abrt(1) ======= NAME ---- abrt - Manage problems handled by ABRT SYNOPSIS -------- 'abrt' [OPTIONS...] SUBCOMMAND [MATCH] OPTIONS ------- -a,--auth:: Authenticate and show all problems on this machine -v,--version:: Show program's version number and exit -h,--help:: Show help message SUBCOMMANDS ----------- 'list':: List problems 'info':: Print information about a problem 'report':: Report problem 'remove':: Remove problem 'backtrace':: Show backtrace of a problem 'retrace':: Generate backtrace from coredump 'gdb':: Run GDB (GNU Project debugger) against a problem 'debuginfo-install':: Install required debuginfo packages for given problem 'status':: Print count of the recent crashes Use 'abrt help SUBCOMMAND' for detailed list of options for selected subcommand. MATCHING -------- Subcommands requiring single problem like 'info' or 'backtrace' will use the last problem that happened on your system unless 'MATCH' is specified. 'MATCH' can be either component name, short hash (from 'list' subcommand) or combination of both in form '@' EXAMPLES -------- *List all problems handled by ABRT* ---- $ abrt list ---- *List problems with built-in format* ---- $ abrt list --pretty=oneline ---- *List problems with custom format* ---- $ abrt list --fmt '{count}x {short_id} {what}' ---- *Display detailed information about a problem* ---- $ abrt info --pretty full kernel ---- *Install debuginfo packages and run GDB against last problem* ---- $ abrt gdb --debuginfo-install ---- *Generate backtrace from last problem's coredump and generated detailed mail report* ---- $ abrt retrace $ abrt info --pretty email ---- FORMATTING ---------- Fields usable for custom formatting:: \{what\};; either component name or executable \{count\};; number of occurrences \{time\};; time of the last occurrence \{short_id\};; short hash \{uid\};; user ID \{username\};; username \{uid_username\};; combination of the above two fields \{path\};; full path to problem data directory \{package\};; affected package \{cmdline\};; command line used to start an application AUTHORS ------- * ABRT team