# Using Ansible 2.10.0a1 under Azure there might happen that the output of a # task is changed if a module uses no_log = True for an attribute. # # For example, if the output of the module should contain "changed: True", and # an attribute with no_log set contains the value `hang` it might happen that # the output is modified to "c******ed: True", and if this output is further # processed (registering the result and comparing the value of `changed`), # the test might fail, but not because of module code, but because of unexpected # output processing. # # This behavior was, currently, only reproduced with Ansible 2.10.0a1 running # under Azure. --- trigger: - master pool: vmImage: 'ubuntu-18.04' stages: - stage: Centos7 dependsOn: [] jobs: - template: templates/group_tests.yml parameters: build_number: $(Build.BuildNumber) scenario: centos-7 - stage: Centos8 dependsOn: [] jobs: - template: templates/group_tests.yml parameters: build_number: $(Build.BuildNumber) scenario: centos-8 - stage: FedoraLatest dependsOn: [] jobs: - template: templates/group_tests.yml parameters: build_number: $(Build.BuildNumber) scenario: fedora-latest