Packit 5ce601
Packit 5ce601
Packit 5ce601
Functional enhancements from prior major releases of BIND 9
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Packit 5ce601
BIND 9.10.0
Packit 5ce601
Packit 5ce601
BIND 9.10.0 includes a number of changes from BIND 9.9 and earlier
Packit 5ce601
releases. New features include:
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Packit 5ce601
  * DNS Response-rate limiting (DNS RRL), which blunts the impact of
Packit 5ce601
    reflection and amplification attacks, is always compiled in and no
Packit 5ce601
    longer requires a compile-time option to enable it.
Packit 5ce601
  * An experimental "Source Identity Token" (SIT) EDNS option is now
Packit 5ce601
    available. Similar to DNS Cookies as invented by Donald Eastlake 3rd,
Packit 5ce601
    these are designed to enable clients to detect off-path spoofed
Packit 5ce601
    responses, and to enable servers to detect spoofed-source queries.
Packit 5ce601
    Servers can be configured to send smaller responses to clients that
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    have not identified themselves using a SIT option, reducing the
Packit 5ce601
    effectiveness of amplification attacks. RRL processing has also been
Packit 5ce601
    updated; clients proven to be legitimate via SIT are not subject to
Packit 5ce601
    rate limiting. Use "configure --enable-sit" to enable this feature in
Packit 5ce601
Packit 5ce601
  * A new zone file format, "map", stores zone data in a format that can
Packit 5ce601
    be mapped directly into memory, allowing significantly faster zone
Packit 5ce601
Packit 5ce601
  * "delv" (domain entity lookup and validation) is a new tool with
Packit 5ce601
    dig-like semantics for looking up DNS data and performing internal
Packit 5ce601
    DNSSEC validation. This allows easy validation in environments where
Packit 5ce601
    the resolver may not be trustworthy, and assists with troubleshooting
Packit 5ce601
    of DNSSEC problems. (NOTE: In previous development releases of BIND
Packit 5ce601
    9.10, this utility was called "delve". The spelling has been changed
Packit 5ce601
    to avoid confusion with the "delve" utility included with the Xapian
Packit 5ce601
    search engine.)
Packit 5ce601
  * Improved EDNS(0) processing for better resolver performance and
Packit 5ce601
    reliability over slow or lossy connections.
Packit 5ce601
  * A new "configure --with-tuning=large" option tunes certain compiled-in
Packit 5ce601
    constants and default settings to values better suited to large
Packit 5ce601
    servers with abundant memory. This can improve performance on such
Packit 5ce601
    servers, but will consume more memory and may degrade performance on
Packit 5ce601
    smaller systems.
Packit 5ce601
  * Substantial improvement in response-policy zone (RPZ) performance. Up
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    to 32 response-policy zones can be configured with minimal performance
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Packit 5ce601
  * To improve recursive resolver performance, cache records which are
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    still being requested by clients can now be automatically refreshed
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    from the authoritative server before they expire, reducing or
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    eliminating the time window in which no answer is available in the
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Packit 5ce601
  * New "rpz-client-ip" triggers and drop policies allowing response
Packit 5ce601
    policies based on the IP address of the client.
Packit 5ce601
  * ACLs can now be specified based on geographic location using the
Packit 5ce601
    MaxMind GeoIP databases. Use "configure --with-geoip" to enable.
Packit 5ce601
  * Zone data can now be shared between views, allowing multiple views to
Packit 5ce601
    serve the same zones authoritatively without storing multiple copies
Packit 5ce601
    in memory.
Packit 5ce601
  * New XML schema (version 3) for the statistics channel includes many
Packit 5ce601
    new statistics and uses a flattened XML tree for faster parsing. The
Packit 5ce601
    older schema is now deprecated.
Packit 5ce601
  * A new stylesheet, based on the Google Charts API, displays XML
Packit 5ce601
    statistics in charts and graphs on javascript-enabled browsers.
Packit 5ce601
  * The statistics channel can now provide data in JSON format as well as
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Packit 5ce601
  * New stats counters track TCP and UDP queries received per zone, and
Packit 5ce601
    EDNS options received in total.
Packit 5ce601
  * The internal and export versions of the BIND libraries (libisc,
Packit 5ce601
    libdns, etc) have been unified so that external library clients can
Packit 5ce601
    use the same libraries as BIND itself.
