/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- * * * Copyright 2013 Ian Kent * Copyright 2013 Red Hat, Inc. * All rights reserved. * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge MA 02139, * USA; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later * version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */ %s START MAPOPTVAL FSOPTVAL MNTOPTVAL SELOPTVAL SELARGVAL %{ static int reset_start_state = 0; #ifdef ECHO # undef ECHO #endif static void amd_echo(void); /* forward definition */ static void amd_copy_buffer(void); #define ECHO amd_echo() int amd_wrap(void); #include #include #include #include #include "amd_parse.tab.h" int amd_lex(void); int mad_wrap(void); #define YY_SKIP_YYWRAP #ifndef YY_STACK_USED #define YY_STACK_USED 0 #endif #ifndef YY_ALWAYS_INTERACTIVE #define YY_ALWAYS_INTERACTIVE 0 #endif #ifndef YY_NEVER_INTERACTIVE #define YY_NEVER_INTERACTIVE 0 #endif #ifndef YY_MAIN #define YY_MAIN 0 #endif void amd_set_scan_buffer(const char *); static const char *line = NULL; #ifdef FLEX_SCANNER static const char *line_pos = NULL; static const char *line_lim = NULL; int amd_yyinput(char *, int); #undef YY_INPUT #define YY_INPUT(b, r, ms) (r = amd_yyinput(b, ms)) #else #undef input #undef unput #define input() (*(char *) line++) #define unput(c) (*(char *) --line = c) #endif %} %option nounput NL \r?\n OPTWS [[:blank:]]* OTHR [^!;:=/|\- \t\r\n#]* V4NUM ([01]?[0-9][0-9]?|2[0-4][0-9]|25[0-5]) MACRO (\$\{([[:alpha:]_/]([[:alnum:]_\-])([[:alnum:]_\-/])*)\}) QSTR (\"([^"\\]|\\.)*\") OSTR ([[:alpha:]]([[:alnum:]_\-])+) FSTR ([[:alnum:]_/\.]([[:alnum:]_\-/\+\.]|(\\.))*) VSTR (([[:alnum:]_\-\:/\.])+) SSTR ([[:alpha:]]([[:alnum:]\-\.])+) IP4ADDR ({V4NUM}\.((({V4NUM}\.){0,2}){V4NUM}?)) V4MASK ({IP4ADDR}|([1-2][0-9]|3[0-2]|[1-9])) IP6ADDR ((([A-Fa-f0-9]{1,4}\:\:?){1,7}[A-Fa-f0-9]{1,4})|(\:\:1)) V6MASK (12[0-8]|1[0-1][0-9]|[1-9][0-9]|[1-9]) FOPT (({QSTR}|{FSTR}|{MACRO})+) OPTS ({OSTR}(=({VSTR}|{MACRO})+)?) SOPT ({SSTR}|{QSTR}|{MACRO}(\.|{SSTR}|{QSTR}|{MACRO})+) NOPT ({SSTR}|(({IP4ADDR}(\/{V4MASK})?)|({IP6ADDR}(\/{V6MASK})?))) MAPOPT (fs|type|maptype|pref|sublink|cache) MNTOPT (opts|addopts|remopts) FSOPTS (rhost|rfs|dev|cachedir|mount|unmount|umount|delay) CHEOPT ((mapdefault|none|inc|re|regexp|all)(,sync)?) MAPTYPE (file|nis|nisplus|ldap|hesiod|exec|ndbm|passwd|union) FSTYPE_LOCAL (link|linkx|lofs|ufs|ext2|ext3|ext4|xfs|jfs|cdfs|cachefs) FSTYPE_NET (nfs|nfsx|nfsl|host) FSTYPE (auto|program|direct|lustre|{FSTYPE_LOCAL}|{FSTYPE_NET}) OSSEL (arch|karch|os|osver|full_os|vendor) HSTSEL (host|hostd|domain|byte|cluster) NETSEL (netnumber|network|wire|in_network) USRSEL (uid|gid) MAPSEL (key|map|path) OTRSEL (autodir|dollar) BOLSEL (true|false) SELOPT ({OSSEL}|{HSTSEL}|{USRSEL}|{MAPSEL}|{OTRSEL}) SEL1ARG (xhost|exists|{NETSEL}|{BOLSEL}) SEL2ARG (netgrp|netgrpd) CUTSEP (\|\||\/) %% %{ if (reset_start_state) { BEGIN START; reset_start_state = 0; } %} { {NL} | \x00 { } {MAPOPT} { BEGIN(MAPOPTVAL); amd_copy_buffer(); return MAP_OPTION; } {FSOPTS} { BEGIN(FSOPTVAL); amd_copy_buffer(); return FS_OPTION; } {MNTOPT} { BEGIN(MNTOPTVAL); amd_copy_buffer(); return MNT_OPTION; } {SELOPT} { BEGIN(SELOPTVAL); amd_copy_buffer(); return SELECTOR; } "!"