Blame agen5/agCgi.c

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 * @file agCgi.c
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 *  This is a CGI wrapper for AutoGen.  It will take POST-method
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 *  name-value pairs and emit AutoGen definitions to a spawned
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 *  AutoGen process.
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 *  This file is part of AutoGen.
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 *  AutoGen Copyright (C) 1992-2016 by Bruce Korb - all rights reserved
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 * AutoGen is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it
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 * under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the
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 * Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
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 * (at your option) any later version.
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 * AutoGen is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
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 * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
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 * See the GNU General Public License for more details.
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 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
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 * with this program.  If not, see <>.
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typedef struct {
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    char const * name;
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    char *       cgi_val;
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} name_map_t;
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#define ENV_TABLE \
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    _ET_(AUTH_TYPE) \
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    _ET_(PATH_INFO) \
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static name_map_t name_val_map[] = {
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#define _ET_(n) { #n, NULL },
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#undef _ET_
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    { NULL, NULL }
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typedef enum {
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#define _ET_(n) n ## _IDX,
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#undef _ET_
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} name_idx_t;
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#define cgi_method name_val_map[ REQUEST_METHOD_IDX ].cgi_val
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#define cgi_query  name_val_map[ QUERY_STRING_IDX   ].cgi_val
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#define cgi_len    name_val_map[ CONTENT_LENGTH_IDX ].cgi_val
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 static inline char *
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parse_input(char * src, int len)
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    size_t rsz = (len * 4) + PARSE_INPUT_AG_DEF_STR_LEN;
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    char * res = AGALOC(rsz, "CGI Defs");
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    (void)cgi_run_fsm(src, len, res + PARSE_INPUT_AG_DEF_STR_LEN, len * 2);
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    assert(rsz > strlen(res));
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    return AGREALOC(res, strlen(res)+1, "CGI input");
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LOCAL void
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     *  Redirect stderr to a file.  If it gets used, we must trap it
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     *  and emit the content-type: preamble before actually emitting it.
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     *  First, tho, do a simple stderr->stdout redirection just in case
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     *  we stumble before we're done with this.
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        FILE * fp = fdopen(STDERR_FILENO, "w" FOPEN_BINARY_FLAG);
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        int tmpfd;
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        oops_pfx = CGI_ERR_MSG_FMT;
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        AGDUPSTR(cgi_stderr, CGI_TEMP_ERR_FILE_STR, "stderr file");
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        tmpfd = mkstemp(cgi_stderr);
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        if (tmpfd < 0)
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            AG_ABEND(aprf(MKSTEMP_FAIL_FMT, cgi_stderr));
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        dup2(tmpfd, STDERR_FILENO);
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     *  Pull the CGI-relevant environment variables.  Anything we don't find
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     *  gets an empty string default.
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        name_map_t * nm_map = name_val_map;
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        name_idx_t   ix     = (name_idx_t)0;
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        do  {
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            nm_map->cgi_val = getenv(nm_map->name);
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            if (nm_map->cgi_val == NULL)
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                nm_map->cgi_val = (char *)zNil;
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        } while (nm_map++, ++ix < NAME_CT);
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    base_ctx = (scan_ctx_t *)AGALOC(sizeof(scan_ctx_t), "CGI ctx");
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    memset(VOIDP(base_ctx), 0, sizeof(scan_ctx_t));
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        size_t len = strtoul(cgi_len, NULL, 0);
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        char * text;
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        if (strcasecmp(cgi_method, "POST") == 0) {
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            if (len == 0)
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            text  = AGALOC(len + 1, "CGI POST");
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            if (fread(text, (size_t)1, len, stdin) != len)
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            text[ len ] = NUL;
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            base_ctx->scx_data = parse_input(text, (int)len);
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        } else if (strcasecmp(cgi_method, LOAD_CGI_GET_NAME) == 0) {
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            if (len == 0)
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                len = strlen(cgi_query);
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            base_ctx->scx_data = parse_input(cgi_query, (int)len);
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        } else {
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            AG_ABEND(aprf(LOAD_CGI_INVAL_REQ_FMT, cgi_method));
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            /* NOTREACHED */
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            text = NULL;
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    base_ctx->scx_line  = 1;
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    base_ctx->scx_fname = LOAD_CGI_DEFS_MARKER;
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    base_ctx->scx_scan  = base_ctx->scx_data;
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 * Local Variables:
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 * mode: C
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 * c-file-style: "stroustrup"
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 * indent-tabs-mode: nil
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 * End:
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 * end of agen5/agCgi.c */