/* * adcli * * Copyright (C) 2012 Red Hat Inc. * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of * the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, * MA 02110-1301 USA * * Author: Stef Walter */ #include "config.h" #include "adcli.h" #include "adprivate.h" #include "seq.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include static adcli_message_func message_func = NULL; static char last_error[2048] = { 0, }; void _adcli_precond_failed (const char *message, ...) { va_list va; const char *env; va_start (va, message); vfprintf (stderr, message, va); va_end (va); env = getenv ("ADCLI_STRICT"); if (env != NULL && env[0] != '\0') abort (); /* Let coverity know we're not supposed to return from here */ #ifdef __COVERITY__ abort(); #endif } const char * adcli_result_to_string (adcli_result res) { switch (res) { case ADCLI_SUCCESS: return "Success"; case ADCLI_ERR_UNEXPECTED: return "Unexpected or internal system error"; case ADCLI_ERR_DIRECTORY: return "Problem with the Active Directory or connecting to it"; case ADCLI_ERR_CREDENTIALS: return "The administrative credentials are invalid or access is denied"; case ADCLI_ERR_CONFIG: return "The local system has an invalid configuration"; case ADCLI_ERR_FAIL: return "Generic failure"; } return_val_if_reached ("Unknown error"); } static void messagev (adcli_message_type type, const char *format, va_list va) { char buffer[sizeof (last_error)]; char *where = buffer; int ret; if (type == ADCLI_MESSAGE_ERROR) where = last_error; else if (message_func == NULL) return; ret = vsnprintf (where, sizeof (buffer), format, va); return_if_fail (ret >= 0); if (message_func != NULL) (message_func) (type, where); } void _adcli_err (const char *format, ...) { va_list va; va_start (va, format); messagev (ADCLI_MESSAGE_ERROR, format, va); va_end (va); } void _adcli_warn (const char *format, ...) { va_list va; va_start (va, format); messagev (ADCLI_MESSAGE_ERROR, format, va); va_end (va); } void _adcli_info (const char *format, ...) { va_list va; va_start (va, format); messagev (ADCLI_MESSAGE_INFO, format, va); va_end (va); } void adcli_set_message_func (adcli_message_func func) { message_func = func; } const char * adcli_get_last_error (void) { return last_error[0] ? last_error : NULL; } void adcli_clear_last_error (void) { last_error[0] = '\0'; } void _adcli_strv_free (char **strv) { seq_free (strv, free); } char ** _adcli_strv_dup (char **strv) { int count; if (!strv) return NULL; count = seq_count (strv); return seq_dup (strv, &count, (seq_copy)strdup); } char * _adcli_strv_join (char **strv, const char *delim) { char *result = NULL; int at = 0; int dlen; int slen; int i; dlen = strlen (delim); for (i = 0; strv && strv[i] != NULL; i++) { slen = strlen (strv[i]); result = realloc (result, at + dlen + slen + 1); return_val_if_fail (result != NULL, NULL); if (at != 0) { memcpy (result + at, delim, dlen); at += dlen; } memcpy (result + at, strv[i], slen); at += slen; result[at] = '\0'; } return result; } int _adcli_strv_len (char **strv) { return seq_count (strv); } char ** _adcli_strv_add (char **strv, char *string, int *length) { int len; return_val_if_fail (string != NULL, strv); if (!length) { len = seq_count (strv); length = &len; } return seq_push (strv, length, string); } int _adcli_strv_has (char **strv, const char *str) { int i; for (i = 0; strv && strv[i] != NULL; i++) { if (strcmp (strv[i], str) == 0) return 1; } return 0; } void _adcli_str_up (char *str) { while (*str != '\0') { *str = toupper (*str); str++; } } int _adcli_str_is_up (const char *str) { while (*str != '\0') { if (*str != toupper (*str)) return 0; str++; } return 1; } void _adcli_str_down (char *str) { while (*str != '\0') { *str = tolower (*str); str++; } } void _adcli_str_set (char **field, const char *value) { char *newval = NULL; if (value) { newval = strdup (value); return_if_fail (newval != NULL); } free (*field); *field = newval; } void _adcli_strv_set (char ***field, const char **value) { char **newval = NULL; if (value) { newval = _adcli_strv_dup ((char **)value); return_if_fail (newval != NULL); } _adcli_strv_free (*field); *field = newval; } char * _adcli_bin_sid_to_str (const uint8_t *data, size_t len) { uint8_t sid_rev_num; int8_t num_auths; uint8_t id_auth[6]; uint32_t id_auth_val; uint32_t sub_auths[15]; uint32_t val; size_t p = 0; size_t c; int nc; char *sid_buf; size_t sid_buf_len; if (data == NULL || len < 8) { return NULL; } sid_rev_num = (uint8_t) data [p]; p++; num_auths = (int8_t) data[p]; p++; if (num_auths > 15 || len < 8 + (num_auths * sizeof (uint32_t))) { return NULL; } for (c = 0; c < 6; c++) { id_auth[c] = (uint8_t) data[p]; p++; } /* Only 32bits are used for the string representation */ id_auth_val = (id_auth[2] << 24) + (id_auth[3] << 16) + (id_auth[4] << 8) + (id_auth[5]); for (c = 0; c < num_auths; c++) { memcpy (&val, data + p, sizeof (uint32_t)); sub_auths[c] = le32toh (val); p += sizeof (uint32_t); } sid_buf_len = 17 + (num_auths * 11); sid_buf = calloc (1, sid_buf_len); if (sid_buf == NULL) { return NULL; } nc = snprintf (sid_buf, sid_buf_len, "S-%u-%lu", sid_rev_num, (unsigned long) id_auth_val); if (nc < 0 || nc >= sid_buf_len) { free (sid_buf); return NULL; } p = 0; for (c = 0; c < num_auths; c++) { p += nc; sid_buf_len -= nc; nc = snprintf (sid_buf + p, sid_buf_len, "-%lu", (unsigned long) sub_auths[c]); if (nc < 0 || nc >= sid_buf_len) { free (sid_buf); return NULL; } } return sid_buf; } char * _adcli_str_dupn (void *data, size_t len) { char *result; result = malloc (len + 1); return_val_if_fail (result, NULL); memcpy (result, data, len); result[len] = '\0'; return result; } int _adcli_str_has_prefix (const char *str, const char *prefix) { size_t len = strlen (str); size_t lp = strlen (prefix); return (len >= lp && strncmp (str, prefix, lp) == 0); } int _adcli_str_has_suffix (const char *str, const char *suffix) { size_t len = strlen (str); size_t ls = strlen (suffix); return (len >= ls && strncmp (str + (len - ls), suffix, ls) == 0); } int _adcli_password_free (char *password) { int ret; if (password == NULL) return 0; ret = adcli_mem_clear (password, strlen (password)); free (password); return ret; } int adcli_mem_clear (void *data, size_t length) { volatile char *vp; int ret = 0; if (data == NULL) return 0; /* * Cracktastic stuff here to help compilers not * optimize this away */ vp = (volatile char*)data; while (length) { *vp = 0xAA; ret += *vp; vp++; length--; } return ret; } int _adcli_write_all (int fd, const char *buf, int len) { int res; if (len == -1) len = strlen (buf); while (len > 0) { res = write (fd, buf, len); if (res <= 0) { if (errno == EAGAIN || errno == EINTR) continue; return -errno; } else { len -= res; buf += res; } } return 0; } #define AD_TO_UNIX_TIME_CONST 11644473600LL bool _adcli_check_nt_time_string_lifetime (const char *nt_time_string, unsigned int lifetime) { uint64_t nt_now; unsigned long long int pwd_last_set; char *endptr; time_t now; if (nt_time_string == NULL) { _adcli_err ("Missing NT time string, assuming it is expired"); return false; } if (lifetime == 0) { _adcli_info ("Password lifetime is 0, forcing renewal"); return false; } now = time (NULL); /* NT timestamps start at 1601-01-01 and use a 100ns base */ nt_now = (now + AD_TO_UNIX_TIME_CONST) * 1000 * 1000 * 10; errno = 0; pwd_last_set = strtoull (nt_time_string, &endptr, 10); if (errno != 0 || *endptr != '\0' || endptr == nt_time_string) { _adcli_err ("Failed to convert NT time string, assuming it is expired"); return false; } if (pwd_last_set + (lifetime * 24ULL * 60 * 60 \ * 1000 * 1000 * 10) > nt_now) { _adcli_info ("Password not too old, no change needed"); return true; } return false; } adcli_result _adcli_call_external_program (const char *binary, char * const *argv, const char *stdin_data, uint8_t **stdout_data, size_t *stdout_data_len) { int