/* File: __acl_reorder_obj_p.c (Linux Access Control List Management, Posix Library Functions) Copyright (C) 1999, 2000 Andreas Gruenbacher, This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */ #include "config.h" #include #include "libacl.h" static inline int __acl_entry_p_compare(const acl_entry_obj *a_p, const acl_entry_obj *b_p) { if (a_p->etag < b_p->etag) return -1; else if (a_p->etag > b_p->etag) return 1; if (a_p->eid.qid < b_p->eid.qid) return -1; else if (a_p->eid.qid > b_p->eid.qid) return 1; else return 0; } static int __acl_entry_pp_compare(const void *a, const void *b) { return __acl_entry_p_compare(*(const acl_entry_obj **)a, *(const acl_entry_obj **)b); } /* Take an ACL entry form its current place in the entry ring, and insert it at its proper place. Entries that are not valid (yet) are not reordered. */ int __acl_reorder_entry_obj_p(acl_entry_obj *entry_obj_p) { acl_obj *acl_obj_p = entry_obj_p->econtainer; acl_entry_obj *here_obj_p; if (acl_obj_p->aused <= 1) return 0; switch(entry_obj_p->etag) { case ACL_UNDEFINED_TAG: return 1; case ACL_USER: case ACL_GROUP: if (qualifier_obj_id(entry_obj_p->eid) == ACL_UNDEFINED_ID) return 1; } /* Remove entry from ring */ entry_obj_p->eprev->enext = entry_obj_p->enext; entry_obj_p->enext->eprev = entry_obj_p->eprev; /* Search for next greater entry */ FOREACH_ACL_ENTRY(here_obj_p, acl_obj_p) { if (__acl_entry_p_compare(here_obj_p, entry_obj_p) > 0) break; } /* Re-insert entry into ring */ entry_obj_p->eprev = here_obj_p->eprev; entry_obj_p->enext = here_obj_p; entry_obj_p->eprev->enext = entry_obj_p; entry_obj_p->enext->eprev = entry_obj_p; return 0; } /* Sort all ACL entries at once, after initializing them. This function is only used when converting complete ACLs from external formats to ACLs; the ACL entries are always kept in canonical order while an ACL is manipulated. */ int __acl_reorder_obj_p(acl_obj *acl_obj_p) { acl_entry_obj **vector = alloca(sizeof(acl_entry_obj *) * acl_obj_p->aused), **v, *x; acl_entry_obj *entry_obj_p; if (acl_obj_p->aused <= 1) return 0; v = vector; FOREACH_ACL_ENTRY(entry_obj_p, acl_obj_p) { *v++ = entry_obj_p; } qsort(vector, acl_obj_p->aused, sizeof(acl_entry_obj *), __acl_entry_pp_compare); x = (acl_entry_obj *)acl_obj_p; for (v = vector; v != vector + acl_obj_p->aused; v++) { (*v)->eprev = x; x = *v; } acl_obj_p->aprev = *(vector + acl_obj_p->aused - 1); x = (acl_entry_obj *)acl_obj_p; for (v = vector + acl_obj_p->aused - 1; v != vector - 1; v--) { (*v)->enext = x; x = *v; } acl_obj_p->anext = *vector; return 0; }