Blob Blame History Raw
 *  Plugin sample operators with fast switch
 *  Copyright (c) 2000 by Jaroslav Kysela <>
 *   This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
 *   it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as
 *   published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of
 *   the License, or (at your option) any later version.
 *   This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 *   but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 *   GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
 *   You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
 *   License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
 *   Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301  USA

#ifndef SX_INLINES
#define SX_INLINES
static inline uint32_t sx20(uint32_t x)
		return x|0xFFF00000;
	return x&0x000FFFFF;
static inline uint32_t sx24(uint32_t x)
		return x|0xFF000000;
	return x&0x00FFFFFF;
static inline uint32_t sx24s(uint32_t x)
		return x|0x000000FF;
	return x&0xFFFFFF00;

#define as_u8(ptr) (*(uint8_t*)(ptr))
#define as_u16(ptr) (*(uint16_t*)(ptr))
#define as_u32(ptr) (*(uint32_t*)(ptr))
#define as_u64(ptr) (*(uint64_t*)(ptr))
#define as_s8(ptr) (*(int8_t*)(ptr))
#define as_s16(ptr) (*(int16_t*)(ptr))
#define as_s32(ptr) (*(int32_t*)(ptr))
#define as_s64(ptr) (*(int64_t*)(ptr))
#define as_float(ptr) (*(float_t*)(ptr))
#define as_double(ptr) (*(double_t*)(ptr))

#define as_u8c(ptr) (*(const uint8_t*)(ptr))
#define as_u16c(ptr) (*(const uint16_t*)(ptr))
#define as_u32c(ptr) (*(const uint32_t*)(ptr))
#define as_u64c(ptr) (*(const uint64_t*)(ptr))
#define as_s8c(ptr) (*(const int8_t*)(ptr))
#define as_s16c(ptr) (*(const int16_t*)(ptr))
#define as_s32c(ptr) (*(const int32_t*)(ptr))
#define as_s64c(ptr) (*(const int64_t*)(ptr))
#define as_floatc(ptr) (*(const float_t*)(ptr))
#define as_doublec(ptr) (*(const double_t*)(ptr))

#define _get_triple_le(ptr) (*(uint8_t*)(ptr) | (uint32_t)*((uint8_t*)(ptr) + 1) << 8 | (uint32_t)*((uint8_t*)(ptr) + 2) << 16)
#define _get_triple_be(ptr) ((uint32_t)*(uint8_t*)(ptr) << 16 | (uint32_t)*((uint8_t*)(ptr) + 1) << 8 | *((uint8_t*)(ptr) + 2))
#define _put_triple_le(ptr,val) do { \
	uint8_t *_tmp = (uint8_t *)(ptr); \
	uint32_t _val = (val); \
	_tmp[0] = _val; \
	_tmp[1] = _val >> 8; \
	_tmp[2] = _val >> 16; \
} while(0)
#define _put_triple_be(ptr,val) do { \
	uint8_t *_tmp = (uint8_t *)(ptr); \
	uint32_t _val = (val); \
	_tmp[0] = _val >> 16; \
	_tmp[1] = _val >> 8; \
	_tmp[2] = _val; \
} while(0)

#define _get_triple(ptr) _get_triple_le(ptr)
#define _get_triple_s(ptr) _get_triple_be(ptr)
#define _put_triple(ptr,val) _put_triple_le(ptr,val)
#define _put_triple_s(ptr,val) _put_triple_be(ptr,val)
#define _get_triple(ptr) _get_triple_be(ptr)
#define _get_triple_s(ptr) _get_triple_le(ptr)
#define _put_triple(ptr,val) _put_triple_be(ptr,val)
#define _put_triple_s(ptr,val) _put_triple_le(ptr,val)