ret; int pipefd_to_child[2] = { -1, -1}; int pipefd_from_child[2] = { -1, -1}; pid_t child_pid = 0; int err; size_t len; ssize_t rlen; pid_t wret; int status; uint8_t read_buf[4096]; uint8_t *out; errno = 0; ret = access (binary, X_OK); if (ret != 0) { err = errno; _adcli_err ("Cannot run [%s]: [%d][%s].", binary, err, strerror (err)); ret = ADCLI_ERR_FAIL; goto done; } ret = pipe (pipefd_from_child); if (ret == -1) { err = errno; _adcli_err ("pipe failed [%d][%s].", err, strerror (err)); ret = ADCLI_ERR_FAIL; goto done; } ret = pipe (pipefd_to_child); if (ret == -1) { err = errno; _adcli_err ("pipe failed [%d][%s].", err, strerror (err)); ret = ADCLI_ERR_FAIL; goto done; } child_pid = fork (); if (child_pid == 0) { /* child */ close (pipefd_to_child[1]); ret = dup2 (pipefd_to_child[0], STDIN_FILENO); if (ret == -1) { err = errno; _adcli_err ("dup2 failed [%d][%s].", err, strerror (err)); exit (EXIT_FAILURE); } close (pipefd_from_child[0]); ret = dup2 (pipefd_from_child[1], STDOUT_FILENO); if (ret == -1) { err = errno; _adcli_err ("dup2 failed [%d][%s].", err, strerror (err)); exit (EXIT_FAILURE); } execv (binary, argv); _adcli_err ("Failed to run %s.", binary); ret = ADCLI_ERR_FAIL; goto done; } else if (child_pid > 0) { /* parent */ if (stdin_data != NULL) { len = strlen (stdin_data); ret = write (pipefd_to_child[1], stdin_data, len); if (ret != len) { _adcli_err ("Failed to send computer account password " "to net command."); ret = ADCLI_ERR_FAIL; goto done; } } close (pipefd_to_child[0]); pipefd_to_child[0] = -1; close (pipefd_to_child[1]); pipefd_to_child[0] = -1; if (stdout_data != NULL || stdout_data_len != NULL) { rlen = read (pipefd_from_child[0], read_buf, sizeof (read_buf)); if (rlen < 0) { ret = errno; _adcli_err ("Failed to read from child [%d][%s].\n", ret, strerror (ret)); ret = ADCLI_ERR_FAIL; goto done; } out = malloc (sizeof(uint8_t) * rlen); if (out == NULL) { _adcli_err ("Failed to allocate memory " "for child output."); ret = ADCLI_ERR_FAIL; goto done; } else { memcpy (out, read_buf, rlen); } if (stdout_data != NULL) { *stdout_data = out; } else { free (out); } if (stdout_data_len != NULL) { *stdout_data_len = rlen; } } } else { _adcli_err ("Cannot run net command."); ret = ADCLI_ERR_FAIL; goto done; } ret = ADCLI_SUCCESS; done: if (pipefd_from_child[0] != -1) { close (pipefd_from_child[0]); } if (pipefd_from_child[1] != -1) { close (pipefd_from_child[1]); } if (pipefd_to_child[0] != -1) { close (pipefd_to_child[0]); } if (pipefd_to_child[1] != -1) { close (pipefd_to_child[1]); } if (child_pid > 0) { wret = waitpid (child_pid, &status, 0); if (wret == -1) { _adcli_err ("No sure what happend to net command."); } else { if (WIFEXITED (status)) { _adcli_err ("net command failed with %d.", WEXITSTATUS (status)); } } } return ret; } #ifdef UTIL_TESTS #include "test.h" static void test_strv_add_free (void) { char **strv = NULL; strv = _adcli_strv_add (strv, strdup ("one"), NULL); strv = _adcli_strv_add (strv, strdup ("two"), NULL); strv = _adcli_strv_add (strv, strdup ("three"), NULL); assert_str_eq (strv[0], "one"); assert_str_eq (strv[1], "two"); assert_str_eq (strv[2], "three"); assert (strv[3] == NULL); _adcli_strv_free (strv); } static void test_strv_dup (void) { char *values[] = { "one", "two", "three", NULL }; char **strv; strv = _adcli_strv_dup (values); assert_str_eq (strv[0], "one"); assert_str_eq (strv[1], "two"); assert_str_eq (strv[2], "three"); assert (strv[3] == NULL); _adcli_strv_free (strv); } static void test_strv_count (void) { char *values[] = { "one", "two", "three", NULL }; int len; len = _adcli_strv_len (values); assert_num_eq (len, 3); } static void test_check_nt_time_string_lifetime (void) { char *time_str; /* Missing or invalid value */ assert (!_adcli_check_nt_time_string_lifetime (NULL, 0)); assert (!_adcli_check_nt_time_string_lifetime ("", 0)); assert (!_adcli_check_nt_time_string_lifetime ("a", 0)); assert (!