SC [\\'"netbgr\ @#] C [a-zA-Z0-9öäüßåÖÄÜÅ_\\=$%£@&/!\^\~;:.,\?\{\}\(\)\[\]\<\>\-\+\*\|\'\`] E [\ ]*"="[\ ]* L [a-zA-ZöäüßåÖÄÜÅ0-9_%] D [0-9] PC \\[^\n] EX [" "\t]* %{ #define YYDEBUG 1 /* * Copyright (C) 1999-2002,2004-2006,2010-2013,2015,2016 Rami Lehti, Pablo * Virolainen, Richard van den Berg, Hannes von Haugwitz * $Header$ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the * License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA */ #include "aide.h" #include #include "gen_list.h" #include "conf_yacc.h" #include "list.h" #include "symboltable.h" #include "commandconf.h" void includehandler(void) ; void conf_put_token(const char*); int firstnotempty(char* s); typedef struct conf_buffer_type { char* buff; char* pos; } conf_buffer_type; list* l_symt=NULL; list* conf_buffer=NULL; int condition=0; int varbol=0; long conf_lineno=1; int newlinelastinconfig=0; #define MAX_INCLUDE_DEPTH 10 YY_BUFFER_STATE include_stack[MAX_INCLUDE_DEPTH]; int include_stack_ptr = 0; #define YY_INPUT(buf,result,max_size) \ if( ((result=conf_input_wrapper(buf,max_size,yyin)) == 0) \ && ferror(yyin) ) \ YY_FATAL_ERROR( "input in flex scanner failed" ); int var_in_conflval=0; %} %Start A EXPR DEFSTMT DEFSTMT2 IFDEFSTMT INCLUDE EXPREQUHUNT VARSUB CONFVALHUNT IFHOSTSTMT E2FSATTRS %% "#"[^\n]* { } ^[^\n]*"\@\@\{"({L}+)"}"[^\n]* { putbackvariable(conftext); error(230,"%li:Variable substitution\n",conf_lineno+1); } ^[\ \t]*"=/"({C}|{PC})* { conflval.s=strdup(conftext+1+firstnotempty(conftext)); BEGIN(EXPR); return (TEQURXRULE); } ^[\ \t]*"/"({C}|{PC})* { conflval.s=strdup(conftext+firstnotempty(conftext)); error(230,"%li:Selrule\n",conf_lineno); BEGIN(EXPR); return (TSELRXRULE ); } ^[\ \t]*"!/"({C}|{PC})* { conflval.s=strdup(conftext+1+firstnotempty(conftext)); error(230,"%li:Negrule\n",conf_lineno); return (TNEGRXRULE ); } ^[\ \t]*({L})+ { conflval.s=strdup(conftext+firstnotempty(conftext)); error(230,"%li:Equrule\n",conf_lineno); BEGIN(EXPREQUHUNT); return (TSTRING); } [\ \t]*"="[\ \t]* { BEGIN(EXPR); return('='); } , { return (','); } [\ \t]*({L}|{D}|">")+ { conflval.s=strdup(conftext+firstnotempty(conftext)); return (TSTRING); } [\ \t]*\n { conf_lineno++; return (TNEWLINE); // BEGIN 0; } \+ { return ('+'); } \- { return ('-'); } ({L})+ { error(230," %s",conftext); conflval.s=strdup(conftext); BEGIN (DEFSTMT2); return (TSTRING); } ({C})+ { error(230," %s",conftext); conflval.s=strdup(conftext); return (TSTRING); } [\ \t]*"\n" { error(230,"\n"); conf_lineno++; BEGIN 0; return (TNEWLINE); } ^[\ \t]*"\@\@define" { error(230,"%li:@@define",conf_lineno); BEGIN DEFSTMT; return (TDEFINE); } ^[\ \t]*"\@\@undef" { error(230,"%li:@@undef",conf_lineno); BEGIN