Blame test/playmidi1.c

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 *   MIDI file player for ALSA sequencer 
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 *   (type 0 only!, the library that is used doesn't support merging of tracks)
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 *   Copyright (c) 1998 by Frank van de Pol <>
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 *   Modified so that this uses alsa-lib
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 *   1999 Jan. by Isaku Yamahata <>
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 *   19990604	Takashi Iwai <>
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 *	- use blocking mode
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 *	- fix tempo event bug
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 *	- add command line options
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 *   19990827	Takashi Iwai <>
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 *	- use snd_seq_alloc_queue()
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 *   19990916	Takashi Iwai <>
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 *	- use middle-level sequencer routines and macros
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 *   This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
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 *   it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
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 *   the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
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 *   (at your option) any later version.
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 *   This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
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 *   but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
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 *   GNU General Public License for more details.
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 *   You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
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 *   along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
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 *   Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301  USA
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#include <stdio.h>
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#include <ctype.h>
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#include <fcntl.h>
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#include <stdlib.h>
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#include <sys/ioctl.h>
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#include <unistd.h>
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#include <errno.h>
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#include <string.h>
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#include "midifile.h"		/* SMF library header */
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#include "midifile.c"		/* SMF library code */
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#include "../include/asoundlib.h"
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/* send the real-time time stamps (instead of midi ticks) to the ALSA sequencer */
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static int use_realtime = 0;
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/* control the event buffering by using a blocking mode */
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static int use_blocking_mode = 1;
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/* default destination queue, client and port numbers */
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/* event pool size */
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#define WRITE_POOL_SIZE		200
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#define READ_POOL_SIZE		10	/* we need to read the pool only for echoing */
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static FILE *F;
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static snd_seq_t *seq_handle = NULL;
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static int ppq = 96;
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static int slave_ppq = 96;
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static double local_secs = 0;
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static int local_ticks = 0;
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static int local_tempo = 500000;
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static int dest_queue = -1;
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static int shared_queue = 0;
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static int tick_offset = 0;
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static int dest_client = DEST_CLIENT_NUMBER;
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static int dest_port = DEST_PORT_NUMBER;
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static int my_port = 0;
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static int verbose = 0;
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static int slave   = 0;		/* allow external sync */
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#define VERB_INFO	1
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#define VERB_MUCH	2
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#define VERB_EVENT	3
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static void alsa_start_timer(void);
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static void alsa_stop_timer(void);
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static void wait_start(void);
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static inline double tick2time_dbl(int tick)
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	return local_secs + ((double) (tick - local_ticks) * (double) local_tempo * 1.0E-6 / (double) ppq);
