/* * * BlueZ - Bluetooth protocol stack for Linux * * Copyright (C) 2004-2011 Marcel Holtmann * * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA * */ #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H #include #endif #include #include #include "lib/bluetooth.h" #include "lib/sdp.h" #include "lib/sdp_lib.h" #include "btio/btio.h" #include "log.h" #include "sdp-client.h" /* Number of seconds to keep a sdp_session_t in the cache */ #define CACHE_TIMEOUT 2 struct cached_sdp_session { bdaddr_t src; bdaddr_t dst; sdp_session_t *session; guint timer; guint io_id; }; static GSList *cached_sdp_sessions = NULL; static void cleanup_cached_session(struct cached_sdp_session *cached) { cached_sdp_sessions = g_slist_remove(cached_sdp_sessions, cached); sdp_close(cached->session); g_free(cached); } static gboolean cached_session_expired(gpointer user_data) { struct cached_sdp_session *cached = user_data; g_source_remove(cached->io_id); cleanup_cached_session(cached); return FALSE; } static sdp_session_t *get_cached_sdp_session(const bdaddr_t *src, const bdaddr_t *dst) { GSList *l; for (l = cached_sdp_sessions; l != NULL; l = l->next) { struct cached_sdp_session *c = l->data; sdp_session_t *session; if (bacmp(&c->src, src) || bacmp(&c->dst, dst)) continue; g_source_remove(c->timer); g_source_remove(c->io_id); session = c->session; cached_sdp_sessions = g_slist_remove(cached_sdp_sessions, c); g_free(c); return session; } return NULL; } static gboolean disconnect_watch(GIOChannel *chan, GIOCondition cond, gpointer user_data) { struct cached_sdp_session *cached = user_data; g_source_remove(cached->timer); cleanup_cached_session(cached); return FALSE; } static void cache_sdp_session(bdaddr_t *src, bdaddr_t *dst, sdp_session_t *session) { struct cached_sdp_session *cached; int sk; GIOChannel *chan; cached = g_new0(struct cached_sdp_session, 1); bacpy(&cached->src, src); bacpy(&cached->dst, dst); cached->session = session; cached_sdp_sessions = g_slist_append(cached_sdp_sessions, cached); cached->timer = g_timeout_add_seconds(CACHE_TIMEOUT, cached_session_expired, cached); /* Watch the connection state during cache timeout */ sk = sdp_get_socket(session); chan = g_io_channel_unix_new(sk); cached->io_id = g_io_add_watch(chan, G_IO_HUP | G_IO_ERR | G_IO_NVAL, disconnect_watch, cached); g_io_channel_unref(chan); } struct search_context { bdaddr_t src; bdaddr_t dst; sdp_session_t *session; bt_callback_t cb; bt_destroy_t destroy; gpointer user_data; uuid_t uuid; guint io_id; }; static GSList *context_list = NULL; static void search_context_cleanup(struct search_context *ctxt) { context_list = g_slist_remove(context_list, ctxt); if (ctxt->destroy) ctxt->destroy(ctxt->user_data); g_free(ctxt); } static void search_completed_cb(uint8_t type, uint16_t status, uint8_t *rsp, size_t size, void *user_data) { struct search_context *ctxt = user_data; sdp_list_t *recs = NULL; int scanned, seqlen = 0, bytesleft = size; uint8_t dataType; int err = 0; if (status || type != SDP_SVC_SEARCH_ATTR_RSP) { err = -EPROTO; goto done; } scanned = sdp_extract_seqtype(rsp, bytesleft, &dataType, &seqlen); if (!scanned || !seqlen) goto done; rsp += scanned; bytesleft -= scanned; do { sdp_record_t *rec; int recsize; recsize = 0; rec = sdp_extract_pdu(rsp, bytesleft, &recsize); if (!rec) break; if (!recsize) { sdp_record_free(rec); break; } scanned += recsize; rsp += recsize; bytesleft -= recsize; recs = sdp_list_append(recs, rec); } while (scanned < (ssize_t) size && bytesleft > 0); done: cache_sdp_session(&ctxt->src, &ctxt->dst, ctxt->session); if (ctxt->cb) ctxt->cb(recs, err, ctxt->user_data); if (recs) sdp_list_free(recs, (sdp_free_func_t) sdp_record_free); search_context_cleanup(ctxt); } static gboolean search_process_cb(GIOChannel *chan, GIOCondition cond, gpointer user_data) { struct search_context *ctxt = user_data; if (cond & (G_IO_ERR | G_IO_HUP | G_IO_NVAL)) { sdp_close(ctxt->session); ctxt->session = NULL; if (ctxt->cb) ctxt->cb(NULL, -EIO, ctxt->user_data); search_context_cleanup(ctxt); return FALSE; } /* If sdp_process fails it calls search_completed_cb */ if (sdp_process(ctxt->session) < 0) return FALSE; return TRUE; } static gboolean connect_watch(GIOChannel *chan, GIOCondition cond, gpointer user_data) { struct search_context *ctxt = user_data; sdp_list_t *search, *attrids; uint32_t range = 0x0000ffff; socklen_t len; int sk, err, sk_err = 0; sk = g_io_channel_unix_get_fd(chan); ctxt->io_id = 0; len = sizeof(sk_err); if (getsockopt(sk, SOL_SOCKET, SO_ERROR, &sk_err, &len) < 0) err = -errno; else err = -sk_err; if (err != 0) goto failed; if (sdp_set_notify(ctxt->session, search_completed_cb, ctxt) < 0) { err = -EIO; goto failed; } search = sdp_list_append(NULL, &ctxt->uuid); attrids = sdp_list_append(NULL, &range); if (sdp_service_search_attr_async(ctxt->session, search, SDP_ATTR_REQ_RANGE, attrids) < 0) { sdp_list_free(attrids, NULL); sdp_list_free(search, NULL); err = -EIO; goto failed; } sdp_list_free(attrids, NULL); sdp_list_free(search, NULL); /* Set callback responsible for update the internal SDP transaction */ ctxt->io_id = g_io_add_watch(chan, G_IO_IN | G_IO_HUP | G_IO_ERR | G_IO_NVAL, search_process_cb, ctxt); return FALSE; failed: sdp_close(ctxt->session); ctxt->session = NULL; if (ctxt->cb) ctxt->cb(NULL, err, ctxt->user_data); search_context_cleanup(ctxt); return FALSE; } static int create_search_context(struct search_context **ctxt, const bdaddr_t *src, const bdaddr_t *dst, uuid_t *uuid, uint16_t flags) { sdp_session_t *s; GIOChannel *chan; uint32_t prio = 1; int sk; if (!ctxt) return -EINVAL; s = get_cached_sdp_session(src, dst); if (!s) s = sdp_connect(src, dst, SDP_NON_BLOCKING | flags); if (!s) return -errno; *ctxt = g_try_malloc0(sizeof(struct search_context)); if (!*ctxt) { sdp_close(s); return -ENOMEM; } bacpy(&(*ctxt)->src, src); bacpy(&(*ctxt)->dst, dst); (*ctxt)->session = s; (*ctxt)->uuid = *uuid; sk = sdp_get_socket(s); /* Set low priority for the SDP connection not to interfere with * other potential traffic. */ if (setsockopt(sk, SOL_SOCKET, SO_PRIORITY, &prio, sizeof(prio)) < 0) warn("Setting SDP priority failed: %s (%d)", strerror(errno), errno); chan = g_io_channel_unix_new(sk); (*ctxt)->io_id = g_io_add_watch(chan, G_IO_OUT | G_IO_HUP | G_IO_ERR | G_IO_NVAL, connect_watch, *ctxt); g_io_channel_unref(chan); return 0; } int bt_search_service(const bdaddr_t *src, const bdaddr_t *dst, uuid_t *uuid, bt_callback_t cb, void *user_data, bt_destroy_t destroy, uint16_t flags) { struct search_context *ctxt = NULL; int err; if (!cb) return -EINVAL; err = create_search_context(&ctxt, src, dst, uuid, flags); if (err < 0) return err; ctxt->cb = cb; ctxt->destroy = destroy; ctxt->user_data = user_data; context_list = g_slist_append(context_list, ctxt); return 0; } static int find_by_bdaddr(gconstpointer data, gconstpointer user_data) { const struct search_context *ctxt = data, *search = user_data; int ret; ret = bacmp(&ctxt->src, &search->src); if (ret != 0) return ret; return bacmp(&ctxt->dst, &search->dst); } int bt_cancel_discovery(const bdaddr_t *src, const bdaddr_t *dst) { struct search_context match, *ctxt; GSList *l; memset(&match, 0, sizeof(match)); bacpy(&match.src, src); bacpy(&match.dst, dst); /* Ongoing SDP Discovery */ l = g_slist_find_custom(context_list, &match, find_by_bdaddr); if (l == NULL) return -ENOENT; ctxt = l->data; if (!ctxt->session) return -ENOTCONN; if (ctxt->io_id) g_source_remove(ctxt->io_id); if (ctxt->session) sdp_close(ctxt->session); search_context_cleanup(ctxt); return 0; } void bt_clear_cached_session(const bdaddr_t *src, const bdaddr_t *dst) { sdp_session_t *session; session = get_cached_sdp_session(src, dst); if (session) sdp_close(session); }