/* * Copyright (C) Internet Systems Consortium, Inc. ("ISC") * * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, you can obtain one at https://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. * * See the COPYRIGHT file distributed with this work for additional * information regarding copyright ownership. */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include /* * struct FILETIME uses "100-nanoseconds intervals". * NS / S = 1000000000 (10^9). * While it is reasonably obvious that this makes the needed * conversion factor 10^7, it is coded this way for additional clarity. */ #define NS_PER_S 1000000000 #define NS_INTERVAL 100 #define INTERVALS_PER_S (NS_PER_S / NS_INTERVAL) /*** *** Absolute Times ***/ static const isc_time_t epoch = { { 0, 0 } }; LIBISC_EXTERNAL_DATA const isc_time_t * const isc_time_epoch = &epoch; /*** *** Intervals ***/ static const isc_interval_t zero_interval = { 0 }; LIBISC_EXTERNAL_DATA const isc_interval_t * const isc_interval_zero = &zero_interval; void isc_interval_set(isc_interval_t *i, unsigned int seconds, unsigned int nanoseconds) { REQUIRE(i != NULL); REQUIRE(nanoseconds < NS_PER_S); /* * This rounds nanoseconds up not down. */ i->interval = (LONGLONG)seconds * INTERVALS_PER_S + (nanoseconds + NS_INTERVAL - 1) / NS_INTERVAL; } bool isc_interval_iszero(const isc_interval_t *i) { REQUIRE(i != NULL); if (i->interval == 0) return (true); return (false); } void isc_time_set(isc_time_t *t, unsigned int seconds, unsigned int nanoseconds) { SYSTEMTIME epoch1970 = { 1970, 1, 4, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0 }; FILETIME temp; ULARGE_INTEGER i1; REQUIRE(t != NULL); REQUIRE(nanoseconds < NS_PER_S); SystemTimeToFileTime(&epoch1970, &temp); i1.LowPart = temp.dwLowDateTime; i1.HighPart = temp.dwHighDateTime; /* cppcheck-suppress unreadVariable */ i1.QuadPart += (unsigned __int64)nanoseconds/100; /* cppcheck-suppress unreadVariable */ i1.QuadPart += (unsigned __int64)seconds*10000000; t->absolute.dwLowDateTime = i1.LowPart; t->absolute.dwHighDateTime = i1.HighPart; } void isc_time_settoepoch(isc_time_t *t) { REQUIRE(t != NULL); t->absolute.dwLowDateTime = 0; t->absolute.dwHighDateTime = 0; } bool isc_time_isepoch(const isc_time_t *t) { REQUIRE(t != NULL); if (t->absolute.dwLowDateTime == 0 && t->absolute.dwHighDateTime == 0) return (true); return (false); } isc_result_t isc_time_now(isc_time_t *t) { REQUIRE(t != NULL); GetSystemTimeAsFileTime(&t->absolute); return (ISC_R_SUCCESS); } isc_result_t isc_time_nowplusinterval(isc_time_t *t, const isc_interval_t *i) { ULARGE_INTEGER i1; REQUIRE(t != NULL); REQUIRE(i != NULL); GetSystemTimeAsFileTime(&t->absolute); i1.LowPart = t->absolute.dwLowDateTime; i1.HighPart = t->absolute.dwHighDateTime; if (UINT64_MAX - i1.QuadPart < (unsigned __int64)i->interval) return (ISC_R_RANGE); /* cppcheck-suppress unreadVariable */ i1.QuadPart += i->interval; t->absolute.dwLowDateTime = i1.LowPart; t->absolute.dwHighDateTime = i1.HighPart; return (ISC_R_SUCCESS); } int isc_time_compare(const isc_time_t *t1, const isc_time_t *t2) { REQUIRE(t1 != NULL && t2 != NULL); return ((int)CompareFileTime(&t1->absolute, &t2->absolute)); } isc_result_t isc_time_add(const isc_time_t *t, const isc_interval_t *i, isc_time_t *result) { ULARGE_INTEGER i1; REQUIRE(t != NULL && i != NULL && result != NULL); i1.LowPart = t->absolute.dwLowDateTime; i1.HighPart = t->absolute.dwHighDateTime; if (UINT64_MAX - i1.QuadPart < (unsigned __int64)i->interval) return (ISC_R_RANGE); /* cppcheck-suppress unreadVariable */ i1.QuadPart += i->interval; result->absolute.dwLowDateTime = i1.LowPart; result->absolute.dwHighDateTime = i1.HighPart; return (ISC_R_SUCCESS); } isc_result_t isc_time_subtract(const isc_time_t *t, const isc_interval_t *i, isc_time_t *result) { ULARGE_INTEGER i1; REQUIRE(t != NULL && i != NULL && result != NULL); i1.LowPart = t->absolute.dwLowDateTime; i1.HighPart = t->absolute.dwHighDateTime; if (i1.QuadPart < (unsigned __int64) i->interval) return (ISC_R_RANGE); /* cppcheck-suppress unreadVariable */ i1.QuadPart -= i->interval; result->absolute.dwLowDateTime = i1.LowPart; result->absolute.dwHighDateTime = i1.HighPart; return (ISC_R_SUCCESS); } uint64_t isc_time_microdiff(const isc_time_t *t1, const isc_time_t *t2) { ULARGE_INTEGER i1, i2; LONGLONG i3; REQUIRE(t1 != NULL && t2 != NULL); /* cppcheck-suppress unreadVariable */ i1.LowPart = t1->absolute.dwLowDateTime; /* cppcheck-suppress unreadVariable */ i1.HighPart = t1->absolute.dwHighDateTime; /* cppcheck-suppress unreadVariable */ i2.LowPart = t2->absolute.dwLowDateTime; /* cppcheck-suppress unreadVariable */ i2.HighPart = t2->absolute.dwHighDateTime; if (i1.QuadPart <= i2.QuadPart) return (0); /* * Convert to microseconds. */ i3 = (i1.QuadPart - i2.QuadPart) / 10; return (i3); } uint32_t isc_time_seconds(const isc_time_t *t) { SYSTEMTIME epoch1970 = { 1970, 1, 4, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0 }; FILETIME temp; ULARGE_INTEGER i1, i2; LONGLONG i3; SystemTimeToFileTime(&epoch1970, &temp); /* cppcheck-suppress unreadVariable */ i1.LowPart = t->absolute.dwLowDateTime; /* cppcheck-suppress unreadVariable */ i1.HighPart = t->absolute.dwHighDateTime; /* cppcheck-suppress unreadVariable */ i2.LowPart = temp.dwLowDateTime; /* cppcheck-suppress unreadVariable */ i2.HighPart = temp.dwHighDateTime; i3 = (i1.QuadPart - i2.QuadPart) / 10000000; return ((uint32_t)i3); } isc_result_t isc_time_secondsastimet(const isc_time_t *t, time_t *secondsp) { time_t seconds; REQUIRE(t != NULL); seconds = (time_t)isc_time_seconds(t); INSIST(sizeof(unsigned int) == sizeof(uint32_t)); INSIST(sizeof(time_t) >= sizeof(uint32_t)); if (isc_time_seconds(t) > (~0U>>1) && seconds <= (time_t)(~0U>>1)) return (ISC_R_RANGE); *secondsp = seconds; return (ISC_R_SUCCESS); } uint32_t isc_time_nanoseconds(const isc_time_t *t) { ULARGE_INTEGER