/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- * * * Copyright 2013 Ian Kent * Copyright 2013 Red Hat, Inc. * All rights reserved. * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge MA 02139, * USA; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later * version; incorporated herein by reference. * * ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #define MODULE_PARSE #include "automount.h" #include "nsswitch.h" #define MODPREFIX "parse(amd): " int parse_version = AUTOFS_PARSE_VERSION; /* Required by protocol */ static struct mount_mod *mount_nfs = NULL; static int init_ctr = 0; static pthread_mutex_t instance_mutex = PTHREAD_MUTEX_INITIALIZER; static void instance_mutex_lock(void) { int status = pthread_mutex_lock(&instance_mutex); if (status) fatal(status); } static void instance_mutex_unlock(void) { int status = pthread_mutex_unlock(&instance_mutex); if (status) fatal(status); } extern const char *global_options; struct parse_context { char *optstr; /* Mount options */ char *macros; /* Map wide macro defines */ struct substvar *subst; /* $-substitutions */ }; struct multi_mnt { char *path; char *options; char *location; struct multi_mnt *next; }; /* Default context */ static struct parse_context default_context = { NULL, /* No mount options */ NULL, /* No map wide macros */ NULL /* The substvar local vars table */ }; /* Free all storage associated with this context */ static void kill_context(struct parse_context *ctxt) { macro_lock(); macro_free_table(ctxt->subst); macro_unlock(); if (ctxt->optstr) free(ctxt->optstr); if (ctxt->macros) free(ctxt->macros); free(ctxt); } int parse_init(int argc, const char *const *argv, void **context) { struct parse_context *ctxt; char buf[MAX_ERR_BUF]; sel_hash_init(); /* Set up context and escape chain */ if (!(ctxt = (struct parse_context *) malloc(sizeof(struct parse_context)))) { char *estr = strerror_r(errno, buf, MAX_ERR_BUF); logerr(MODPREFIX "malloc: %s", estr); *context = NULL; return 1; } *context = (void *) ctxt; *ctxt = default_context; /* We only need this once. NFS mounts are so common that we cache this module. */ instance_mutex_lock(); if (mount_nfs) init_ctr++; else { if ((mount_nfs = open_mount("nfs", MODPREFIX))) { init_ctr++; } else { kill_context(ctxt); *context = NULL; instance_mutex_unlock(); return 1; } } instance_mutex_unlock(); return 0; } int parse_reinit(int argc, const char *const *argv, void **context) { return 0; } static struct substvar *add_lookup_vars(struct autofs_point *ap, const char *key, int key_len, struct map_source *source, struct substvar *sv) { struct substvar *list = sv; struct thread_stdenv_vars *tsv; char lkp_key[PATH_MAX + 1]; char path[PATH_MAX + 1]; struct mapent *me; int len; len = strlen(ap->path) + 1 + key_len + 1; if (len > PATH_MAX) { error(ap->logopt, MODPREFIX "error: lookup key is greater than PATH_MAX"); return NULL; } if (ap->pref) { if (snprintf(lkp_key, sizeof(lkp_key), "%s%s", ap->pref, key) >= sizeof(lkp_key)) { error(ap->logopt, MODPREFIX "key too long"); return NULL; } } else { if (snprintf(lkp_key, sizeof(lkp_key), "%s", key) >= sizeof(lkp_key)) { error(ap->logopt, MODPREFIX "key too long"); return NULL; } } if (*key == '/') strcpy(path, key); else { strcpy(path, ap->path); strcat(path, "/"); strcat(path, key); } list = macro_addvar(list, "path", 4, path); me = cache_lookup_distinct(source->mc, lkp_key); if (me) list = macro_addvar(list, "key", 3, me->key); while (!me) { char match[PATH_MAX + 1]; char *prefix; strcpy(match, lkp_key); while ((prefix = strrchr(match, '/'))) { *prefix = '\0'; me = cache_partial_match_wild(source->mc, match); if (me) { list = macro_addvar(list, "key", 3, lkp_key); break; } } if (!me) { me = cache_lookup_distinct(source->mc, "*"); if (me) list = macro_addvar(list, "key", 3, lkp_key); } break; } if (source->name) list = macro_addvar(list, "map", 3, source->name); else if (source->argv[0][0]) list = macro_addvar(list, "map", 3, source->argv[0]); tsv = pthread_getspecific(key_thread_stdenv_vars); if (tsv) { char numbuf[16]; long num; int ret; num = (long) tsv->uid; ret = sprintf(numbuf, "%ld", num); if (ret > 0) list = macro_addvar(list, "uid", 3, numbuf); num = (long) tsv->gid; ret = sprintf(numbuf, "%ld", num); if (ret > 0) list = macro_addvar(list, "gid", 3, numbuf); } list = macro_addvar(list, "fs", 2, "${autodir}/${rhost}${rfs}"); list = macro_addvar(list, "rfs", 3, path); return list; } static int match_my_name(unsigned int logopt, const char *name, struct substvar *sv) { struct addrinfo hints, *cni, *ni, *haddr; char host[NI_MAXHOST + 1], numeric[NI_MAXHOST + 1]; const struct substvar *v; int rv = 0, ret; v = macro_findvar(sv, "host", 4); if (v) { if (!strcmp(v->val, name)) return 1; } if (!v || !v->val) { error(logopt, MODPREFIX "error: ${host} not set"); goto out; } /* Check if comparison value is an alias */ memset(&hints, 0, sizeof(hints)); hints.ai_flags = AI_CANONNAME; hints.ai_family = AF_UNSPEC; hints.ai_socktype = SOCK_DGRAM; /* Get host canonical name */ ret = getaddrinfo(v->val, NULL, &hints, &cni); if (ret) { error(logopt, MODPREFIX "hostname lookup failed: %s\n", gai_strerror(ret)); goto out; } hints.ai_flags = AI_V4MAPPED | AI_ADDRCONFIG | AI_CANONNAME; /* Resolve comparison name to its names and compare */ ret = getaddrinfo(name, NULL, &hints, &ni); if (ret) { error(logopt, MODPREFIX "hostname lookup failed: %s\n", gai_strerror(ret)); freeaddrinfo(cni); goto out; } haddr = ni; while (haddr) { /* Translate the host address into a numeric string form */ ret = getnameinfo(haddr->ai_addr, haddr->ai_addrlen, numeric, sizeof(numeric), NULL, 0, NI_NUMERICHOST); if (ret) { error(logopt, MODPREFIX "host address info lookup failed: %s\n", gai_strerror(ret)); goto next; } /* Try to resolve back again to get the canonical name */ ret = getnameinfo(haddr->ai_addr, haddr->ai_addrlen, host, NI_MAXHOST, NULL, 0, 0); if (ret) { error(logopt, MODPREFIX "host address info lookup failed: %s\n", gai_strerror(ret)); goto next; } if (!strcmp(host, cni->ai_canonname)) { rv = 1; break; } next: haddr = haddr->ai_next; } freeaddrinfo(ni); freeaddrinfo(cni); out: return rv; } static int eval_selector(unsigned int logopt, struct amd_entry *this, struct substvar *sv) { struct selector *s = this->selector; const struct substvar *v; unsigned int s_type; unsigned int v_type; struct stat st; char *host; int res, val, ret = 0; s_type = s->sel->flags & SEL_FLAGS_TYPE_MASK; switch (s_type) { case SEL_FLAG_MACRO: v = macro_findvar(sv, s->sel->name, strlen(s->sel->name)); if (!v) { error(logopt, MODPREFIX "failed to get selector %s", s->sel->name); return 0; } v_type = s->sel->flags & SEL_FLAGS_VALUE_MASK; switch (v_type) { case SEL_FLAG_STR: res = strcmp(v->val, s->comp.value); if (s->compare & SEL_COMP_EQUAL && !res) { debug(logopt, MODPREFIX "matched selector %s(%s) == %s", v->def, v->val, s->comp.value); ret = 1; break; } else if (s->compare & SEL_COMP_NOTEQUAL && res) { debug(logopt, MODPREFIX "matched selector %s(%s) != %s", v->def, v->val, s->comp.value); ret = 1; break; } debug(logopt, MODPREFIX "did not match selector %s(%s) %s %s", v->def, v->val, (s->compare & SEL_COMP_EQUAL ? "==" : "!="), s->comp.value); break; case SEL_FLAG_NUM: if (!*s->comp.value) { res = 1; val = 0; } else { res = atoi(v->val); val = atoi(s->comp.value); } if (s->compare & SEL_COMP_EQUAL && res == val) { debug(logopt, MODPREFIX "matched selector %s(%s) equal to %s", v->def, v->val, s->comp.value); ret = 1; break; } else if (s->compare & SEL_COMP_NOTEQUAL && res != val) { debug(logopt, MODPREFIX "matched selector %s(%s) not equal to %s", v->def, v->val, s->comp.value); ret = 1; break; } debug(logopt, MODPREFIX "did not match selector %s(%s) %s %s", v->def, v->val, (s->compare & SEL_COMP_EQUAL ? "==" : "!="), s->comp.value); break; default: break; } break; case SEL_FLAG_FUNC1: if (s->sel->selector != SEL_TRUE && s->sel->selector != SEL_FALSE && !s->func.arg1) { error(logopt, MODPREFIX "expected argument missing for selector %s", s->sel->name); break; } switch (s->sel->selector) { case SEL_TRUE: ret = 1; if (s->compare == SEL_COMP_NOT) ret = !ret; if (ret) debug(logopt, MODPREFIX "matched selector %s(%s)", s->sel->name, s->func.arg1); else debug(logopt, MODPREFIX "did not match selector %s(%s)", s->sel->name, s->func.arg1); break; case SEL_FALSE: if (s->compare == SEL_COMP_NOT) ret = !ret; if (ret) debug(logopt, MODPREFIX "matched selector %s(%s)", s->sel->name, s->func.arg1); else debug(logopt, MODPREFIX "did not match selector %s(%s)", s->sel->name, s->func.arg1); break; case SEL_XHOST: ret = match_my_name(logopt, s->func.arg1, sv); if (s->compare == SEL_COMP_NOT) ret = !ret; if (ret) debug(logopt, MODPREFIX "matched selector %s(%s) to host name", s->sel->name, s->func.arg1); else debug(logopt, MODPREFIX "did not match selector %s(%s) to host name", s->sel->name, s->func.arg1); break; case SEL_EXISTS: /* Sould be OK to fail on any error here */ ret = !lstat(s->func.arg1, &st); if (s->compare == SEL_COMP_NOT) ret = !ret; if (ret) debug(logopt, MODPREFIX "matched selector %s(%s)", s->sel->name, s->func.arg1); else debug(logopt, MODPREFIX "did not match selector %s(%s)", s->sel->name, s->func.arg1); break; case SEL_IN_NETWORK: ret = in_network(s->func.arg1); if (s->compare == SEL_COMP_NOT) ret = !ret; if (ret) debug(logopt, MODPREFIX "matched selector %s(%s)", s->sel->name, s->func.arg1); else debug(logopt, MODPREFIX "did not match selector %s(%s)", s->sel->name, s->func.arg1); break; default: break; } break; case SEL_FLAG_FUNC2: if (!s->func.arg1) { error(logopt, MODPREFIX "expected argument missing for selector %s", s->sel->name); break; } switch (s->sel->selector) { case SEL_NETGRP: case SEL_NETGRPD: if (s->func.arg2) host = s->func.arg2; else { if (s->sel->selector == SEL_NETGRP) v = macro_findvar(sv, "host", 4); else v = macro_findvar(sv, "hostd", 5); if (!v || !*v->val) { error(logopt, MODPREFIX "failed to get value of ${host}"); break; } host = v->val; } ret = innetgr(s->func.arg1, host, NULL, NULL); if (s->compare == SEL_COMP_NOT) ret = !ret; if (ret) { if (!s->func.arg2) debug(logopt, MODPREFIX "matched selector %s(%s)", s->sel->name, s->func.arg1); else debug(logopt, MODPREFIX "matched selector %s(%s,%s)", s->sel->name, s->func.arg1, s->func.arg2); } else { if (!s->func.arg2) debug(logopt, MODPREFIX "did not match selector %s(%s)", s->sel->name, s->func.arg1); else debug(logopt, MODPREFIX "did not match selector %s(%s,%s)", s->sel->name, s->func.arg1, s->func.arg2); } break; default: break; } break; default: break; } return ret; } static void update_with_defaults(struct amd_entry *defaults, struct amd_entry *entry, struct substvar *sv) { const struct substvar *v; unsigned long fstype = entry->flags & AMD_MOUNT_TYPE_MASK; char *tmp; if (fstype == AMD_MOUNT_TYPE_NONE) { unsigned long deftype = defaults->flags & AMD_MOUNT_TYPE_MASK; if (deftype != AMD_MOUNT_TYPE_NONE) entry->flags |= (defaults->flags & AMD_MOUNT_TYPE_MASK); else { entry->flags = AMD_MOUNT_TYPE_NFS; tmp = strdup("nfs"); if (tmp) entry->type = tmp; } } if (!entry->type && defaults->type) { tmp = strdup(defaults->type); if (tmp) entry->type = tmp; } if (!entry->map_type && defaults->map_type) { tmp = strdup(defaults->map_type); if (tmp) entry->map_type = tmp; } if (!entry->pref && defaults->pref) { tmp = strdup(defaults->pref); if (tmp) entry->pref = tmp; } if (!entry->fs) { if (defaults->fs) { tmp = strdup(defaults->fs); if (tmp) entry->fs = tmp; } else { v = macro_findvar(sv, "fs", 2); if (v) entry->fs = strdup(v->val); } } if (!entry->rfs) { if (defaults->rfs) { tmp = strdup(defaults->rfs); if (tmp) entry->rfs = tmp; } else { v = macro_findvar(sv, "rfs", 