Testing AT-SPI requires both a test application and an AT client.

Test applications are built from xml files using xml loader module,
based on Dummy ATK implementation.

Each test is built as a GTest object and packed into a single interface test suite.

Test directory contains:

 * atk_suite - Generates a test suite, the main executable of all test suite,
               help is shown when run with '-h' parameter.

 * atk-object-xml-loader - Generates dummy atk object from xml file.

 * test-application - Starts an application with atk object generated by atk-object-xml-loader

 * data/ - Folder which contains xml file from which dummy atk object is generated

 * dummyatk/ - Folder which contains dummy atk implementation


1) Add atspi interface which will be tested to Atk_Test_Case in atk_suite.c and atk_suite.h,
   then add proper test call in atk_suite_build function.
2) Prepare xml file which describes tested root object and descendants.
   If any new fields in xml file appear, atk-object-xml-loader should be modifed.
3) Add test file named atk_test_TEST_NAME.c, where TEST_NAME is tested interface name:
   a) Create function which runs tested application
   b) Create get_root_obj function for tested interface
   c) Create tested functions
   d) Create function which calls all test functions, this function should be called in atk_suite.c file.


- Accessible:
- Action:
- Component:
- Collection
- EditableText:
- Image:
- HyperLink
- HyperText
- Relation
- Selection
- State Set
- Table
- Table Cell
- Text:
- Value