Babel is written and maintained by the Babel team and various contributors: Maintainer and Current Project Lead: - Armin Ronacher Contributors: - Christopher Lenz - Alex Morega - Felix Schwarz - Pedro Algarvio - Jeroen Ruigrok van der Werven - Philip Jenvey - Tobias Bieniek - Jonas Borgström - Daniel Neuhäuser - Nick Retallack - Thomas Waldmann - Lennart Regebro - Isaac Jurado - Craig Loftus Babel was previously developed under the Copyright of Edgewall Software. The following copyright notice holds true for releases before 2013: "Copyright (c) 2007 - 2011 by Edgewall Software" In addition to the regular contributions Babel includes a fork of Lennart Regebro's tzlocal that originally was licensed under the CC0 license. The original copyright of that project is "Copyright 2013 by Lennart Regebro".