/* src_wid src_endswap sign_toggle dst_wid dst_endswap */
static void *const conv_labels[4 * 2 * 2 * 4 * 2] = {
	&&conv_xxx1_xxx1,	 /*  8h ->  8h */
	&&conv_xxx1_xxx1,	 /*  8h ->  8s */
	&&conv_xxx1_xx10,	 /*  8h -> 16h */
	&&conv_xxx1_xx01,	 /*  8h -> 16s */
	&&conv_xxx1_x100,	 /*  8h -> 24h */
	&&conv_xxx1_001x,	 /*  8h -> 24s */
	&&conv_xxx1_1000,	 /*  8h -> 32h */
	&&conv_xxx1_0001,	 /*  8h -> 32s */
	&&conv_xxx1_xxx9,	 /*  8h ^>  8h */
	&&conv_xxx1_xxx9,	 /*  8h ^>  8s */
	&&conv_xxx1_xx90,	 /*  8h ^> 16h */
	&&conv_xxx1_xx09,	 /*  8h ^> 16s */
	&&conv_xxx1_x900,	 /*  8h ^> 24h */
	&&conv_xxx1_009x,	 /*  8h ^> 24s */
	&&conv_xxx1_9000,	 /*  8h ^> 32h */
	&&conv_xxx1_0009,	 /*  8h ^> 32s */
	&&conv_xxx1_xxx1,	 /*  8s ->  8h */
	&&conv_xxx1_xxx1,	 /*  8s ->  8s */
	&&conv_xxx1_xx10,	 /*  8s -> 16h */
	&&conv_xxx1_xx01,	 /*  8s -> 16s */
	&&conv_xxx1_x100,	 /*  8s -> 24h */
	&&conv_xxx1_001x,	 /*  8s -> 24s */
	&&conv_xxx1_1000,	 /*  8s -> 32h */
	&&conv_xxx1_0001,	 /*  8s -> 32s */
	&&conv_xxx1_xxx9,	 /*  8s ^>  8h */
	&&conv_xxx1_xxx9,	 /*  8s ^>  8s */
	&&conv_xxx1_xx90,	 /*  8s ^> 16h */
	&&conv_xxx1_xx09,	 /*  8s ^> 16s */
	&&conv_xxx1_x900,	 /*  8s ^> 24h */
	&&conv_xxx1_009x,	 /*  8s ^> 24s */
	&&conv_xxx1_9000,	 /*  8s ^> 32h */
	&&conv_xxx1_0009,	 /*  8s ^> 32s */
	&&conv_xx12_xxx1,	 /* 16h ->  8h */
	&&conv_xx12_xxx1,	 /* 16h ->  8s */
	&&conv_xx12_xx12,	 /* 16h -> 16h */
	&&conv_xx12_xx21,	 /* 16h -> 16s */
	&&conv_xx12_x120,	 /* 16h -> 24h */
	&&conv_xx12_021x,	 /* 16h -> 24s */
	&&conv_xx12_1200,	 /* 16h -> 32h */
	&&conv_xx12_0021,	 /* 16h -> 32s */
	&&conv_xx12_xxx9,	 /* 16h ^>  8h */
	&&conv_xx12_xxx9,	 /* 16h ^>  8s */
	&&conv_xx12_xx92,	 /* 16h ^> 16h */
	&&conv_xx12_xx29,	 /* 16h ^> 16s */
	&&conv_xx12_x920,	 /* 16h ^> 24h */
	&&conv_xx12_029x,	 /* 16h ^> 24s */
	&&conv_xx12_9200,	 /* 16h ^> 32h */
	&&conv_xx12_0029,	 /* 16h ^> 32s */
	&&conv_xx12_xxx2,	 /* 16s ->  8h */
	&&conv_xx12_xxx2,	 /* 16s ->  8s */
	&&conv_xx12_xx21,	 /* 16s -> 16h */
	&&conv_xx12_xx12,	 /* 16s -> 16s */
	&&conv_xx12_x210,	 /* 16s -> 24h */
	&&conv_xx12_012x,	 /* 16s -> 24s */
	&&conv_xx12_2100,	 /* 16s -> 32h */
	&&conv_xx12_0012,	 /* 16s -> 32s */
	&&conv_xx12_xxxA,	 /* 16s ^>  8h */
	&&conv_xx12_xxxA,	 /* 16s ^>  8s */
	&&conv_xx12_xxA1,	 /* 16s ^> 16h */
	&&conv_xx12_xx1A,	 /* 16s ^> 16s */
	&&conv_xx12_xA10,	 /* 16s ^> 24h */
	&&conv_xx12_01Ax,	 /* 16s ^> 24s */
	&&conv_xx12_A100,	 /* 16s ^> 32h */
	&&conv_xx12_001A,	 /* 16s ^> 32s */
	&&conv_x123_xxx1,	 /* 24h ->  8h */
	&&conv_x123_xxx1,	 /* 24h ->  8s */
	&&conv_x123_xx12,	 /* 24h -> 16h */
	&&conv_x123_xx21,	 /* 24h -> 16s */
	&&conv_x123_x123,	 /* 24h -> 24h */
	&&conv_x123_321x,	 /* 24h -> 24s */
	&&conv_x123_1230,	 /* 24h -> 32h */
	&&conv_x123_0321,	 /* 24h -> 32s */
	&&conv_x123_xxx9,	 /* 24h ^>  8h */
	&&conv_x123_xxx9,	 /* 24h ^>  8s */
	&&conv_x123_xx92,	 /* 24h ^> 16h */
	&&conv_x123_xx29,	 /* 24h ^> 16s */
	&&conv_x123_x923,	 /* 24h ^> 24h */
	&&conv_x123_329x,	 /* 24h ^> 24s */
	&&conv_x123_9230,	 /* 24h ^> 32h */
	&&conv_x123_0329,	 /* 24h ^> 32s */
	&&conv_123x_xxx3,	 /* 24s ->  8h */
	&&conv_123x_xxx3,	 /* 24s ->  8s */
	&&conv_123x_xx32,	 /* 24s -> 16h */
	&&conv_123x_xx23,	 /* 24s -> 16s */
	&&conv_123x_x321,	 /* 24s -> 24h */
	&&conv_123x_123x,	 /* 24s -> 24s */
	&&conv_123x_3210,	 /* 24s -> 32h */
	&&conv_123x_0123,	 /* 24s -> 32s */
	&&conv_123x_xxxB,	 /* 24s ^>  8h */
	&&conv_123x_xxxB,	 /* 24s ^>  8s */
	&&conv_123x_xxB2,	 /* 24s ^> 16h */
	&&conv_123x_xx2B,	 /* 24s ^> 16s */
	&&conv_123x_xB21,	 /* 24s ^> 24h */
	&&conv_123x_12Bx,	 /* 24s ^> 24s */
	&&conv_123x_B210,	 /* 24s ^> 32h */
	&&conv_123x_012B,	 /* 24s ^> 32s */
	&&conv_1234_xxx1,	 /* 32h ->  8h */
	&&conv_1234_xxx1,	 /* 32h ->  8s */
	&&conv_1234_xx12,	 /* 32h -> 16h */
	&&conv_1234_xx21,	 /* 32h -> 16s */
	&&conv_1234_x123,	 /* 32h -> 24h */
	&&conv_1234_321x,	 /* 32h -> 24s */
	&&conv_1234_1234,	 /* 32h -> 32h */
	&&conv_1234_4321,	 /* 32h -> 32s */
	&&conv_1234_xxx9,	 /* 32h ^>  8h */
	&&conv_1234_xxx9,	 /* 32h ^>  8s */
	&&conv_1234_xx92,	 /* 32h ^> 16h */
	&&conv_1234_xx29,	 /* 32h ^> 16s */
	&&conv_1234_x923,	 /* 32h ^> 24h */
	&&conv_1234_329x,	 /* 32h ^> 24s */
	&&conv_1234_9234,	 /* 32h ^> 32h */
	&&conv_1234_4329,	 /* 32h ^> 32s */
	&&conv_1234_xxx4,	 /* 32s ->  8h */
	&&conv_1234_xxx4,	 /* 32s ->  8s */
	&&conv_1234_xx43,	 /* 32s -> 16h */
	&&conv_1234_xx34,	 /* 32s -> 16s */
	&&conv_1234_x432,	 /* 32s -> 24h */
	&&conv_1234_234x,	 /* 32s -> 24s */
	&&conv_1234_4321,	 /* 32s -> 32h */
	&&conv_1234_1234,	 /* 32s -> 32s */
	&&conv_1234_xxxC,	 /* 32s ^>  8h */
	&&conv_1234_xxxC,	 /* 32s ^>  8s */
	&&conv_1234_xxC3,	 /* 32s ^> 16h */
	&&conv_1234_xx3C,	 /* 32s ^> 16s */
	&&conv_1234_xC32,	 /* 32s ^> 24h */
	&&conv_1234_23Cx,	 /* 32s ^> 24s */
	&&conv_1234_C321,	 /* 32s ^> 32h */
	&&conv_1234_123C,	 /* 32s ^> 32s */

