# # Define default options for autofs. # # MASTER_MAP_NAME - default map name for the master map. # #MASTER_MAP_NAME="auto.master" # # TIMEOUT - set the default mount timeout (default 600). # TIMEOUT=3600 # # NEGATIVE_TIMEOUT - set the default negative timeout for # failed mount attempts (default 60). # #NEGATIVE_TIMEOUT=60 # # BROWSE_MODE - maps are browsable by default. # BROWSE_MODE="yes" # # APPEND_OPTIONS - append to global options instead of replace. # #APPEND_OPTIONS="yes" # # LOGGING - set default log level "none", "verbose" or "debug" # #LOGGING="none" # # Define base dn for map dn lookup. # # Define server URIs # # LDAP_URI - space separated list of server uris of the form # ://[/] where can be ldap # or ldaps. The option can be given multiple times. # Map entries that include a server name override # this option. # #LDAP_URI="" # # LDAP__TIMEOUT - timeout value for the synchronous API calls # (default is LDAP library default). # #LDAP_TIMEOUT=-1 # # LDAP_NETWORK_TIMEOUT - set the network response timeout (default 8). # #LDAP_NETWORK_TIMEOUT=8 # # SEARCH_BASE - base dn to use for searching for map search dn. # Multiple entries can be given and they are checked # in the order they occur here. # #SEARCH_BASE="" # # Define the LDAP schema to used for lookups # # If no schema is set autofs will check each of the schemas # below in the order given to try and locate an appropriate # basdn for lookups. If you want to minimize the number of # queries to the server set the values here. # #MAP_OBJECT_CLASS="nisMap" #ENTRY_OBJECT_CLASS="nisObject" #MAP_ATTRIBUTE="nisMapName" #ENTRY_ATTRIBUTE="cn" #VALUE_ATTRIBUTE="nisMapEntry" # # Other common LDAP nameing # #MAP_OBJECT_CLASS="automountMap" #ENTRY_OBJECT_CLASS="automount" #MAP_ATTRIBUTE="ou" #ENTRY_ATTRIBUTE="cn" #VALUE_ATTRIBUTE="automountInformation" # #MAP_OBJECT_CLASS="automountMap" #ENTRY_OBJECT_CLASS="automount" #MAP_ATTRIBUTE="automountMapName" #ENTRY_ATTRIBUTE="automountKey" #VALUE_ATTRIBUTE="automountInformation" # # AUTH_CONF_FILE - set the default location for the SASL # authentication configuration file. # #AUTH_CONF_FILE="/etc/autofs_ldap_auth.conf" # # General global options # #OPTIONS="" #