i; i.LowPart = t->absolute.dwLowDateTime; i.HighPart = t->absolute.dwHighDateTime; return ((uint32_t)(i.QuadPart % 10000000) * 100); } void isc_time_formattimestamp(const isc_time_t *t, char *buf, unsigned int len) { FILETIME localft; SYSTEMTIME st; char DateBuf[50]; char TimeBuf[50]; REQUIRE(t != NULL); REQUIRE(buf != NULL); REQUIRE(len > 0); if (FileTimeToLocalFileTime(&t->absolute, &localft) && FileTimeToSystemTime(&localft, &st)) { GetDateFormat(LOCALE_USER_DEFAULT, 0, &st, "dd-MMM-yyyy", DateBuf, 50); GetTimeFormat(LOCALE_USER_DEFAULT, TIME_NOTIMEMARKER| TIME_FORCE24HOURFORMAT, &st, NULL, TimeBuf, 50); snprintf(buf, len, "%s %s.%03u", DateBuf, TimeBuf, st.wMilliseconds); } else { strlcpy(buf, "99-Bad-9999 99:99:99.999", len); } } void isc_time_formathttptimestamp(const isc_time_t *t, char *buf, unsigned int len) { SYSTEMTIME st; char DateBuf[50]; char TimeBuf[50]; /* strftime() format: "%a, %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S GMT" */ REQUIRE(t != NULL); REQUIRE(buf != NULL); REQUIRE(len > 0); if (FileTimeToSystemTime(&t->absolute, &st)) { GetDateFormat(LOCALE_USER_DEFAULT, 0, &st, "ddd',' dd MMM yyyy", DateBuf, 50); GetTimeFormat(LOCALE_USER_DEFAULT, TIME_NOTIMEMARKER | TIME_FORCE24HOURFORMAT, &st, "hh':'mm':'ss", TimeBuf, 50); snprintf(buf, len, "%s %s GMT", DateBuf, TimeBuf); } else { buf[0] = 0; } } isc_result_t isc_time_parsehttptimestamp(char *buf, isc_time_t *t) { struct tm t_tm; time_t when; char *p; REQUIRE(buf != NULL); REQUIRE(t != NULL); p = isc_tm_strptime(buf, "%a, %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S", &t_tm); if (p == NULL) return (ISC_R_UNEXPECTED); when = isc_tm_timegm(&t_tm); if (when == -1) return (ISC_R_UNEXPECTED); isc_time_set(t, (unsigned int)when, 0); return (ISC_R_SUCCESS); } void isc_time_formatISO8601(const isc_time_t *t, char *buf, unsigned int len) { SYSTEMTIME st; char DateBuf[50]; char TimeBuf[50]; /* strtime() format: "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ" */ REQUIRE(t != NULL); REQUIRE(buf != NULL); REQUIRE(len > 0); if (FileTimeToSystemTime(&t->absolute, &st)) { GetDateFormat(LOCALE_NEUTRAL, 0, &st, "yyyy-MM-dd", DateBuf, 50); GetTimeFormat(LOCALE_NEUTRAL, TIME_NOTIMEMARKER | TIME_FORCE24HOURFORMAT, &st, "hh':'mm':'ss", TimeBuf, 50); snprintf(buf, len, "%sT%sZ", DateBuf, TimeBuf); } else { buf[0] = 0; } } void isc_time_formatISO8601ms(const isc_time_t *t, char *buf, unsigned int len) { SYSTEMTIME st; char DateBuf[50]; char TimeBuf[50]; /* strtime() format: "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.SSSZ" */ REQUIRE(t != NULL); REQUIRE(buf != NULL); REQUIRE(len > 0); if (FileTimeToSystemTime(&t->absolute, &st)) { GetDateFormat(LOCALE_NEUTRAL, 0, &st, "yyyy-MM-dd", DateBuf, 50); GetTimeFormat(LOCALE_NEUTRAL, TIME_NOTIMEMARKER | TIME_FORCE24HOURFORMAT, &st, "hh':'mm':'ss", TimeBuf, 50); snprintf(buf, len, "%sT%s.%03uZ", DateBuf, TimeBuf, st.wMilliseconds); } else { buf[0] = 0; } }