Packit 5ce601
  * A new compile-time option, "configure --enable-native-pkcs11", allows
Packit 5ce601
    BIND 9 cryptography functions to use the PKCS#11 API natively, so that
Packit 5ce601
    BIND can drive a cryptographic hardware service module (HSM) directly
Packit 5ce601
    instead of using a modified OpenSSL as an intermediary. (Note: This
Packit 5ce601
    feature requires an HSM to have a full implementation of the PKCS#11
Packit 5ce601
    API; many current HSMs only have partial implementations. The new
Packit 5ce601
    "pkcs11-tokens" command can be used to check API completeness. Native
Packit 5ce601
    PKCS#11 is known to work with the Thales nShield HSM and with SoftHSM
Packit 5ce601
    version 2 from the Open DNSSEC project.)
Packit 5ce601
  * The new "max-zone-ttl" option enforces maximum TTLs for zones. This
Packit 5ce601
    can simplify the process of rolling DNSSEC keys by guaranteeing that
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    cached signatures will have expired within the specified amount of
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Packit 5ce601
  * "dig +subnet" sends an EDNS CLIENT-SUBNET option when querying.
Packit 5ce601
  * "dig +expire" sends an EDNS EXPIRE option when querying. When this
Packit 5ce601
    option is sent with an SOA query to a server that supports it, it will
Packit 5ce601
    report the expiry time of a slave zone.
Packit 5ce601
  * New "dnssec-coverage" tool to check DNSSEC key coverage for a zone and
Packit 5ce601
    report if a lapse in signing coverage has been inadvertently
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Packit 5ce601
  * Signing algorithm flexibility and other improvements for the "rndc"
Packit 5ce601
    control channel.
Packit 5ce601
  * "named-checkzone" and "named-compilezone" can now read journal files,
Packit 5ce601
    allowing them to process dynamic zones.
Packit 5ce601
  * Multiple DLZ databases can now be configured. Individual zones can be
Packit 5ce601
    configured to be served from a specific DLZ database. DLZ databases
Packit 5ce601
    now serve zones of type "master" and "redirect".
Packit 5ce601
  * "rndc zonestatus" reports information about a specified zone.
Packit 5ce601
  * "named" now listens on IPv6 as well as IPv4 interfaces by default.
Packit 5ce601
  * "named" now preserves the capitalization of names when responding to
Packit 5ce601
    queries: for instance, a query for "" may be answered with
Packit 5ce601
    "example.COM" if the name was configured that way in the zone file.
Packit 5ce601
    Some clients have a bug causing them to depend on the older behavior,
Packit 5ce601
    in which the case of the answer always matched the case of the query,
Packit 5ce601
    rather than the case of the name configured in the DNS. Such clients
Packit 5ce601
    can now be specified in the new "no-case-compress" ACL; this will
Packit 5ce601
    restore the older behavior of "named" for those clients only.
Packit 5ce601
  * new "dnssec-importkey" command allows the use of offline DNSSEC keys
Packit 5ce601
    with automatic DNSKEY management.
Packit 5ce601
  * New "named-rrchecker" tool to verify the syntactic correctness of
Packit 5ce601
    individual resource records.
Packit 5ce601
  * When re-signing a zone, the new "dnssec-signzone -Q" option drops
Packit 5ce601
    signatures from keys that are still published but are no longer
Packit 5ce601
Packit 5ce601
  * "named-checkconf -px" will print the contents of configuration files
Packit 5ce601
    with the shared secrets obscured, making it easier to share
Packit 5ce601
    configuration (e.g. when submitting a bug report) without revealing
Packit 5ce601
    private information.
Packit 5ce601
  * "rndc scan" causes named to re-scan network interfaces for changes in
Packit 5ce601
    local addresses.
Packit 5ce601
  * On operating systems with support for routing sockets, network
Packit 5ce601
    interfaces are re-scanned automatically whenever they change.
Packit 5ce601
  * "tsig-keygen" is now available as an alternate command name to use for
Packit 5ce601
Packit 5ce601
Packit 5ce601
BIND 9.9.0
Packit 5ce601
Packit 5ce601
BIND 9.9.0 includes a number of changes from BIND 9.8 and earlier
Packit 5ce601
releases. New features include:
Packit 5ce601
Packit 5ce601
  * Inline signing, allowing automatic DNSSEC signing of master zones
Packit 5ce601
    without modification of the zonefile, or "bump in the wire" signing in
Packit 5ce601
Packit 5ce601
  * NXDOMAIN redirection.
Packit 5ce601
  * New 'rndc flushtree' command clears all data under a given name from
Packit 5ce601
    the DNS cache.
