;;; low pass filter with cut off at 0.004pi (96Hz) name "trebass" include "emu_constants.asm" coef con 0.038684406 0.058115275 0.113007075 0.194116501 0.287525429 0.377072924 0.447195555 0.485671998 0.485783252 0.447503000 0.377505237 0.287987288 0.194517783 0.113292922 0.058289230 0.038818213 n equ 15 ; filter order in io out equ in bass control 0,0,#1 delay sta 0,0,0,0,0 ,0,0,0,0,0 ,0,0,0,0,0 ,0 tmp dyn macints delay,in,C_0,C_0 ;;;our filter for the left channel macs C_0,C_0,C_0,C_0 for i = n : 1 macmv delay+i,delay+i-1,delay+i,coef+i endfor macs tmp,ACCUM,delay,coef macs1 out,in,tmp,bass end