#ifdef CONV_END
while(0) {
conv_xxx1_xxx1: as_u8(dst) = as_u8c(src); goto CONV_END;
conv_xxx1_xx10: as_u16(dst) = (uint16_t)as_u8c(src) << 8; goto CONV_END;
conv_xxx1_xx01: as_u16(dst) = (uint16_t)as_u8c(src); goto CONV_END;
conv_xxx1_x100: as_u32(dst) = sx24((uint32_t)as_u8c(src) << 16); goto CONV_END;
conv_xxx1_001x: as_u32(dst) = sx24s((uint32_t)as_u8c(src) << 8); goto CONV_END;
conv_xxx1_1000: as_u32(dst) = (uint32_t)as_u8c(src) << 24; goto CONV_END;
conv_xxx1_0001: as_u32(dst) = (uint32_t)as_u8c(src); goto CONV_END;
conv_xxx1_xxx9: as_u8(dst) = as_u8c(src) ^ 0x80; goto CONV_END;
conv_xxx1_xx90: as_u16(dst) = (uint16_t)(as_u8c(src) ^ 0x80) << 8; goto CONV_END;
conv_xxx1_xx09: as_u16(dst) = (uint16_t)(as_u8c(src) ^ 0x80); goto CONV_END;
conv_xxx1_x900: as_u32(dst) = sx24((uint32_t)(as_u8c(src) ^ 0x80) << 16); goto CONV_END;
conv_xxx1_009x: as_u32(dst) = sx24s((uint32_t)(as_u8c(src) ^ 0x80) << 8); goto CONV_END;
conv_xxx1_9000: as_u32(dst) = (uint32_t)(as_u8c(src) ^ 0x80) << 24; goto CONV_END;
conv_xxx1_0009: as_u32(dst) = (uint32_t)(as_u8c(src) ^ 0x80); goto CONV_END;
conv_xx12_xxx1: as_u8(dst) = as_u16c(src) >> 8; goto CONV_END;
conv_xx12_xx12: as_u16(dst) = as_u16c(src); goto CONV_END;
conv_xx12_xx21: as_u16(dst) = bswap_16(as_u16c(src)); goto CONV_END;
conv_xx12_x120: as_u32(dst) = sx24((uint32_t)as_u16c(src) << 8); goto CONV_END;
conv_xx12_021x: as_u32(dst) = sx24s((uint32_t)bswap_16(as_u16c(src)) << 8); goto CONV_END;
conv_xx12_1200: as_u32(dst) = (uint32_t)as_u16c(src) << 16; goto CONV_END;
conv_xx12_0021: as_u32(dst) = (uint32_t)bswap_16(as_u16c(src)); goto CONV_END;
conv_xx12_xxx9: as_u8(dst) = (as_u16c(src) >> 8) ^ 0x80; goto CONV_END;
conv_xx12_xx92: as_u16(dst) = as_u16c(src) ^ 0x8000; goto CONV_END;
conv_xx12_xx29: as_u16(dst) = bswap_16(as_u16c(src)) ^ 0x80; goto CONV_END;
conv_xx12_x920: as_u32(dst) = sx24((uint32_t)(as_u16c(src) ^ 0x8000) << 8); goto CONV_END;
conv_xx12_029x: as_u32(dst) = sx24s((uint32_t)(bswap_16(as_u16c(src)) ^ 0x80) << 8); goto CONV_END;
conv_xx12_9200: as_u32(dst) = (uint32_t)(as_u16c(src) ^ 0x8000) << 16; goto CONV_END;
conv_xx12_0029: as_u32(dst) = (uint32_t)(bswap_16(as_u16c(src)) ^ 0x80); goto CONV_END;
conv_xx12_xxx2: as_u8(dst) = as_u16c(src) & 0xff; goto CONV_END;
conv_xx12_x210: as_u32(dst) = sx24((uint32_t)bswap_16(as_u16c(src)) << 8); goto CONV_END;
conv_xx12_012x: as_u32(dst) = sx24s((uint32_t)as_u16c(src) << 8); goto CONV_END;
conv_xx12_2100: as_u32(dst) = (uint32_t)bswap_16(as_u16c(src)) << 16; goto CONV_END;
conv_xx12_0012: as_u32(dst) = (uint32_t)as_u16c(src); goto CONV_END; 
conv_xx12_xxxA: as_u8(dst) = (as_u16c(src) ^ 0x80) & 0xff; goto CONV_END;
conv_xx12_xxA1: as_u16(dst) = bswap_16(as_u16c(src) ^ 0x80); goto CONV_END;
conv_xx12_xx1A: as_u16(dst) = as_u16c(src) ^ 0x80; goto CONV_END;
conv_xx12_xA10: as_u32(dst) = sx24((uint32_t)bswap_16(as_u16c(src) ^ 0x80) << 8); goto CONV_END;
conv_xx12_01Ax: as_u32(dst) = sx24s((uint32_t)(as_u16c(src) ^ 0x80) << 8); goto CONV_END;
conv_xx12_A100: as_u32(dst) = (uint32_t)bswap_16(as_u16c(src) ^ 0x80) << 16; goto CONV_END;
conv_xx12_001A: as_u32(dst) = (uint32_t)(as_u16c(src) ^ 0x80); goto CONV_END;
conv_x123_xxx1: as_u8(dst) = as_u32c(src) >> 16; goto CONV_END;
conv_x123_xx12: as_u16(dst) = as_u32c(src) >> 8; goto CONV_END;
conv_x123_xx21: as_u16(dst) = bswap_16(as_u32c(src) >> 8); goto CONV_END;
conv_x123_x123: as_u32(dst) = sx24(as_u32c(src)); goto CONV_END;
conv_x123_321x: as_u32(dst) = sx24s(bswap_32(as_u32c(src))); goto CONV_END;
conv_x123_1230: as_u32(dst) = as_u32c(src) << 8; goto CONV_END;
conv_x123_0321: as_u32(dst) = bswap_32(as_u32c(src)) >> 8; goto CONV_END;
conv_x123_xxx9: as_u8(dst) = (as_u32c(src) >> 16) ^ 0x80; goto CONV_END;
conv_x123_xx92: as_u16(dst) = (as_u32c(src) >> 8) ^ 0x8000; goto CONV_END;
conv_x123_xx29: as_u16(dst) = bswap_16(as_u32c(src) >> 8) ^ 0x80; goto CONV_END;
conv_x123_x923: as_u32(dst) = sx24(as_u32c(src) ^ 0x800000); goto CONV_END;
conv_x123_329x: as_u32(dst) = sx24s(bswap_32(as_u32c(src)) ^ 0x8000); goto CONV_END;
conv_x123_9230: as_u32(dst) = (as_u32c(src) ^ 0x800000) << 8; goto CONV_END;
conv_x123_0329: as_u32(dst) = (bswap_32(as_u32c(src)) >> 8) ^ 0x80; goto CONV_END;
conv_123x_xxx3: as_u8(dst) = (as_u32c(src) >> 8) & 0xff; goto CONV_END;
conv_123x_xx32: as_u16(dst) = bswap_16(as_u32c(src) >> 8); goto CONV_END;
conv_123x_xx23: as_u16(dst) = (as_u32c(src) >> 8) & 0xffff; goto CONV_END;
conv_123x_x321: as_u32(dst) = sx24(bswap_32(as_u32c(src))); goto CONV_END;
conv_123x_123x: as_u32(dst) = sx24s(as_u32c(src)); goto CONV_END;
conv_123x_3210: as_u32(dst) = bswap_32(as_u32c(src)) << 8; goto CONV_END;
conv_123x_0123: as_u32(dst) = as_u32c(src) >> 8; goto CONV_END;
conv_123x_xxxB: as_u8(dst) = ((as_u32c(src) >> 8) & 0xff) ^ 0x80; goto CONV_END;
conv_123x_xxB2: as_u16(dst) = bswap_16((as_u32c(src) >> 8) ^ 0x80); goto CONV_END;
conv_123x_xx2B: as_u16(dst) = ((as_u32c(src) >> 8) & 0xffff) ^ 0x80; goto CONV_END;
conv_123x_xB21: as_u32(dst) = sx24(bswap_32(as_u32c(src)) ^ 0x800000); goto CONV_END;
conv_123x_12Bx: as_u32(dst) = sx24s(as_u32c(src) ^ 0x8000); goto CONV_END;
conv_123x_B210: as_u32(dst) = bswap_32(as_u32c(src) ^ 0x8000) << 8; goto CONV_END;
conv_123x_012B: as_u32(dst) = (as_u32c(src) >> 8) ^ 0x80; goto CONV_END;
conv_1234_xxx1: as_u8(dst) = as_u32c(src) >> 24; goto CONV_END;
conv_1234_xx12: as_u16(dst) = as_u32c(src) >> 16; goto CONV_END;
conv_1234_xx21: as_u16(dst) = bswap_16(as_u32c(src) >> 16); goto CONV_END;
conv_1234_x123: as_u32(dst) = sx24(as_u32c(src) >> 8); goto CONV_END;
conv_1234_321x: as_u32(dst) = sx24s(bswap_32(as_u32c(src)) << 8); goto CONV_END;
conv_1234_1234: as_u32(dst) = as_u32c(src); goto CONV_END;
conv_1234_4321: as_u32(dst) = bswap_32(as_u32c(src)); goto CONV_END;
conv_1234_xxx9: as_u8(dst) = (as_u32c(src) >> 24) ^ 0x80; goto CONV_END;
conv_1234_xx92: as_u16(dst) = (as_u32c(src) >> 16) ^ 0x8000; goto CONV_END;
conv_1234_xx29: as_u16(dst) = bswap_16(as_u32c(src) >> 16) ^ 0x80; goto CONV_END;
conv_1234_x923: as_u32(dst) = sx24((as_u32c(src) >> 8) ^ 0x800000); goto CONV_END;
conv_1234_329x: as_u32(dst) = sx24s((bswap_32(as_u32c(src)) ^ 0x80) << 8); goto CONV_END;
conv_1234_9234: as_u32(dst) = as_u32c(src) ^ 0x80000000; goto CONV_END;
conv_1234_4329: as_u32(dst) = bswap_32(as_u32c(src)) ^ 0x80; goto CONV_END;
conv_1234_xxx4: as_u8(dst) = as_u32c(src) & 0xff; goto CONV_END;
conv_1234_xx43: as_u16(dst) = bswap_16(as_u32c(src)); goto CONV_END;
conv_1234_xx34: as_u16(dst) = as_u32c(src) & 0xffff; goto CONV_END;
conv_1234_x432: as_u32(dst) = sx24(bswap_32(as_u32c(src)) >> 8); goto CONV_END;
conv_1234_234x: as_u32(dst) = sx24s(as_u32c(src) << 8); goto CONV_END;
conv_1234_xxxC: as_u8(dst) = (as_u32c(src) & 0xff) ^ 0x80; goto CONV_END;
conv_1234_xxC3: as_u16(dst) = bswap_16(as_u32c(src) ^ 0x80); goto CONV_END;
conv_1234_xx3C: as_u16(dst) = (as_u32c(src) & 0xffff) ^ 0x80; goto CONV_END;
conv_1234_xC32: as_u32(dst) = sx24((bswap_32(as_u32c(src)) >> 8) ^ 0x800000); goto CONV_END;
conv_1234_23Cx: as_u32(dst) = sx24s((as_u32c(src) ^ 0x80) << 8); goto CONV_END;
conv_1234_C321: as_u32(dst) = bswap_32(as_u32c(src) ^ 0x80); goto CONV_END;
conv_1234_123C: as_u32(dst) = as_u32c(src) ^ 0x80; goto CONV_END;

