(* Test for LDIF lens *) module Test_ldif = (* Test LDIF content only *) let content = "version: 1 dn: cn=foo bar,dc=example,dc=com # test ou: example value cn:: Zm9vIGJhcg== # test telephoneNumber;foo;bar: +1 123 456 789 binary;foo:< file:///file/something # test dn: cn=simple,dc=example,dc=com cn: simple test: split line starts with :colon dn:: Y249c2ltcGxlLGRjPWV4YW1wbGUsZGM9Y29t # test cn: simple dn: cn=simple,dc=exam ple,dc=com cn: simple telephoneNumber:: KzEgMTIzIDQ1 NiA3ODk= # test " test Ldif.lns get content = { "@content" { "version" = "1" } { "1" = "cn=foo bar,dc=example,dc=com" { "#comment" = "test" } { "ou" = "example value" } { "cn" { "@base64" = "Zm9vIGJhcg==" } } { "#comment" = "test" } { "telephoneNumber" = "+1 123 456 789" { "@option" = "foo" } { "@option" = "bar" } } { "binary" { "@option" = "foo" } { "@url" = "file:///file/something" } } } { "#comment" = "test" } {} { "2" = "cn=simple,dc=example,dc=com" { "cn" = "simple" } { "test" = "split line starts with :colon" } } {} { "3" { "@base64" = "Y249c2ltcGxlLGRjPWV4YW1wbGUsZGM9Y29t" } { "#comment" = "test" } { "cn" = "simple" } } {} { "4" = "cn=simple,dc=exam ple,dc=com" { "cn" = "simple" } { "telephoneNumber" { "@base64" = "KzEgMTIzIDQ1 NiA3ODk=" } } } {} { "#comment" = "test" } } (* Test LDIF changes *) let changes = "version: 1 dn: cn=foo,dc=example,dc=com changetype: delete dn: cn=simple,dc=example,dc=com control: control: true # test control: true: foo bar control: true:: Zm9vIGJhcg== changetype: add cn: simple dn: cn=foo bar,dc=example,dc=com changeType: modify add: telephoneNumber telephoneNumber: +1 123 456 789 - replace: homePostalAddress;lang-fr homePostalAddress;lang-fr: 34 rue de Seine # test - delete: telephoneNumber - replace: telephoneNumber telephoneNumber:: KzEgMTIzIDQ1NiA3ODk= - dn: cn=foo,dc=example,dc=com changetype: moddn newrdn: cn=bar deleteoldrdn: 0 newsuperior: dc=example,dc=net " test Ldif.lns get changes = { "@changes" { "version" = "1" } { "1" = "cn=foo,dc=example,dc=com" { "changetype" = "delete" } } {} { "2" = "cn=simple,dc=example,dc=com" { "control" = "" } { "control" = "" { "criticality" = "true" } } { "#comment" = "test" } { "control" = "" { "criticality" = "true" } { "value" = "foo bar" } } { "control" = "" { "criticality" = "true" } { "value" { "@base64" = "Zm9vIGJhcg==" } } } { "changetype" = "add" } { "cn" = "simple" } } {} { "3" = "cn=foo bar,dc=example,dc=com" { "changeType" = "modify" } { "add" = "telephoneNumber" { "telephoneNumber" = "+1 123 456 789" } } { "replace" = "homePostalAddress" { "@option" = "lang-fr" } { "homePostalAddress" = "34 rue de Seine" { "@option" = "lang-fr" } } { "#comment" = "test" } } { "delete" = "telephoneNumber" } { "replace" = "telephoneNumber" { "telephoneNumber" { "@base64" = "KzEgMTIzIDQ1NiA3ODk=" } } } } {} { "4" = "cn=foo,dc=example,dc=com" { "changetype" = "moddn" } { "newrdn" = "cn=bar" } { "deleteoldrdn" = "0" } { "newsuperior" = "dc=example,dc=net" } } } (* Local Variables: *) (* mode: caml *) (* End: *)