--- - name: Test host bool parameters hosts: ipaserver become: true tasks: - name: Get Domain from server name set_fact: ipaserver_domain: "{{ ansible_fqdn.split('.')[1:] | join ('.') }}" when: ipaserver_domain is not defined - name: Set host1_fqdn .. host6_fqdn set_fact: host1_fqdn: "{{ 'host1.' + ipaserver_domain }}" - name: Host absent ipahost: ipaadmin_password: SomeADMINpassword name: - "{{ host1_fqdn }}" update_dns: yes state: absent - name: Host "{{ host1_fqdn }}" present with requires_pre_auth, ok_as_delegate and ok_to_auth_as_delegate ipahost: ipaadmin_password: SomeADMINpassword name: "{{ host1_fqdn }}" force: yes requires_pre_auth: yes ok_as_delegate: yes ok_to_auth_as_delegate: yes register: result failed_when: not result.changed - name: Host "{{ host1_fqdn }}" present with requires_pre_auth, ok_as_delegate and ok_to_auth_as_delegate again ipahost: ipaadmin_password: SomeADMINpassword name: "{{ host1_fqdn }}" requires_pre_auth: yes ok_as_delegate: yes ok_to_auth_as_delegate: yes register: result failed_when: result.changed - name: Host "{{ host1_fqdn }}" present with requires_pre_auth, ok_as_delegate and ok_to_auth_as_delegate set to no ipahost: ipaadmin_password: SomeADMINpassword name: "{{ host1_fqdn }}" requires_pre_auth: no ok_as_delegate: no ok_to_auth_as_delegate: no register: result failed_when: not result.changed - name: Host "{{ host1_fqdn }}" present with requires_pre_auth, ok_as_delegate and ok_to_auth_as_delegate set to no again ipahost: ipaadmin_password: SomeADMINpassword name: "{{ host1_fqdn }}" requires_pre_auth: no ok_as_delegate: no ok_to_auth_as_delegate: no register: result failed_when: result.changed - name: Host "{{ host1_fqdn }}" present with requires_pre_auth ipahost: ipaadmin_password: SomeADMINpassword name: "{{ host1_fqdn }}" requires_pre_auth: yes register: result failed_when: not result.changed - name: Host "{{ host1_fqdn }}" present with requires_pre_auth again ipahost: ipaadmin_password: SomeADMINpassword name: "{{ host1_fqdn }}" requires_pre_auth: yes register: result failed_when: result.changed - name: Host "{{ host1_fqdn }}" present with ok_as_delegate ipahost: ipaadmin_password: SomeADMINpassword name: "{{ host1_fqdn }}" ok_as_delegate: yes register: result failed_when: not result.changed - name: Host "{{ host1_fqdn }}" present with ok_as_delegate again ipahost: ipaadmin_password: SomeADMINpassword name: "{{ host1_fqdn }}" ok_as_delegate: yes register: result failed_when: result.changed - name: Host "{{ host1_fqdn }}" present with ok_to_auth_as_delegate ipahost: ipaadmin_password: SomeADMINpassword name: "{{ host1_fqdn }}" ok_to_auth_as_delegate: yes register: result failed_when: not result.changed - name: Host "{{ host1_fqdn }}" present with ok_to_auth_as_delegate again ipahost: ipaadmin_password: SomeADMINpassword name: "{{ host1_fqdn }}" ok_to_auth_as_delegate: yes register: result failed_when: result.changed - name: Host absent ipahost: ipaadmin_password: SomeADMINpassword name: - "{{ host1_fqdn }}" update_dns: yes state: absent