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ipabackup role


This role allows to backup an IPA server, to copy a backup from the server to the controller, to copy all backups from the server to the controller, to remove a backup from the server, to remove all backups from the server, to restore an IPA server locally and from the controller and also to copy a backup from the controller to the server.

Note: The ansible playbooks and role require a configured ansible environment where the ansible nodes are reachable and are properly set up to have an IP address and a working package manager.


  • Server backup
  • Server backup to controller
  • Copy backup from server to controller
  • Copy all backups from server to controller
  • Remove backup from the server
  • Remove all backups from the server
  • Server restore from server local backup.
  • Server restore from controller.
  • Copy a backup from the controller to the server.

Supported FreeIPA Versions

FreeIPA versions 4.5 and up are supported by the backup role.

Supported Distributions

  • RHEL/CentOS 7.6+
  • Fedora 26+
  • Ubuntu


Controller * Ansible version: 2.8+

Node Supported FreeIPA version (see above) Supported distribution (needed for package installation only, see above)


Example inventory file with fixed domain and realm, setting up of the DNS server and using forwarders from /etc/resolv.conf:


Example playbook to create a backup on the IPA server locally:

- name: Playbook to backup IPA server
  hosts: ipaserver
  become: true

  - role: ipabackup
    state: present

Example playbook to create a backup of the IPA server that is transferred to the controller using the server name as prefix for the backup and removed on the server:

- name: Playbook to backup IPA server to controller
  hosts: ipaserver
  become: true

    ipabackup_to_controller: yes
    # ipabackup_keep_on_server: yes

  - role: ipabackup
    state: present

Example playbook to create a backup of the IPA server that is transferred to the controller using the server name as prefix for the backup and kept on the server:

- name: Playbook to backup IPA server to controller
  hosts: ipaserver
  become: true

    ipabackup_to_controller: yes
    ipabackup_keep_on_server: yes

  - role: ipabackup
    state: present

Copy backup ipa-full-2020-10-01-10-00-00 from server to controller:

- name: Playbook to copy backup from IPA server
  hosts: ipaserver
  become: true

    ipabackup_name: ipa-full-2020-10-01-10-00-00
    ipabackup_to_controller: yes

  - role: ipabackup
    state: copied

Copy backups ipa-full-2020-10-01-10-00-00 and ipa-full-2020-10-02-10-00-00 from server to controller:

- name: Playbook to copy backup from IPA server
  hosts: ipaserver
  become: true

    - ipa-full-2020-10-01-10-00-00
    - ipa-full-2020-10-02-10-00-00
    ipabackup_to_controller: yes

  - role: ipabackup
    state: copied

Copy all backups from server to controller that are following the backup naming scheme:

- name: Playbook to copy all backups from IPA server
  hosts: ipaserver
  become: true

    ipabackup_name: all
    ipabackup_to_controller: yes

  - role: ipabackup
    state: copied

Remove backup ipa-full-2020-10-01-10-00-00 from server:

- name: Playbook to remove backup from IPA server
  hosts: ipaserver
  become: true

    ipabackup_name: ipa-full-2020-10-01-10-00-00

  - role: ipabackup
    state: absent

Remove backups ipa-full-2020-10-01-10-00-00 and ipa-full-2020-10-02-10-00-00 from server:

- name: Playbook to remove backup from IPA server
  hosts: ipaserver
  become: true

    - ipa-full-2020-10-01-10-00-00
    - ipa-full-2020-10-02-10-00-00

  - role: ipabackup
    state: absent

Remove all backups from server that are following the backup naming scheme:

- name: Playbook to remove all backups from IPA server
  hosts: ipaserver
  become: true

    ipabackup_name: all

  - role: ipabackup
    state: absent

Example playbook to restore an IPA server locally:

- name: Playbook to restore an IPA server
  hosts: ipaserver
  become: true

    ipabackup_name: ipa-full-2020-10-22-11-11-44
    ipabackup_password: SomeDMpassword