_adcli_check_nt_time_string_lifetime ("1a", 0)); /* Certainly expired*/ assert (!_adcli_check_nt_time_string_lifetime ("0", 0)); /* 1969-01-01T00:00:00: 116129340000000000 */ /* Calculated with PowerShell: * (Get-Date -Date "1969-01-01T00:00:00").ToFileTime() */ assert (!_adcli_check_nt_time_string_lifetime ("130645404000000000", 1)); /* Make sure lifetime==0 will retrun false even if pwdLastSet is in the future */ assert (asprintf (&time_str, "%llu", (time (NULL) + 10 + AD_TO_UNIX_TIME_CONST) * 1000 * 1000 *10) != -1); assert (!_adcli_check_nt_time_string_lifetime (time_str, 0)); free (time_str); /* This test will fail some time after 2200AD as a reminder to reflect * why adcli is still needed. */ assert (_adcli_check_nt_time_string_lifetime ("130645404000000000", 100000)); } static void test_bin_sid_to_str (void) { uint8_t sid1[] = { 0x01, 0x05, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x05, 0x15, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0xF8, 0x12, 0x13, 0xDC, 0x47, 0xF3, 0x1C, 0x76, 0x47, 0x2F, 0x2E, 0xD7, 0x51, 0x04, 0x00, 0x00 }; uint8_t sid2[] = { 0x01, 0x04, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x05, 0x15, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0xF8, 0x12, 0x13, 0xDC, 0x47, 0xF3, 0x1C, 0x76, 0x47, 0x2F, 0x2E, 0xD7}; uint8_t sid3[] = { 0x01, 0x04, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x05, 0x15, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x29, 0xC9, 0x4F, 0xD9, 0xC2, 0x3C, 0xC3, 0x78, 0x36, 0x55, 0x87, 0xF8}; char *str; str = _adcli_bin_sid_to_str (sid1, sizeof (sid1)); assert (str != NULL); assert (strcmp (str, "S-1-5-21-3692237560-1981608775-3610128199-1105") == 0); free (str); str = _adcli_bin_sid_to_str (sid2, sizeof (sid2)); assert (str != NULL); assert (strcmp (str, "S-1-5-21-3692237560-1981608775-3610128199") == 0); free (str); str = _adcli_bin_sid_to_str (sid3, sizeof (sid2)); assert (str != NULL); assert (strcmp (str, "S-1-5-21-3645884713-2026060994-4169618742") == 0); free (str); } static void test_call_external_program (void) { adcli_result res; char *argv[] = { NULL, NULL, NULL }; uint8_t *stdout_data; size_t stdout_data_len; argv[0] = "/does/not/exists"; res = _adcli_call_external_program (argv[0], argv, NULL, NULL, NULL); assert (res == ADCLI_ERR_FAIL); #ifdef BIN_CAT argv[0] = BIN_CAT; res = _adcli_call_external_program (argv[0], argv, "Hello", &stdout_data, &stdout_data_len); assert (res == ADCLI_SUCCESS); assert (strncmp ("Hello", (char *) stdout_data, stdout_data_len) == 0); free (stdout_data); res = _adcli_call_external_program (argv[0], argv, "Hello", NULL, NULL); assert (res == ADCLI_SUCCESS); #endif #ifdef BIN_REV argv[0] = BIN_REV; res = _adcli_call_external_program (argv[0], argv, "Hello\n", &stdout_data, &stdout_data_len); assert (res == ADCLI_SUCCESS); assert (strncmp ("olleH\n", (char *) stdout_data, stdout_data_len) == 0); free (stdout_data); #endif #ifdef BIN_TAC argv[0] = BIN_TAC; res = _adcli_call_external_program (argv[0], argv, "Hello\nWorld\n", &stdout_data, &stdout_data_len); assert (res == ADCLI_SUCCESS); assert (strncmp ("World\nHello\n", (char *) stdout_data, stdout_data_len) == 0); free (stdout_data); #endif #ifdef BIN_ECHO argv[0] = BIN_ECHO; argv[1] = "Hello"; res = _adcli_call_external_program (argv[0], argv, NULL, &stdout_data, &stdout_data_len); assert (res == ADCLI_SUCCESS); assert (strncmp ("Hello\n", (char *) stdout_data, stdout_data_len) == 0); free (stdout_data); #endif } int main (int argc, char *argv[]) { test_func (test_strv_add_free, "/util/strv_add_free"); test_func (test_strv_dup, "/util/strv_dup"); test_func (test_strv_count, "/util/strv_count"); test_func (test_check_nt_time_string_lifetime, "/util/check_nt_time_string_lifetime"); test_func (test_bin_sid_to_str, "/util/bin_sid_to_str"); test_func (test_call_external_program, "/util/call_external_program"); return test_run (argc, argv); } #endif /* UTIL_TESTS */