This is dnsperf, a collection of DNS server performance testing tools.
For more information, see the dnsperf(1) and resperf(1) man pages.

To configure, compile, and install these programs, follow these steps.

1. Make sure that BIND 9 (9.4.0 or greater) is installed, including libraries
   and header files, and that the program distributed with BIND
   is in your path.
   Note: many versions of bind do not correctly install the <isc/hmacsha.h>
   header file, so if the compilation fails, obtain this file from the BIND
   source distribution, and install it in the appropriate place.

2. Run "sh configure" to configure the software.  Most standard configure
   options are supported.

3. Run "make" to build dnsperf and resperf

4. Run "make install" to install dnsperf and resperf.

Additional software is available in the contrib/ directory.