Packit 5ce601
  * New 'rndc sync' command dumps pending changes in a dynamic zone to
Packit 5ce601
    disk without a freeze/thaw cycle.
Packit 5ce601
  * New 'rndc signing' command displays or clears signing status records
Packit 5ce601
    in 'auto-dnssec' zones.
Packit 5ce601
  * NSEC3 parameters for 'auto-dnssec' zones can now be set prior to
Packit 5ce601
    signing, eliminating the need to initially sign with NSEC.
Packit 5ce601
  * Startup time improvements on large authoritative servers.
Packit 5ce601
  * Slave zones are now saved in raw format by default.
Packit 5ce601
  * Several improvements to response policy zones (RPZ).
Packit 5ce601
  * Improved hardware scalability by using multiple threads to listen for
Packit 5ce601
    queries and using finer-grained client locking
Packit 5ce601
  * The 'also-notify' option now takes the same syntax as 'masters', so it
Packit 5ce601
    can used named masterlists and TSIG keys.
Packit 5ce601
  * 'dnssec-signzone -D' writes an output file containing only DNSSEC
Packit 5ce601
    data, which can be included by the primary zone file.
Packit 5ce601
  * 'dnssec-signzone -R' forces removal of signatures that are not expired
Packit 5ce601
    but were created by a key which no longer exists.
Packit 5ce601
  * 'dnssec-signzone -X' allows a separate expiration date to be specified
Packit 5ce601
    for DNSKEY signatures from other signatures.
Packit 5ce601
  * New '-L' option to dnssec-keygen, dnssec-settime, and
Packit 5ce601
    dnssec-keyfromlabel sets the default TTL for the key.
Packit 5ce601
  * dnssec-dsfromkey now supports reading from standard input, to make it
Packit 5ce601
    easier to convert DNSKEY to DS.
Packit 5ce601
  * RFC 1918 reverse zones have been added to the empty-zones table per
Packit 5ce601
    RFC 6303.
Packit 5ce601
  * Dynamic updates can now optionally set the zone's SOA serial number to
Packit 5ce601
    the current UNIX time.
Packit 5ce601
  * DLZ modules can now retrieve the source IP address of the querying
Packit 5ce601
Packit 5ce601
  * 'request-ixfr' option can now be set at the per-zone level.
Packit 5ce601
  * 'dig +rrcomments' turns on comments about DNSKEY records, indicating
Packit 5ce601
    their key ID, algorithm and function
Packit 5ce601
  * Simplified nsupdate syntax and added readline support
Packit 5ce601
Packit 5ce601
BIND 9.8.0
Packit 5ce601
Packit 5ce601
BIND 9.8.0 includes a number of changes from BIND 9.7 and earlier
Packit 5ce601
releases. New features include:
Packit 5ce601
Packit 5ce601
  * Built-in trust anchor for the root zone, which can be switched on via
Packit 5ce601
    "dnssec-validation auto;"
Packit 5ce601
  * Support for DNS64.
Packit 5ce601
  * Support for response policy zones (RPZ).
Packit 5ce601
  * Support for writable DLZ zones.
Packit 5ce601
  * Improved ease of configuration of GSS/TSIG for interoperability with
Packit 5ce601
    Active Directory
Packit 5ce601
  * Support for GOST signing algorithm for DNSSEC.
Packit 5ce601
  * Removed RTT Banding from server selection algorithm.
Packit 5ce601
  * New "static-stub" zone type.
Packit 5ce601
  * Allow configuration of resolver timeouts via "resolver-query-timeout"
Packit 5ce601
Packit 5ce601
  * The DLZ "dlopen" driver is now built by default.
Packit 5ce601
  * Added a new include file with function typedefs for the DLZ "dlopen"
Packit 5ce601
Packit 5ce601
  * Made "--with-gssapi" default.
Packit 5ce601
  * More verbose error reporting from DLZ LDAP.
Packit 5ce601
Packit 5ce601
BIND 9.7.0
Packit 5ce601
Packit 5ce601
BIND 9.7.0 includes a number of changes from BIND 9.6 and earlier
Packit 5ce601
releases. Most are intended to simplify DNSSEC configuration. New features
Packit 5ce601
Packit 5ce601
Packit 5ce601
  * Fully automatic signing of zones by "named".
Packit 5ce601
  * Simplified configuration of DNSSEC Lookaside Validation (DLV).
