%{ /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- * * * Copyright 2013 Ian Kent * Copyright 2013 Red Hat, Inc. * All rights reserved. * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge MA 02139, * USA; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later * version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "automount.h" #include "parse_amd.h" #include "log.h" #define MAX_OPTS_LEN 1024 #define MAX_ERR_LEN 3096 static pthread_mutex_t parse_mutex = PTHREAD_MUTEX_INITIALIZER; extern FILE *amd_in; extern char *amd_text; extern int amd_lex(void); extern void amd_set_scan_buffer(const char *); static char *amd_strdup(char *); static void amd_set_value(char **, char *); static void local_init_vars(void); static void local_free_vars(void); static int amd_error(const char *s); static int amd_notify(const char *s); static int amd_info(const char *s); static int amd_msg(const char *s); static int add_location(void); static int make_selector(char *name, char *value1, char *value2, unsigned int compare); static void add_selector(struct selector *selector); static int match_map_option_fs_type(char *map_option, char *type); static int match_map_option_map_type(char *map_option, char *type); static int match_map_option_cache_option(char *type); static int match_mnt_option_options(char *mnt_option, char *options); static struct amd_entry entry; static struct list_head *entries; static struct autofs_point *pap; struct substvar *psv; static char opts[MAX_OPTS_LEN]; static void prepend_opt(char *, char *); static char msg_buf[MAX_ERR_LEN]; #define YYDEBUG 0 #ifndef YYENABLE_NLS #define YYENABLE_NLS 0 #endif #ifndef YYLTYPE_IS_TRIVIAL #define YYLTYPE_IS_TRIVIAL 0 #endif #if YYDEBUG static int amd_fprintf(FILE *, char *, ...); #undef YYFPRINTF #define YYFPRINTF amd_fprintf #endif %} %union { char strtype[2048]; int inttype; long longtype; } %token COMMENT %token SEPERATOR %token SPACE %token HYPHEN %token IS_EQUAL %token CUT %token NOT_EQUAL %token COMMA %token QUOTE %token OPTION_ASSIGN %token LBRACKET %token RBRACKET %token NOT %token NILL %token MAP_OPTION %token MAP_TYPE %token CACHE_OPTION %token FS_TYPE %token FS_OPTION %token FS_OPT_VALUE %token MNT_OPTION %token SELECTOR %token SELECTOR_VALUE %token SEL_ARG_VALUE %token OPTION %token MACRO %token OTHER %type options %start file %% file: { #if YYDEBUG != 0 amd_debug = YYDEBUG; #endif memset(opts, 0, sizeof(opts)); } line ; line: | location_selection_list ; location_selection_list: location { if (!add_location()) { amd_msg("failed to allocate new location"); YYABORT; } } | location_selection_list SPACE location { if (!add_location()) { amd_msg("failed to allocate new location"); YYABORT; } } | location_selection_list SPACE CUT SPACE location { entry.flags |= AMD_ENTRY_CUT; if (!add_location()) { amd_msg("failed to allocate new location"); YYABORT; } } ; location: location_entry { } | HYPHEN location_entry { entry.flags |= AMD_DEFAULTS_MERGE; } | HYPHEN { entry.flags |= AMD_DEFAULTS_RESET; } ; location_entry: selector_or_option { } | location_entry SEPERATOR selector_or_option { } | location_entry SEPERATOR { } ; selector_or_option: selection { } | option_assignment { } | OTHER { amd_notify($1); YYABORT; } ; selection: SELECTOR IS_EQUAL SELECTOR_VALUE { if (!make_selector($1, $3, NULL, SEL_COMP_EQUAL)) { amd_notify($1); YYABORT; } } | SELECTOR IS_EQUAL { if (!make_selector($1, "", NULL, SEL_COMP_EQUAL)) { amd_notify($1); YYABORT; } } | SELECTOR NOT_EQUAL SELECTOR_VALUE { if (!make_selector($1, $3, NULL, SEL_COMP_NOTEQUAL)) { amd_notify($1); YYABORT; } } | SELECTOR NOT_EQUAL { if (!make_selector($1, "", NULL, SEL_COMP_EQUAL)) { amd_notify($1); YYABORT; } } | SELECTOR LBRACKET SEL_ARG_VALUE RBRACKET { if (!make_selector($1, $3, NULL, SEL_COMP_NONE)) { amd_notify($1); YYABORT; } } | SELECTOR LBRACKET SEL_ARG_VALUE COMMA SEL_ARG_VALUE RBRACKET { if (!make_selector($1, $3, $5, SEL_COMP_NONE)) { amd_notify($1); YYABORT; } } | NOT SELECTOR LBRACKET SEL_ARG_VALUE RBRACKET { if (!make_selector($2, $4, NULL, SEL_COMP_NOT)) { amd_notify($2); YYABORT; } } | NOT SELECTOR LBRACKET SEL_ARG_VALUE COMMA SEL_ARG_VALUE RBRACKET { if (!make_selector($2, $4, $6, SEL_COMP_NOT)) { amd_notify($2); YYABORT; } } ; option_assignment: MAP_OPTION OPTION_ASSIGN FS_TYPE { if (!match_map_option_fs_type($1, $3)) YYABORT; } | MAP_OPTION OPTION_ASSIGN MAP_TYPE { if (!match_map_option_map_type($1, $3)) YYABORT; } | MAP_OPTION OPTION_ASSIGN FS_OPT_VALUE { /* Quoted value for type, maptype or cache assign */ if (!strcmp($1, "type")) { if (!match_map_option_fs_type($1, $3)) YYABORT; } else if (!strcmp($1, "maptype")) { if (!match_map_option_map_type($1, $3)) YYABORT; } else if (!strcmp($1, "cache")) { if (!match_map_option_cache_option($3)) YYABORT; } else { char *fs_opt_val; fs_opt_val = amd_strdup($3); if (!fs_opt_val) { amd_notify($3); YYABORT; } if (!strcmp($1, "fs")) amd_set_value(&entry.fs, fs_opt_val); else if (!strcmp($1, "sublink")) { amd_set_value(&entry.sublink, fs_opt_val); } else if (!strcmp($1, "pref")) { if (strcmp(fs_opt_val, "null")) amd_set_value(&entry.pref, fs_opt_val); else { char *empty; empty = amd_strdup(""); if (!empty) { amd_notify($3); free(fs_opt_val); YYABORT; } amd_set_value(&entry.pref, empty); free(fs_opt_val); } } else { amd_notify($1); free(fs_opt_val); YYABORT; } } } | MAP_OPTION OPTION_ASSIGN { if (!strcmp($1, "fs")) { char *empty; empty = amd_strdup(""); if (!empty) { amd_notify($1); YYABORT; } amd_set_value(&entry.fs, empty); } else { amd_notify($1); YYABORT; } } | FS_OPTION OPTION_ASSIGN FS_OPT_VALUE { char *fs_opt_val; fs_opt_val = amd_strdup($3); if (!fs_opt_val) { amd_notify($1); YYABORT; } if (!strcmp($1, "rhost")) amd_set_value(&entry.rhost, fs_opt_val); else if (!strcmp($1, "rfs")) amd_set_value(&entry.rfs, fs_opt_val); else if (!strcmp($1, "dev")) amd_set_value(&entry.dev, fs_opt_val); else if (!strcmp($1, "mount")) amd_set_value(&entry.mount, fs_opt_val); else if (!strcmp($1, "unmount") || !strcmp($1, "umount")) { if (entry.umount) { sprintf(msg_buf, "unmount or umount may only be used once"); amd_info(msg_buf); free(fs_opt_val); YYABORT; } entry.umount = fs_opt_val; } else if (!strcmp($1, "delay") || !strcmp($1, "cachedir")) { sprintf(msg_buf, "option %s is not used by autofs", $1); amd_info(msg_buf); free(fs_opt_val); } else { amd_notify($1); free(fs_opt_val); YYABORT; } } | FS_OPTION OPTION_ASSIGN { char *empty; empty = amd_strdup(""); if (!empty) { amd_notify($1); YYABORT; } if (!strcmp($1, "rhost")) amd_set_value(&entry.rhost, empty); else if (!strcmp($1, "rfs")) amd_set_value(&entry.rfs, empty); else