Blame ld10k1/doc/lo10k1_usage

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lo10k1 is loader.
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-h or --help
Packit 427e91
    Prints short help message
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-l patch_name or --list path_name
Packit 427e91
    List some usefull informations about patch in file patch_name. lo10k1 uses patch produced by as10k1 from
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    alsatools package.
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-p name or --pipe_name name
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    lo10k1 will use local named pipe with name name to communication with linker. Default is /tmp/.ld10k1_port
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-i or --info
Packit 427e91
    Prints some info about card - not wery usefull
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-a patch_name or --add patch_name
Packit 427e91
    Loads patch from file patch_name to DSP
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-d num or --del num
Packit 427e91
    Unloads patch with number num from DSP. Use option --debug 4 to obtain patch numbers.
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--conadd conn_string
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    Connects patches between each others or to inputs or outputs.
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    Format of conn_string:
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	FX buses:
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	FX(f1, ...) - specify fx bus register f1 can be number or fx bus register name
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		Names can be optained by lo10k1 --debug 7
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	IN(i1, ...) - specify input register i1 can be number or input register name
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		Names can be optained by lo10k1 --debug 8
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	OUT(o1, ...) - specify input register o1 can be number or input register name
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		Names can be optained by lo10k1 --debug 9
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	Patch inputs:
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	PIN(p, i1, ...) - p is patch number or patch name, i1 is input register i1 can be number or input register name
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		Patch numbers and names can be optained by lo10k1 --debug 5
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		Names can be optained by lo10k1 --debug patch_num
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	    PIN(1) - all patch inputs for patch 1
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	    PIN(Volume,IL,IL) - inputs IL and IR for patch Volume
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	    PIN(2,0,1,2,3,4,5) - inputs 0,1,2,3,4,5 patch 2
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	Patch outputs:
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	POUT(p, o1, ...) - p is patch number or patch name, o1 is output register o1 can be number or outpur register name
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		Patch numbers and names can be optained by lo10k1 --debug 5
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		Names can be optained by lo10k1 --debug patch_num
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	    POUT(1) - all patch outputs for patch 1
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	    POUT(Volume,OL,OL) - outputs OL and OR for patch Volume
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	    POUT(2,0,1,2,3,4,5) - outputs 0,1,2,3,4,5 patch 2
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	- connecting two patches:
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		something1,something2 - strings specify fx bus, input, output, patch input or patch output
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		something1 - must be patch input or output
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	    Difference between = and > is that = connect only two patches > enables connecting more
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	    patches together. If you have three patches p1,p2,p3 - p1 with output o1, p2 with input i2,
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	    and p3 with input i3.
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	    PIN(p2,i2)=POUT(p1,o1) - will connect p1 with p2
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	    then next connect
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	    PIN(p3,i3)=POUT(p1,o1) - will disconnect p1 and p2 and connect p1 with p2
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	    PIN(p3,i3)>POUT(p1,o1) - will connect p1 and p2 - p2 input i2 and p3 input i3 will be connected
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	    to p1 output o1
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		Diffrence between = and : is that = allocate extra instructions and register to properly add
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		sources. : uses same register for all sources and patches must care about this register.
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	    Counts of connected inputs and outputs must be same.
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	    FX busses, inputs and outputs can have multiple patches connected to them.
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	    lo10k1 --conadd "PIN(1)=FX(0,1)"
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		- connect to patch 1 input to fx bus 0 and 1
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	    lo10k1 --conadd "PIN(2)=POUT(PCM)"
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		- connect to all patch 2 inputs all outputs from patch PCM
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--condel conndel_string
Packit 427e91
    Disconnects patch register.
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    Format of conndel_string:
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		something - strings specify patch input or patch output
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	    lo10k1 --condel "PIN(1)"
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		- disconnect all inputs of patch 1
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	    lo10k1 --condel "POUT(PCM1,1,Center))"
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		- disconnect output 1 and Center from patch PCM
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--debug num
Packit 427e91
    Prints on console some debug information. 
