Blame src/DFA.hs

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-- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
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-- DFA.hs, part of Alex
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-- (c) Chris Dornan 1995-2000, Simon Marlow 2003
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-- This module generates a DFA from a scanner by first converting it
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-- to an NFA and then converting the NFA with the subset construction.
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-- See the chapter on `Finite Automata and Lexical Analysis' in the
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-- dragon book for an excellent overview of the algorithms in this
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-- module.
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-- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------}
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module DFA(scanner2dfa) where
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import AbsSyn
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import qualified Map
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import qualified Data.IntMap as IntMap
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import NFA
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import Sort ( msort, nub' )
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import CharSet
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import Data.Array ( (!) )
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import Data.Maybe ( fromJust )
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{-                        Defined in the Scan Module
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-- (This section should logically belong to the DFA module but it has been
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-- placed here to make this module self-contained.)
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-- `DFA' provides an alternative to `Scanner' (described in the RExp module);
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-- it can be used directly to scan text efficiently.  Additionally it has an
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-- extra place holder for holding action functions for generating
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-- application-specific tokens.  When this place holder is not being used, the
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-- unit type will be used.
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-- Each state in the automaton consist of a list of `Accept' values, descending
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-- in priority, and an array mapping characters to new states.  As the array
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-- may only cover a sub-range of the characters, a default state number is
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-- given in the third field.  By convention, all transitions to the -1 state
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-- represent invalid transitions.
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-- A list of accept states is provided for as the original specification may
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-- have been ambiguous, in which case the highest priority token should be
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-- taken (the one appearing earliest in the specification); this can not be
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-- calculated when the DFA is generated in all cases as some of the tokens may
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-- be associated with leading or trailing context or start codes.
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-- `scan_token' (see above) can deal with unconditional accept states more
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-- efficiently than those associated with context; to save it testing each time
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-- whether the list of accept states contains an unconditional state, the flag
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-- in the first field of `St' is set to true whenever the list contains an
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-- unconditional state.
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-- The `Accept' structure contains the priority of the token being accepted
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-- (lower numbers => higher priorities), the name of the token, a place holder
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-- that can be used for storing the `action' function for constructing the
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-- token from the input text and thge scanner's state, a list of start codes
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-- (listing the start codes that the scanner must be in for the token to be
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-- accepted; empty => no restriction), the leading and trailing context (both
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-- `Nothing' if there is none).
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-- The leading context consists simply of a character predicate that will
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-- return true if the last character read is acceptable.  The trailing context
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-- consists of an alternative starting state within the DFA; if this `sub-dfa'
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-- turns up any accepting state when applied to the residual input then the
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-- trailing context is acceptable (see `scan_token' above).
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type DFA a = Array SNum (State a)
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type SNum = Int
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data State a = St Bool [Accept a] SNum (Array Char SNum)
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data Accept a = Acc Int String a [StartCode] (MB(Char->Bool)) (MB SNum)
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type StartCode = Int
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-- Scanners are converted to DFAs by converting them to NFAs first.  Converting
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-- an NFA to a DFA works by identifying the states of the DFA with subsets of
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-- the NFA.  The PartDFA is used to construct the DFA; it is essentially a DFA
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-- in which the states are represented directly by state sets of the NFA.
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-- `nfa2pdfa' constructs the partial DFA from the NFA by searching for all the
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-- transitions from a given list of state sets, initially containing the start
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-- state of the partial DFA, until all possible state sets have been considered
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-- The final DFA is then constructed with a `mk_dfa'.
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scanner2dfa:: Encoding -> Scanner -> [StartCode] -> DFA SNum Code
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scanner2dfa enc scanner scs = nfa2dfa scs (scanner2nfa enc scanner scs)
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nfa2dfa:: [StartCode] -> NFA -> DFA SNum Code
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nfa2dfa scs nfa = mk_int_dfa nfa (nfa2pdfa nfa pdfa (dfa_start_states pdfa))
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        pdfa = new_pdfa n_starts nfa
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        n_starts = length scs  -- number of start states
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-- `nfa2pdfa' works by taking the next outstanding state set to be considered
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-- and and ignoring it if the state is already in the partial DFA, otherwise
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-- generating all possible transitions from it, adding the new state to the
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-- partial DFA and continuing the closure with the extra states.  Note the way
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-- it incorporates the trailing context references into the search (by
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-- including `rctx_ss' in the search).
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nfa2pdfa:: NFA -> DFA StateSet Code -> [StateSet] -> DFA StateSet Code
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nfa2pdfa _   pdfa [] = pdfa
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nfa2pdfa nfa pdfa (ss:umkd)
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  |  ss `in_pdfa` pdfa =  nfa2pdfa nfa pdfa  umkd
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  |  otherwise         =  nfa2pdfa nfa pdfa' umkd'
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        pdfa' = add_pdfa ss (State accs (IntMap.fromList ss_outs)) pdfa
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        umkd' = rctx_sss ++ map snd ss_outs ++ umkd
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        -- for each character, the set of states that character would take
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        -- us to from the current set of states in the NFA.
