Blame cairomm/scaledfont.h

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/* Copyright (C) 2006 The cairomm Development Team
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 * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
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 * modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public
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 * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
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 * version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
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 * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
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 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
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 * Library General Public License for more details.
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 * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public
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 * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
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 * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA
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 * 02110-1301, USA.
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#include <cairomm/refptr.h>
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#include <cairomm/fontoptions.h>
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#include <cairomm/fontface.h>
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#include <cairomm/matrix.h>
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#include <cairomm/types.h>
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#include <vector>
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#include <cairo-ft.h>
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namespace Cairo
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/** A ScaledFont is a font scaled to a particular size and device resolution. It
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 * is most useful for low-level font usage where a library or application wants
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 * to cache a reference to a scaled font to speed up the computation of metrics.
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class ScaledFont
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  /** The underlying C cairo object type */
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  typedef cairo_scaled_font_t cobject;
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  /** Provides acces to the underlying C cairo object */
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  inline cobject* cobj() { return m_cobject; }
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  /** Provides acces to the underlying C cairo object */
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  inline const cobject* cobj() const { return m_cobject; }
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  // For use only by the cairomm implementation.
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  inline ErrorStatus get_status() const
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  { return cairo_scaled_font_status(const_cast<cairo_scaled_font_t*>(cobj())); }
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  // for RefPtr
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  void reference() const { cairo_scaled_font_reference(m_cobject); }
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  void unreference() const { cairo_scaled_font_destroy(m_cobject); }
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  /** Create a C++ wrapper object from the C instance.  This C++ object should
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   * then be given to a RefPtr.
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  explicit ScaledFont(cobject* cobj, bool has_reference = false);
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  ScaledFont(const ScaledFont&) = delete;
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  ScaledFont& operator=(const ScaledFont&) = delete;
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  virtual ~ScaledFont();
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  /** Creates a ScaledFont object from a font face and matrices that describe
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   * the size of the font and the environment in which it will be used.
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   * @param font_face A font face.
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   * @param font_matrix font space to user space transformation matrix for the
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   * font. In the simplest case of a N point font, this matrix is just a scale
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   * by N, but it can also be used to shear the font or stretch it unequally
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   * along the two axes. See Context::set_font_matrix().
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   * @param ctm user to device transformation matrix with which the font will be
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   * used.
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   * @param options options to use when getting metrics for the font and
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   * rendering with it.
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  static RefPtr<ScaledFont> create(const RefPtr<FontFace>& font_face, const Matrix& font_matrix,
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      const Matrix& ctm, const FontOptions& options = FontOptions());
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  /* To keep 1.6.x ABI  */
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  static RefPtr<ScaledFont> create(const RefPtr<FontFace>& font_face, const cairo_matrix_t& font_matrix,
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      const cairo_matrix_t& ctm, const FontOptions& options = FontOptions());
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  // NOTE: the constructor doesn't take a RefPtr<const FontFace> because the
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  // FontFace object can be changed in this constructor (in the case of user
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  // fonts, the FontFace becomes immutable, i.e. you can't call any set_*_func()
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  // functions any longer)
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  //We use an output paramter instead of the return value,
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  //for consistency with other get_*extents() methods in other classes,
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  //though they should probably all use the return value instead.
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  //but it is too late to change that now. murrayc:
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  /** Gets the metrics for a ScaledFont
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   * @since 1.8
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   * */
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  void get_extents(FontExtents& extents) const;
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  /** @deprecated Use get_extents() instead
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   * @since 1.2
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   * */
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  void extents(FontExtents& extents) const;
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  /** Gets the extents for a string of text. The extents describe a user-space
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   * rectangle that encloses the "inked" portion of the text drawn at the origin
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   * (0,0) (as it would be drawn by Context::show_text() if the cairo graphics
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   * state were set to the same font_face, font_matrix, ctm, and font_options as
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   * the ScaledFont object).  Additionally, the x_advance and y_advance values
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   * indicate the amount by which the current point would be advanced by
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   * Context::show_text().
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   * Note that whitespace characters do not directly contribute to the size of
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   * the rectangle (extents.width and extents.height). They do contribute
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   * indirectly by changing the position of non-whitespace characters. In
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   * particular, trailing whitespace characters are likely to not affect the
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   * size of the rectangle, though they will affect the x_advance and y_advance
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   * values.
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   * @param utf8  a string of text, encoded in UTF-8.
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   * @param extents Returns the extents of the given string.
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   * @since 1.8
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  void get_text_extents(const std::string& utf8, TextExtents& extents) const;
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  /** @deprecated Use get_text_extents() instead
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   * @since 1.2
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   * */
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  void text_extents(const std::string& utf8, TextExtents& extents) const;
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  /** Gets the extents for an array of glyphs. The extents describe a user-space
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   * rectangle that encloses the "inked" portion of the glyphs, (as they would
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   * be drawn by Context::show_glyphs() if the cairo graphics state were set to the
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   * same font_face, font_matrix, ctm, and font_options as the ScaledFont
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   * object).  Additionally, the x_advance and y_advance values indicate the
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   * amount by which the current point would be advanced by Context::show_glyphs().