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    mum = 1 - prints registers information
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    mum = 2 - prints consts information
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    mum = 3 - prints instruction information
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    mum = 4 - prints information about TRAM
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    mum = 5 - prints loaded patch names and numbers
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    mum = 6 - prints patch order in DSP instruction memory
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    mum = 7 - prints fx information
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    mum = 8 - prints input information
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    mum = 9 - prints output information
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    mum = 100 and more - prints informations about loaded patches (--debug 100 - about patch number 0,
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	-- debug 101 about patch number 1, and so on)
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    When patch is loaded, this assign default names for patch input and output registers.
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    Input/Output count:
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	1/1 - In/Out
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	2/2 - IL,IR/OL,OR
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	In = Input
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	On = Output
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	IL = Input Left
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	OL = Output Left
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	IR = Input Right
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	OR = Output Right
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	IRL = Input Rear Left
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	ORL = Output Rear Left
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	IRR = Input Rear Right
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	ORR = Output Rear Right
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	IC = Input Center
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	OC = Output Center
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	ILFE = Input LFE
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	OLFE = Output LFE
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--ctrl string
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    This options is used to concate, rename controls and sets various parameters for controls
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    String format:
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	This concate controls with names name1, name2, ..namen to one control with name outname
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	Input controls must have same range and are single channel (this is limitation of as10k1).
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	Output control has n channes. This can be used only for as10k1 file format.
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	    Concate two controls masterl and masterr into one stereo control master with translaton table100
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	This sets translate function whitch translate range and current value from mixer value to gpr
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	value for control with name name. This can be used only for as10k1 file format.
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	Type can be:
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	    0 - no translation is used
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	    1 - table 100 - range 0-100 in mixer is translated to range 0-2^31
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	    2 - bass - range 0-40 in mixer is translated to range 0-2^31 - used for bass control
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	    3 - treble - range 0-40 in mixer is translated to range 0-2^31 - used for treble control
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	    4 - on/off - control uses range 0-1
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	This sets number off visible channel in mixer. This can be used only for as10k1 file format.
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	     for bass control which has 5 channels is in mixer visible only one
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	s-name:value1#value2# ...
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	This sets initial value for control.
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	Sets control index value to control
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	This rename control with name name to control with name outname. This can be used only for native file format.
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	    r-master:PCM Master
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	    Rename control master to control PCM Master
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--patch_name name
Packit 427e91
    Sets name for actualy loaded patch (it is used with -a option). Dafault name comes from patch file.
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--where num
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    Used with -a option. Actualy loaded path will by loaded before patch with order num.
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    You can get patch order with --debug 5
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    When this option is used DSP on card is cleared.
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--renam something=new_name
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    Same string as in connection add and plus PATCH(p) - specify patch with name p or number p
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    lo10k1 --renam "IN(5)=CD Left"
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	- renames input 5 to CD Left
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    lo10k1 --renam "PATCH(Volume)=Mic Volume"
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	- renames patch Volume to Mic Volume
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    lo10k1 --renam "PIN(Volume,IC)=Center IN"
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	- renames patch Volume input IL to Center IN
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--dump file
Packit 427e91
	This will dump dsp instructions and register to file. This file can be loaded with dl10k1 without
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--host machine:port
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	ld10k1 default uses named socket, this switch to use network socket.
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-P or --path add effect search paths (default will lo10k1 search in effects dir)
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--store file.ld10k1
Packit 427e91
	Stores DSP config to native ld10k1 file file.ld10k1
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--restore file.ld10k1
Packit 427e91
	Restores DSP config from native ld10k1 file file.ld10k1
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--save_patch file.ld10k1
Packit 427e91
	Saves patch specified with --where option to file file.ld10k1
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--load_patch file.ld10k1
Packit 427e91
	Loads patch to dsp on position specified with --where option from file file.ld10k1
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--wait msec
Packit 427e91
	Wait for ld10k1 for msec mili second.