#ifdef GET16_LABELS
/* src_wid src_endswap sign_toggle */
static void *const get16_labels[5 * 2 * 2 + 4 * 3] = {
	&&get16_1_10,	 /*  8h -> 16h */
	&&get16_1_90,	 /*  8h ^> 16h */
	&&get16_1_10,	 /*  8s -> 16h */
	&&get16_1_90,	 /*  8s ^> 16h */
	&&get16_12_12,	 /* 16h -> 16h */
	&&get16_12_92,	 /* 16h ^> 16h */
	&&get16_12_21,	 /* 16s -> 16h */
	&&get16_12_A1,	 /* 16s ^> 16h */
	/* 4 byte formats */
	&&get16_0123_12, /* 24h -> 16h */
	&&get16_0123_92, /* 24h ^> 16h */
	&&get16_1230_32, /* 24s -> 16h */
	&&get16_1230_B2, /* 24s ^> 16h */
	&&get16_1234_12, /* 32h -> 16h */
	&&get16_1234_92, /* 32h ^> 16h */
	&&get16_1234_43, /* 32s -> 16h */
	&&get16_1234_C3, /* 32s ^> 16h */
	&&get16_0123_12_20, /* 20h -> 16h */
	&&get16_0123_92_20, /* 20h ^> 16h */
	&&get16_1230_32_20, /* 20s -> 16h */
	&&get16_1230_B2_20, /* 20s ^> 16h */
	/* 3bytes format */
	&&get16_123_12,	 /* 24h -> 16h */
	&&get16_123_92,	 /* 24h ^> 16h */
	&&get16_123_32,	 /* 24s -> 16h */
	&&get16_123_B2,	 /* 24s ^> 16h */
	&&get16_123_12_20,	 /* 20h -> 16h */
	&&get16_123_92_20,	 /* 20h ^> 16h */
	&&get16_123_32_20,	 /* 20s -> 16h */
	&&get16_123_B2_20,	 /* 20s ^> 16h */
	&&get16_123_12_18,	 /* 18h -> 16h */
	&&get16_123_92_18,	 /* 18h ^> 16h */
	&&get16_123_32_18,	 /* 18s -> 16h */
	&&get16_123_B2_18,	 /* 18s ^> 16h */