/({SEL1ARG}|{SEL2ARG}) { return NOT; } {SEL1ARG} { BEGIN(SELARGVAL); amd_copy_buffer(); return SELECTOR; } {SEL2ARG} { BEGIN(SELARGVAL); amd_copy_buffer(); return SELECTOR; } {CUTSEP} { return CUT; } "-" { return HYPHEN; } {OPTWS} { return SPACE; } #.* { return COMMENT; } {OTHR} { amd_copy_buffer(); return OTHER; } } { {NL} { BEGIN(START); yyless(1); } \x00 { BEGIN(START); return SEPERATOR; yyless(1); } ";" { BEGIN(START); return SEPERATOR; } {OPTWS} { BEGIN(START); return SPACE; } ":=" { return OPTION_ASSIGN; } {FSTYPE} { amd_copy_buffer(); return FS_TYPE; } {MAPTYPE} { amd_copy_buffer(); return MAP_TYPE; } {CHEOPT} { amd_copy_buffer(); return CACHE_OPTION; } {FOPT} { amd_copy_buffer(); return FS_OPT_VALUE; } } { {NL} { BEGIN(START); yyless(1); } \x00 { BEGIN(START); return SEPERATOR; yyless(1); } ";" { BEGIN(START); return SEPERATOR; } {OPTWS} { BEGIN(START); return SPACE; } ":=" { return OPTION_ASSIGN; } {FOPT} { amd_copy_buffer(); return FS_OPT_VALUE; } } { {NL} { BEGIN(START); yyless(1); } \x00 { BEGIN(START); return SEPERATOR; yyless(1); } ";" { BEGIN(START); return SEPERATOR; } {OPTWS} { BEGIN(START); return SPACE; } (:=)(,+)? { return OPTION_ASSIGN; } ,+ { return COMMA; } "\"" { return QUOTE; } {OPTS} { amd_copy_buffer(); return OPTION; } } { {NL} { BEGIN(START); yyless(1); } \x00 { BEGIN(START); return SEPERATOR; yyless(1); } ";" { BEGIN(START); return SEPERATOR; } {OPTWS} { BEGIN(START); return SPACE; } "==" { return IS_EQUAL; } "!=" { return NOT_EQUAL; } {SOPT} { amd_copy_buffer(); return SELECTOR_VALUE; } } { {NL} { BEGIN(START); yyless(1); } \x00 { BEGIN(START); return SEPERATOR; yyless(1); } ";" { BEGIN(START); return SEPERATOR; } "(" { return LBRACKET; } {NOPT} { amd_copy_buffer(); return SEL_ARG_VALUE; } {SOPT}/"," { amd_copy_buffer(); return SEL_ARG_VALUE; } "," { return COMMA; } {SOPT} { amd_copy_buffer(); return SEL_ARG_VALUE; } {FOPT} { amd_copy_buffer(); return SEL_ARG_VALUE; } ")" { return RBRACKET; } } %% #include "automount.h" int amd_wrap(void) { return 1; } static void amd_copy_buffer(void) { if (amd_leng < 2048) strcpy(amd_lval.strtype, amd_text); else { strncpy(amd_lval.strtype, amd_text, 2047); amd_lval.strtype[2047] = '\0'; logmsg("warning: truncated option near %s\n", &amd_lval.strtype[2030]); } } static void amd_echo(void) { logmsg("%s\n", amd_text); return; } #ifdef FLEX_SCANNER void amd_set_scan_buffer(const char *buffer) { YY_FLUSH_BUFFER; reset_start_state = 1; line = buffer; line_pos = &line[0]; /* * Ensure buffer is 1 greater than string and is zeroed before * the parse so we can fit the extra NULL which allows us to * explicitly match an end of line within the buffer (ie. the * need for 2 NULLS when parsing in memeory buffers). */ line_lim = line + strlen(buffer) + 1; } #define amd_min(a,b) (((a) < (b)) ? (a) : (b)) int amd_yyinput(char *buffer, int max_size) { int n = amd_min(max_size, line_lim - line_pos); if (n > 0) { memcpy(buffer, line_pos, n); line_pos += n; } return n; } #else void amd_set_scan_buffer(const char *buffer) { line = buffer; } #endif