IFDEFSTMT; return (TUNDEF); } ^[\ \t]*"\@\@ifndef" { error(230,"%li:@@ifndef",conf_lineno); BEGIN IFDEFSTMT; return (TIFNDEF); } ^[\ \t]*"\@\@ifdef" { error(230,"%li:@@ifdef",conf_lineno); BEGIN IFDEFSTMT; return (TIFDEF); } ^[\ \t]*"\@\@else" { error(230,"%li:@@else\n",conf_lineno); BEGIN 0; return (TELSE); } ^[\ \t]*"\@\@endif" { error(230,"%li:@@endif\n",conf_lineno); BEGIN 0; return (TENDIF); } ^"\@\@begin_db" { error(230,"%li:@@begin_db",conf_lineno); BEGIN 0; return (TBEGIN_DB); } ({L})+ { error(230," %s\n",conftext); conflval.s=strdup(conftext); BEGIN 0; return (TSTRING); } ^[\ \t]*"\@\@ifhost" { error(230,"%li:@@ifhost",conf_lineno); BEGIN IFHOSTSTMT; return (TIFHOST); } ^[\ \t]*"\@\@ifnhost" { error(230,"%li:@@ifnhost",conf_lineno); BEGIN IFHOSTSTMT; return (TIFNHOST); } ({L}|"-")+ { error(230," %s\n",conftext); conflval.s=strdup(conftext); BEGIN 0; return (TSTRING); } ^[\ \t]*"\@\@db_spec" { conf_put_token("\n@@db_spec"); error(230,"%li:@@db_spec",conf_lineno); return (TDBSPEC); } ^[\ \t]*"\@\@begin_config" { error(230,"%li:@@begin_config",conf_lineno); BEGIN CONFVALHUNT; return (TBEGIN_CONFIG); } ^[\ \t]*"\@\@end_config" { return (TEND_CONFIG); } ^[\ \t]*"\@\@include" { BEGIN INCLUDE; } [^ \t\n]+ { includehandler(); BEGIN 0; error(230,"%li:@@include\n",conf_lineno); return (TNEWLINE); } <> { if (yy_hold_char=='\n'){ newlinelastinconfig=1; }else { newlinelastinconfig=0; } if ( --include_stack_ptr < 0 ) { yyterminate(); } else { if (confin != stdin ) { fclose(confin); } conf_delete_buffer( YY_CURRENT_BUFFER ); conf_switch_to_buffer( include_stack[include_stack_ptr] ); } } [\t\ ]+ {} "\n" { conf_lineno++; BEGIN 0; return (TNEWLINE); } ^[\t\ ]*"database"{E} { error(230,"%li:database =\n",conf_lineno); BEGIN CONFVALHUNT; return (TDATABASE); } ^[\t\ ]*"database_out"{E} { error(230,"%li:database_out =\n",conf_lineno); BEGIN CONFVALHUNT; return (TDATABASE_OUT); } ^[\t\ ]*"database_new"{E} { error(230,"%li:database_new =\n",conf_lineno); BEGIN CONFVALHUNT; return (TDATABASE_NEW); } ^[\t\ ]*"database_attrs"{E} { error(230,"%li:database_attrs =\n",conf_lineno); BEGIN EXPR; return (TDATABASE_ATTRS); } ^[\t\ ]*"warn_dead_symlinks"{E} { error(230,"%li:warn_dead_symlinks =\n",conf_lineno); BEGIN CONFVALHUNT; return (TWARNDEADSYMLINKS); } ^[\t\ ]*"grouped"{E} { error(230,"%li:grouped =\n",conf_lineno); BEGIN CONFVALHUNT; return (TGROUPED); } ^[\t\ ]*"summarize_changes"{E} { error(230,"%li:summarize_changes =\n",conf_lineno); BEGIN CONFVALHUNT; return (TSUMMARIZECHANGES); } ^[\t\ ]*"acl_no_symlink_follow"{E} { error(230,"%li:acl_no_symlink_follow =\n",conf_lineno); BEGIN