#ifdef GET16_END
while(0) {
get16_1_10: sample = (uint16_t)as_u8c(src) << 8; goto GET16_END;
get16_1_90: sample = (uint16_t)(as_u8c(src) ^ 0x80) << 8; goto GET16_END;
get16_12_12: sample = as_u16c(src); goto GET16_END;
get16_12_92: sample = as_u16c(src) ^ 0x8000; goto GET16_END;
get16_12_21: sample = bswap_16(as_u16c(src)); goto GET16_END;
get16_12_A1: sample = bswap_16(as_u16c(src) ^ 0x80); goto GET16_END;
get16_0123_12: sample = as_u32c(src) >> 8; goto GET16_END;
get16_0123_92: sample = (as_u32c(src) >> 8) ^ 0x8000; goto GET16_END;
get16_1230_32: sample = bswap_16(as_u32c(src) >> 8); goto GET16_END;
get16_1230_B2: sample = bswap_16((as_u32c(src) >> 8) ^ 0x80); goto GET16_END;
get16_1234_12: sample = as_u32c(src) >> 16; goto GET16_END;
get16_1234_92: sample = (as_u32c(src) >> 16) ^ 0x8000; goto GET16_END;
get16_1234_43: sample = bswap_16(as_u32c(src)); goto GET16_END;
get16_1234_C3: sample = bswap_16(as_u32c(src) ^ 0x80); goto GET16_END;
get16_0123_12_20: sample = as_u32c(src) >> 4; goto GET16_END;
get16_0123_92_20: sample = (as_u32c(src) >> 4) ^ 0x8000; goto GET16_END;
get16_1230_32_20: sample = bswap_32(as_u32c(src)) >> 4; goto GET16_END;
get16_1230_B2_20: sample = (bswap_32(as_u32c(src)) >> 4) ^ 0x8000; goto GET16_END;
get16_123_12: sample = _get_triple(src) >> 8; goto GET16_END;
get16_123_92: sample = (_get_triple(src) >> 8) ^ 0x8000; goto GET16_END;
get16_123_32: sample = _get_triple_s(src) >> 8; goto GET16_END;
get16_123_B2: sample = (_get_triple_s(src) >> 8) ^ 0x8000; goto GET16_END;
get16_123_12_20: sample = _get_triple(src) >> 4; goto GET16_END;
get16_123_92_20: sample = (_get_triple(src) >> 4) ^ 0x8000; goto GET16_END;
get16_123_32_20: sample = _get_triple_s(src) >> 4; goto GET16_END;
get16_123_B2_20: sample = (_get_triple_s(src) >> 4) ^ 0x8000; goto GET16_END;
get16_123_12_18: sample = _get_triple(src) >> 2; goto GET16_END;
get16_123_92_18: sample = (_get_triple(src) >> 2) ^ 0x8000; goto GET16_END;
get16_123_32_18: sample = _get_triple_s(src) >> 2; goto GET16_END;
get16_123_B2_18: sample = (_get_triple_s(src) >> 2) ^ 0x8000; goto GET16_END;

#ifdef PUT16_LABELS
/* dst_wid dst_endswap sign_toggle */
static void *const put16_labels[5 * 2 * 2 + 4 * 3] = {
	&&put16_12_1,		 /* 16h ->  8h */
	&&put16_12_9,		 /* 16h ^>  8h */
	&&put16_12_1,		 /* 16h ->  8s */
	&&put16_12_9,		 /* 16h ^>  8s */
	&&put16_12_12,		 /* 16h -> 16h */
	&&put16_12_92,		 /* 16h ^> 16h */
	&&put16_12_21,		 /* 16h -> 16s */
	&&put16_12_29,		 /* 16h ^> 16s */
	/* 4 byte formats */
	&&put16_12_0120,	 /* 16h -> 24h */
	&&put16_12_0920,	 /* 16h ^> 24h */
	&&put16_12_0210,	 /* 16h -> 24s */
	&&put16_12_0290,	 /* 16h ^> 24s */
	&&put16_12_1200,	 /* 16h -> 32h */
	&&put16_12_9200,	 /* 16h ^> 32h */
	&&put16_12_0021,	 /* 16h -> 32s */
	&&put16_12_0029,	 /* 16h ^> 32s */
	&&put16_12_0120_20,	 /* 16h -> 20h */
	&&put16_12_0920_20,	 /* 16h ^> 20h */
	&&put16_12_0210_20,	 /* 16h -> 20s */
	&&put16_12_0290_20,	 /* 16h ^> 20s */
	/* 3bytes format */
	&&put16_12_120,		 /* 16h -> 24h */
	&&put16_12_920,		 /* 16h ^> 24h */
	&&put16_12_021,		 /* 16h -> 24s */
	&&put16_12_029,		 /* 16h ^> 24s */
	&&put16_12_120_20,	 /* 16h -> 20h */
	&&put16_12_920_20,	 /* 16h ^> 20h */
	&&put16_12_021_20,	 /* 16h -> 20s */
	&&put16_12_029_20,	 /* 16h ^> 20s */
	&&put16_12_120_18,	 /* 16h -> 18h */
	&&put16_12_920_18,	 /* 16h ^> 18h */
	&&put16_12_021_18,	 /* 16h -> 18s */
	&&put16_12_029_18,	 /* 16h ^> 18s */