Packit 5ce601
  * Simplified configuration of Dynamic DNS, using the "ddns-confgen"
Packit 5ce601
    command line tool or the "local" update-policy option. (As a side
Packit 5ce601
    effect, this also makes it easier to configure automatic zone
Packit 5ce601
Packit 5ce601
  * New named option "attach-cache" that allows multiple views to share a
Packit 5ce601
    single cache.
Packit 5ce601
  * DNS rebinding attack prevention.
Packit 5ce601
  * New default values for dnssec-keygen parameters.
Packit 5ce601
  * Support for RFC 5011 automated trust anchor maintenance
Packit 5ce601
  * Smart signing: simplified tools for zone signing and key maintenance.
Packit 5ce601
  * The "statistics-channels" option is now available on Windows.
Packit 5ce601
  * A new DNSSEC-aware libdns API for use by non-BIND9 applications
Packit 5ce601
  * On some platforms, named and other binaries can now print out a stack
Packit 5ce601
    backtrace on assertion failure, to aid in debugging.
Packit 5ce601
  * A "tools only" installation mode on Windows, which only installs dig,
Packit 5ce601
    host, nslookup and nsupdate.
Packit 5ce601
  * Improved PKCS#11 support, including Keyper support and explicit
Packit 5ce601
    OpenSSL engine selection.
Packit 5ce601
Packit 5ce601
BIND 9.6.0
Packit 5ce601
Packit 5ce601
  * Full NSEC3 support
Packit 5ce601
  * Automatic zone re-signing
Packit 5ce601
  * New update-policy methods tcp-self and 6to4-self
Packit 5ce601
  * The BIND 8 resolver library, libbind, has been removed from the BIND 9
Packit 5ce601
    distribution and is now available as a separate download.
Packit 5ce601
  * Change the default pid file location from /var/run to /var/run/
Packit 5ce601
    {named,lwresd} for improved chroot/setuid support.
Packit 5ce601
Packit 5ce601
BIND 9.5.0
Packit 5ce601
Packit 5ce601
  * GSS-TSIG support (RFC 3645).
Packit 5ce601
  * DHCID support.
Packit 5ce601
  * Experimental http server and statistics support for named via xml.
Packit 5ce601
  * More detailed statistics counters including those supported in BIND 8.
Packit 5ce601
  * Faster ACL processing.
Packit 5ce601
  * Use Doxygen to generate internal documentation.
Packit 5ce601
  * Efficient LRU cache-cleaning mechanism.
Packit 5ce601
  * NSID support.
Packit 5ce601
Packit 5ce601
BIND 9.4.0
Packit 5ce601
Packit 5ce601
  * Implemented "additional section caching (or acache)", an internal
Packit 5ce601
    cache framework for additional section content to improve response
Packit 5ce601
    performance. Several configuration options were provided to control
Packit 5ce601
    the behavior.
Packit 5ce601
  * New notify type 'master-only'. Enable notify for master zones only.
Packit 5ce601
  * Accept 'notify-source' style syntax for query-source.
Packit 5ce601
  * rndc now allows addresses to be set in the server clauses.
Packit 5ce601
  * New option "allow-query-cache". This lets "allow-query" be used to
Packit 5ce601
    specify the default zone access level rather than having to have every
Packit 5ce601
    zone override the global value. "allow-query-cache" can be set at both
Packit 5ce601
    the options and view levels. If "allow-query-cache" is not set then
Packit 5ce601
    "allow-recursion" is used if set, otherwise "allow-query" is used if
Packit 5ce601
    set unless "recursion no;" is set in which case "none;" is used,
Packit 5ce601
    otherwise the default (localhost; localnets;) is used.
Packit 5ce601
  * rndc: the source address can now be specified.
Packit 5ce601
  * ixfr-from-differences now takes master and slave in addition to yes
Packit 5ce601
    and no at the options and view levels.
Packit 5ce601
  * Allow the journal's name to be changed via named.conf.
Packit 5ce601
  * 'rndc notify zone [class [view]]' resend the NOTIFY messages for the
Packit 5ce601
    specified zone.
Packit 5ce601
  * 'dig +trace' now randomly selects the next servers to try. Report if
Packit 5ce601
    there is a bad delegation.
Packit 5ce601
  * Improve check-names error messages.
Packit 5ce601
  * Make public the function to read a key file, dst_key_read_public().
Packit 5ce601
  * dig now returns the byte count for axfr/ixfr.
Packit 5ce601
  * allow-update is now settable at the options / view level.
Packit 5ce601
  * named-checkconf now checks the logging configuration.
Packit 5ce601
  * host now can turn on memory debugging flags with '-m'.