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   * Note that whitespace glyphs do not contribute to the size of the rectangle
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   * (extents.width and extents.height).
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   * @param glyphs A vector of glyphs to calculate the extents of.
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   * @param extents Returns the extents for the array of glyphs.
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   * @since 1.8
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  void get_glyph_extents(const std::vector<Glyph>& glyphs, TextExtents& extents);
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  /** @deprecated Use get_glyph_extents() instead
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   * @since 1.2
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   * */
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  void glyph_extents(const std::vector<Glyph>& glyphs, TextExtents& extents);
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  /** The FontFace with which this ScaledFont was created.
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   * @since 1.2
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  RefPtr<FontFace> get_font_face() const;
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  /** Gets the FontOptions with which the ScaledFont was created.
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   * @since 1.2
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  void get_font_options(FontOptions& options) const;
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  /** Gets the font matrix with which the ScaledFont was created.
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   * @since 1.2
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  void get_font_matrix(Matrix& font_matrix) const;
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  /* To keep 1.6.x ABI  */
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  void get_font_matrix(cairo_matrix_t& font_matrix) const;
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  /** Gets the CTM with which the ScaledFont was created.
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   * @since 1.2
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  void get_ctm(Matrix& ctm) const;
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  /* To keep 1.6.x ABI  */
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  void get_ctm(cairo_matrix_t& ctm) const;
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  /** Gets the type of scaled Font
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   * @since 1.2
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  FontType get_type() const;
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  // FIXME: it'd be really nice not to assume a specific container (e.g.
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  // std::vector) here
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   * @param x X position to place first glyph.
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   * @param y Y position to place first glyph.
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   * @param utf8 a string of text encoded in UTF-8.
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   * @param glyphs pointer to array of glyphs to fill.
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   * @param clusters pointer to array of cluster mapping information to fill.
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   * @cluster_flags cluster mapping flags
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   * Converts UTF-8 text to an array of glyphs, with cluster mapping, that can be
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   * used to render later.
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   * For details of how (@a clusters and @a cluster_flags map input
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   * UTF-8 text to the output glyphs see Context::show_text_glyphs().
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   * The output values can be readily passed to Context::show_text_glyphs()
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   * Context::show_glyphs(), or related functions, assuming that the exact
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   * same scaled font is used for the operation.
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   * @since 1.8
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  void text_to_glyphs(double x,
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                      double y,
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                      const std::string& utf8,
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                      std::vector<Glyph>& glyphs,
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                      std::vector<TextCluster>& clusters,
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                      TextClusterFlags& cluster_flags);
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  /** Stores the scale matrix of this scaled font into matrix. The scale matrix
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   * is product of the font matrix and the ctm associated with the scaled font,
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   * and hence is the matrix mapping from font space to device space.
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   * @param scale_matrix return value for the matrix.
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   * @since 1.8
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  void get_scale_matrix(Matrix& scale_matrix) const;
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  /* Cairo::Matrix parameters changed to cairo_matrix_t */
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  ScaledFont(const RefPtr<FontFace>& font_face, const cairo_matrix_t& font_matrix,
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             const cairo_matrix_t& ctm, const FontOptions& options = FontOptions());
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  /** The underlying C cairo object that is wrapped by this ScaledFont */
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  cobject* m_cobject;
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//TODO: Documentation.
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 * @since 1.8
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class FtScaledFont : public ScaledFont
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  /** Creates a ScaledFont From a FtFontFace.
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   * @since 1.8
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  static RefPtr<FtScaledFont> create(const RefPtr<FtFontFace>& font_face, const Matrix& font_matrix,
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      const Matrix& ctm, const FontOptions& options = FontOptions());
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  /** Gets the FT_Face object from a FreeType backend font and scales it
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   * appropriately for the font. You must release the face with
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   * unlock_face() when you are done using it. Since the FT_Face object can be
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   * shared between multiple ScaledFont objects, you must not lock any other
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   * font objects until you unlock this one. A count is kept of the number of
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   * times lock_face() is called.  unlock_face() must be called the same number
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   * of times.
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   * You must be careful when using this function in a library or in a threaded
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   * application, because freetype's design makes it unsafe to call freetype
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   * functions simultaneously from multiple threads, (even if using distinct
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   * FT_Face objects). Because of this, application code that acquires an
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   * FT_Face object with this call must add it's own locking to protect any use
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   * of that object, (and which also must protect any other calls into cairo as
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   * almost any cairo function might result in a call into the freetype
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   * library).
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   * @return The FT_Face object for font, scaled appropriately, or NULL if
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   * scaled_font is in an error state or there is insufficient memory.
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   * @since 1.8
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  FT_Face lock_face();
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  /** Releases a face obtained with lock_face().
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   * @since 1.8
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  void unlock_face();
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  FtScaledFont(const RefPtr<FtFontFace>& font_face, const Matrix& font_matrix,
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      const Matrix& ctm, const FontOptions& options = FontOptions());
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