if (!strcmp($1, "dev")) amd_set_value(&entry.dev, empty); else if (!strcmp($1, "mount")) { amd_set_value(&entry.mount, NULL); free(empty); } else if (!strcmp($1, "umount") || !strcmp($1, "unmount")) { amd_set_value(&entry.umount, NULL); free(empty); } else { amd_notify($1); free(empty); YYABORT; } } | MNT_OPTION OPTION_ASSIGN options { if (!match_mnt_option_options($1, opts)) { amd_notify($1); YYABORT; } memset(opts, 0, sizeof(opts)); } | MNT_OPTION OPTION_ASSIGN QUOTE options QUOTE { if (!match_mnt_option_options($1, opts)) { amd_notify($1); YYABORT; } memset(opts, 0, sizeof(opts)); } | MNT_OPTION OPTION_ASSIGN { memset(opts, 0, sizeof(opts)); if (!match_mnt_option_options($1, "")) { amd_notify($1); YYABORT; } } | MAP_OPTION OPTION_ASSIGN CACHE_OPTION { if (!strcmp($1, "cache")) { if (!match_map_option_cache_option($3)) YYABORT; } else { amd_notify($1); YYABORT; } } ; options: OPTION { if (!strcmp($1, "fullybrowsable") || !strcmp($1, "nounmount")) { sprintf(msg_buf, "option %s is not currently " "implemented, ignored", $1); amd_info(msg_buf); } else if (!strncmp($1, "ping=", 5) || !strncmp($1, "retry=", 6) || !strcmp($1, "public") || !strcmp($1, "softlookup") || !strcmp($1, "xlatecookie")) { sprintf(msg_buf, "option %s is not used by " "autofs, ignored", $1); amd_info(msg_buf); } else if (!strncmp($1, "utimeout=", 9)) { if (entry.flags & AMD_MOUNT_TYPE_AUTO) { char *opt = $1; prepend_opt(opts, ++opt); } else { sprintf(msg_buf, "umount timeout can't be " "used for other than type " "\"auto\" with autofs, " "ignored"); amd_info(msg_buf); } } else prepend_opt(opts, $1); } | OPTION COMMA options { prepend_opt(opts, $1); } | OPTION COMMA { prepend_opt(opts, $1); } ; %% static int match_map_option_fs_type(char *map_option, char *type) { char *fs_type; fs_type = amd_strdup(type); if (!fs_type) { amd_notify(type); return 0; } if (!strcmp(fs_type, "auto")) entry.flags |= AMD_MOUNT_TYPE_AUTO; else if (!strcmp(fs_type, "nfs") || !strcmp(fs_type, "nfs4")) entry.flags |= AMD_MOUNT_TYPE_NFS; else if (!strcmp(fs_type, "nfsl")) entry.flags |= AMD_MOUNT_TYPE_NFSL; else if (!strcmp(fs_type, "link")) entry.flags |= AMD_MOUNT_TYPE_LINK; else if (!strcmp(fs_type, "linkx")) entry.flags |= AMD_MOUNT_TYPE_LINKX; else if (!strcmp(fs_type, "host")) entry.flags |= AMD_MOUNT_TYPE_HOST; else if (!strcmp(fs_type, "lofs")) entry.flags |= AMD_MOUNT_TYPE_LOFS; else if (!strcmp(fs_type, "xfs")) entry.flags |= AMD_MOUNT_TYPE_XFS; else if (!strcmp(fs_type, "ext2") || !strcmp(fs_type, "ext3") || !strcmp(fs_type, "ext4")) entry.flags |= AMD_MOUNT_TYPE_EXT; else if (!strcmp(fs_type, "program")) entry.flags |= AMD_MOUNT_TYPE_PROGRAM; else if (!strcmp(fs_type, "ufs")) { entry.flags |= AMD_MOUNT_TYPE_UFS; entry.type = conf_amd_get_linux_ufs_mount_type(); if (!entry.type) { amd_msg("memory allocation error"); amd_notify(type); free(fs_type); return 0; } free(fs_type); fs_type = NULL; } else if (!strcmp(fs_type, "cdfs")) { entry.flags |= AMD_MOUNT_TYPE_CDFS; entry.type = amd_strdup("iso9660"); if (!entry.type) { amd_msg("memory allocation error"); amd_notify(map_option); free(fs_type); return 0; } free(fs_type); fs_type = NULL; } else if (!strcmp(fs_type, "jfs") || !strcmp(fs_type, "nfsx") || !strcmp(fs_type, "lustre") || !strcmp(fs_type, "direct")) { sprintf(msg_buf, "file