Packit 5ce601
  * Don't send notify messages to self.
Packit 5ce601
  * Perform sanity checks on NS records which refer to 'in zone' names.
Packit 5ce601
  * New zone option "notify-delay". Specify a minimum delay between sets
Packit 5ce601
    of NOTIFY messages.
Packit 5ce601
  * Extend adjusting TTL warning messages.
Packit 5ce601
  * Named and named-checkzone can now both check for non-terminal wildcard
Packit 5ce601
Packit 5ce601
  * "rndc freeze/thaw" now freezes/thaws all zones.
Packit 5ce601
  * named-checkconf now check acls to verify that they only refer to
Packit 5ce601
    existing acls.
Packit 5ce601
  * The server syntax has been extended to support a range of servers.
Packit 5ce601
  * Report differences between hints and real NS rrset and associated
Packit 5ce601
    address records.
Packit 5ce601
  * Preserve the case of domain names in rdata during zone transfers.
Packit 5ce601
  * Restructured the data locking framework using architecture dependent
Packit 5ce601
    atomic operations (when available), improving response performance on
Packit 5ce601
    multi-processor machines significantly. x86, x86_64, alpha, powerpc,
Packit 5ce601
    and mips are currently supported.
Packit 5ce601
  * UNIX domain controls are now supported.
Packit 5ce601
  * Add support for additional zone file formats for improving loading
Packit 5ce601
    performance. The masterfile-format option in named.conf can be used to
Packit 5ce601
    specify a non-default format. A separate command named-compilezone was
Packit 5ce601
    provided to generate zone files in the new format. Additionally, the
Packit 5ce601
    -I and -O options for dnssec-signzone specify the input and output
Packit 5ce601
Packit 5ce601
  * dnssec-signzone can now randomize signature end times (dnssec-signzone
Packit 5ce601
    -j jitter).
Packit 5ce601
  * Add support for CH A record.
Packit 5ce601
  * Add additional zone data constancy checks. named-checkzone has
Packit 5ce601
    extended checking of NS, MX and SRV record and the hosts they
Packit 5ce601
    reference. named has extended post zone load checks. New zone options:
Packit 5ce601
    check-mx and integrity-check.
Packit 5ce601
  * edns-udp-size can now be overridden on a per server basis.
Packit 5ce601
  * dig can now specify the EDNS version when making a query.
Packit 5ce601
  * Added framework for handling multiple EDNS versions.
Packit 5ce601
  * Additional memory debugging support to track size and mctx arguments.
Packit 5ce601
  * Detect duplicates of UDP queries we are recursing on and drop them.
Packit 5ce601
    New stats category "duplicates".
Packit 5ce601
  * "USE INTERNAL MALLOC" is now runtime selectable.
Packit 5ce601
  * The lame cache is now done on a <qname,qclass,qtype> basis as some
Packit 5ce601
    servers only appear to be lame for certain query types.
Packit 5ce601
  * Limit the number of recursive clients that can be waiting for a single
Packit 5ce601
    query (<qname,qtype,qclass>) to resolve. New options clients-per-query
Packit 5ce601
    and max-clients-per-query.
Packit 5ce601
  * dig: report the number of extra bytes still left in the packet after
Packit 5ce601
    processing all the records.
Packit 5ce601
  * Support for IPSECKEY rdata type.
Packit 5ce601
  * Raise the UDP receive buffer size to 32k if it is less than 32k.
Packit 5ce601
  * x86 and x86_64 now have separate atomic locking implementations.
Packit 5ce601
  * named-checkconf now validates update-policy entries.
Packit 5ce601
  * Attempt to make the amount of work performed in a iteration self
Packit 5ce601
    tuning. The covers nodes clean from the cache per iteration, nodes
Packit 5ce601
    written to disk when rewriting a master file and nodes destroyed per
Packit 5ce601
    iteration when destroying a zone or a cache.
Packit 5ce601
  * ISC string copy API.
Packit 5ce601
  * Automatic empty zone creation for D.F.IP6.ARPA and friends. Note: RFC
Packit 5ce601
    1918 zones are not yet covered by this but are likely to be in a
Packit 5ce601
    future release.
Packit 5ce601
  * New options: empty-server, empty-contact, empty-zones-enable and
Packit 5ce601
Packit 5ce601
  * dig now has a '-q queryname' and '+showsearch' options.
Packit 5ce601
  * host/nslookup now continue (default)/fail on SERVFAIL.