3); if (v) entry->rfs = strdup(v->val); } } if (!entry->rhost) { if (defaults->rhost) { tmp = strdup(defaults->rhost); if (tmp) entry->rhost = tmp; } else { v = macro_findvar(sv, "host", 4); if (v) entry->rhost = strdup(v->val); } } if (!entry->dev && defaults->dev) { tmp = strdup(defaults->dev); if (tmp) entry->dev = tmp; } if (!entry->opts && defaults->opts) { tmp = merge_options(defaults->opts, entry->opts); if (tmp) entry->opts = tmp; } if (!entry->addopts && defaults->addopts) { tmp = merge_options(defaults->addopts, entry->addopts); if (tmp) entry->addopts = tmp; } if (!entry->remopts) { if (defaults->remopts) { tmp = strdup(defaults->remopts); if (tmp) entry->remopts = tmp; } else { v = macro_findvar(sv, "remopts", 7); if (v) entry->remopts = strdup(v->val); } } return; } static char *normalize_hostname(unsigned int logopt, const char *host, unsigned int flags, struct substvar *sv) { struct addrinfo hints, *ni; char *name; int ret; if (!(flags & CONF_NORMALIZE_HOSTNAMES)) name = strdup(host); else { memset(&hints, 0, sizeof(hints)); hints.ai_flags = AI_CANONNAME; hints.ai_family = AF_UNSPEC; hints.ai_socktype = SOCK_DGRAM; ret = getaddrinfo(host, NULL, &hints, &ni); if (ret) { error(logopt, MODPREFIX "hostname lookup failed: %s", gai_strerror(ret)); return NULL; } name = strdup(ni->ai_canonname); freeaddrinfo(ni); } if (!name) return NULL; if (flags & CONF_DOMAIN_STRIP) { const struct substvar *v = macro_findvar(sv, "hostd", 5); if (v) { char *d1 = strchr(name, '.'); if (d1) { char *d2 = strchr(v->val, '.'); if (d2 && !strcmp(d1, d2)) *d1 = '\0'; } } } return name; } static struct substvar *expand_entry(struct autofs_point *ap, struct amd_entry *entry, unsigned int flags, struct substvar *sv) { unsigned int logopt = ap->logopt; char *expand; if (entry->rhost && *entry->rhost) { char *host = strdup(entry->rhost); char *nn; if (!host) { error(ap->logopt, MODPREFIX "failed to allocate storage for rhost"); goto next; } if (expand_selectors(ap, host, &expand, sv)) { free(host); host = expand; } nn = normalize_hostname(ap->logopt, host, flags, sv); if (!nn) sv = macro_addvar(sv, "rhost", 5, host); else { sv = macro_addvar(sv, "rhost", 5, nn); free(host); host = nn; } debug(logopt, MODPREFIX "rhost expand(\"%s\") -> %s", entry->rhost, host); free(entry->rhost); entry->rhost = host; } next: if (entry->sublink) { if (expand_selectors(ap, entry->sublink, &expand, sv)) { debug(logopt, MODPREFIX "sublink expand(\"%s\") -> %s", entry->sublink, expand); free(entry->sublink); entry->sublink = expand; } sv = macro_addvar(sv, "sublink", 7, entry->sublink); } if (entry->rfs && *entry->rfs) { if (expand_selectors(ap, entry->rfs, &expand, sv)) { debug(logopt, MODPREFIX "rfs expand(\"%s\") -> %s", entry->rfs, expand); free(entry->rfs); entry->rfs = expand; } sv = macro_addvar(sv, "rfs", 3, entry->rfs); } if (entry->fs && *entry->fs) { if (expand_selectors(ap, entry->fs, &expand, sv)) { debug(logopt, MODPREFIX "fs expand(\"%s\") -> %s", entry->fs, expand); free(entry->fs); entry->fs = expand; } sv = macro_addvar(sv, "fs", 2, entry->fs); } if (entry->opts && *entry->opts) { if (expand_selectors(ap, entry->opts, &expand, sv)) { debug(logopt, MODPREFIX "ops expand(\"%s\") -> %s", entry->opts, expand); free(entry->opts); entry->opts = expand; } sv = macro_addvar(sv, "opts", 4, entry->opts); } if (entry->addopts && *entry->addopts) { if (expand_selectors(ap, entry->addopts, &expand, sv)) { debug(logopt, MODPREFIX "addopts expand(\"%s\") -> %s", entry->addopts, expand); free(entry->addopts); entry->addopts = expand; } sv = macro_addvar(sv, "addopts", 7, entry->addopts); } if (entry->remopts && *entry->remopts) { if (expand_selectors(ap, entry->remopts, &expand, sv)) { debug(logopt, MODPREFIX "remopts expand(\"%s\") -> %s", entry->remopts, expand); free(entry->remopts); entry->remopts = expand; } sv = macro_addvar(sv, "remopts", 7, entry->remopts); } if (entry->mount) { if (!expand_selectors(ap, entry->mount, &expand, sv)) { free(entry->mount); if (entry->umount) free(entry->umount); entry->mount = NULL; entry->umount = NULL; goto done; } debug(logopt, MODPREFIX "mount expand(\"%s\") -> %s", entry->mount, expand); free(entry->mount); entry->mount = expand; sv = macro_addvar(sv, "mount", 5, entry->mount); } if (entry->umount) { if (!expand_selectors(ap, entry->umount, &expand, sv)) { free(entry->umount); entry->umount = NULL; goto done; } debug(logopt, MODPREFIX "umount expand(\"%s\") -> %s", entry->umount, expand); free(entry->umount); entry->umount = expand; sv = macro_addvar(sv, "umount", 5, entry->umount); } done: return sv; } static void expand_merge_options(struct autofs_point *ap, struct amd_entry *entry, struct substvar *sv) { char *tmp; if (entry->opts && *entry->opts) { if (!expand_selectors(ap, entry->opts, &tmp, sv)) error(ap->logopt, MODPREFIX "failed to expand opts"); else { free(entry->opts); entry->opts = tmp; } } if (entry->addopts && *entry->addopts) { if (!expand_selectors(ap, entry->addopts, &tmp, sv)) error(ap->logopt, MODPREFIX "failed to expand addopts"); else { free(entry->addopts); entry->addopts = tmp; } } if (entry->remopts && *entry->remopts) { if (!expand_selectors(ap, entry->remopts, &tmp, sv)) error(ap->logopt, MODPREFIX "failed to expand remopts"); else { free(entry->remopts); entry->remopts = tmp; } } return; } static struct substvar *merge_entry_options(struct autofs_point *ap, struct amd_entry *entry, struct substvar *sv) { char *tmp; if (!entry->addopts) return sv; if (entry->opts && entry->remopts && !strcmp(entry->opts, entry->remopts)) { expand_merge_options(ap, entry, sv); tmp = merge_options(entry->opts, entry->addopts); if (tmp) { info(ap->logopt, MODPREFIX "merge remopts \"%s\" addopts \"%s\" => \"%s\"", entry->opts, entry->addopts, tmp); free(entry->opts); entry->opts = tmp; sv = macro_addvar(sv, "opts", 