system type %s is " "not yet implemented", fs_type); amd_msg(msg_buf); free(fs_type); return 0; } else if (!strcmp(fs_type, "cachefs")) { sprintf(msg_buf, "file system %s is not " "supported by autofs, ignored", fs_type); amd_msg(msg_buf); free(fs_type); fs_type = NULL; } else { amd_notify(fs_type); free(fs_type); return 0; } if (fs_type) amd_set_value(&entry.type, fs_type); return 1; } static int match_map_option_map_type(char *map_option, char *type) { char *map_type; map_type = amd_strdup(type); if (!map_type) { amd_notify(type); return 0; } if (!strcmp(map_type, "file") || !strcmp(map_type, "nis") || !strcmp(map_type, "nisplus") || !strcmp(map_type, "ldap") || !strcmp(map_type, "hesiod")) { amd_set_value(&entry.map_type, map_type); } else if (!strcmp(map_type, "exec")) { /* autofs uses "program" for "exec" map type */ char * tmp; tmp = amd_strdup("program"); if (!tmp) { amd_notify(type); free(map_type); return 0; } amd_set_value(&entry.map_type, tmp); free(map_type); } else if (!strcmp(map_type, "passwd")) { sprintf(msg_buf, "map type %s is " "not yet implemented", map_type); amd_msg(msg_buf); free(map_type); return 0; } else if (!strcmp(map_type, "ndbm") || !strcmp(map_type, "union")) { sprintf(msg_buf, "map type %s is not " "supported by autofs", map_type); amd_msg(msg_buf); free(map_type); return 0; } else { amd_notify(type); free(map_type); return 0; } return 1; } static int match_map_option_cache_option(char *type) { char *cache_opt; cache_opt = amd_strdup(type); if (!cache_opt) { amd_notify(type); return 0; } if (strncmp(cache_opt, "inc", 3)) entry.cache_opts = AMD_CACHE_OPTION_INC; else if (strncmp(cache_opt, "all", 3)) entry.cache_opts = AMD_CACHE_OPTION_ALL; else if (strncmp(cache_opt, "re", 2)) entry.cache_opts = AMD_CACHE_OPTION_REGEXP; if (strstr(cache_opt, "sync")) entry.cache_opts |= AMD_CACHE_OPTION_SYNC; free(cache_opt); return 1; } static int match_mnt_option_options(char *mnt_option, char *options) { char *tmp; if (!strcmp(mnt_option, "opts")) { tmp = amd_strdup(options); if (!tmp) return 0; amd_set_value(&entry.opts, tmp); } else if (!strcmp(mnt_option, "addopts")) { tmp = amd_strdup(options); if (!tmp) return 0; amd_set_value(&entry.addopts, tmp); } else if (!strcmp(mnt_option, "remopts")) { tmp = amd_strdup(options); if (!tmp) return 0; amd_set_value(&entry.remopts, tmp); } else return 0; return 1; } static void prepend_opt(char *dest, char *opt) { char new[MAX_OPTS_LEN]; strcpy(new, opt); if (*dest != '\0') { strcat(new, ","); strcat(new, dest); } memmove(dest, new, strlen(new)); } #if YYDEBUG static int amd_fprintf(FILE *f, char *msg, ...) { va_list ap; va_start(ap, msg); vsyslog(LOG_DEBUG, msg, ap); va_end(ap); return 1; } #endif static char *amd_strdup(char *str) { unsigned int quoted, len; char *tmp; len = strlen(str); quoted = 0; if (*str == '"') { quoted = 1; len -= 2; } tmp = strdup(str + quoted); if (!tmp) { amd_msg("memory allocation error"); return NULL; } else { unsigned int squote; char *ptr; if (quoted) { if (tmp[len] != '"') { sprintf(msg_buf, "unmatched double quote near: %s", str); amd_info(msg_buf); free(tmp); return NULL; } tmp[len] = 0; } /* Check for matching single quotes */ if (!strchr(tmp, 39)) goto done; ptr = tmp; squote = 0; while (*ptr) { if (*ptr == 39) squote = !squote; ptr++; } if (squote) { sprintf(msg_buf, "unmatched single quote near: %s", str); amd_info(msg_buf); free(tmp); return NULL; } } done: return tmp; } static void amd_set_value(char **field, char *value) { if (*field) free(*field); *field = value; } static int amd_error(const char *s) { if (strcmp(s, "syntax")) logmsg("syntax error in location near [ %s ]\n", amd_text); else logmsg("%s while parsing location.