#ifdef PUT16_END
while (0) {
put16_12_1: as_u8(dst) = sample >> 8; goto PUT16_END;
put16_12_9: as_u8(dst) = (sample >> 8) ^ 0x80; goto PUT16_END;
put16_12_12: as_u16(dst) = sample; goto PUT16_END;
put16_12_92: as_u16(dst) = sample ^ 0x8000; goto PUT16_END;
put16_12_21: as_u16(dst) = bswap_16(sample); goto PUT16_END;
put16_12_29: as_u16(dst) = bswap_16(sample) ^ 0x80; goto PUT16_END;
put16_12_0120: as_u32(dst) = sx24((uint32_t)sample << 8); goto PUT16_END;
put16_12_0920: as_u32(dst) = sx24((uint32_t)(sample ^ 0x8000) << 8); goto PUT16_END;
put16_12_0210: as_u32(dst) = sx24s((uint32_t)bswap_16(sample) << 8); goto PUT16_END;
put16_12_0290: as_u32(dst) = sx24s((uint32_t)(bswap_16(sample) ^ 0x80) << 8); goto PUT16_END;
put16_12_1200: as_u32(dst) = (uint32_t)sample << 16; goto PUT16_END;
put16_12_9200: as_u32(dst) = (uint32_t)(sample ^ 0x8000) << 16; goto PUT16_END;
put16_12_0021: as_u32(dst) = (uint32_t)bswap_16(sample); goto PUT16_END;
put16_12_0029: as_u32(dst) = (uint32_t)bswap_16(sample) ^ 0x80; goto PUT16_END;
put16_12_0120_20: as_u32(dst) = sx20((uint32_t)sample << 4); goto PUT16_END;
put16_12_0920_20: as_u32(dst) = sx20((uint32_t)(sample ^ 0x8000) << 4); goto PUT16_END;
put16_12_0210_20: as_u32(dst) = bswap_32(sx20((uint32_t)sample << 4)); goto PUT16_END;
put16_12_0290_20: as_u32(dst) = bswap_32(sx20((uint32_t)(sample ^ 0x8000) << 4)); goto PUT16_END;
put16_12_120: _put_triple(dst, (uint32_t)sample << 8); goto PUT16_END;
put16_12_920: _put_triple(dst, (uint32_t)(sample ^ 0x8000) << 8); goto PUT16_END;
put16_12_021: _put_triple_s(dst, (uint32_t)sample << 8); goto PUT16_END;
put16_12_029: _put_triple_s(dst, (uint32_t)(sample ^ 0x8000) << 8); goto PUT16_END;
put16_12_120_20: _put_triple(dst, (uint32_t)sample << 4); goto PUT16_END;
put16_12_920_20: _put_triple(dst, (uint32_t)(sample ^ 0x8000) << 4); goto PUT16_END;
put16_12_021_20: _put_triple_s(dst, (uint32_t)sample << 4); goto PUT16_END;
put16_12_029_20: _put_triple_s(dst, (uint32_t)(sample ^ 0x8000) << 4); goto PUT16_END;
put16_12_120_18: _put_triple(dst, (uint32_t)sample << 2); goto PUT16_END;
put16_12_920_18: _put_triple(dst, (uint32_t)(sample ^ 0x8000) << 2); goto PUT16_END;
put16_12_021_18: _put_triple_s(dst, (uint32_t)sample << 2); goto PUT16_END;
put16_12_029_18: _put_triple_s(dst, (uint32_t)(sample ^ 0x8000) << 2); goto PUT16_END;

#ifdef CONV24_LABELS
#define GET32_LABELS
#define PUT32_LABELS

#ifdef GET32_LABELS
/* src_wid src_endswap sign_toggle */
static void *const get32_labels[5 * 2 * 2 + 4 * 3] = {
	&&get32_1_1000,	 	 /*  8h -> 32h */
	&&get32_1_9000,	 	 /*  8h ^> 32h */
	&&get32_1_1000,		 /*  8s -> 32h */
	&&get32_1_9000,		 /*  8s ^> 32h */
	&&get32_12_1200,	 /* 16h -> 32h */
	&&get32_12_9200,	 /* 16h ^> 32h */
	&&get32_12_2100,	 /* 16s -> 32h */
	&&get32_12_A100,	 /* 16s ^> 32h */
	/* 4 byte formats */
	&&get32_0123_1230,	 /* 24h -> 32h */
	&&get32_0123_9230,	 /* 24h ^> 32h */
	&&get32_1230_3210,	 /* 24s -> 32h */
	&&get32_1230_B210,	 /* 24s ^> 32h */
	&&get32_1234_1234,	 /* 32h -> 32h */
	&&get32_1234_9234,	 /* 32h ^> 32h */
	&&get32_1234_4321,	 /* 32s -> 32h */
	&&get32_1234_C321,	 /* 32s ^> 32h */
	&&get32_0123_1230_20,	 /* 20h -> 32h */
	&&get32_0123_9230_20,	 /* 20h ^> 32h */
	&&get32_1230_3210_20,	 /* 20s -> 32h */
	&&get32_1230_B210_20,	 /* 20s ^> 32h */
	/* 3bytes format */
	&&get32_123_1230,	 /* 24h -> 32h */
	&&get32_123_9230,	 /* 24h ^> 32h */
	&&get32_123_3210,	 /* 24s -> 32h */
	&&get32_123_B210,	 /* 24s ^> 32h */
	&&get32_123_1230_20,	 /* 20h -> 32h */
	&&get32_123_9230_20,	 /* 20h ^> 32h */
	&&get32_123_3210_20,	 /* 20s -> 32h */
	&&get32_123_B210_20,	 /* 20s ^> 32h */
	&&get32_123_1230_18,	 /* 18h -> 32h */
	&&get32_123_9230_18,	 /* 18h ^> 32h */
	&&get32_123_3210_18,	 /* 18s -> 32h */
	&&get32_123_B210_18,	 /* 18s ^> 32h */