4, entry->opts); } if (*entry->opts) { tmp = strdup(entry->opts); if (tmp) { free(entry->remopts); entry->remopts = tmp; sv = macro_addvar(sv, "remopts", 7, entry->remopts); } } return sv; } expand_merge_options(ap, entry, sv); if (entry->opts && entry->addopts) { tmp = merge_options(entry->opts, entry->addopts); if (tmp) { info(ap->logopt, MODPREFIX "merge opts \"%s\" addopts \"%s\" => \"%s\"", entry->opts, entry->addopts, tmp); free(entry->opts); entry->opts = tmp; sv = macro_addvar(sv, "opts", 4, entry->opts); } } else if (entry->addopts && *entry->addopts) { tmp = strdup(entry->addopts); if (tmp) { info(ap->logopt, MODPREFIX "opts add addopts \"%s\" => \"%s\"", entry->addopts, tmp); entry->opts = tmp; sv = macro_addvar(sv, "opts", 4, entry->opts); } } expand_merge_options(ap, entry, sv); if (entry->remopts && entry->addopts) { tmp = merge_options(entry->remopts, entry->addopts); if (tmp) { info(ap->logopt, MODPREFIX "merge remopts \"%s\" addopts \"%s\" => \"%s\"", entry->remopts, entry->addopts, tmp); free(entry->remopts); entry->remopts = tmp; sv = macro_addvar(sv, "remopts", 7, entry->remopts); } } else if (entry->addopts && *entry->addopts) { tmp = strdup(entry->addopts); if (tmp) { info(ap->logopt, MODPREFIX "remopts add addopts \"%s\" => \"%s\"", entry->addopts, tmp); entry->remopts = tmp; sv = macro_addvar(sv, "remopts", 7, entry->remopts); } } return sv; } static int do_auto_mount(struct autofs_point *ap, const char *name, struct amd_entry *entry, unsigned int flags) { char target[PATH_MAX + 1]; if (!entry->map_type) { if (strlen(entry->fs) > PATH_MAX) { error(ap->logopt, MODPREFIX "error: fs option length is too long"); return 0; } strcpy(target, entry->fs); } else { if (strlen(entry->fs) + strlen(entry->map_type) + 5 > PATH_MAX) { error(ap->logopt, MODPREFIX "error: fs + maptype options length is too long"); return 0; } strcpy(target, entry->map_type); strcat(target, ",amd:"); strcat(target, entry->fs); } return do_mount(ap, ap->path, name, strlen(name), target, "autofs", entry->opts); } static int do_link_mount(struct autofs_point *ap, const char *name, struct amd_entry *entry, unsigned int flags) { const char *opts = (entry->opts && *entry->opts) ? entry->opts : NULL; char *target; int ret; if (entry->sublink) { if (strlen(entry->sublink) > PATH_MAX) { error(ap->logopt, MODPREFIX "error: sublink option length is too long"); return 0; } target = entry->sublink; } else { if (strlen(entry->fs) > PATH_MAX) { error(ap->logopt, MODPREFIX "error: fs option length is too long"); return 0; } target = entry->fs; } if (!(flags & CONF_AUTOFS_USE_LOFS)) goto symlink; /* For a sublink this might cause an external mount */ ret = do_mount(ap, ap->path, name, strlen(name), target, "bind", opts); if (!ret) goto out; debug(ap->logopt, MODPREFIX "bind mount failed, symlinking"); symlink: ret = do_mount(ap, ap->path, name, strlen(name), target, "bind", "symlink"); if (!ret) goto out; error(ap->logopt, MODPREFIX "failed to symlink %s to %s", entry->path, target); if (entry->sublink) { /* failed to complete sublink mount */ umount_amd_ext_mount(ap, entry); } out: return ret; } static int do_linkx_mount(struct autofs_point *ap, const char *name, struct amd_entry *entry, unsigned int flags) { struct stat st; char *target; if (entry->sublink) target = entry->sublink; else target = entry->fs; if (lstat(target, &st) < 0) return errno; return do_link_mount(ap, name, entry, flags); } static int do_generic_mount(struct autofs_point *ap, const char *name, struct amd_entry *entry, const char *target, unsigned int flags) { const char *opts = (entry->opts && *entry->opts) ? entry->opts : NULL; unsigned int umount = 0; int ret = 0; if (!entry->fs) { ret = do_mount(ap, ap->path, name, strlen(name), target, entry->type, opts); } else { /* * Careful, external mounts may get mounted * multiple times since they are outside of * the automount filesystem. */ if (!is_mounted(_PATH_MOUNTED, entry->fs, MNTS_REAL)) { ret = do_mount(ap, entry->fs, "/", 1, target, entry->type, opts); if (ret) goto out; umount = 1; } /* We have an external mount */ ext_mount_add(&entry->ext_mount, entry->fs, umount); ret = do_link_mount(ap, name, entry, flags); } out: return ret; } static int do_nfs_mount(struct autofs_point *ap, const char *name, struct amd_entry *entry, unsigned int flags) { char target[PATH_MAX + 1]; unsigned int proximity; char *opts = (entry->opts && *entry->opts) ? entry->opts : NULL; unsigned int umount = 0; int ret = 0; if (strlen(entry->rhost) + strlen(entry->rfs) + 1 > PATH_MAX) { error(ap->logopt, MODPREFIX "error: rhost + rfs options length is too long"); return 0; } strcpy(target, entry->rhost); strcat(target, ":"); strcat(target, entry->rfs); proximity = get_network_proximity(entry->rhost); if (proximity == PROXIMITY_OTHER && entry->remopts && *entry->remopts) opts = entry->remopts; if (!entry->fs) { ret = mount_nfs->mount_mount(ap, ap->path, name, strlen(name), target, entry->type, opts, mount_nfs->context); } else { if (!is_mounted(_PATH_MOUNTED, entry->fs, MNTS_REAL)) { ret = mount_nfs->mount_mount(ap, entry->fs, "/", 1, target, entry->type, opts, mount_nfs->context); if (ret) goto out; umount = 1; } /* We might be using an external mount */ ext_mount_add(&entry->ext_mount, entry->fs, umount); ret = do_link_mount(ap, name, entry, flags); } out: return ret; } static int do_nfsl_mount(struct autofs_point *ap, const char *name, struct amd_entry *entry, struct substvar *sv, unsigned int flags) { const struct substvar *host, *hostd; struct stat st; char *target; host = macro_findvar(sv, "host", 4); if (!host) return do_nfs_mount(ap, name, entry, flags); hostd = macro_findvar(sv, "hostd", 5); if (!hostd || !