Blame bc/global.h

Packit 70b277
/*  This file is part of GNU bc.
Packit 70b277
Packit 70b277
    Copyright (C) 1991-1994, 1997, 2006, 2008, 2012-2017 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
Packit 70b277
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    This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
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    it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
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    the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License , or
Packit 70b277
    (at your option) any later version.
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    This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
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    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
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    GNU General Public License for more details.
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    You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
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    along with this program; see the file COPYING.  If not, see
Packit 70b277
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Packit 70b277
    You may contact the author by:
Packit 70b277
Packit 70b277
      us-mail:  Philip A. Nelson
Packit 70b277
                Computer Science Department, 9062
Packit 70b277
                Western Washington University
Packit 70b277
                Bellingham, WA 98226-9062
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/* global.h:  The global variables for bc.  */
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/* The current break level's label. */
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EXTERN int break_label;
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/* The current if statement's else label or label after else. */
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EXTERN int if_label;
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/* The current for statement label for continuing the loop. */
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EXTERN int continue_label;
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/* Next available label number. */
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EXTERN int next_label;
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/* Byte code character storage.  Used in many places for generation of code. */
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EXTERN char  *genstr  INIT(NULL);
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EXTERN int    genlen  INIT(0);
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/* Count of characters printed to the output in compile_only mode. */
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EXTERN int out_count;
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/* Have we generated any code since the last initialization of the code
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   generator.  */
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EXTERN char did_gen;
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/* Is this run an interactive execution.  (Is stdin a terminal?) */
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EXTERN char interactive  INIT(FALSE);
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/* Just generate the byte code.  -c flag. */
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EXTERN int compile_only INIT(FALSE);
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/* Load the standard math functions.  -l flag. */
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EXTERN int use_math  INIT(FALSE);
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/* Give a warning on use of any non-standard feature (non-POSIX).  -w flag. */
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EXTERN int warn_not_std  INIT(FALSE);
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/* Accept POSIX bc only!  -s flag. */
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EXTERN int std_only  INIT(FALSE);
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/* Don't print the banner at start up.  -q flag. */
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EXTERN int quiet  INIT(FALSE);
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/* The list of file names to process. */
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EXTERN file_node *file_names  INIT(NULL);
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/* The name of the current file being processed. */
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EXTERN char *file_name;
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/* Is the current file a named file or standard input? */
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EXTERN char   is_std_in;
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/* global variables for the bc machine. All will be dynamic in size.*/
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/* Function storage. main is (0) and functions (1-f_count) */
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EXTERN bc_function *functions;
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EXTERN char **f_names;
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EXTERN int  f_count;
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/* Variable stoarge and reverse names. */
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EXTERN bc_var **variables;
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EXTERN char **v_names;
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EXTERN int  v_count;
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/* Array Variable storage and reverse names. */
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EXTERN bc_var_array **arrays;
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EXTERN char **a_names;
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EXTERN int  a_count;
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/* Execution stack. */
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EXTERN estack_rec *ex_stack;
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/* Function return stack. */
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EXTERN fstack_rec *fn_stack;
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/* Current ibase, obase, scale, and n_history (if needed). */
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EXTERN int i_base;
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EXTERN int o_base;
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EXTERN int scale;
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#if defined(READLINE) || defined(LIBEDIT)
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EXTERN int n_history;
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#if defined(LIBEDIT)
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/* LIBEDIT data */
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EditLine *edit INIT(NULL);
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History  *hist;
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HistEvent histev;
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/* "Condition code" -- false (0) or true (1) */
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EXTERN char c_code;
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/* Records the number of the runtime error. */
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EXTERN char runtime_error;
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/* Holds the current location of execution. */
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EXTERN program_counter pc;
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/* For POSIX bc, this is just for number output, not strings. */
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EXTERN int out_col;
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/* Keeps track of the current number of characters per output line.
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   This includes the \n at the end of the line. */
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EXTERN int line_size;
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/* Input Line numbers and other error information. */
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EXTERN int line_no;
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EXTERN int had_error;
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/* For larger identifiers, a tree, and how many "storage" locations
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   have been allocated. */
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EXTERN int next_array;
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EXTERN int next_func;
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EXTERN int next_var;
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EXTERN id_rec *name_tree;
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/* For use with getopt.  Do not declare them here.*/
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extern int optind;
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/* Access to the yy input file.  Defined in scan.c. */
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extern FILE *yyin;
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/* Access to libmath */
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extern CONST char *libmath[];