CONFVALHUNT; return (TACLNOSYMLINKFOLLOW); } ^[\t\ ]*"verbose"{E} { error(230,"%li:verbose =\n",conf_lineno); return (TVERBOSE); } ^[\t\ ]*"database_add_metadata"{E} { error(230,"%li:database_add_metadata =\n",conf_lineno); BEGIN CONFVALHUNT; return (TDATABASEADDMETADATA); } ^[\t\ ]*"report_url"{E} { error(230,"%li:report_url =\n",conf_lineno); BEGIN CONFVALHUNT; return (TREPORT_URL); } ^[\t\ ]*"report_detailed_init"{E} { error(230,"%li:report_detailed_init =\n",conf_lineno); BEGIN CONFVALHUNT; return (TREPORTDETAILEDINIT); } ^[\t\ ]*"report_base16"{E} { error(230,"%li:report_base16 =\n",conf_lineno); BEGIN CONFVALHUNT; return (TREPORTBASE16); } ^[\t\ ]*"report_quiet"{E} { error(230,"%li:report_quiet =\n",conf_lineno); BEGIN CONFVALHUNT; return (TREPORTQUIET); } ^[\t\ ]*"report_ignore_e2fsattrs"{E} { error(230,"%li:report_ignore_e2fsattrs =\n",conf_lineno); BEGIN E2FSATTRS; return (TREPORTIGNOREE2FSATTRS); } ([A-Za-z]+|"0") { conflval.s=strdup(conftext); BEGIN 0; return (TSTRING); } ^[\t\ ]*"gzip_dbout"{E} { error(230,"%li:gzip_dbout =\n",conf_lineno); BEGIN CONFVALHUNT; return (TGZIPDBOUT); } ^[\t\ ]*"root_prefix"{E} { error(230,"%li:root_prefix =\n",conf_lineno); BEGIN CONFVALHUNT; return (TROOT_PREFIX); } ^[\t\ ]*"syslog_format"{E} { error(230,"%li:syslog_format =\n",conf_lineno); BEGIN CONFVALHUNT; return (SYSLOG_FORMAT); } ^[\t\ ]*"recstop"{E} { error(230,"%li:recstop =\n",conf_lineno); BEGIN CONFVALHUNT; return (TRECSTOP); } ^[\ \t]*"config_version"{E} { error(230,"%li:config_version =\n",conf_lineno); BEGIN CONFVALHUNT; return (TCONFIG_VERSION); } ("yes"|"true") { BEGIN 0; return (TTRUE); } ("no"|"false") { BEGIN 0; return (TFALSE); } ({C})+ { conflval.s=strdup(conftext); BEGIN 0; return (TSTRING); } ({L})+ { conflval.s=strdup(conftext); return (TSTRING); } [^\n] { return(conftext[0]); } %% int confwrap(void){ return 1; } void conf_put_token(const char* s){ int i=0; for(i=strlen(s)-1;i>=0;i--){ unput(s[i]); if(s[i]=='\n'){ conf_lineno--; } } } int firstnotempty(char* s){ int i=0; if (s==NULL) { return i; } while( s[i]==' ' || s[i]=='\t') { i++; } return i; } const char* aide_key_4=CONFHMACKEY_04; const char* db_key_4=DBHMACKEY_04; void includehandler(void) { /* got the include file name */ if ( include_stack_ptr >= MAX_INCLUDE_DEPTH ) { error( 0, "Config includes nested too deeply\n" ); exit( 1 ); } if (strcmp(conftext,"-")==0) { confin = stdin; } else { confin = fopen( conftext, "r" ); } if ( ! confin ) { error(0,"Cannot open config file %s\n",conftext); exit(IO_ERROR); } else { include_stack[include_stack_ptr++] = YY_CURRENT_BUFFER; conf_switch_to_buffer(conf_create_buffer( confin, YY_BUF_SIZE ) ); } }