#ifdef CONV24_END
#define GET32_END __conv24_get

#ifdef GET32_END
while (0) {
get32_1_1000: sample = (uint32_t)as_u8c(src) << 24; goto GET32_END;
get32_1_9000: sample = (uint32_t)(as_u8c(src) ^ 0x80) << 24; goto GET32_END;
get32_12_1200: sample = (uint32_t)as_u16c(src) << 16; goto GET32_END;
get32_12_9200: sample = (uint32_t)(as_u16c(src) ^ 0x8000) << 16; goto GET32_END;
get32_12_2100: sample = (uint32_t)bswap_16(as_u16c(src)) << 16; goto GET32_END;
get32_12_A100: sample = (uint32_t)bswap_16(as_u16c(src) ^ 0x80) << 16; goto GET32_END;
get32_0123_1230: sample = as_u32c(src) << 8; goto GET32_END;
get32_0123_9230: sample = (as_u32c(src) << 8) ^ 0x80000000; goto GET32_END;
get32_1230_3210: sample = bswap_32(as_u32c(src) >> 8); goto GET32_END;
get32_1230_B210: sample = bswap_32((as_u32c(src) >> 8) ^ 0x80); goto GET32_END;
get32_1234_1234: sample = as_u32c(src); goto GET32_END;
get32_1234_9234: sample = as_u32c(src) ^ 0x80000000; goto GET32_END;
get32_1234_4321: sample = bswap_32(as_u32c(src)); goto GET32_END;
get32_1234_C321: sample = bswap_32(as_u32c(src) ^ 0x80); goto GET32_END;
get32_0123_1230_20: sample = as_u32c(src) << 12; goto GET32_END;
get32_0123_9230_20: sample = (as_u32c(src) << 12) ^ 0x80000000; goto GET32_END;
get32_1230_3210_20: sample = bswap_32(as_u32c(src)) << 12; goto GET32_END;
get32_1230_B210_20: sample = (bswap_32(as_u32c(src)) << 12) ^ 0x80000000; goto GET32_END;
get32_123_1230: sample = _get_triple(src) << 8; goto GET32_END;
get32_123_9230: sample = (_get_triple(src) << 8) ^ 0x80000000; goto GET32_END;
get32_123_3210: sample = _get_triple_s(src) << 8; goto GET32_END;
get32_123_B210: sample = (_get_triple_s(src) << 8) ^ 0x80000000; goto GET32_END;
get32_123_1230_20: sample = _get_triple(src) << 12; goto GET32_END;
get32_123_9230_20: sample = (_get_triple(src) << 12) ^ 0x80000000; goto GET32_END;
get32_123_3210_20: sample = _get_triple_s(src) << 12; goto GET32_END;
get32_123_B210_20: sample = (_get_triple_s(src) << 12) ^ 0x80000000; goto GET32_END;
get32_123_1230_18: sample = _get_triple(src) << 14; goto GET32_END;
get32_123_9230_18: sample = (_get_triple(src) << 14) ^ 0x80000000; goto GET32_END;
get32_123_3210_18: sample = _get_triple_s(src) << 14; goto GET32_END;
get32_123_B210_18: sample = (_get_triple_s(src) << 14) ^ 0x80000000; goto GET32_END;

#ifdef CONV24_END
__conv24_get: goto *put;
#define PUT32_END CONV24_END

#ifdef PUT32_LABELS
/* dst_wid dst_endswap sign_toggle */
static void *const put32_labels[5 * 2 * 2 + 4 * 3] = {
	&&put32_1234_1,	 	 /* 32h ->  8h */
	&&put32_1234_9,	 	 /* 32h ^>  8h */
	&&put32_1234_1,	 	 /* 32h ->  8s */
	&&put32_1234_9,	 	 /* 32h ^>  8s */
	&&put32_1234_12,	 /* 32h -> 16h */
	&&put32_1234_92,	 /* 32h ^> 16h */
	&&put32_1234_21,	 /* 32h -> 16s */
	&&put32_1234_29,	 /* 32h ^> 16s */
	/* 4 byte formats */
	&&put32_1234_0123,	 /* 32h -> 24h */
	&&put32_1234_0923,	 /* 32h ^> 24h */
	&&put32_1234_3210,	 /* 32h -> 24s */
	&&put32_1234_3290,	 /* 32h ^> 24s */
	&&put32_1234_1234,	 /* 32h -> 32h */
	&&put32_1234_9234,	 /* 32h ^> 32h */
	&&put32_1234_4321,	 /* 32h -> 32s */
	&&put32_1234_4329,	 /* 32h ^> 32s */
	&&put32_1234_0123_20,	 /* 32h -> 20h */
	&&put32_1234_0923_20,	 /* 32h ^> 20h */
	&&put32_1234_3210_20,	 /* 32h -> 20s */
	&&put32_1234_3290_20,	 /* 32h ^> 20s */
	/* 3bytes format */
	&&put32_1234_123,	 /* 32h -> 24h */
	&&put32_1234_923,	 /* 32h ^> 24h */
	&&put32_1234_321,	 /* 32h -> 24s */
	&&put32_1234_329,	 /* 32h ^> 24s */
	&&put32_1234_123_20,	 /* 32h -> 20h */
	&&put32_1234_923_20,	 /* 32h ^> 20h */
	&&put32_1234_321_20,	 /* 32h -> 20s */
	&&put32_1234_329_20,	 /* 32h ^> 20s */
	&&put32_1234_123_18,	 /* 32h -> 18h */
	&&put32_1234_923_18,	 /* 32h ^> 18h */
	&&put32_1234_321_18,	 /* 32h -> 18s */
	&&put32_1234_329_18,	 /* 32h ^> 18s */