  - role: ipabackup
    state: restored

Example playbook to restore IPA server from controller:

- name: Playbook to restore IPA server from controller
  hosts: ipaserver
  become: true

    ipabackup_name: ipaserver.test.local_ipa-full-2020-10-22-11-11-44
    ipabackup_password: SomeDMpassword
    ipabackup_from_controller: yes

  - role: ipabackup
    state: restored

Example playbook to copy a backup from controller to the IPA server:

- name: Playbook to copy a backup from controller to the IPA server
  hosts: ipaserver
  become: true

    ipabackup_name: ipaserver.test.local_ipa-full-2020-10-22-11-11-44
    ipabackup_from_controller: yes

  - role: ipabackup
    state: copied


The example playbooks to do the backup, copy a backup and also to remove a backup, also to do the restore, copy a backup to the server are part of the repository in the playbooks folder.


Please remember to link or copy the playbooks to the base directory of ansible-freeipa if you want to use the roles within the source archive.


Base Variables

Variable Description Required
ipabackup_backend The backend to restore within the instance or instances, str no
ipabackup_data Backup only the data with state: present and restore only the data with state: restored, bool (default: no) no
ipabackup_disable_role_check Perform the backup even if this host does not have all the roles used in the cluster. This is not recommended, bool (default: no) no
ipabackup_gpg Encrypt the backup, bool (default: no) no
ipabackup_gpg_keyring Full path to the GPG keyring without the file extension, only for GPG 1 and up to IPA 4.6 str no
ipabackup_instance The 389-ds instance to restore (defaults to all found), str no
ipabackup_log_file Log to the given file on server for state: present and state: restored only, string no
ipabackup_logs Include log files in backup, bool (default: no) no
ipabackup_no_logs Do not restore log files from the backup, bool (default: no) no
ipabackup_online Perform the LDAP backups online for data only with state: present and perform the LDAP restore online for data only with state: restored. If ipabackup_data is not set it will automatically be enabled. bool (default: no) no
ipabackup_password The diretory manager password needed for restoring a backup with state: restored, str no
state present to make a new backup, absent to remove a backup and copied to copy a backup from the server to the controller or from the controller to the server, restored to restore a backup. string (default: present) yes

Special Variables

Variable Description Required
ipabackup_name The IPA backup name(s). Only for removal of server local backup(s) with state: absent, to copy server local backup(s) to the controller with state: copied and ipabackup_from_server set, to copy a backup from the controller to the server with state: copied and ipabackup_from_controller set or to restore a backup with state: restored either locally on the server of from the controller with ipabackup_from_controller set. If all is used all available backups are copied or removed that are following the backup naming scheme. string list no
ipabackup_keep_on_server Keep local copy of backup on server with state: present and ipabackup_to_controller, bool (default: no) no
ipabackup_to_controller Copy backup to controller, prefixes backup with node name, remove backup on server if ipabackup_keep_on_server is not set, bool (default: no) no
ipabackup_controller_path Pre existing path on controller to store the backup in with state: present, path on the controller to copy the backup from with state: copied and ipabackup_from_controller set also for the restore with state: restored and ipabackup_from_controller set. If this is not set, the current working dir is used. string no
ipabackup_name_prefix Set prefix to use for backup directory on controller with state: present or state: copied and ipabackup_to_controller set, The default is the server FQDN, string no
ipabackup_from_controller Copy backup from controller to server, restore if state: restored, copy backup to server if state: copied, bool (default: no) no
ipabackup_install_packages Install needed packages to be able to apply the backup with state: restored, bool (default: yes) no
ipabackup_firewalld_zone The value defines the firewall zone that will be used with state: restored. This needs to be an existing runtime and permanent zone, bool (default: no) no
ipabackup_setup_firewalld The value defines if the needed services will automatically be opened in the firewall managed by firewalld with state: restored, bool (default: yes) no


Thomas Woerner