Packit 5ce601
  * dig now warns if 'RA' is not set in the answer when 'RD' was set in
Packit 5ce601
    the query. host/nslookup skip servers that fail to set 'RA' when 'RD'
Packit 5ce601
    is set unless a server is explicitly set.
Packit 5ce601
  * Integrate contributed DLZ code into named.
Packit 5ce601
  * Integrate contributed IDN code from JPNIC.
Packit 5ce601
  * libbind: corresponds to that from BIND 8.4.7.
Packit 5ce601
Packit 5ce601
BIND 9.3.0
Packit 5ce601
Packit 5ce601
  * DNSSEC is now DS based (RFC 3658).
Packit 5ce601
  * DNSSEC lookaside validation.
Packit 5ce601
  * check-names is now implemented.
Packit 5ce601
  * rrset-order is more complete.
Packit 5ce601
  * IPv4/IPv6 transition support, dual-stack-servers.
Packit 5ce601
  * IXFR deltas can now be generated when loading master files,
Packit 5ce601
Packit 5ce601
  * It is now possible to specify the size of a journal, max-journal-size.
Packit 5ce601
  * It is now possible to define a named set of master servers to be used
Packit 5ce601
    in masters clause, masters.
Packit 5ce601
  * The advertised EDNS UDP size can now be set, edns-udp-size.
Packit 5ce601
  * allow-v6-synthesis has been obsoleted.
Packit 5ce601
  * Zones containing MD and MF will now be rejected.
Packit 5ce601
  * dig, nslookup name. now report "Not Implemented" as NOTIMP rather than
Packit 5ce601
    NOTIMPL. This will have impact on scripts that are looking for
Packit 5ce601
Packit 5ce601
  * libbind: corresponds to that from BIND 8.4.5.
Packit 5ce601
Packit 5ce601
BIND 9.2.0
Packit 5ce601
Packit 5ce601
  * The size of the cache can now be limited using the "max-cache-size"
Packit 5ce601
Packit 5ce601
  * The server can now automatically convert RFC1886-style recursive
Packit 5ce601
    lookup requests into RFC2874-style lookups, when enabled using the new
Packit 5ce601
    option "allow-v6-synthesis". This allows stub resolvers that support
Packit 5ce601
    AAAA records but not A6 record chains or binary labels to perform
Packit 5ce601
    lookups in domains that make use of these IPv6 DNS features.
Packit 5ce601
  * Performance has been improved.
Packit 5ce601
  * The man pages now use the more portable "man" macros rather than the
Packit 5ce601
    "mandoc" macros, and are installed by "make install".
Packit 5ce601
  * The named.conf parser has been completely rewritten. It now supports
Packit 5ce601
    "include" directives in more places such as inside "view" statements,
Packit 5ce601
    and it no longer has any reserved words.
Packit 5ce601
  * The "rndc status" command is now implemented.
Packit 5ce601
  * rndc can now be configured automatically.
Packit 5ce601
  * A BIND 8 compatible stub resolver library is now included in lib/bind.
Packit 5ce601
  * OpenSSL has been removed from the distribution. This means that to use
Packit 5ce601
    DNSSEC, OpenSSL must be installed and the --with-openssl option must
Packit 5ce601
    be supplied to configure. This does not apply to the use of TSIG,
Packit 5ce601
    which does not require OpenSSL.
Packit 5ce601
  * The source distribution now builds on Windows. See win32utils/
Packit 5ce601
    readme1.txt and win32utils/win32-build.txt for details.
Packit 5ce601
  * This distribution also includes a new lightweight stub resolver
Packit 5ce601
    library and associated resolver daemon that fully support forward and
Packit 5ce601
    reverse lookups of both IPv4 and IPv6 addresses. This library is
Packit 5ce601
    considered experimental and is not a complete replacement for the BIND
Packit 5ce601
    8 resolver library. Applications that use the BIND 8 res_* functions
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    to perform DNS lookups or dynamic updates still need to be linked
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    against the BIND 8 libraries. For DNS lookups, they can also use the
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    new "getrrsetbyname()" API.
Packit 5ce601
  * BIND 9.2 is capable of acting as an authoritative server for DNSSEC
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    secured zones. This functionality is believed to be stable and
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    complete except for lacking support for verifications involving
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    wildcard records in secure zones.
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  * When acting as a caching server, BIND 9.2 can be configured to perform
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    DNSSEC secure resolution on behalf of its clients. This part of the
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    DNSSEC implementation is still considered experimental. For detailed
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    information about the state of the DNSSEC implementation, see the file
Packit 5ce601