#ifdef CONV24_LABELS
#undef GET32_LABELS
#undef PUT32_LABELS

#ifdef PUT32_END
while (0) {
put32_1234_1: as_u8(dst) = sample >> 24; goto PUT32_END;
put32_1234_9: as_u8(dst) = (sample >> 24) ^ 0x80; goto PUT32_END;
put32_1234_12: as_u16(dst) = sample >> 16; goto PUT32_END;
put32_1234_92: as_u16(dst) = (sample >> 16) ^ 0x8000; goto PUT32_END;
put32_1234_21: as_u16(dst) = bswap_16(sample >> 16); goto PUT32_END;
put32_1234_29: as_u16(dst) = bswap_16(sample >> 16) ^ 0x80; goto PUT32_END;
put32_1234_0123: as_u32(dst) = sx24(sample >> 8); goto PUT32_END;
put32_1234_0923: as_u32(dst) = sx24((sample >> 8) ^ 0x800000); goto PUT32_END;
put32_1234_3210: as_u32(dst) = sx24s(bswap_32(sample) << 8); goto PUT32_END;
put32_1234_3290: as_u32(dst) = sx24s((bswap_32(sample) ^ 0x80) << 8); goto PUT32_END;
put32_1234_1234: as_u32(dst) = sample; goto PUT32_END;
put32_1234_9234: as_u32(dst) = sample ^ 0x80000000; goto PUT32_END;
put32_1234_4321: as_u32(dst) = bswap_32(sample); goto PUT32_END;
put32_1234_4329: as_u32(dst) = bswap_32(sample) ^ 0x80; goto PUT32_END;
put32_1234_0123_20: as_u32(dst) = sx20(sample >> 12); goto PUT32_END;
put32_1234_0923_20: as_u32(dst) = sx20((sample ^ 0x80000000) >> 12); goto PUT32_END;
put32_1234_3210_20: as_u32(dst) = bswap_32(sx20(sample >> 12)); goto PUT32_END;
put32_1234_3290_20: as_u32(dst) = bswap_32(sx20((sample ^ 0x80000000) >> 12)); goto PUT32_END;
put32_1234_123: _put_triple(dst, sample >> 8); goto PUT32_END;
put32_1234_923: _put_triple(dst, (sample ^ 0x80000000) >> 8); goto PUT32_END;
put32_1234_321: _put_triple_s(dst, sample >> 8); goto PUT32_END;
put32_1234_329: _put_triple_s(dst, (sample ^ 0x80000000) >> 8); goto PUT32_END;
put32_1234_123_20: _put_triple(dst, sample >> 12); goto PUT32_END;
put32_1234_923_20: _put_triple(dst, (sample ^ 0x80000000) >> 12); goto PUT32_END;
put32_1234_321_20: _put_triple_s(dst, sample >> 12); goto PUT32_END;
put32_1234_329_20: _put_triple_s(dst, (sample ^ 0x80000000) >> 12); goto PUT32_END;
put32_1234_123_18: _put_triple(dst, sample >> 14); goto PUT32_END;
put32_1234_923_18: _put_triple(dst, (sample ^ 0x80000000) >> 14); goto PUT32_END;
put32_1234_321_18: _put_triple_s(dst, sample >> 14); goto PUT32_END;
put32_1234_329_18: _put_triple_s(dst, (sample ^ 0x80000000) >> 14); goto PUT32_END;

#ifdef CONV24_END
#undef GET32_END
#undef PUT32_END

#ifdef PUT32F_LABELS
/* type (0 = float, 1 = float64), endswap */
static void *const put32float_labels[2 * 2] = {
	&&put32f_1234_1234F,	/* 32h -> (float)h */
	&&put32f_1234_4321F,	/* 32h -> (float)s */
	&&put32f_1234_1234D,	/* 32h -> (float64)h */
	&&put32f_1234_4321D,	/* 32h -> (float64)s */

#ifdef PUT32F_END
put32f_1234_1234F: as_float(dst) = (float_t)((int32_t)sample) / (float_t)0x80000000UL; goto PUT32F_END;
put32f_1234_4321F: tmp_float.f = (float_t)((int32_t)sample) / (float_t)0x80000000UL;
		   as_u32(dst) = bswap_32(tmp_float.i); goto PUT32F_END;
put32f_1234_1234D: as_double(dst) = (double_t)((int32_t)sample) / (double_t)0x80000000UL; goto PUT32F_END;
put32f_1234_4321D: tmp_double.d = (double_t)((int32_t)sample) / (double_t)0x80000000UL;
		   as_u64(dst) = bswap_64(tmp_double.l); goto PUT32F_END;

#ifdef GET32F_LABELS
/* type (0 = float, 1 = float64), endswap */
static void *const get32float_labels[2 * 2] = {
	&&get32f_1234F_1234,	/* (float)h -> 32h */
	&&get32f_4321F_1234,	/* (float)s -> 32h */
	&&get32f_1234D_1234,	/* (float64)h -> 32h */
	&&get32f_4321D_1234,	/* (float64)s -> 32h */

#ifdef GET32F_END
get32f_1234F_1234: tmp_float.f = as_floatc(src);
		   if (tmp_float.f >= 1.0)
		   	sample = 0x7fffffff;
		   else if (tmp_float.f <= -1.0)
		   	sample = 0x80000000;
		   	sample = (int32_t)(tmp_float.f * (float_t)0x80000000UL);
		   goto GET32F_END;
get32f_4321F_1234: tmp_float.i = bswap_32(as_u32c(src));
		   if (tmp_float.f >= 1.0)
		   	sample = 0x7fffffff;
		   else if (tmp_float.f <= -1.0)
		   	sample = 0x80000000;
		   	sample = (int32_t)(tmp_float.f * (float_t)0x80000000UL);
		   goto GET32F_END;
get32f_1234D_1234: tmp_double.d = as_doublec(src);
		   if (tmp_double.d >= 1.0)
		   	sample = 0x7fffffff;
		   else if (tmp_double.d <= -1.0)
		   	sample = 0x80000000;
		   	sample = (int32_t)(tmp_double.d * (double_t)0x80000000UL);
		   goto GET32F_END;
get32f_4321D_1234: tmp_double.l = bswap_64(as_u64c(src));
		   if (tmp_double.d >= 1.0)
		   	sample = 0x7fffffff;
		   else if (tmp_double.d <= -1.0)
		   	sample = 0x80000000;
		   	sample = (int32_t)(tmp_double.d * (double_t)0x80000000UL);
		   goto GET32F_END;

#undef as_u8
#undef as_u16
#undef as_u32
#undef as_s8
#undef as_s16
#undef as_s32
#undef as_float
#undef as_double

#undef as_u8c
#undef as_u16c
#undef as_u32c
#undef as_s8c
#undef as_s16c
#undef as_s32c
#undef as_floatc
#undef as_doublec

#undef _get_triple
#undef _get_triple_s
#undef _get_triple_le
#undef _get_triple_be
#undef _put_triple
#undef _put_triple_s
#undef _put_triple_le
#undef _put_triple_be