*hostd->val) return do_nfs_mount(ap, name, entry, flags); if (entry->sublink) target = entry->sublink; else target = entry->fs; if (strcasecmp(host->val, entry->rhost) || strcasecmp(hostd->val, entry->rhost)) return do_nfs_mount(ap, name, entry, flags); else if (lstat(target, &st) < 0) return do_nfs_mount(ap, name, entry, flags); return do_link_mount(ap, name, entry, flags); } static int wait_for_expire(struct autofs_point *ap) { int ret = 0; st_wait_task(ap, ST_EXPIRE, 0); st_mutex_lock(); if (ap->state != ST_SHUTDOWN && ap->state != ST_SHUTDOWN_PENDING && ap->state != ST_SHUTDOWN_FORCE) { ret = 1; } st_mutex_unlock(); return ret; } static int do_host_mount(struct autofs_point *ap, const char *name, struct amd_entry *entry, struct map_source *source, unsigned int flags) { struct lookup_mod *lookup; struct map_source *instance; struct mapent *me; const char *argv[2]; const char **pargv = NULL; int status; int argc = 0; int ret = 1; /* * If the mount point name isn't the same as the host name * then we need to symlink to it after the mount. Attempt * the allocation and set entry->path to the base location * of the hosts mount tree so we can find it in * lookup_nss_mount() later. */ if (strcmp(name, entry->rhost)) { char *target; size_t len = strlen(ap->path) + strlen(entry->rhost) + 2; target = malloc(len); if (!target) { warn(ap->logopt, MODPREFIX "failed to alloc target to hosts mount base"); goto out; } strcpy(target, ap->path); strcat(target, "/"); strcat(target, entry->rhost); if (entry->path) free(entry->path); entry->path = target; /* * Wait for any expire before racing to mount the * export tree or bail out if we're shutting down. */ if (!wait_for_expire(ap)) goto out; } if (entry->opts && *entry->opts) { argv[0] = entry->opts; argv[1] = NULL; pargv = argv; argc = 1; } instance_mutex_lock(); status = open_lookup("hosts", MODPREFIX, NULL, argc, pargv, &lookup); if (status != NSS_STATUS_SUCCESS) { debug(ap->logopt, "open lookup module hosts failed"); instance_mutex_unlock(); goto out; } instance = master_find_source_instance(source, "hosts", "sun", argc, pargv); if (!instance) { instance = master_add_source_instance(source, "hosts", "sun", monotonic_time(NULL), argc, pargv); if (!instance) { error(ap->logopt, MODPREFIX "failed to create source instance for hosts map"); instance_mutex_unlock(); close_lookup(lookup); goto out; } } instance->lookup = lookup; instance_mutex_unlock(); cache_writelock(source->mc); me = cache_lookup_distinct(source->mc, name); if (me) cache_push_mapent(me, NULL); cache_unlock(source->mc); master_source_current_wait(ap->entry); ap->entry->current = source; ret = lookup->lookup_mount(ap, entry->rhost, strlen(entry->rhost), lookup->context); if (!strcmp(name, entry->rhost)) goto out; if (do_mount(ap, ap->path, name, strlen(name), entry->path, "bind", "symlink")) warn(ap->logopt, MODPREFIX "failed to create symlink to hosts mount base"); out: return ret; } static int do_program_mount(struct autofs_point *ap, struct amd_entry *entry, const char *name) { char *prog, *str; char **argv; int argc = -1; int rv = 1; str = strdup(entry->mount); if (!str) goto out; prog = NULL; argv = NULL; argc = construct_argv(str, &prog, &argv); if (argc == -1) { error(ap->logopt, MODPREFIX "%s: error creating mount arguments", entry->type); free(str); goto out; } /* The am-utils documentation doesn't actually say that the * mount (and umount, if given) command need to use ${fs} as * the mount point in the command. * * For program mounts there's no way to know what the mount * point is so ${fs} must be used in the mount (and umount, * if given) in order to create the mount point directory * before executing the mount command and removing it at * umount. */ if (ext_mount_inuse(entry->fs)) { rv = 0; ext_mount_add(&entry->ext_mount, entry->fs, 1); } else { rv = mkdir_path(entry->fs, mp_mode); if (rv && errno != EEXIST) { char buf[MAX_ERR_BUF]; char *estr; estr = strerror_r(errno, buf, MAX_ERR_BUF); error(ap->logopt, MODPREFIX "%s: mkdir_path %s failed: %s", entry->type, entry->fs, estr); goto do_free; } rv = spawnv(ap->logopt, prog, (const char * const *) argv); if (WIFEXITED(rv) && !WEXITSTATUS(rv)) { rv = 0; ext_mount_add(&entry->ext_mount, entry->fs, 1); debug(ap->logopt, MODPREFIX "%s: mounted %s", entry->type, entry->fs); } else { if (!ext_mount_inuse(entry->fs)) rmdir_path(ap, entry->fs, ap->dev); error(ap->logopt, MODPREFIX "%s: failed to mount using: %s", entry->type, entry->mount); } } do_free: free_argv(argc, (const char **) argv); free(str); if (rv) goto out; rv = do_link_mount(ap, name, entry, 0); if (!rv) goto out; if (umount_amd_ext_mount(ap, entry)) { if (!ext_mount_inuse(entry->fs)) rmdir_path(ap, entry->fs, ap->dev); debug(ap->logopt, MODPREFIX "%s: failed to umount external mount at %s", entry->type, entry->fs); } out: return rv; } static unsigned int validate_auto_options(unsigned int logopt, struct amd_entry *entry) { /* * The amd manual implies all the mount type auto options * are optional but I don't think there's much point if * no map is given. If the option has been intentionally * left blank the mount must be expected to fail so don't * report the error. */ if (!entry->fs) { error(logopt, MODPREFIX "%s: file system not given", entry->type); return 0; } else if (!*entry->fs) return 0; return 1; } static unsigned int validate_link_options(unsigned int logopt, struct amd_entry *entry) { /* fs is the destimation of the link */ return validate_auto_options(logopt, entry); } static unsigned int validate_nfs_options(unsigned int logopt, struct amd_entry *entry) { /* * Required option rhost will always have a value unless * it has been intentionally left blank. It is set from * ${host} if it is found to be NULL earlier in the parsing * process. Don't report the error if it has been left blank * or if the fs option has been left blank since the mount is * expected to fail. */ if (!entry->rfs || !*entry->rfs) { if (entry->rfs && !