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        ss_outs :: [(Int, StateSet)]
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        ss_outs = [ (fromIntegral ch, mk_ss nfa ss')
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                  | ch  <- byteSetElems $ setUnions [p | (p,_) <- outs],
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                    let ss'  = [ s' | (p,s') <- outs, byteSetElem p ch ],
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                    not (null ss')
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        rctx_sss = [ mk_ss nfa [s]
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                   | Acc _ _ _ (RightContextRExp s) <- accs ]
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        outs :: [(ByteSet,SNum)]
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        outs =  [ out | s <- ss, out <- nst_outs (nfa!s) ]
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        accs = sort_accs [acc| s<-ss, acc<-nst_accs (nfa!s)]
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-- `sort_accs' sorts a list of accept values into decending order of priority,
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-- eliminating any elements that follow an unconditional accept value.
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sort_accs:: [Accept a] -> [Accept a]
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sort_accs accs = foldr chk [] (msort le accs)
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        chk acc@(Acc _ _ Nothing NoRightContext) _   = [acc]
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        chk acc                                  rst = acc:rst
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        le (Acc{accPrio = n}) (Acc{accPrio=n'}) = n<=n'
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                          State Sets and Partial DFAs
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-- A `PartDFA' is a partially constructed DFA in which the states are
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-- represented by sets of states of the original NFA.  It is represented by a
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-- triple consisting of the start state of the partial DFA, the NFA from which
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-- it is derived and a map from state sets to states of the partial DFA.  The
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-- state set for a given list of NFA states is calculated by taking the epsilon
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-- closure of all the states, sorting the result with duplicates eliminated.
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type StateSet = [SNum]
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new_pdfa:: Int -> NFA -> DFA StateSet a
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new_pdfa starts nfa
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 = DFA { dfa_start_states = start_ss,
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         dfa_states = Map.empty
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        start_ss = [ msort (<=) (nst_cl(nfa!n)) | n <- [0..(starts-1)]]
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 -- starts is the number of start states
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-- constructs the epsilon-closure of a set of NFA states
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mk_ss:: NFA -> [SNum] -> StateSet
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mk_ss nfa l = nub' (<=) [s'| s<-l, s'<-nst_cl(nfa!s)]
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add_pdfa:: StateSet -> State StateSet a -> DFA StateSet a -> DFA StateSet a
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add_pdfa ss pst (DFA st mp) = DFA st (Map.insert ss pst mp)
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in_pdfa:: StateSet -> DFA StateSet a -> Bool
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in_pdfa ss (DFA _ mp) = ss `Map.member` mp
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-- Construct a DFA with numbered states, from a DFA whose states are
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-- sets of states from the original NFA.
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mk_int_dfa:: NFA -> DFA StateSet a -> DFA SNum a
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mk_int_dfa nfa (DFA start_states mp)
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  = DFA [0 .. length start_states-1] 
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        (Map.fromList [ (lookup' st, cnv pds) | (st, pds) <- Map.toAscList mp ])
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        mp' = Map.fromList (zip (start_states ++ 
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                                 (map fst . Map.toAscList) (foldr Map.delete mp start_states)) [0..])
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        lookup' = fromJust . flip Map.lookup mp'
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        cnv :: State StateSet a -> State SNum a
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        cnv (State accs as) = State accs' as'
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                as'   = IntMap.mapWithKey (\_ch s -> lookup' s) as
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                accs' = map cnv_acc accs
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                cnv_acc (Acc p a lctx rctx) = Acc p a lctx rctx'
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                  where rctx' = 
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                          case rctx of
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                                RightContextRExp s -> 
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                                  RightContextRExp (lookup' (mk_ss nfa [s]))
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                                other -> other
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-- `mk_st' constructs a state node from the list of accept values and a list of
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-- transitions.  The transitions list all the valid transitions out of the
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-- node; all invalid transitions should be represented in the array by state
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-- -1.  `mk_st' has to work out whether the accept states contain an
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-- unconditional entry, in which case the first field of `St' should be true,
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-- and which default state to use in constructing the array (the array may span
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-- a sub-range of the character set, the state number given the third argument
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-- of `St' being taken as the default if an input character lies outside the
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-- range).  The default values is chosen to minimise the bounds of the array
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-- and so there are two candidates: the value that 0 maps to (in which case
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-- some initial segment of the array may be omitted) or the value that 255 maps
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-- to (in which case a final segment of the array may be omitted), hence the
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-- calculation of `(df,bds)'.
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-- Note that empty arrays are avoided as they can cause severe problems for
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-- some popular Haskell compilers.
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mk_st:: [Accept Code] -> [(Char,Int)] -> State Code
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mk_st accs as =
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        if null as
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           then St accs (-1) (listArray ('0','0') [-1])
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           else St accs df (listArray bds [arr!c| c<-range bds])
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        bds = if sz==0 then ('0','0') else bds0
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        (sz,df,bds0) | sz1 < sz2 = (sz1,df1,bds1)
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                     | otherwise = (sz2,df2,bds2)
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        (sz1,df1,bds1) = mk_bds(arr!chr 0)
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        (sz2,df2,bds2) = mk_bds(arr!chr 255)
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        mk_bds df = (t-b, df, (chr b, chr (255-t)))
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                b = length (takeWhile id [arr!c==df| c<-['\0'..'\xff']])
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                t = length (takeWhile id [arr!c==df| c<-['\xff','\xfe'..'\0']])
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        arr = listArray ('\0','\xff') (take 256 (repeat (-1))) // as
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