\n", s); return 0; } static int amd_notify(const char *s) { logmsg("syntax error in location near [ %s ]\n", s); return(0); } static int amd_info(const char *s) { info(pap->logopt, "%s\n", s); return 0; } static int amd_msg(const char *s) { logmsg("%s\n", s); return 0; } static void local_init_vars(void) { memset(&entry, 0, sizeof(entry)); entry.cache_opts = AMD_CACHE_OPTION_NONE; memset(opts, 0, sizeof(opts)); } static void local_free_vars(void) { clear_amd_entry(&entry); return; } static void add_selector(struct selector *selector) { struct selector *s = entry.selector; if (!s) { entry.selector = selector; return; } while (s->next) s = s->next; selector->next = s; entry.selector = selector; return; } static int make_selector(char *name, char *value1, char *value2, unsigned int compare) { struct selector *s; char *tmp; if (!sel_lookup(name)) return 0; s = get_selector(name); if (!s) return 0; if (s->sel->flags & SEL_FLAG_MACRO) { tmp = amd_strdup(value1); if (!tmp) goto error; s->comp.value = tmp; } else if (s->sel->flags & SEL_FLAG_FUNC1) { if (!value1) tmp = NULL; else { tmp = amd_strdup(value1); if (!tmp) goto error; } s->func.arg1 = tmp; } else if (s->sel->flags & SEL_FLAG_FUNC2) { tmp = amd_strdup(value1); if (!tmp) goto error; s->func.arg1 = tmp; if (value2) { tmp = amd_strdup(value2); if (tmp) s->func.arg2 = tmp; } } s->compare = compare; add_selector(s); return 1; error: free_selector(s); return 0; } void amd_init_scan(void) { } static void parse_mutex_lock(void) { int status = pthread_mutex_lock(&parse_mutex); if (status) fatal(status); return; } static void parse_mutex_unlock(void *arg) { int status = pthread_mutex_unlock(&parse_mutex); if (status) fatal(status); return; } static int add_location(void) { struct amd_entry *new; new = new_amd_entry(psv); if (!new) return 0; if (entry.path) { free(new->path); new->path = entry.path; } new->flags = entry.flags; new->type = entry.type; new->map_type = entry.map_type; new->pref = entry.pref; new->fs = entry.fs; new->rhost = entry.rhost; new->rfs = entry.rfs; new->dev = entry.dev; new->opts = entry.opts; new->addopts = entry.addopts; new->remopts = entry.remopts; new->sublink = entry.sublink; new->mount = entry.mount; new->umount = entry.umount; new->selector = entry.selector; list_add_tail(&new->list, entries); memset(&entry, 0, sizeof(struct amd_entry)); return 1; } int amd_parse_list(struct autofs_point *ap, const char *buffer, struct list_head *list, struct substvar **sv) { char *buf; size_t len; int ret; len = strlen(buffer) + 2; buf = malloc(len); if (!buf) return 0; strcpy(buf, buffer); parse_mutex_lock(); pthread_cleanup_push(parse_mutex_unlock, NULL); pap = ap; psv = *sv; entries = list; amd_set_scan_buffer(buf); local_init_vars(); ret = amd_parse(); local_free_vars(); *sv = psv; pthread_cleanup_pop(1); free(buf); return ret; }