*entry->rfs) return 0; /* Map option fs has been intentionally left blank */ if (entry->fs && !*entry->fs) return 0; entry->rfs = strdup(entry->fs); if (!entry->rfs) { error(logopt, MODPREFIX "%s: remote file system not given", entry->type); return 0; } } if (entry->sublink && !entry->fs) { error(logopt, MODPREFIX "%s: sublink option requires option fs"); return 0; } return 1; } static unsigned int validate_generic_options(unsigned int logopt, unsigned long fstype, struct amd_entry *entry) { /* * If dev or rfs are empty in the map entry the mount is * expected to fail so don't report the error. */ if (fstype != AMD_MOUNT_TYPE_LOFS) { if (!entry->dev) { error(logopt, MODPREFIX "%s: mount device not given", entry->type); return 0; } else if (!*entry->dev) return 0; } else { if (!entry->rfs) { /* * Can't use entry->type as the mount type to reprot * the error since entry->type == "bind" not "lofs". */ error(logopt, MODPREFIX "lofs: mount device not given"); return 0; } else if (!*entry->rfs) return 0; } if (entry->sublink && !entry->fs) { error(logopt, MODPREFIX "%s: sublink option requires option fs"); return 0; } return 1; } static unsigned int validate_ufs_fstype(unsigned int logopt, struct amd_entry *entry) { const char *type = (const char *) entry->type; if (strcmp(type, "ext") && strcmp(type, "ext2") && strcmp(type, "ext3") && strcmp(type, "ext4") && strcmp(type, "xfs") && strcmp(type, "jfs")) { error(logopt, MODPREFIX "%s: mount type %s not valid as ufs mount type on Linux", type); return 0; } return 1; } static unsigned int validate_host_options(unsigned int logopt, struct amd_entry *entry) { /* * rhost is always non-null, unless it is intentionally left * empty, because it will have the the value of the host name * if it isn't given in the map entry. Don't report an error * if it has been left empty since it's expected to fail. */ if (!entry->rhost) { error(logopt, MODPREFIX "%s: remote host name not given", entry->type); return 0; } else if (!*entry->rhost) return 0; return 1; } static unsigned int validate_program_options(unsigned int logopt, struct amd_entry *entry) { /* * entry->mount will be NULL if there is a problem expanding * ${} macros in expandamdent(). */ if (!entry->mount) { error(logopt, MODPREFIX "%s: mount program invalid or not set", entry->type); return 0; } if (!entry->fs || !*entry->fs) { error(logopt, MODPREFIX "%s: ${fs} must be used as the mount point but is not set", entry->type); return 0; } return 1; } static int amd_mount(struct autofs_point *ap, const char *name, struct amd_entry *entry, struct map_source *source, struct substvar *sv, unsigned int flags, struct parse_context *ctxt) { unsigned long fstype = entry->flags & AMD_MOUNT_TYPE_MASK; int ret = 1; switch (fstype) { case AMD_MOUNT_TYPE_AUTO: if (!validate_auto_options(ap->logopt, entry)) return 1; ret = do_auto_mount(ap, name, entry, flags); break; case AMD_MOUNT_TYPE_LOFS: if (!validate_generic_options(ap->logopt, fstype, entry)) return 1; ret = do_generic_mount(ap, name, entry, entry->rfs, flags); break; case AMD_MOUNT_TYPE_UFS: if (!validate_ufs_fstype(ap->logopt, entry)) return 1; /* fall through to validate generic options */ case AMD_MOUNT_TYPE_EXT: case AMD_MOUNT_TYPE_XFS: case AMD_MOUNT_TYPE_CDFS: if (!validate_generic_options(ap->logopt, fstype, entry)) return 1; ret = do_generic_mount(ap, name, entry, entry->dev, flags); break; case AMD_MOUNT_TYPE_NFS: if (!validate_nfs_options(ap->logopt, entry)) return 1; ret = do_nfs_mount(ap, name, entry, flags); break; case AMD_MOUNT_TYPE_NFSL: if (!validate_nfs_options(ap->logopt, entry) || !validate_link_options(ap->logopt, entry)) return 1; ret = do_nfsl_mount(ap, name, entry, sv, flags); break; case AMD_MOUNT_TYPE_LINK: if (!validate_link_options(ap->logopt, entry)) return 1; ret = do_link_mount(ap, name, entry, flags); break; case AMD_MOUNT_TYPE_LINKX: if (!validate_link_options(ap->logopt, entry)) return 1; ret = do_linkx_mount(ap, name, entry, flags); break; case AMD_MOUNT_TYPE_HOST: if (!validate_host_options(ap->logopt, entry)) return 1; ret = do_host_mount(ap, name, entry, source, flags); break; case AMD_MOUNT_TYPE_PROGRAM: if (!validate_program_options(ap->logopt, entry)) return 1; ret = do_program_mount(ap, entry, name); break; default: info(ap->logopt, MODPREFIX "unknown file system type %x", fstype); break; } return ret; } void dequote_entry(struct autofs_point *ap, struct amd_entry *entry) { char *res; if (entry->pref) { res = dequote(entry->pref, strlen(entry->pref), ap->logopt); if (res) { debug(ap->logopt, MODPREFIX "pref dequote(\"%.*s\") -> %s", strlen(entry->pref), entry->pref, res); free(entry->pref); entry->pref = res; } } if (entry->sublink) { res = dequote(entry->sublink, strlen(entry->sublink), ap->logopt); if (res) { debug(ap->logopt, MODPREFIX "sublink dequote(\"%.*s\") -> %s", strlen(entry->sublink), entry->sublink, res); free(entry->sublink); entry->sublink = res; } } if (entry->fs && *entry->fs) { res = dequote(entry->fs, strlen(entry->fs), ap->logopt); if (res) { debug(ap->logopt, MODPREFIX "fs dequote(\"%.*s\") -> %s", strlen(entry->fs), entry->fs, res); free(entry->fs); entry->fs = res; } } if (entry->rfs && *entry->rfs) { res = dequote(entry->rfs, strlen(entry->rfs), ap->logopt); if (res) { debug(ap->logopt, MODPREFIX "rfs dequote(\"%.*s\") -> %s", strlen(entry->rfs), entry->rfs, res); free(entry->rfs); entry->rfs = res; } } if (entry->opts && *entry->opts) { res = dequote(entry->opts, strlen(entry->opts), ap->logopt); if (res) { debug(ap->logopt, MODPREFIX "ops dequote(\"%.*s\") -> %s", strlen(entry->opts), entry->opts, res); free(entry->opts); entry->opts = res; } } if (entry->remopts && *entry->remopts) { res = dequote(entry->remopts, strlen(entry->remopts), ap->logopt); if (res) { debug(ap->logopt, MODPREFIX "remopts dequote(\"%.