Blame man/man3/acl_check.3

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.\" Access Control Lists manual pages
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.\" (C) 2002 Andreas Gruenbacher, <>
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.\" This is free documentation; you can redistribute it and/or
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.\" modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
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.\" published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of
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.\" the License, or (at your option) any later version.
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.\" The GNU General Public License's references to "object code"
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.\" This manual is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
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.\" GNU General Public License for more details.
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.\" You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public
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.Dd March 23, 2002
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.Os "Linux ACL"
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.Nm acl_check
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.Nd check an ACL for validity
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Linux Access Control Lists library (libacl, \-lacl).
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.In sys/types.h
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.In acl/libacl.h
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.Ft int
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.Fn acl_check "acl_t acl" "int *last"
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.Fn acl_check
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function checks the ACL referred to by the argument
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.Va acl
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for validity.
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The three required entries ACL_USER_OBJ, ACL_GROUP_OBJ, and ACL_OTHER
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must exist exactly once in the ACL. If the ACL contains any ACL_USER or
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ACL_GROUP entries, then an ACL_MASK entry is also required. The ACL
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may contain at most one ACL_MASK entry.
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The user identifiers must be unique among all entries of type ACL_USER.
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The group identifiers must be unique among all entries of type ACL_GROUP.
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If the ACL referred to by
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.Va acl
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is invalid,
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.Fn acl_check
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returns a positive error code that indicates which type of error was detected.
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The following symbolic error codes are defined:
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.Bl -tag -width ACL_DUPLICATE_ERROR.
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The ACL contains multiple entries that have a tag type
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that may occur at most once.
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The ACL contains multiple ACL_USER entries with the same user ID, or
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multiple ACL_GROUP entries with the same group ID.
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A required entry is missing.
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The ACL contains an invalid entry tag type.
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.Fn acl_error
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function can be used to translate error codes to text messages.
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In addition, if the pointer
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.Va last
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is not
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.Li NULL ,
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.Fn acl_check
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assigns the number of the ACL entry at which the error was detected to
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the value pointed to by
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.Va last .
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Entries are numbered starting with zero, in the order in which they would be
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returned by the
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.Fn acl_get_entry
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If successful, the
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.Fn acl_check
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function returns
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.Li 0
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if the ACL referred to by
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.Va acl
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is valid, and a positive error code if the ACL is invalid. Otherwise, a
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value of
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.Li -1
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is returned and the global variable
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.Va errno
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is set to indicate the error.
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If any of the following conditions occur, the
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.Fn acl_check
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function returns
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.Li -1
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and sets
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.Va errno
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to the corresponding value:
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.Bl -tag -width Er
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The argument
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.Va acl
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is not a valid pointer to an ACL.
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This is a non-portable, Linux specific extension to the ACL manipulation
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functions defined in IEEE Std 1003.1e draft 17 (\(lqPOSIX.1e\(rq, abandoned).
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.Xr acl_valid 3 ,
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.Xr acl 5
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Written by
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.An "Andreas Gruenbacher" Aq .