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static void tick2time(snd_seq_real_time_t * tm, int tick)
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	double secs = tick2time_dbl(tick);
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	tm->tv_sec = secs;
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	tm->tv_nsec = (secs - tm->tv_sec) * 1.0E9;
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static void write_ev(snd_seq_event_t *ev)
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	int rc;
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	if (use_blocking_mode) {
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		rc = snd_seq_event_output(seq_handle, ev);
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		if (rc < 0) {
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			printf("written = %i (%s)\n", rc, snd_strerror(rc));
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	while ((rc = snd_seq_event_output(seq_handle, ev)) < 0) {
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		int npfds = snd_seq_poll_descriptors_count(seq_handle, POLLOUT);
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		struct pollfd *pfds = alloca(sizeof(*pfds) * npfds);
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		snd_seq_poll_descriptors(seq_handle, pfds, npfds, POLLOUT);
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		if ((rc = poll(pfds, npfds, -1)) < 0) {
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			printf("poll error = %i (%s)\n", rc, snd_strerror(errno));
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/* read the byte */
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static int mygetc(void)
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	return getc(F);
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/* print out the text */
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static void mytext(int type ATTRIBUTE_UNUSED, int leng, char *msg)
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	char *p;
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	char *ep = msg + leng;
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	if (verbose >= VERB_INFO) {
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		for (p = msg; p < ep; p++)
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			putchar(isprint(*p) ? *p : '?');
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static void do_header(int format, int ntracks, int division)
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	snd_seq_queue_tempo_t *tempo;
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	if (verbose >= VERB_INFO)
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		printf("smf format %d, %d tracks, %d ppq\n", format, ntracks, division);
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	ppq = division;
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	if (format != 0 || ntracks != 1) {
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		printf("This player does not support merging of tracks.\n");
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		if (! shared_queue)
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	/* set the ppq */
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	/* ppq must be set before starting the timer */
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	if (snd_seq_get_queue_tempo(seq_handle, dest_queue, tempo) < 0) {
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	if ((slave_ppq = snd_seq_queue_tempo_get_ppq(tempo)) != ppq) {
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		snd_seq_queue_tempo_set_ppq(tempo, ppq);
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		if (snd_seq_set_queue_tempo(seq_handle, dest_queue, tempo) < 0) {
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    			if (!slave && !shared_queue)
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				printf("different PPQ %d in SMF from queue PPQ %d\n", ppq, slave_ppq);
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		} else
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			slave_ppq = ppq;
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		if (verbose >= VERB_INFO)
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			printf("ALSA Timer updated, PPQ = %d\n", snd_seq_queue_tempo_get_ppq(tempo));
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	/* start playing... */
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	if (slave) {
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		if (verbose >= VERB_INFO)
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			printf("Wait till timer starts...\n");	
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		if (verbose >= VERB_INFO)
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	} else if (shared_queue) {
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		snd_seq_queue_status_t *stat;
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		snd_seq_get_queue_status(seq_handle, dest_queue, stat);
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		tick_offset = snd_seq_queue_status_get_tick_time(stat);
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		fprintf(stderr, "tick offset = %d\n", tick_offset);
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	} else {
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		tick_offset = 0;
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/* fill the event time */
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static void set_event_time(snd_seq_event_t *ev, unsigned int currtime)
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	if (use_realtime) {
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		snd_seq_real_time_t rtime;
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		if (ppq != slave_ppq)
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			currtime = (currtime * slave_ppq) / ppq;
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		tick2time(&rtime, currtime);
