static const int FLAG_UNICODE = 1 << 1;
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  static const int FLAG_RENDER = 1 << 2;
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Packit 908522
  ExceptionUserFont(int flags) : UserFontFace(), count_render_glyph(0),
Packit 908522
  count_text_to_glyphs(0), count_unicode_to_glyph(0), count_init(0),
Packit 908522
  m_flags(flags) {}
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void test_user_font_exception()
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Packit 908522
  auto font =
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  // the init() callback will throw an exception, if this isn't handled in the
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  // callback wrapper, the program will abort since an exception can't unwind
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  // through C code.  However, due to the exception being thrown, the create()
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  // function will fail and throw a new exception.  So if the executable doesn't
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  // abort, we should get an exception here.
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  Cairo::RefPtr<Cairo::ScaledFont> scaled_font;
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  BOOST_CHECK_THROW (scaled_font = Cairo::ScaledFont::create(font,
Packit 908522
                                                             Cairo::scaling_matrix(10, 10),
Packit 908522
Packit 908522
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Packit 908522
  BOOST_CHECK (font->count_init > 0);
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  // now test when an exception is thrown in unicode_to_glyph
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  font = ExceptionUserFont::create(ExceptionUserFont::FLAG_UNICODE);
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  BOOST_CHECK_NO_THROW (scaled_font = Cairo::ScaledFont::create(font,
Packit 908522
                                                                Cairo::scaling_matrix(10, 10),
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  TestSetup setup;
Packit 908522>set_font_face(font);
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  // this call should throw an exception since the callback wrapper will return
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  // an error status (that will be translated into an exception) but the test
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  // shouldn't abort since the callback exceptions are handled by the callback
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  // wrapper
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  BOOST_CHECK_THROW(>show_text("Hello, world"), Cairo::logic_error);
Packit 908522
  BOOST_CHECK(font->count_unicode_to_glyph > 0);
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  BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(font->count_render_glyph, 0);
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  // now test when an exception is thrown in render_glyph
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  font = ExceptionUserFont::create(ExceptionUserFont::FLAG_RENDER);
Packit 908522
  BOOST_CHECK_NO_THROW (scaled_font = Cairo::ScaledFont::create(font,
Packit 908522
                                                                Cairo::scaling_matrix(10, 10),
Packit 908522
Packit 908522
Packit 908522
  // need a new setup since the old cr is now in an error state, so attemtping
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  // to use it will throw an exception
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  TestSetup setup2;
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Packit 908522
Packit 908522
  BOOST_CHECK_THROW(>show_text("Hello, world"), Cairo::logic_error);
Packit 908522
  BOOST_CHECK (font->count_unicode_to_glyph > 0);
Packit 908522
  BOOST_CHECK (font->count_render_glyph > 0);
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init_unit_test_suite(int argc, char* argv[])
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  // compile even with -Werror
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  if (argc && argv) {}
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Packit 908522
  test_suite* test= BOOST_TEST_SUITE( "Cairo::UserFontFace Tests" );
Packit 908522
Packit 908522
  test->add (BOOST_TEST_CASE (&test_implement_text));
Packit 908522
  test->add (BOOST_TEST_CASE (&test_implement_unicode));
Packit 908522
  test->add (BOOST_TEST_CASE (&test_implement_both));
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  test->add (BOOST_TEST_CASE (&test_implement_neither));
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  test->add (BOOST_TEST_CASE (&test_implement_init));
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  test->add (BOOST_TEST_CASE (&test_user_font_exception));
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Packit 908522
  return test;
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