*s\") -> %s", strlen(entry->remopts), entry->remopts, res); free(entry->remopts); entry->remopts = res; } } if (entry->addopts && *entry->addopts) { res = dequote(entry->addopts, strlen(entry->addopts), ap->logopt); if (res) { debug(ap->logopt, MODPREFIX "addopts dequote(\"%.*s\") -> %s", strlen(entry->addopts), entry->addopts, res); free(entry->addopts); entry->addopts = res; } } return; } static void normalize_sublink(unsigned int logopt, struct amd_entry *entry, struct substvar *sv) { char *new; size_t len; /* Normalizing sublink requires a non-blank fs option */ if (!*entry->fs) return; if (entry->sublink && *entry->sublink != '/') { len = strlen(entry->fs) + strlen(entry->sublink) + 2; new = malloc(len); if (!new) { error(logopt, MODPREFIX "error: couldn't allocate storage for sublink"); return; } strcpy(new, entry->fs); strcat(new, "/"); strcat(new, entry->sublink); debug(logopt, MODPREFIX "rfs dequote(\"%.*s\") -> %s", strlen(entry->sublink), entry->sublink, new); free(entry->sublink); entry->sublink = new; } return; } /* * Set the prefix. * * This is done in a couple of places, here is as good a place as * any to describe it. * * If a prefix is present in the map entry then use it. * * A pref option with the value none is required to use no prefix, * otherwise the prefix of the parent map, if any, will be used. */ static void update_prefix(struct autofs_point *ap, struct amd_entry *entry, const char *name) { size_t len; char *new; if (!entry->pref && ap->pref) { len = strlen(ap->pref) + strlen(name) + 2; new = malloc(len); if (new) { strcpy(new, ap->pref); strcat(new, name); strcat(new, "/"); entry->pref = new; } } return; } static int match_selectors(unsigned int logopt, struct amd_entry *entry, struct substvar *sv) { struct selector *s = entry->selector; int ret; /* No selectors, always match */ if (!s) { debug(logopt, MODPREFIX "no selectors found in location"); return 1; } ret = 0; /* All selectors must match */ while (s) { ret = eval_selector(logopt, entry, sv); if (!ret) break; s = s->next; } if (!s) ret = 1; return ret; } static struct amd_entry *dup_defaults_entry(struct amd_entry *defaults) { struct amd_entry *entry; char *tmp; entry = malloc(sizeof(struct amd_entry)); if (!entry) return NULL; memset(entry, 0, sizeof(struct amd_entry)); entry->flags = defaults->flags; if (defaults->type) { tmp = strdup(defaults->type); if (tmp) entry->type = tmp; } if (defaults->map_type) { tmp = strdup(defaults->map_type); if (tmp) entry->map_type = tmp; } if (defaults->pref) { tmp = strdup(defaults->pref); if (tmp) entry->pref = tmp; } if (defaults->fs) { tmp = strdup(defaults->fs); if (tmp) entry->fs = tmp; } /* These shouldn't be blank in a defaults entry but ... */ if (defaults->rfs && *defaults->rfs) { tmp = strdup(defaults->rfs); if (tmp) entry->rfs = tmp; } if (defaults->rhost && *defaults->rhost) { tmp = strdup(defaults->rhost); if (tmp) entry->rhost = tmp; } if (defaults->dev && *defaults->dev) { tmp = strdup(defaults->dev); if (tmp) entry->dev = tmp; } if (defaults->opts && *defaults->opts) { tmp = strdup(defaults->opts); if (tmp) entry->opts = tmp; } if (defaults->addopts && *defaults->addopts) { tmp = strdup(defaults->addopts); if (tmp) entry->addopts = tmp; } if (defaults->remopts && *defaults->remopts) { tmp = strdup(defaults->remopts); if (tmp) entry->remopts = tmp; } INIT_LIST_HEAD(&entry->list); return entry; } struct amd_entry *make_default_entry(struct autofs_point *ap, struct substvar *sv) { char *defaults = "opts:=rw,defaults"; struct amd_entry *defaults_entry; struct list_head dflts; char *map_type; INIT_LIST_HEAD(&dflts); if (amd_parse_list(ap, defaults, &dflts, &sv)) return NULL; defaults_entry = list_entry(dflts.next, struct amd_entry, list); list_del_init(&defaults_entry->list); /* * If map type isn't given try to inherit from * parent. A NULL map type is valid and means * use configured nss sources. */ map_type = conf_amd_get_map_type(ap->path); if (map_type) defaults_entry->map_type = strdup(map_type); /* The list should now be empty .... */ free_amd_entry_list(&dflts); return defaults_entry; } static struct amd_entry *select_default_entry(struct autofs_point *ap, struct list_head *entries, struct substvar *sv) { unsigned long flags = conf_amd_get_flags(ap->path); struct amd_entry *defaults_entry = NULL; struct amd_entry *entry_default = NULL; struct list_head *p, *head; if (!(flags & CONF_SELECTORS_IN_DEFAULTS)) goto no_sel; head = entries; p = head->next; while (p != head) { struct amd_entry *this = list_entry(p, struct amd_entry, list); p = p->next; if (this->flags & AMD_DEFAULTS_MERGE) { if (entry_default) free_amd_entry(entry_default); list_del_init(&this->list); entry_default = this; continue; } else if (this->flags & AMD_DEFAULTS_RESET) { struct amd_entry *new; new = dup_defaults_entry(defaults_entry); if (new) { free_amd_entry(entry_default); entry_default = new; } list_del_init(&this->list); free_amd_entry(this); continue; } /* * This probably should be a fail since we expect * selectors to pick the default entry. */ if (!this->selector) continue; if (match_selectors(ap->logopt, this, sv)) { if (entry_default) { /*update_with_defaults(entry_default, this, sv);*/ free_amd_entry(entry_default); } list_del_init(&this->list); defaults_entry = this; break; } } /* Not strickly amd semantics but ... */ if (!defaults_entry && entry_default) { defaults_entry = entry_default; goto done; } if (!defaults_entry) { debug(ap->logopt, MODPREFIX "no matching selector(s) found in defaults, " "using internal defaults"); goto ret_default; } goto done; no_sel: if (list_empty(entries)) goto ret_default; defaults_entry = list_entry(entries->next, struct amd_entry, list); list_del_init(&defaults_entry->list); if (!list_empty(entries)) { free_amd_entry(defaults_entry); goto ret_default; } done: /*merge_entry_options(ap, defaults_entry, sv);*/ /*normalize_sublink(ap->logopt, defaults_entry, sv);*/ return defaults_entry; ret_default: return make_default_entry(ap, sv); } static struct amd_entry *get_defaults_entry(struct autofs_point *ap, const char *defaults, struct substvar *sv) { struct amd_entry *entry; struct list_head dflts; INIT_LIST_HEAD(&dflts); entry = NULL; if (!defaults) goto out; else { char *expand; if (!expand_selectors(ap, defaults, &expand, sv)) goto out; if (amd_parse_list(ap, expand, &dflts, &sv)) { error(ap->logopt, MODPREFIX "failed to parse defaults entry, " "attempting to use internal default"); free(expand); goto out; } entry = select_default_entry(ap, &dflts, sv); if (!entry->map_type) { /* * If map type isn't given try to inherit from * parent. A NULL map type is valid and means * use configured nss sources. */ char *map_type = conf_amd_get_map_type(ap->path); if (map_type) entry->map_type = strdup(map_type); } free(expand); } return entry; out: return make_default_entry(ap, sv); } static struct amd_entry *setup_defaults(struct autofs_point *ap, const char *name, int name_len, struct map_source *source, struct substvar **sv) { struct amd_entry *defaults_entry; struct mapent_cache *mc; struct mapent *me; struct substvar *nsv; char *defaults; mc = source->mc; defaults = NULL; defaults_entry = NULL; nsv = add_lookup_vars(ap, name, name_len, source, NULL); if (!nsv) goto done; defaults = conf_amd_get_map_defaults(ap->path); if (defaults) { debug(ap->logopt, MODPREFIX "using map_defaults %s for %s", defaults, ap->path); } else if ((me = cache_lookup_distinct(mc, "/defaults"))) { defaults = strdup(me->mapent); if (defaults) debug(ap->logopt, MODPREFIX "using /defaults %s from map", defaults); else { char buf[MAX_ERR_BUF]; char *estr = strerror_r(errno, buf, MAX_ERR_BUF); error(ap->logopt, MODPREFIX "malloc: %s", estr); macro_free_table(nsv); nsv = NULL; goto done; } } defaults_entry = get_defaults_entry(ap, defaults, nsv); if (!defaults_entry) { error(ap->logopt, MODPREFIX "failed to get a defaults entry"); macro_free_table(nsv); nsv = NULL; } done: if (defaults) free(defaults); if (*sv) macro_free_table(*sv); *sv = nsv; return defaults_entry; } int parse_mount(struct autofs_point *ap, const char *name, int name_len, const char *mapent, void *context) { struct parse_context *ctxt = (struct parse_context *) context; unsigned int flags = conf_amd_get_flags(ap->path); struct substvar *sv = NULL; struct map_source *source; unsigned int at_least_one; struct list_head entries, *p, *head; struct amd_entry *defaults_entry; struct amd_entry *cur_defaults; int rv = 1; int cur_state; int ret; source = ap->entry->current; ap->entry->current = NULL; master_source_current_signal(ap->entry); if (!mapent) { warn(ap->logopt, MODPREFIX "error: empty map entry"); return 1; } INIT_LIST_HEAD(&entries); pthread_setcancelstate(PTHREAD_CANCEL_DISABLE, &cur_state); defaults_entry = setup_defaults(ap, name, name_len, source, &sv); if (!defaults_entry) { error(ap->logopt, MODPREFIX "failed to setup defaults entry"); goto done; } ret = amd_parse_list(ap, mapent, &entries, &sv); if (ret) { error(ap->logopt, MODPREFIX "failed to parse entry: %s", mapent); goto done; } if (list_empty(&entries)) { error(ap->logopt, MODPREFIX "no location found after parse"); goto done; } cur_defaults = dup_defaults_entry(defaults_entry); if (!cur_defaults) { error(ap->logopt, MODPREFIX "failed to duplicate defaults entry"); goto done; } at_least_one = 0; head = &entries; p = head->next; while (p != head) { struct amd_entry *this = list_entry(p, struct amd_entry, list); p = p->next; if (this->flags & AMD_DEFAULTS_MERGE) { free_amd_entry(cur_defaults); list_del_init(&this->list); cur_defaults = this; update_with_defaults(defaults_entry, cur_defaults, sv); continue; } else if (this->flags & AMD_DEFAULTS_RESET) { struct amd_entry *nd, *new; struct substvar *nsv = NULL; nd = setup_defaults(ap, name, name_len, source, &nsv); if (nd) { free_amd_entry(defaults_entry); defaults_entry = nd; macro_free_table(sv); sv = nsv; } new = dup_defaults_entry(defaults_entry); if (new) { free_amd_entry(cur_defaults); cur_defaults = new; } list_del_init(&this->list); free_amd_entry(this); continue; } debug(ap->logopt, "expand defaults entry"); sv = expand_entry(ap, cur_defaults, flags, sv); if (this->flags & AMD_ENTRY_CUT && at_least_one) { info(ap->logopt, MODPREFIX "at least one entry tried before cut selector, " "not continuing"); break; } if (!match_selectors(ap->logopt, this, sv)) continue; at_least_one = 1; debug(ap->logopt, "expand mount entry"); update_with_defaults(cur_defaults, this, sv); sv = expand_entry(ap, this, flags, sv); sv = merge_entry_options(ap, this, sv); normalize_sublink(ap->logopt, this, sv); update_prefix(ap, this, name); dequote_entry(ap, this); /* * Type "auto" needs to set the prefix at mount time so * add parsed entry to parent amd mount list and remove * on mount fail. */ mounts_mutex_lock(ap); list_add_tail(&this->entries, &ap->amdmounts); mounts_mutex_unlock(ap); rv = amd_mount(ap, name, this, source, sv, flags, ctxt); mounts_mutex_lock(ap); if (!rv) { /* Mounted, remove entry from parsed list */ list_del_init(&this->list); mounts_mutex_unlock(ap); break; } /* Not mounted, remove entry from the parent list */ list_del_init(&this->entries); mounts_mutex_unlock(ap); } free_amd_entry(cur_defaults); if (rv) debug(ap->logopt, MODPREFIX "no more locations to try, returning fail"); done: free_amd_entry_list(&entries); free_amd_entry(defaults_entry); macro_free_table(sv); pthread_setcancelstate(cur_state, NULL); return rv; } int parse_done(void *context) { int rv = 0; struct parse_context *ctxt = (struct parse_context *) context; instance_mutex_lock(); if (--init_ctr == 0) { rv = close_mount(mount_nfs); mount_nfs = NULL; } instance_mutex_unlock(); if (ctxt) kill_context(ctxt); return rv; }