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		snd_seq_ev_schedule_real(ev, dest_queue, 0, &rtime);
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	} else {
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		if (ppq != slave_ppq)
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			currtime = (currtime * slave_ppq) / ppq;
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		currtime += tick_offset;
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		snd_seq_ev_schedule_tick(ev, dest_queue, 0, currtime);
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/* fill the normal event header */
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static void set_event_header(snd_seq_event_t *ev)
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	snd_seq_ev_set_dest(ev, dest_client, dest_port);
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	snd_seq_ev_set_source(ev, my_port);
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	set_event_time(ev, Mf_currtime);
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/* start the timer */
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static void alsa_start_timer(void)
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	snd_seq_start_queue(seq_handle, dest_queue, NULL);
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/* stop the timer */
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static void alsa_stop_timer(void)
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	snd_seq_event_t ev;
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	snd_seq_stop_queue(seq_handle, dest_queue, &ev;;
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/* change the tempo */
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static void do_tempo(int us)
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	snd_seq_event_t ev;
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	if (verbose >= VERB_MUCH) {
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		double bpm;
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		bpm = 60.0E6 / (double) us;
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		printf("Tempo %d us/beat, %.2f bpm\n", us, bpm);
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	/* store the new tempo and timestamp of the tempo change */
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	local_secs = tick2time_dbl(Mf_currtime);
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	local_ticks = Mf_currtime;
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	local_tempo = us;
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	if (!slave)
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		snd_seq_change_queue_tempo(seq_handle, dest_queue, us, &ev;;
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static void do_noteon(int chan, int pitch, int vol)
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	snd_seq_event_t ev;
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	if (verbose >= VERB_EVENT)
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		printf("%lu: NoteOn (%d) %d %d\n", Mf_currtime, chan, pitch, vol);
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	snd_seq_ev_set_noteon(&ev, chan, pitch, vol);
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static void do_noteoff(int chan, int pitch, int vol)
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	snd_seq_event_t ev;
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	if (verbose >= VERB_EVENT)
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		printf("%lu: NoteOff (%d) %d %d\n", Mf_currtime, chan, pitch, vol);
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	snd_seq_ev_set_noteoff(&ev, chan, pitch, vol);
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static void do_program(int chan, int program)
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	snd_seq_event_t ev;
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	if (verbose >= VERB_EVENT)
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		printf("%lu: Program (%d) %d\n", Mf_currtime, chan, program);
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	snd_seq_ev_set_pgmchange(&ev, chan, program);
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static void do_parameter(int chan, int control, int value)
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	snd_seq_event_t ev;
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	if (verbose >= VERB_EVENT)
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		printf("%lu: Control (%d) %d %d\n", Mf_currtime, chan, control, value);
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	snd_seq_ev_set_controller(&ev, chan, control, value);
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static void do_pitchbend(int chan, int lsb, int msb)
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{	/* !@#$% lsb & msb are in the wrong order in docs */
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	snd_seq_event_t ev;
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	if (verbose >= VERB_EVENT)
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		printf("%lu: Pitchbend (%d) %d %d\n", Mf_currtime, chan, lsb, msb);
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	snd_seq_ev_set_pitchbend(&ev, chan, (lsb + (msb << 7)) - 8192);
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static void do_pressure(int chan, int pitch, int pressure)
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	snd_seq_event_t ev;
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	if (verbose >= VERB_EVENT)
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		printf("%lu: KeyPress (%d) %d %d\n", Mf_currtime, chan, pitch, pressure);
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	snd_seq_ev_set_keypress(&ev, chan, pitch, pressure);
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static void do_chanpressure(int chan, int pressure)
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	snd_seq_event_t ev;
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	if (verbose >= VERB_EVENT)
