(* Module: Test_Chrony Provides unit tests and examples for the lens. *) module Test_Chrony = let exampleconf = "# Comment #Comment ! Comment !Comment ; Comment ;Comment % Comment %Comment server ntp1.example.com server ntp2.example.com iburst server ntp3.example.com presend 2 server ntp4.example.com offline polltarget 4 server ntp5.example.com maxdelay 2 offline server ntp6.example.com maxdelay 2 iburst presend 2 xleave offset 1e-4 server ntp7.example.com iburst presend 2 offline prefer trust require server ntp8.example.com minsamples 8 maxsamples 16 version 3 server ntp9.example.com burst mindelay 0.1 asymmetry 0.5 peer ntpc1.example.com pool pool1.example.com iburst maxsources 3 allow deny all cmdallow cmddeny all stratumweight 0 driftfile /var/lib/chrony/drift rtcsync makestep 10 -1 bindcmdaddress bindcmdaddress ::1 local local stratum 10 local distance 1.0 orphan keyfile /etc/chrony.keys commandkey 1 generatecommandkey manual noclientlog logchange 0.5 logdir /var/log/chrony log rtc measurements rawmeasurements statistics tracking refclocks tempcomp leapsectz right/UTC broadcast 10 broadcast 10 123 fallbackdrift 16 19 mailonchange root@localhost 0.5 maxchange 1000 1 2 maxdistance 1.0 maxdrift 100 hwtimestamp eth0 minpoll -2 txcomp 300e-9 rxcomp 645e-9 nocrossts rxfilter all initstepslew 30 foo.bar.com initstepslew 30 foo.bar.com baz.quz.com ratelimit interval 4 burst 16 leak 2 cmdratelimit refclock SHM 0 refid SHM0 delay 0.1 offset 0.2 noselect tai stratum 3 refclock SOCK /var/run/chrony-GPS.sock pps width 0.1 refclock PPS /dev/pps0 dpoll 2 poll 3 lock SHM0 rate 5 minsamples 8 smoothtime 400 0.001 leaponly tempcomp /sys/class/hwmon/hwmon0/temp2_input 30 26000 0.0 0.000183 0.0 tempcomp /sys/class/hwmon/hwmon0/temp2_input 30 /etc/chrony.tempcomp ntpsigndsocket /var/lib/samba/ntp_signd " test Chrony.lns get exampleconf = { "#comment" = "Comment" } { "#comment" = "Comment" } { "#comment" = "Comment" } { "#comment" = "Comment" } { "#comment" = "Comment" } { "#comment" = "Comment" } { "#comment" = "Comment" } { "#comment" = "Comment" } { } { "server" = "ntp1.example.com" } { "server" = "ntp2.example.com" { "iburst" } } { "server" = "ntp3.example.com" { "presend" = "2" } } { "server" = "ntp4.example.com" { "offline" } { "polltarget" = "4" } } { "server" = "ntp5.example.com" { "maxdelay" = "2" } { "offline" } } { "server" = "ntp6.example.com" { "maxdelay" = "2" } { "iburst" } { "presend" = "2" } { "xleave" } { "offset" = "1e-4" } } { "server" = "ntp7.example.com" { "iburst" } { "presend" = "2" } { "offline" } { "prefer" } { "trust" } { "require" } } { "server" = "ntp8.example.com" { "minsamples" = "8" } { "maxsamples" = "16" } { "version" = "3" } } { "server" = "ntp9.example.com" { "burst" } { "mindelay" = "0.1" } { "asymmetry" = "0.5" } } { "peer" = "ntpc1.example.com" } { "pool" = "pool1.example.com" { "iburst" } { "maxsources" = "3" } } { "allow" } { "deny" { "all" } } { "cmdallow" = "" } { "cmddeny" = "" { "all" } } { "stratumweight" = "0" } { "driftfile" = "/var/lib/chrony/drift" } { "rtcsync" } { "makestep" { "threshold" = "10" } { "limit" = "-1" } } { "bindcmdaddress" = "" } { "bindcmdaddress" = "::1" } { "local" } { "local" { "stratum" = "10" } } { "local" { "distance" = "1.0" } { "orphan" } } { "keyfile" = "/etc/chrony.keys" } { "commandkey" = "1" } { "generatecommandkey" } { "manual" } { "noclientlog" } { "logchange" = "0.5" } { "logdir" = "/var/log/chrony" } { "log" { "rtc" } { "measurements" } { "rawmeasurements" } { "statistics" } { "tracking" } { "refclocks" } { "tempcomp" } } { "leapsectz" = "right/UTC" } { "broadcast" { "interval" = "10" } { "address" = "" } } { "broadcast" { "interval" = "10" } { "address" = "" } { "port" = "123" } } { "fallbackdrift" { "min" = "16" } { "max" = "19" } } { "mailonchange" { "emailaddress" = "root@localhost" } { "threshold" = "0.5" } } { "maxchange" { "threshold" = "1000" } { "delay" = "1" } { "limit" = "2" } } { "maxdistance" = "1.0" } { "maxdrift" = "100" } { "hwtimestamp" { "interface" = "eth0" } { "minpoll" = "-2" } { "txcomp" = "300e-9" } { "rxcomp" = "645e-9" } { "nocrossts" } { "rxfilter" = "all" } } { "initstepslew" { "threshold" = "30" } { "address" = "foo.bar.com" } } { "initstepslew" { "threshold" = "30" } { "address" = "foo.bar.com" } { "address" = "baz.quz.com" } } { "ratelimit" { "interval" = "4" } { "burst" = "16" } { "leak" = "2" } } { "cmdratelimit" } { "refclock" { "driver" = "SHM" } { "parameter" = "0" } { "refid" = "SHM0" } { "delay" = "0.1" } { "offset" = "0.2" } { "noselect" } { "tai" } { "stratum" = "3" } } { "refclock" { "driver" = "SOCK" } { "parameter" = "/var/run/chrony-GPS.sock" } { "pps" } { "width" = "0.1" } } { "refclock" { "driver" = "PPS" } { "parameter" = "/dev/pps0" } { "dpoll" = "2" } { "poll" = "3" } { "lock" = "SHM0" } { "rate" = "5" } { "minsamples" = "8" } } { "smoothtime" { "maxfreq" = "400" } { "maxwander" = "0.001" } { "leaponly" } } { "tempcomp" { "sensorfile" = "/sys/class/hwmon/hwmon0/temp2_input" } { "interval" = "30" } { "t0" = "26000" } { "k0" = "0.0" } { "k1" = "0.000183" } { "k2" = "0.0" } } { "tempcomp" { "sensorfile" = "/sys/class/hwmon/hwmon0/temp2_input" } { "interval" = "30" } { "pointfile" = "/etc/chrony.tempcomp" } } { "ntpsigndsocket" = "/var/lib/samba/ntp_signd" } (* Local Variables: *) (* mode: caml *) (* End: *)