
Packit 5ce601
Packit 5ce601
# Copyright (C) Internet Systems Consortium, Inc. ("ISC")
Packit 5ce601
Packit 5ce601
# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
Packit 5ce601
# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
Packit Service 704ed8
# file, you can obtain one at
Packit 5ce601
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# See the COPYRIGHT file distributed with this work for additional
Packit 5ce601
# information regarding copyright ownership.
Packit 5ce601
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import re
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# Helper functions and variables
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Packit 5ce601
def added_lines(target_branch, paths):
Packit 5ce601
    import subprocess
Packit 5ce601
    subprocess.check_output(['/usr/bin/git', 'fetch', '--depth', '1', 'origin',
Packit 5ce601
Packit 5ce601
    diff = subprocess.check_output(['/usr/bin/git', 'diff', 'FETCH_HEAD..',
Packit 5ce601
                                    '--'] + paths)
Packit 5ce601
    added_lines = []
Packit 5ce601
    for line in diff.splitlines():
Packit 5ce601
        if line.startswith(b'+') and not line.startswith(b'+++'):
Packit 5ce601
Packit 5ce601
    return added_lines
Packit 5ce601
Packit 5ce601
issue_or_mr_id_regex = re.compile(br'\[(GL [#!]|RT #)[0-9]+\]')
Packit 5ce601
release_notes_regex = re.compile(r'doc/(arm|notes)/notes-.*\.(rst|xml)')
Packit 5ce601
Packit 5ce601
modified_files = danger.git.modified_files
Packit 5ce601
mr_labels =
Packit 5ce601
target_branch =
Packit 5ce601
Packit 5ce601
Packit 5ce601
Packit 5ce601
Packit 5ce601
Packit 5ce601
# - FAIL if any of the following is true for any commit on the MR branch:
Packit 5ce601
Packit 5ce601
#     * The subject line starts with "fixup!" or "Apply suggestion".
Packit 5ce601
Packit 5ce601
#     * There is no empty line between the subject line and the log message.
Packit 5ce601
Packit 5ce601
# - WARN if any of the following is true for any commit on the MR branch:
Packit 5ce601
Packit 5ce601
#     * The length of the subject line exceeds 72 characters.
Packit 5ce601
Packit 5ce601
#     * There is no log message present (i.e. commit only has a subject) and the
Packit 5ce601
#       subject line does not contain any of the following strings: "fixup! ",
Packit 5ce601
#       " CHANGES ", " release note".
Packit 5ce601
Packit 5ce601
#     * Any line of the log message is longer than 72 characters.  This rule is
Packit 5ce601
#       not evaluated for lines starting with four spaces, which allows long
Packit 5ce601
#       lines to be included in the commit log message by prefixing them with
Packit 5ce601
#       four spaces (useful for pasting compiler warnings, static analyzer
Packit 5ce601
#       messages, log lines, etc.)
Packit 5ce601
Packit 5ce601
for commit in danger.git.commits:
Packit 5ce601
    message_lines = commit.message.splitlines()
Packit 5ce601
    subject = message_lines[0]
Packit 5ce601
    if subject.startswith('fixup!') or subject.startswith('Apply suggestion'):
Packit 5ce601
        fail('Fixup commits are still present in this merge request. '
Packit 5ce601
             'Please squash them before merging.')
Packit 5ce601
    if len(subject) > 72:
Packit 5ce601
Packit 5ce601
            f'Subject line for commit {commit.sha} is too long: '
Packit 5ce601
            f'```{subject}``` ({len(subject)} > 72 characters).'
Packit 5ce601
Packit 5ce601
    if len(message_lines) > 1 and message_lines[1]:
Packit 5ce601
        fail(f'No empty line after subject for commit {commit.sha}.')
Packit 5ce601
    if (len(message_lines) < 3 and
Packit 5ce601
            'fixup! ' not in subject and
Packit 5ce601
            ' CHANGES ' not in subject and
Packit 5ce601
            ' release note' not in subject):
Packit 5ce601
        warn(f'Please write a log message for commit {commit.sha}.')
Packit 5ce601
    for line in message_lines[2:]:
Packit 5ce601
        if len(line) > 72 and not line.startswith('    '):
Packit 5ce601
Packit 5ce601
                f'Line too long in log message for commit {commit.sha}: '
Packit 5ce601
                f'```{line}``` ({len(line)} > 72 characters).'
Packit 5ce601
Packit 5ce601
Packit 5ce601
Packit 5ce601
Packit 5ce601
Packit 5ce601
Packit 5ce601
# FAIL if the merge request is not assigned to any milestone.
Packit 5ce601
Packit 5ce601
if not
Packit 5ce601
    fail('Please assign this merge request to a milestone.')
Packit 5ce601
Packit 5ce601
Packit 5ce601
Packit 5ce601
Packit 5ce601
Packit 5ce601
# FAIL if any of the following is true for the merge request:
Packit 5ce601
Packit 5ce601
# * The "Backport" label is set and the number of version labels set is
Packit 5ce601
#   different than 1.  (For backports, the version label is used for indicating
Packit 5ce601
#   its target branch.  This is a rather ugly attempt to address a UI
Packit 5ce601
#   deficiency - the target branch for each MR is not visible on milestone
Packit 5ce601
#   dashboards.)
Packit 5ce601
Packit 5ce601
# * Neither the "Backport" label nor any version label is set.  (If the merge
Packit 5ce601
#   request is not a backport, version labels are used for indicating
Packit 5ce601
#   backporting preferences.)
Packit 5ce601
Packit 5ce601
backport_label_set = 'Backport' in mr_labels
Packit 5ce601
version_labels = [l for l in mr_labels if l.startswith('v9.')]