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		printf("%lu: ChanPress (%d) %d\n", Mf_currtime, chan, pressure);
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	snd_seq_ev_set_chanpress(&ev, chan, pressure);
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static void do_sysex(int len, char *msg)
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	snd_seq_event_t ev;
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	if (verbose >= VERB_MUCH) {
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		int c;
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		printf("%lu: Sysex, len=%d\n", Mf_currtime, len);
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		for (c = 0; c < len; c++) {
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			printf(" %02x", (unsigned char)msg[c]);
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			if (c % 16 == 15)
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		if (c % 16 != 15)
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	snd_seq_ev_set_sysex(&ev, len, msg);
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static snd_seq_event_t *wait_for_event(void)
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	int left;
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	snd_seq_event_t *input_event;
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	if (use_blocking_mode) {
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		/* read the event - blocked until any event is read */
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		left = snd_seq_event_input(seq_handle, &input_event);
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	} else {
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		/* read the event - using select syscall */
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		while ((left = snd_seq_event_input(seq_handle, &input_event)) >= 0 &&
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		       input_event == NULL) {
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			int npfds = snd_seq_poll_descriptors_count(seq_handle, POLLIN);
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			struct pollfd *pfds = alloca(sizeof(*pfds) * npfds);
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			snd_seq_poll_descriptors(seq_handle, pfds, npfds, POLLIN);
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			if ((left = poll(pfds, npfds, -1)) < 0) {
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				printf("poll error = %i (%s)\n", errno, snd_strerror(errno));
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	if (left < 0) {
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		printf("alsa_sync error!:%s\n", snd_strerror(left));
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		return NULL;
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	return input_event;
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/* synchronize to the end of the event */
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static void alsa_sync(void)
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	/* send the echo event to the self client. */
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	if (verbose >= VERB_MUCH)
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		printf("alsa_sync syncing...\n");
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	/* dump the buffer */
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	if (verbose >= VERB_MUCH)
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		printf("alsa_sync synced\n");
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	sleep(1); /* give a time for note releasing.. */
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/* wait for the start of the queue */
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static void wait_start(void)
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	snd_seq_event_t *input_event;
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	/* wait for the start event from the system timer */
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	for (;;) {
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		input_event = wait_for_event();
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		if (input_event) {
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			if (verbose >= VERB_MUCH)
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				printf("wait_start got event. type=%d, flags=%d\n",
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				       input_event->type, input_event->flags);
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			if (input_event->type == SND_SEQ_EVENT_START &&
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			    input_event->data.queue.queue == dest_queue) {
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	if (verbose >= VERB_MUCH)
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		printf("start received\n");
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/* print the usage */
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static void usage(void)
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	fprintf(stderr, "usage: playmidi1 [options] [file]\n");
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	fprintf(stderr, "  options:\n");
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	fprintf(stderr, "  -v: verbose mode\n");
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	fprintf(stderr, "  -a client:port : set destination address (default=%d:%d)\n",
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	fprintf(stderr, "  -q queue: use the specified queue\n");
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	fprintf(stderr, "  -s queue: slave mode (allow external clock synchronization)\n");
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	fprintf(stderr, "  -r : play on real-time mode\n");
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	fprintf(stderr, "  -b : play on non-blocking mode\n");
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int main(int argc, char *argv[])
