# This playbook should be included with `include_tasks` as the first task # of a test playbook that requires FreeIPA information. # # Available Facts: # # ipa_version: The installed FreeIPA version. # ipa_api_version: The installed FreeIPA API version. # --- - name: Retrieving FreeIPA version. shell: cmd: 'ipa --version | sed -n "s/VERSION: \([^,]*\).*API_VERSION: \([^,]*\).*/\1\\n\2/p"' register: ipa_cmd_version - name: Set FreeIPA facts. set_fact: ipa_version: "{{ ipa_cmd_version.stdout_lines[0] }}" ipa_api_version: "{{ ipa_cmd_version.stdout_lines[1] }}" trust_test_is_supported: no