Packit 5ce601
if backport_label_set and len(version_labels) != 1:
Packit 5ce601
    fail('The *Backport* label is set for this merge request. '
Packit 5ce601
         'Please also set exactly one version label (*v9.x*).')
Packit 5ce601
if not backport_label_set and not version_labels:
Packit 5ce601
    fail('If this merge request is a backport, set the *Backport* label and '
Packit 5ce601
         'a single version label (*v9.x*) indicating the target branch. '
Packit 5ce601
         'If not, set version labels for all targeted backport branches.')
Packit 5ce601
Packit 5ce601
Packit 5ce601
Packit 5ce601
Packit 5ce601
Packit 5ce601
# WARN if any of the following is true for the merge request:
Packit 5ce601
Packit 5ce601
# * The "Review" label is not set.  (It may be intentional, but rarely is.)
Packit 5ce601
Packit 5ce601
# * The "Review" label is set, but the "LGTM" label is not set.  (This aims to
Packit 5ce601
#   remind developers about the need to set the latter on merge requests which
Packit 5ce601
#   passed review.)
Packit 5ce601
Packit 5ce601
if 'Review' not in mr_labels:
Packit 5ce601
    warn('This merge request does not have the *Review* label set. '
Packit 5ce601
         'Please set it if you would like the merge request to be reviewed.')
Packit 5ce601
elif 'LGTM (Merge OK)' not in mr_labels:
Packit 5ce601
    warn('This merge request is currently in review. '
Packit 5ce601
         'It should not be merged until it is marked with the *LGTM* label.')
Packit 5ce601
Packit 5ce601
Packit 5ce601
Packit 5ce601
Packit 5ce601
Packit 5ce601
# FAIL if any of the following is true:
Packit 5ce601
Packit 5ce601
# * The merge request does not update the CHANGES file, but it does not have
Packit 5ce601
#   the "No CHANGES" label set.  (This attempts to ensure that the author of
Packit 5ce601
#   the MR did not forget about adding a CHANGES entry.)
Packit 5ce601
Packit 5ce601
# * The merge request updates the CHANGES file, but it has the "No CHANGES"
Packit 5ce601
#   label set.  (This attempts to ensure the the "No CHANGES" label is used in
Packit 5ce601
#   a sane way.)
Packit 5ce601
Packit 5ce601
# * The merge request adds a new CHANGES entry that does not contain any
Packit 5ce601
#   GitLab/RT issue/MR identifiers.
Packit 5ce601
Packit 5ce601
changes_modified = 'CHANGES' in modified_files
Packit 5ce601
no_changes_label_set = 'No CHANGES' in mr_labels
Packit 5ce601
if not changes_modified and not no_changes_label_set:
Packit 5ce601
    fail('This merge request does not modify `CHANGES`. '
Packit 5ce601
         'Add a `CHANGES` entry or set the *No CHANGES* label.')
Packit 5ce601
if changes_modified and no_changes_label_set:
Packit 5ce601
    fail('This merge request modifies `CHANGES`. '
Packit 5ce601
         'Revert `CHANGES` modifications or unset the *No Changes* label.')
Packit 5ce601
Packit 5ce601
changes_added_lines = added_lines(target_branch, ['CHANGES'])
Packit 5ce601
identifiers_found = filter(, changes_added_lines)
Packit 5ce601
if changes_added_lines and not any(identifiers_found):
Packit 5ce601
    fail('No valid issue/MR identifiers found in added `CHANGES` entries.')
Packit 5ce601
Packit 5ce601
Packit 5ce601
Packit 5ce601
Packit 5ce601
Packit 5ce601
# - FAIL if any of the following is true:
Packit 5ce601
Packit 5ce601
#     * The merge request does not update release notes and has the "Release
Packit 5ce601
#       Notes" label set.  (This attempts to point out missing release notes.)
Packit 5ce601
Packit 5ce601
#     * The merge request updates release notes but does not have the "Release
Packit 5ce601
#       Notes" label set.  (This ensures that merge requests updating release
Packit 5ce601
#       notes can be easily found using the "Release Notes" label.)
Packit 5ce601
Packit 5ce601
# - WARN if this merge request updates release notes, but no GitLab/RT issue/MR
Packit 5ce601
#   identifiers are found in the lines added to the release notes by this MR.
Packit 5ce601
Packit 5ce601
release_notes_regex = re.compile(r'doc/(arm|notes)/notes-.*\.(rst|xml)')
Packit 5ce601
release_notes_changed = list(filter(release_notes_regex.match, modified_files))
Packit 5ce601
release_notes_label_set = 'Release Notes' in mr_labels
Packit 5ce601
if not release_notes_changed and release_notes_label_set:
Packit 5ce601
    fail('This merge request has the *Release Notes* label set. '
Packit 5ce601
         'Add a release note or unset the *Release Notes* label.')
Packit 5ce601
if release_notes_changed and not release_notes_label_set:
Packit 5ce601
    fail('This merge request modifies release notes. '
Packit 5ce601
         'Revert release note modifications or set the *Release Notes* label.')
Packit 5ce601
Packit 5ce601
if release_notes_changed:
Packit 5ce601
    notes_added_lines = added_lines(target_branch, release_notes_changed)
Packit 5ce601
    identifiers_found = filter(, notes_added_lines)
Packit 5ce601
    if notes_added_lines and not any(identifiers_found):
Packit 5ce601
        warn('No valid issue/MR identifiers found in added release notes.')