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	int tmp;
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	int c;
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	snd_seq_addr_t dest_addr;
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	const char *addr = "65:0";
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	while ((c = getopt(argc, argv, "s:a:p:q:vrb")) != -1) {
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		switch (c) {
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		case 'v':
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		case 'a':
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		case 'p':
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			addr = optarg;
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		case 'q':
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			dest_queue = atoi(optarg);
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			if (dest_queue < 0) {
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				fprintf(stderr, "invalid queue number %d\n", dest_queue);
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		case 's':
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			slave = 1;
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			dest_queue = atoi(optarg);
Packit 4a16fb
			if (dest_queue < 0) {
Packit 4a16fb
				fprintf(stderr, "invalid queue number %d\n", dest_queue);
Packit 4a16fb
Packit 4a16fb
Packit 4a16fb
Packit 4a16fb
		case 'r':
Packit 4a16fb
			use_realtime = 1;
Packit 4a16fb
Packit 4a16fb
		case 'b':
Packit 4a16fb
			use_blocking_mode = 0;
Packit 4a16fb
Packit 4a16fb
Packit 4a16fb
Packit 4a16fb
Packit 4a16fb
Packit 4a16fb
Packit 4a16fb
Packit 4a16fb
	if (verbose >= VERB_INFO) {
Packit 4a16fb
		if (use_realtime)
Packit 4a16fb
			printf("ALSA MIDI Player, feeding events to real-time queue\n");
Packit 4a16fb
Packit 4a16fb
			printf("ALSA MIDI Player, feeding events to song queue\n");
Packit 4a16fb
Packit 4a16fb
Packit 4a16fb
	/* open the sequencer device */
Packit 4a16fb
	/* Here we open the device in read/write for slave mode. */
Packit 4a16fb
	tmp = snd_seq_open(&seq_handle, "hw", slave ? SND_SEQ_OPEN_DUPLEX : SND_SEQ_OPEN_OUTPUT, 0);
Packit 4a16fb
	if (tmp < 0) {
Packit 4a16fb
		perror("open /dev/snd/seq");
Packit 4a16fb
Packit 4a16fb
Packit 4a16fb
Packit 4a16fb
	tmp = snd_seq_nonblock(seq_handle, !use_blocking_mode);
Packit 4a16fb
	if (tmp < 0) {
Packit 4a16fb
Packit 4a16fb
Packit 4a16fb
Packit 4a16fb
Packit 4a16fb
	/* set the name */
Packit 4a16fb
	/* set the event filter to receive only the echo event */
Packit 4a16fb
	/* if running in slave mode, also listen for a START event */
Packit 4a16fb
	if (slave)
Packit 4a16fb
		snd_seq_set_client_event_filter(seq_handle, SND_SEQ_EVENT_START);
Packit 4a16fb
	snd_seq_set_client_name(seq_handle, "MIDI file player");
Packit 4a16fb
Packit 4a16fb
	/* create the port */
Packit 4a16fb
	my_port = snd_seq_create_simple_port(seq_handle, "Port 0",
Packit 4a16fb
Packit 4a16fb
Packit 4a16fb
Packit 4a16fb
	if (my_port < 0) {
Packit 4a16fb
		perror("create port");
Packit 4a16fb
Packit 4a16fb
Packit 4a16fb
Packit 4a16fb
	if (snd_seq_parse_address(seq_handle, &dest_addr, addr) < 0) {
Packit 4a16fb
		perror("invalid destination address");
Packit 4a16fb
Packit 4a16fb
Packit 4a16fb
	dest_client = dest_addr.client;
Packit 4a16fb
	dest_port = dest_addr.port;
Packit 4a16fb
Packit 4a16fb
	/* set the queue */
Packit 4a16fb
	if (dest_queue >= 0) {
Packit 4a16fb
		shared_queue = 1;
Packit 4a16fb
		if (snd_seq_set_queue_usage(seq_handle, dest_queue, 1) < 0) {
Packit 4a16fb
			perror("use queue");
Packit 4a16fb
Packit 4a16fb
Packit 4a16fb
	} else {
Packit 4a16fb
		shared_queue = 0;
Packit 4a16fb
		dest_queue = snd_seq_alloc_queue(seq_handle);
Packit 4a16fb
		if (dest_queue < 0) {
Packit 4a16fb
			perror("alloc queue");
Packit 4a16fb
Packit 4a16fb
Packit 4a16fb
Packit 4a16fb
Packit 4a16fb
	/* set the subscriber */
Packit 4a16fb
	tmp = snd_seq_connect_to(seq_handle, my_port, dest_client, dest_port);
Packit 4a16fb
	if (tmp < 0) {
Packit 4a16fb
Packit 4a16fb
Packit 4a16fb
Packit 4a16fb
Packit 4a16fb
	/* subscribe for the timer START event */	
Packit 4a16fb
	if (slave) {	
Packit 4a16fb
		tmp = snd_seq_connect_from(seq_handle, my_port,
Packit 4a16fb
Packit 4a16fb
					   dest_queue + 16 /*snd_seq_queue_sync_port(dest_queue)*/);
Packit 4a16fb
		if (tmp < 0) {
Packit 4a16fb
Packit 4a16fb
Packit 4a16fb
Packit 4a16fb
Packit 4a16fb
Packit 4a16fb
	/* change the pool size */
Packit 4a16fb
	if (snd_seq_set_client_pool_output(seq_handle, WRITE_POOL_SIZE) < 0 ||
Packit 4a16fb
	    snd_seq_set_client_pool_input(seq_handle, READ_POOL_SIZE) < 0 ||
Packit 4a16fb
	    snd_seq_set_client_pool_output_room(seq_handle, WRITE_POOL_SPACE) < 0) {
Packit 4a16fb
Packit 4a16fb
Packit 4a16fb
Packit 4a16fb
Packit 4a16fb
	if (optind < argc) {
Packit 4a16fb
		F = fopen(argv[optind], "r");
Packit 4a16fb
		if (F == NULL) {
Packit 4a16fb
			fprintf(stderr, "playmidi1: can't open file %s\n", argv[optind]);
Packit 4a16fb
Packit 4a16fb
Packit 4a16fb
	} else
Packit 4a16fb
		F = stdin;
Packit 4a16fb
Packit 4a16fb
	Mf_header = do_header;
Packit 4a16fb
	Mf_tempo = do_tempo;
Packit 4a16fb
	Mf_getc = mygetc;
Packit 4a16fb
	Mf_text = mytext;
Packit 4a16fb
Packit 4a16fb
	Mf_noteon = do_noteon;
Packit 4a16fb
	Mf_noteoff = do_noteoff;
Packit 4a16fb
	Mf_program = do_program;
Packit 4a16fb
	Mf_parameter = do_parameter;
Packit 4a16fb
	Mf_pitchbend = do_pitchbend;
Packit 4a16fb
	Mf_pressure = do_pressure;
Packit 4a16fb
	Mf_chanpressure = do_chanpressure;
Packit 4a16fb
	Mf_sysex = do_sysex;
Packit 4a16fb
Packit 4a16fb
	/* go.. go.. go.. */
Packit 4a16fb
Packit 4a16fb
Packit 4a16fb
Packit 4a16fb
	if (! shared_queue)
Packit 4a16fb
Packit 4a16fb
Packit 4a16fb
Packit 4a16fb
Packit 4a16fb
	if (verbose >= VERB_INFO) {
Packit 4a16fb
		printf("Stopping at %f s,  tick %f\n",
Packit 4a16fb
		       tick2time_dbl(Mf_currtime + 1), (double) (Mf_currtime + 1));
Packit 4a16fb
Packit 4a16fb
Packit 4a16fb
Packit 4a16fb