Blame libs/random/test/chi_squared_test.hpp

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/* chi_squared_test.hpp header file
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 * Copyright Steven Watanabe 2010
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 * Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0. (See
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 * accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at
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 * $Id$
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#include <vector>
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#include <boost/math/special_functions/pow.hpp>
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#include <boost/math/distributions/chi_squared.hpp>
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// This only works for discrete distributions with fixed
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// upper and lower bounds.
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template<class IntType>
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struct chi_squared_collector {
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    static const IntType cutoff = 5;
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      : chi_squared(0),
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    void operator()(IntType actual, double expected) {
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        current_actual += actual;
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        current_expected += expected;
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        if(current_expected >= cutoff) {
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            if(prev_expected != 0) {
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                update(prev_actual, prev_expected);
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            prev_actual = current_actual;
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            prev_expected = current_expected;
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            current_actual = 0;
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            current_expected = 0;
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    void update(IntType actual, double expected) {
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        chi_squared += boost::math::pow<2>(actual - expected) / expected;
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    double cdf() {
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        if(prev_expected != 0) {
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            update(prev_actual + current_actual, prev_expected + current_expected);
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            prev_actual = 0;
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            prev_expected = 0;
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            current_actual = 0;
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            current_expected = 0;
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        if(variables <= 1) {
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            return 0;
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        } else {
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            return boost::math::cdf(boost::math::chi_squared(static_cast<double>(variables - 1)), chi_squared);
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    double chi_squared;
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    std::size_t variables;
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    IntType prev_actual;
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    double prev_expected;
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    IntType current_actual;
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    double current_expected;
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template<class IntType>
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double chi_squared_test(const std::vector<IntType>& results, const std::vector<double>& probabilities, IntType iterations) {
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    chi_squared_collector<IntType> calc;
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    for(std::size_t i = 0; i < results.size(); ++i) {
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        calc(results[i], iterations * probabilities[i]);
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    return calc.cdf();
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