Blame README.amd-maps

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amd map parser
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The ability to parse amd format maps has been added to autofs.
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How to use amd maps in autofs
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To add amd map parsing to autofs a new "format" module has been added.
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There are two ways to use this new map format module. First, the existing
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master map syntax can be used as described below, and second, sections that
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use the top level mount path may be added to the autofs configuration below
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the "amd" section in much the same way as is done with amd.
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The master map entry syntax is:
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mount-point [map-type[,format]:]map [options]
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For amd format maps this becomes:
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/amd/mp   file,
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which will use file as the map source and the amd format parser for
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the map.
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In order to use nsswitch to specify the map source an amd per-mount
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section needs to be added to the autofs configuration so autofs
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knows the master map entry is an amd format mount.
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If an amd-per-mount section is added to the autofs configuration a
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corresponding master map entry is optional. If both are present the
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map name given in the master map entry will override a "map_name"
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option in the amd per-mount section.
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If an amd per-mount section is used alone then not giving the "map_type"
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option will alow the use of nsswicth for map selection.
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See below for an example of an amd per-mount configuration entry.
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Configuration sub-system changes
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The configuration sub-system has changed to accommodate the amd parser.
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See autofs.conf(5) for more information on format changes.
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The configuration is now split into system initialization only
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configuration and the daemon configuration. Previously everything was
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located in the system initialization configuration file, but now the
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configuration is located in autofs.conf in the directory the distribution
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uses for the autofs configuration.
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There is information about what amd configuration entries can be used
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in comments of the installed configuration so that's worth a look.
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All that's needed to add an existing amd configuration to autofs is to
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add it below the autofs configuration. Apart from changing the amd
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"[ global ]" section name to "[ amd ]" nothing else should need to be
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changed. However, quite a few amd configuration options don't have
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meaning within autofs. When these options are seen they are logged.
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Be aware that, if the an old configuration exists and the configuration
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hasn't been updated after the installation, changes to the the old
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configuration will override changes to the new configuration because
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backward compatibility takes priority over the new implementation.
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The amd per-mount sections have two functions, to allow per-mount
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configuration, as it does in amd, and to allow master map entries to
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avoid the need to specify the "type,format" part of the master map
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entry. This allows them to use the nsswitch map source functionality
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in the same way autofs master map entries do.
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If amd per-mount sections are present in the autofs configuration
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their corresponding master map entries are optional. This allows
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amd maps to be used without adding incompatible entries to the autofs
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master map in shared infrastructure environments.
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If a section for an amd mount is added below the global amd section
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using the mount point path (as is done in amd.conf) then autofs will
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know the map format is amd (it doesn't matter if there are no other
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configuration options in the mount point section).
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If there is a corresponding master map entry the map given in the
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master map entry will be used over the map_name option if it is
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present in an amd per-mount section.
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If a mount point is present in the master map and the source of the
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map is nis then it is sufficient to use (for example):
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in the master map and
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automount: nis
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in /etc/nsswitch.conf or
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[ amd ]
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map_type = nis
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in the configuration along with
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[ /amd/mp ]
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[ /amd/mp ]
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map_type = nis
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An example of an amd per-mount configuration entry is:
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[ amd ]
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[ /test ]
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map_name = /etc/amd.test
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#map_type = file
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#search_path =			/etc
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#browsable_dirs =		yes | no
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browsable_dirs =		yes
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amd map options that can be used
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In an attempt to describe the usable amd map options, many of the amd
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map options have been added to autofs(5).
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Not all the amd functionality has been implemented. The autofs(5) man
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page usually mentions if something hasn't been implemented so that's
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worth checking.
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What hasn't been implemented
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The configuration options fully_qualified_hosts, unmount_on_exit and
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browsable_dirs = full (and a couple of others) aren't implemented.
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Map types (sources) ndbm, passwd are not implemented.
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The map source "sss" can't be used for amd format maps.
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Map caching options aren't used, the existing autofs map caching is
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always used for available map sources.
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The regex map key matching feature is not implemented.
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Mount types lustre, nfsx, jfs and direct haven't been implemented
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and other mount types that aren't implemented in amd are also not
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How to find out more
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Have a look at the man pages autofs.conf(5), autofs(5) and to a
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lesser extent auto.master(5). These may help.
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But the best way to get more information is to ask on the
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autofs mailing list as described in the README file.
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