Blame config.h

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// command line option defaults
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#define DFL_CIPHER	"AES-128-CBC"	// any "openssl -h" cipher command
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#define DFL_IDENT	".ident"
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#define DFL_NO_IDENT	".noident"	// pidentd compatible
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#define DFL_OS		"UNIX"		// any RFC-1340 operating system token
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#define DFL_PASSWD	"/etc/ident.key"// chmod o-rw; line #1 is passphrase
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#define DFL_T_O		60U		// timeout must be >0; should be >29
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#define DFL_USERNAME	"nobody"	// must be in passwd database
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// controls where files are installed and how the prog IDs itself
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#define PACKAGE		"authd"		// must match gettext MO filename
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#define VERSION		"1.4.4"		// should match rpm.spec %{version}
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#define CONTACT		""
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// reliability vs performance tuning; defaults fine for most busy servers
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#define PROC_RETRY	10U		// how many scans of tcp* to do
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#define PROC_SLEEP_US	500000UL	// microsecs of sleep between retries
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#define PROC_SIZE	4U		// size of avg proc file (unit: BUFSIZ)
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// you shouldn't need to change PROC_* macros unless you're debugging/testing
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#define PROC_V4		"/proc/net/tcp"	// linux procfs: IPv4 version or NULL
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#define PROC_V6		"/proc/net/tcp6"//           ... IPv6 version or NULL
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#define PROC_MAX_LEN	256U		// max line length in tcp/tcp6